
                  Medal of Honor Allied Assault: Breakthrough
                          Single Player FAQ/Walkthrough
                                   version 1.5
                             Last Updated: 02/11/2004



Revision History

02/11/2004: version 1.5  added exact health info and ammo locations
                         Hard mode walkthrough information
                         improved strategies for some missions

01/10/2004: version 1.2  typo corrections
                         fixed section numbering to match TOC
                         cleaned up the text a little so it's easier to read
                         [02. Weapons] added some ammo box/ammo loot amounts
                                       moved Sten from MG to SMG
                         [04. Medals] added speculation on how to earn medals
                         added location of Beretta/Bizerte Canal - Arrival
                         added Troop Roster objective to Bizerte Harbor
                         added direction of barrier/Monte Cassino Part I
                            Unexpected Sidetrack
                         added more info to Monte Cassino Part I/Snipers
                            in the Courtyard
                         Monte Cassino Part II/Escorting the Medic
                            better info after destroying the first Modello 3
                         Monte Cassino Part II - Final Rescue
                            correct directions of snipers for 2nd POW
                         Monte Battaglia - The Mountain Road
                            better strategy for getting to the wine cellar

01/10/2004: version 1.0  Basic walkthrough complete
                         missing how to earn medals for Sicily and Italy

Table of Contents
     [01. Gameplay]
     [02. Weapons]
     [03. Walkthrough]
     [04. Medals]
     [05. Legal Stuff]

[01. Gameplay]

 Movement Keys                            Action Keys
+-------------------+--------------+     +------------------+--------+ 
| Move Forward      |  W           |     | Primary Attack   | Mouse1 |
| Strafe Left       |  A           |     | Secondary Attack | Mouse2 |
| Strafe Right      |  D           |     | Objectives       | Tab    |
| Move Backward     |  S           |     | Use              | E      |
| Lean Left         |  Z           |     | Reload           | R      |
| Lean Right        |  C           |     | Holster Weapon   | Q      |
| Jump/Stand Up     |  Spacebar    |     +------------------+--------+     
| Crouch            |  Left Ctrl   |
| Run/Walk          |  Left Shift  |      Quick Keys
| Turn Left         |  unassigned  |     +------------------+-----+
| Turn Right        |  unassigned  |     | Pistol           |  1  |
| Look Up           |  unassigned  |     | Rifle            |  2  | 
| Look Down         |  unassigned  |     | SMG              |  3  | 
| Center View       |  unassigned  |     | MG               |  4  | 
| Always Run Toggle |  unassigned  |     | Grenade          |  5  | 
+-------------------+--------------+     | Mine Detector    |  5  |
                                         | Heavy            |  6  |
                                         | Shotgun          |  6  |
 Panzer Tank Commands                    | Papers           |  7  |
+------------------------+-----------+   +------------------+-----+
| Move Forward           |  W        |
| Strafe Left            |  A        |    AB41 Rail Tank Commands
| Strafe Right           |  D        |   +------------------+--------+
| Move Backward          |  S        |   | Move Forward     | W      |
| Fire weapon            |  Mouse1   |   | Move Backward    | A      |
| Switch turret/MG       |  Mouse2   |   | Fire weapon      | Mouse1 |
| Line up tracks/turret  |  Spacebar |   | Switch turret/MG | Mouse2 |
+------------------------+-----------+   +------------------+--------+


Conserve Ammo
Ammo is scarce. Try to make headshots to get a one-shot kill. Sometimes you
will just knock off the helmet. When doing a bunker crawl use the pistol
whip/gun butt instead of firing your weapon. Use the pistol in close quarters
like building interiors. If you only stun an enemy on your first shot, finish
the enemy off with a pistol whip or gun butt instead of an extra bullet. Use
grenades if you can hear a lot of enemies in a room. Don't fire long bursts
from a submachine gun or machine gun.

Take Cover
Move slowly. Stay behind trees, rocks, or walls. Crouch if no cover is
available. If you're out in the open with no cover nearby strafe back and
forth. Move. Don't stay in one place. Lean around corners.

