From: President Dwight D. Eisenhower
To: General George Collins
Re: Establishment of the National Space Defense Force (NSDF)
Security Status: Eyes Only
Date: June 3, 1958
After all that we've been through together, I hold you as one of the few men that
I trust implicitly. I can't fully express the importance of maintaining the highest
level of discretion regarding the information contained within this memorandum. Much
has changed since we've spent time together. As Commanders in the Armed Forces, we
took for granted that we held many secrets nobody should know, but now my life as
President is very different. Many people know more than they should, and it is putting
the future of our nation in grave jeopardy.
The news of my health problems are widely known, and I have no idea what will
become of me. My gut tells me that it is time to plan for the future, and I'm counting
on you to carry forward the defense of our nation. You may feel that you are too old
to do what I'm about to ask you to do, but I need someone that I can trust, and I
have complete confidence that you are up to the task. That aside, I can only promise
that you will see action like you've never seen before. In fact, I wish that I could
personally take charge of this operation.
You may recall brief mentions of a meteor shower that struck the Bering Straight
six years ago. The seemingly inconsequential phenomena was overshadowed by events on
the Korean Peninsula, but in actuality the debris that fell from space will have a
much more enduring impact on the future of our nation than the outcome of the conflict
in Korea.
Soviet and American scientists simultaneously discovered an odd metal with
unknown biological properties amongst the rocks that fell to Earth. We both rushed
to gather as much of the material as possible and all known reserves have now been
We've established a research facility in Nevada in order to investigate this
"bio-metal." The results of these efforts are astounding. The material itself remains
a complete mystery, but we have managed to fabricate some promising munitions from it.
It seems that the biological element of the metal contains some sort of memory that
allows it to reshape itself into its previous form. Later in this report you will see
some of the engineering specifications of what we know the material can do. The bottom
line is clear, however. Whoever controls these materials will win the Cold War.
Next month I will publicly establish the National Aeronautics and Space
Administration (NASA). Pending your acceptance of this post, I will also secretly
endow the National Space Defense Force (NSDF). No one will know about the NSDFÉ
everyone will know about NASA. Let me explain why this is so important.
As you may know, the Soviets have one distinct advantage over us. Their system
easily allows them to keep secrets, whereas it seems that I cannot even sneeze without the
world knowing. Every last secret from our weapons programs has slipped into Soviet hands.
By comparison, their Sputnik caught us by surprise, and our intelligence on their Luna
and Zond programs remains limited. We can only assume that they too are trying to gather
more of the "bio-metal."
As the presiding General of the NSDF, you will be responsible for recruiting an
elite force of engineers and combat personnel that will secretly venture into space in
order to gather more of the bio-metal. Your organization will be funded through the NSA,
and you will report to nobody, not even me. I fully expect that the NSDF will continue
on past my term as President. Subsequent administrations will have no knowledge of the
You may recruit under the auspices of NASA. Choose your personnel carefully and do
not allow your numbers to exceed one thousand. You should quickly establish a base on the
dark side of the moon. Once you have a space foothold, you may begin to recruit a broader
Please include this memo in your briefing pack but only distribute it on the moon. I want
every one of the people who serve under your command to know that I personally thank them
for risking their lives in the service of their country. May God be with you and may you
further the legacy of our great nation.
God bless,