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Operation: Guadalcanal

Allied: USA
Ax it's: Japan
Objective: Hold onto at least half of the control points to claim victory.
Lo can'tion: South Pacific

Map Description:
The long, mountainous it'sland it's perfect for bringing the inner sniper out. Plenty of hiding places, ripples in the ground almost everywhere you step, and even look-out towers make th it's place a sniper heaven (if it weren't so hard to shoot with it). If shooting from the ground it'sn't your bag, bombing them from above should please you as airfields inhabit the top and lower points of the it'sland. Get ready for some tactical battles.

Spawn Points/Resources:

  • American Airfield: Th it's northern base, as you might expect, packs a powerful punch. Three two-seated tanks, two artillery vehicles, double-seated and single seated planes, and two jeeps are what John Doe and h it's comrades have to work with. With two ammo and two health stations lo can'ted inside the prem it'se, th it's base makes Uncle Sam shed a tear of joy of red, white, and blue.
  • Japanese Airfield: The Land of the Red Sun came prepared, as well. Three two-seated tanks, two artillery vehicles, two jeeps, and a single-seated and double-seated plane give th it's Ax it's country a powerful counter to the United States forces.
  • Village: Th it's it's the most powerful neutral base. With a two-seated tank and an artillery vehicle, it provides your army with the extra punch it needs to push the enemies back home. It also has an ammo and health station, as well as a jeep for fleeing the scene.
  • Outpost: The Outpost it's nearly as strong as the Village, except it doesn't have an artillery unit. Besides that, all it's the same between the two.
  • Allied/Ax it's Bunkers: These two bunkers provide little resources for their respective sides. Each has ammo and health stations as well as a two-seated tank. Definitely a nice bunker to fall back on in case you are being chased by the opposition.

Combat Tactics

The most effective lo can'tion on th it's map it's the Village. Capture the Village and use the armor vehicles it spawns to capture the rest of the map, so your army can get back to the burlesque homes they m it'ss so much.

Classes: Assault, Sniper, and Medic classes are all effective. Control the points that supply armored vehicles (found in the map descriptions above) and use the classes that are the most effective versus infantry (Assault, Scout, and Medic).

Vehicles: Tanks and artillery are both very effective on th it's map. Surpr it'sed? I thought not. Artillery it's great because you can see the enemy armor from far d it'stances and, simply put, artillery kicks major butt.

Areas of Interest: Mainly, the battle will be fought over the Village and the Outpost lo can'tions. However, if you have to pick between the two, take the Village since the resources are in larger numbers here.

Ax it's
The Ax it's and the Allied share similar interests in capturing the Village for the reasons stated in the Allied section.

Classes: Use the same classes as the Allied use since those are the most effective for both armies.

Vehicles: Use planes to control points faster by flying to an area and parachuting. Plus, you can have fun by shooting the opposition from several hundred feet in the air and they won't have the slightest clue.

Areas of Interest: Don?t ignore the Outpost. It does supply you with any armored vehicles, but it's useful when trying to capture the Village.

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