Avoid Mounted Machine Guns
Usually it is better not to use a mounted machine gun. This usually spawns
extra enemies. There are some exceptions which are mentioned in the mission

Protect Your Allies
Try to keep alive any allies that join you. Try to block your allies so they
don't get ahead of you. They will just run around like crazy and draw enemy
fire. Properly managed, allies will help you conserve ammo.

Earning Medals
I believe that medals are earned by simply completing the mission. Previously
I thought that some extra objective had to be met like in other MOHAA games.
In the Bizerte fort section of the Tunis mission, you have to rescue three
POWs. I have had only one surviving POW after clearing the fort and still
earned the medal for Tunis.

[02. Weapons]

  Name                   Type     Clip/Max  Notes
| Beretta              | Pistol  | 15/200 | better than Colt 45 in every way  |
| Colt 45              | Pistol  |  7/200 | average pistol                    |
| Hi Standard Silenced | Pistol  |  8/200 | powerful but slow rate of fire    |
| Carcano              | Rifle   |  6/200 | great rifle, slow rate of fire    |
| DeLisle              | Rifle   |  7/200 | powerful and silent rifle         |
| Enfield L42A1        | Sniper  | 10/200 | average rifle, easier scope       |
| KAR98 Sniper         | Sniper  |  5/200 | more stopping power, the "T-hair" |
| M1 Garand            | Rifle   |  8/200 | notorious always 8 shot clips     |
| Moschetto            | SMG     | 40/300 | standard Italian SMG              |
| MP40                 | SMG     | 32/300 | standard German SMG               |
| Sten Mark II         | SMG     | 30/300 | standard British SMG              |
| Thompson             | SMG     | 30/300 | standard American SMG             |
| BAR                  | MG      | 20/500 | the always reliable Browning      |
| StG 44               | MG      | 44/500 | side reads: "Lt. M. Powell, OSS"  |
| Vickers-Berthier     | MG      | 30/500 | the Vickers-Beast, favorite MG    |
| Frag Grenade         | Grenade |  1/5   | the pineapple                     |
| Steilhandgranate     | Grenade |  1/5   | kick on a stick                   |
| Bomba A Mano         | Grenade |  1/5   | really, really big grenades       |
| Bazooka              | Heavy   |  1/6   | a.k.a.  a Panzerschreck           |
| Panzerschreck        | Heavy   |  1/6   | a.k.a.  a bazooka                 |
| PIAT                 | Heavy   |  1/6   | spring powered bazooka???         |
| Shotgun              | Shotgun |  5/50  | Aim up to decapitate. No, wait... |

  Name               Type         Notes
| MG42             | Mounted MG | the standard mounted MG                     |
| Breda            | Mounted MG | This MG has a name. It's name is Robert...  |
| .30 Caliber      | Mounted MG | just another mounted machine gun            |
| Jeep .30 Caliber | Mounted MG | causes motion sickness in laboratory mice   |
| 15cm C/36        | Artillery  | My gun has a first name. It's 15c-m-C-3-6.  |
| Anti-Aircraft    | Artillery  | You're hanging in a tree. This is nearby.   |
| Bohler           | Artillery  | the cute artillery                          |
| Flak 88          | Artillery  | called 88 for short                         |
| Granatwerfers    | Artillery  | [X] Objective complete: instructions lost   |
| Modello 3        | Artillery  | 1-shot tank killer                          |
| Panzer           | Tank       | makes a guest appearance                    |
| AB41             | Tank       | lightly armored, nice arc on the MG         |

  Ammo      Ammo   Ammo
  Type      Box    Loot
| Pistol  |  24  |  16  |
| Rifle   |  24  |  10  |
| SMG/MG  |  96  |  64  |
| Grenade |   5  |      |

[03. Walkthrough]

