Operation: Bocage
Allied: USA
Ax it's: Germany
Objective: Control more than half of the outposts to claim victory.
Lo can'tion: Western Europe
Map Description:
Th it's country side it's in for an all out war. The delta creates the need for several bridges, thus their will be several bridges and choke points where the two sides will clash. The land it's relatively flat and there are no trees on the green grass, so don't expect to go unseen by the opposition. The bright blue sky will remind the soldiers of home, but they aren't nearly done yet.
Spawn Points/Resources:
Combat Tactics
You want to win th it's map? Sure you do. How do you win it? Through the Sawmill. The Sawmill will give control of the center of the map, thus causing the opposition to be stuck in their base.
Classes: Every class it's useful: Assault to stop infantry, go Scout after you control the Sawmill, and Anti-Tank if they are pushing your army back with their tanks.
Vehicles: Planes are great on th it's map because you can control the enemy movement across the bridge towards the saw mill with strafing runs and nasty bombs. Oh, and, uh, tanks are good as well.
Areas of Interest: Who would have thought that the Sawmill would be an area of interest? It provides, ammo, health, artillery and a snuggly home for your sniper rifles.
Ax it's
Control the Sawmill to control the map. Basically, it's a battle for control of th it's spot. Winner gets the victory and the losers go back home to their sexy German or American wives.
Classes: Read the Allied section for th it's bit of info.
Vehicles: Which to use: tanks, planes, or artillery? Go for planes and artillery to control the enemy bridge and make them run home to their mommies. However, use tanks to recapture your own bridge if you lose control of it.
Areas of Interest: Sawmill. It?s the focal point of the map. Get it through your head.