Building and Powering Structures


Commanders in the field have access to a great deal of construction and may deploy new offensive and defensive structures according to in-battle needs. First, access communications with the Recycler. This strategic piece can build defensive Turrets, Scavengers, Scouts, and several other offensive and defensive allies.

The Recycler must initially be directed to a geyser for thermal power. When the Recycler is fully powered, it is then available to build other things. Direct the unit to travel to the nearest geyser by pointing the smart reticle at the Recycler and pressing the space bar. Then either point the reticle at a nearby geyser and press the space bar, or choose the third command option, Go to Geyser.

When the Recycler is fully powered, again press the space bar to open a communications channel. The unit will respond and a menu of currently available units will appear in the upper left of the console. Press the corresponding command key of the unit that you wish to build and the Recycler will begin immediately. After each unit is finished, the Recycler is then available to build more units.


Some units are unavailable in the field until certain battalion prerequisites have been fulfilled. Until these prerequisites are covered, commanders must fight with only the basic offensive and defensive units. These prerequisites change from battle to battle due to power and materiel issues that are not constant. A fully informed pilot will be aware of these limitations which are initially learned in the mission briefing.

When mission guidelines call for advanced building, command the Recycler to build a Mobile Unit Factory. This building has the ability to construct advanced units.

When necessary, field commanders can order the Recycler to build an Armory. This building enables units in the field to have access to basic repair and ammunition as well as advanced weaponry. The Armory delivers its payload by catapulting it to field units.

A Construction Rig is another unit engaged in assembly. Its primary directive is to engineer buildings such as defensive towers, comm units, and power sources.


There are two types of power: power provided by geysers and electrical power that is provided by wind, lightning, or the sun.

Geysers providing geothermal power are the most common power sources in this conflict. However, the differing terrains of the planet and moons that have been surveyed allow for several alternate sources to supply units with energy.

Geysers are used to power the Recycler, the Mobile Unit Factory, and the Armory. In order to provide power to buildings, other energy sources must be utilized.

A Construction Rig can be commanded to manufacture power plants that collect lightning, solar energy, or wind energy. Commanders must use the information in this manual and in their mission briefings to learn the intelligence survey teams have provided regarding planet terrain and environment. This information is vital to allow pilots to know what structure to build where.