Mission 1: The Battle of Kasserine Pass
     Part I - The Battlefield
     Part I - Taking Over the Panzer
     Part I - The Fortified Gate
     Part I - Infiltrate the Bunker
     Part II - Destroy the Artillery
     Part II - Minefield
     Part II - Escort on Foot
     Part II - Flush out the Bunker
Mission 2: Bizerte
     Bizerte Canal - Arrival
     Bizerte Canal - Inside the Fortress
     Bizerte Canal - Rendezvous with Klaus Knefler
     Bizerte Canal - Final Escape
     Bizerte Harbor - Arrival
     Bizerte Harbor - Scuttled
     Bizerte Harbor - The Getaway
     Bizerte Harbor - The Edge of Town

Mission 3A: Glider Landing
     Glider Landing - Crash
     Glider Landing - Artillery Hunt
     Glider Landing - The Railway
     Glider Landing - Reunited

Mission 3B: The Airfield at Caltagirone
     The Airfield at Caltagirone - A Peaceful Beginning
     The Airfield at Caltagirone - Stealing the Jeep
     The Airfield at Caltagirone - Infiltration
     The Airfield at Caltagirone - Sabotage

Mission 3C: Gela
     Gela - Firefight
     Gela - Regroup with the 82nd Airborne
     Gela - Tank Assault

Mission 4: Monte Cassino     
     Part I - The Approach to the City
     Part I - British Field Headquarters
     Part I - An Unexpected Sidetrack
     Part I - Rescuing a Wounded Soldier
     Part I - Snipers in the Courtyard
     Part I - Surprise Tank Attack
     Part II - Starting
     Part II - Escorting the Medic
     Part II - Stop the Executioner
     Part II - Final Rescue

Mission 5: Anzio
     Anzio - Ambush
     Anzio - Destroying the Convoy
     Anzio - Stealing the AB41

Mission 6: Monte Battaglia
     Monte Battaglia - Able Bunker
     Monte Battaglia - Baker Bunker
     Monte Battaglia - The Mountain Road
     Monte Battaglia - The Wine Cellar
     Monte Battaglia - Into the Castle
     Monte Battaglia - The Radio Tower


HARD MODE: You take more damage.

           Enemies are smarter. They will see you sooner, fire more accurately,
           move around more, and generally make everything, well, harder. The
           enemies in machine gun nests are probably the most dangerous enemy
           in hard mode.

           In general the mission walkthroughs are not much different. There
           are some times when events occur in a slightly different way that
           requires a change in strategy. These events are noted.

           Ammo drops much more frequently from dispatched enemies.


                            Operation Torch


|   Mission 1: The Battle of Kasserine Pass - Part I  |
|              February 20, 1943                      |
| Objectives - Part I                                 |
|   [ ]  Fight Through the Enemy Lines                |
|   [ ]  Locate and Seize Enemy Artillery             |
|   [ ]  Find a Way Through the Fortified Gate        |
|   [ ]  Locate the Enemy Bunker                      |
|   [ ]  Destroy Enemy Communications                 |
|   [ ]  Search the Bunker for Intelligence           |
|   [ ]  Rendezvous with 1st Armored Division         |
| Starting weapons         | Other weapons            |
|   Colt 45         7/56   |   Panzerchreck           |
|   M1 Garand       8/50   |   Panzer tank            |
|   Thompson       30/100  |   Steilhandgranate       |
|   Frag grenades   5/6    |   MG42                   |
|   SMG ammo = 96 x 4      |  100% health kits:  1    |
|   Rifle ammo = 24 x 2    |   50% health kits: 5/4*  |
|   Stick grenades = 5 x 2 |   25% health kits: 0/1*  |
|   Stick grenades = 5     |--------------------------+
|   Rifles* = 7 x 10/8 x 5 |
  *normal mode/hard mode

The Battle of Kasserine Pass Part I - The Battlefield
Run north and get in the nearest trench and duck down. There will be a rush of
enemies. Concentrate on the enemies running directly towards you. There will be
some enemies off to the east which you don't really have to worry about.

When the rush is over turn to the northwest. You should be able to see a SMG
ammo box next to a barrier. Grab that ammo. There is a second box of SMG ammo
a little further to the northwest near a big rock. Take cover behind the rock.
There are trenches to the northwest and northeast. Deal with them. There's a
truck and 50% health kit by the northwest trench.

Go west to the wall then go to the northeast. You'll reach a truck that you can
use as cover. There's an enemy rush. To the east of the truck is another enemy
filled trench. Northeast of the trench is another truck and a box of SMG ammo.

Go to the back of the truck and face southeast. Go forward and there's a trench
with four enemies. There's a Panzerchreck in the trench. Turn to the north and
you'll see two tanks. Run up to the tanks.

     [X]  Objective Complete: Fight Through the Enemy Lines

The Battle of Kasserine Pass Part I - Taking Over the Panzer
Get in the front tank and take out the enemy Panzer tank to the east.

Now you can either get out of the tank and proceed on foot or stay in the tank.

As soon as you enter the canyon there will be a mix of enemy riflemen and
Panzerschreck troops. You will reach a fortified area. There will be a machine
gun nest being covered by another enemy Panzer tank. If you are still in the
tank take out the Panzer first then the machine gun nest. Once the machine gun
nest and the tank are dealt with get out of the tank. If you are on foot stay
behind cover and take out the machine gun nest and Panzerschreck the tank if
you have enough heavy rounds left. 

West of the road you'll find a ladder going down. There is an ammo dump where
you can pick up a Panzerschreck, 4 heavy rounds, 2 boxes of rifle rounds, and
a 100% health. There are two crates with 5 stick grenades in each crate. There
are 2 boxes of MG ammo even though you don't have a machine gun. Climb back up
the ladder and deal with the Panzer if necessary.

Go to the east side of the road and enter the trenches. Work your way to the
bunker entrance. Search the bunker until you find a ladder going up. Use the
switch to open the gate. Inside the bunker there is a 50% health by the
entrance, 3 rifles that can picked up for ammo, and a stick grenade.

HARD MODE: There are 4 rifles and one stick grenade in the bunker.

     [X]  Objective Complete: Find a Way Through the Fortified Gate

The Battle of Kasserine Pass Part I - The Fortified Gate
Exit the trenches and get back onto the road. There will be some riflemen just
on the other side of the open gate. There are also a Panzerschreck and another
enemy on the stone bridge above the gate.

If you still have the tank available you can drive the tank down the road.

Use the rocks on both sides of the road as cover. Enemies will attack from the
road, the stone bridges over the canyon, and from the canyon walls. There will
be a Panzer tank in the canyon. You will have to abandon the tank since you
can't get it past the destroyed Panzer.

Just past the Panzer is a bend in the road. Around the corner is a Flak 88.
Take out the soldiers operating the Flak 88. Northeast from this Flak is a
second Flak 88. North of the second Flak is a trench with some enemies in it.
Deal with all the enemies.

     [X]  Objective Complete: Locate and Seize Enemy Artillery

Continue north down the road past the artillery. You will see a trench
entrance. The entrance to the trench is covered by a MG nest to the northeast.
There is a box of SMG ammo by the ladder to the east. Make your way through
the trenches. You can crouch down and pick up a 50% health kit in the
trenches. You will find an Allied soldier getting pinned down by the machine
guns in the bunker. Take out the machine gunners and the enemies in the

     [X]  Objective Complete: Locate the Enemy Bunker

The Battle of Kasserine Pass Part I - Infiltrate the Bunker
Enter the bunker and go up the ladder to the north. There is a 50% health kit
at the top of the ladder. Work your way through the bunker until you get to a
room with 3 machine gun stations. You can grab 2 stick grenades and a rifle
from the rack on the wall. There will be a set of double doors to the west.
Through the double doors is the communications room. Destroy the three radios.
There's a 50% health kit near the radios.

HARD MODE: There is a 25% health canteen near the radios.

     [X]  Objective Complete: Destroy Enemy Communications

Continue going through the bunker. You'll find 3 rifles and 2 more stick
grenades in one of the rooms. The Intelligence is on a table in a room with
2 machine gun stations. Exit the bunker through the double doors to the west.
There will be some enemies in the narrow canyon. Meet up with the armored
division to finish Part I.

     [X]  Objective Complete: Search the Bunker for Intelligence
     [X]  Objective Complete: Rendezvous with 1st Armored Division

|   Mission 1: The Battle of Kasserine Pass - Part II    |
|              February 20, 1943                         |
| Objectives - Part II                                   |
|   [ ]  Destroy the Enemy Artillery                     |
|   [ ]  Escort the Minesweeper Tank                     |
|   [ ]  Locate and Detonate the German Munitions Depot  |
|   [ ]  Rendezvous with Tank Convoy                     |
| Starting weapons          | Other weapons              |
|   Colt 45         7/56    |   15cm C/36                |
|   M1 Garand       8/50    |   KAR98 Sniper             |
|   Thompson       30/90    |   Steilhandgranate         |
|   Mine detector           |   MG42                     |
|   SMG ammo = 96 x 2       |   50% health kits: 4       |
|   Rifle ammo = 24 x 3     |----------------------------+
|   Stick grenades = 5 x 2  |
|   Stick grenades = 6 +    |
|   Rifles* = 6 x 10/6 x 5  |
  * normal mode/hard mode

The Battle of Kasserine Pass Part II - Destroy the Artillery
Get out of the jeep and run for cover. There will be an initial rush of enemies
being covered by a machine gun nest. Take out the machine gunner or run part
way up the ramp and a tank will take care of the machine gun nest for you. You
will come to an occupied enemy camp. Clear out the camp. There is a table with
24 rifle rounds and a 50% health kit. Now head north. Stop before going past
the warning sign.

The Battle of Kasserine Pass Part II - Minefield
Press '5' to equip the mine detector. The mine detector has a needle indicator
and makes a sound.

  Needle Position            Sound        Meaning
| All the way to the left  | No tone    | clear of mines         |
| In the middle            | Low tone   | going away from mines  |
| In the middle            | High tone  | approaching mines      |
| All the way to the right | High tone  | there is a mine here   |

Just sweep the mine detector back and forth in front of you. Look at the needle
position and listen to the noise the mine detector makes. Take one step at a
time then do another sweep.

Once out of the minefield you will see some artillery and enemies up ahead.
There are two 15cm C/36 artillery pieces in front of you and a third C/36 on
the other end of a stone causeway. Clear the area of enemies. Use explosives
to destroy the artillery. Go into the tent and pick up the KAR98 sniper rifle
along with a box of rifle ammo and 50% health kit. There's a box of SMG ammo
at the back of the tent. Go down the ramp and meet back up with the armored

     [X]  Objective Complete: Destroy the Enemy Artillery

The Battle of Kasserine Pass Part II - Escort on Foot
Your job is to take out Panzerschreck troops and enemies operating the Bohler
howitzers that threaten the minesweeper tank. You also have to protect yourself
from snipers, machine gun nests, and the usual selection of riflemen and
submachine gun wielding enemies. Make sure to keep an eye on the top of the
canyon walls.

Don't get near the tanks. They will run you over. Same goes for the jeep. Don't
cross the road in front of the minesweeper tank. The road is mined. It is safe
to run ahead of the armored division as long as you stay next to the canyon
wall. You won't be able to get past any road blocks until the barriers are
cleared by the minesweeper tank.

When the armor division starts to move run ahead and take out the Bohler crew.
The road will turn to the north. There will be a group of Panzerschreck troops
along the ridge in front of you. There is also somebody hiding behind the big
rock on the west side of the road.

When the road turns to the northwest there will be a Panzerschreck on top of
the wall. There will be a Bohler and a machine gun nest.

The road will turn west. There will a guard tower. There's the typical machine
gun station in the guard tower and also a Panzerschreck troop. There is also a
Bohler at the foot of the guard tower.

Finally the road will turn to the NW. Be alert for snipers in this area.

     [X]  Objective Complete: Escort the Minesweeper Tank

The Battle of Kasserine Pass Part II - Flush out the Bunker
The bunker entrance is to the south. At the top of the ladder is a 50% health
kit. Go down the ladder into the tunnel. Start clearing the bunker. In the
first room in the bunker you can pick up a box of SMG ammo and a box of rifle
ammo. Go up the spiral staircase. There will be some enemies waiting for you
at the top. Climb up the ladder into a machine gun position. There are a
couple enemies outside the bunker to the southwest. Go back down the ladder
and go through the door to the northwest. Inside this room are 2 stick
grenades and 3 rifles.

Keep moving until you go up some stairs into a machine gun position. Head to
the northeast part of the room and go down the stairs to reach to top of some
spiral stairs going down. Underneath the stairs is a 50% health kit. At the
bottom go past the double doors and toss a grenade into the hallway. There is
a rack in the hallway with 4 stick grenades and 3 rifles. Go through the door
and turn northwest. 

The next couple of rooms have a lot of enemies. Clear the big room. There is a
crate with stick grenades in the larger room. Then move into the next room.
There are enemies that come in from the door to the south. In the southwest
corner of the room there is the area to place the explosives.

Once you set the explosives you have 60 seconds to exit the bunker. Head out of
the two rooms and back into the hallway. Go through the door to the southeast.
You will find a ladder. Climb up the ladder and run away from the bunker. There
are a couple enemies outside the bunker that will fire on you but just run for
cover. The demolitions will go off and the munitions depot will be destroyed.
Go talk to the guy in the jeep to end the mission.

     [X]  Objective Complete: Locate and Detonate the German Munitions Depot
     [X]  Objective Complete: Rendezvous with Tank Convoy

|   Mission 2: Bizerte                                |
|              April 20, 1943                         |
| Objectives - Bizerte Canal                          |
|   [ ]  Successfully Cross the Canal                 |
|   [ ]  Free the British Prisoners                   |
|   [ ]  Secure the Fortress                          |
|   [ ]  Locate Klaus Knefler                         |
|   [ ]  Follow Klaus                                 |
| Starting weapons          | Other weapons           |
|   M1 Garand       8/48    |   MP40                  |
|   Frag grenades   5/6     |   MG42                  |
|                           |   Beretta               |
|                           |   Hi Standard Silenced  |
|   SMG ammo = 96 x 1       |  100% health kits: 1    |
|   Rifle ammo = 24 x 1     |   50% health kits: 2    |
+---------------------------|   25% health kits: 1    |

Bizerte Canal - Arrival
Follow the soldier to the docks. Get in the boat with one Allied soldier. You
will cross the canal to the fortress. Don't worry about firing on the enemies.
You will probably miss and waste some ammo.

     [X]  Objective Complete: Successfully Cross the Canal

Once the boat lands clear the outside of the fortress of enemies. Place some
explosives on the wall and blow a hole into the fortress. Enter the fortress.
Take out the guard. Pick up the keys on the table. Let the British POWs out of
their prison cells. Run into the room to the east and grab a MP40 submachine
gun and a 25% health canteen off the table. There's also a Beretta and
50% health kit on the small table in the corner.

     [X]  Objective Complete: Free the British Prisoners

Bizerte Canal - Inside the Fortress
Stay in the room. Enemies troops will come into the room. The British POWs
should be able to take out the enemies coming into the room. When it seems that
no more enemies are going to enter the room take a peek out the door. Block the
doorway so the British troops don't run out into the courtyard. 

There will be a machine gun position to the west. Stay behind the columns and
keep shooting the enemies that man the machine gun. Once that machine gun is
clear clean up the courtyard of any other enemies.

Next move towards the archway behind the machine gun. There will be another
courtyard with some enemy troops. Again, block the archway so the British
troops don't run into the courtyard. Once the courtyard looks clear enter the
courtyard and run into the covered walkway to the southwest. 

There will be a short flight of stairs to the west. When you get to the top of
the stairs this will trigger enemies behind and above you to the east. Don't
let the British POWs get exposed out in the open. Run up to the top of the
stairs then run to the corner of the railings right next to the stairs. Quickly
take out the attackers. Try tossing a grenade into the second story room to the

Once the enemies have stopped attacking run up the stairs to the top of the
wall. Run into the room. Turn south and go down the short hallway. Stop before
going into the next room. There will be some enemies rushing you from this
area. Once that stops go into the room but stop before going into the
hallway. You can grab a box of SMG ammo from a table. 

There will be a group of enemies in the hallway. Keep the British POWs behind
you and clear the hallway. Run down to the east end and take out a couple
enemies coming up the stairs. Go back to the raised area in the hallway and
grab a box of rifle ammo and a 50% health kit.

Finish clearing the inside of the fortress. Go down the stairs at the east end
of the hallway. You will go into a small room that leads outside. More enemies
will come from outside. Go out onto the balcony, go north, and go down the
stairs back into the courtyard. There will be more enemies in the courtyard.
Clear this group of enemies.

Run around the courtyard near the machine gun position. One of the British POW
will start talking. Use the machine gun and destroy the truck that crashes
through the wooden gates of the fortress. That is the last group of enemies
inside the fortress.

     [X]  Objective Complete: Secure the Fortress

Now run out the wooden gates to the east. Head south back towards the canal.
You come up behind the enemy troops. Turn east then north and go up an alley.
Keep moving between the buildings until you see Klaus Knefler. South of Klaus
there is a 100% health kit behind some boxes.

     [X]  Objective Complete: Locate Klaus Knefler

Bizerte Canal - Rendezvous with Klaus Knefler
Run up to Klaus Knefler and he'll tell you what's going on. Follow Klaus
through the town. Don't fire on any enemies and move only after Klaus starts
moving. Eventually Klaus will crouch down behind some boxes. Turn around to the
south while Klaus is talking. Some enemies will discover you and come around
the corner. Klaus runs and kicks open an door. Take out the two enemies then
enter the building.

Run after Klaus. He will lead you through the building and up to the rooftops.
Climb up the ladder and across the planks. You will get to a rooftop area where
Klaus has to pick a lock. If Klaus dies the mission is over.

Move to to the edge of the roof opposite Klaus between the two stacks of
crates. Jump on one crate so you can get a clear view of rooftops and the
balcony on each side. From the rooftop side watch out for the enemies that will
fire on Klaus. On the balcony side watch for grenades. A grenade that lands too
close to Klaus will kill him and end the mission. Hold off the enemy until
Klaus gets the door open.

Follow Klaus through the door.

Bizerte Canal - Final Escape
Use the bar to secure the door then follow Klaus. He will lead you to a uniform
and papers for your disguise. 'Use' the disguise to change clothes. Holster
your weapon. Follow Klaus outside. Show the guard your papers. Move to the
front of the truck and get in. Don't walk around to the back of the truck as
this blows your cover.

     [X]   Objective complete: Follow Klaus

|   Mission 2: Bizerte                                  |
|              April 20, 1943                           |
| Objectives - Bizerte Harbor                           |
|   [ ]  Find a Way Aboard the Freighter                |
|   [ ]  Obtain the Troop Roster                        |
|   [ ]  Search the Freighter for Explosive Charges     |
|   [ ]  Locate Engine Room and Set Explosives          |
|   [ ]  Rendezvous with Klaus                          |
|   [ ]  Escape the City                                |
| Starting weapons              |  Other Weapons        |
|   Hi Standard Silenced  8/32  |     MP40              |
|                               |     Shotgun           |
|                               |     Carcano           |
|                               |     Steilhandgranate  | 
|   SMG ammo = (96 x 3) + 32    | 50% health kits: 3/2  |
|   Rifle ammo = 24 x 6         | 25% health kits: 4    |
|   Pistol ammo = 24 x 2        |-----------------------+
|   Stick grenades = 8          |
|   Shotguns = 5 x 2            |

Bizerte Harbor - Arrival
Show your papers to the guard to get past the checkpoint. After you get out of
the truck go east then south between the buildings. Go through the door to the
west. Go upstairs and walk up to the window. Quickly take out your Hi Standard
Silenced and shoot the Harbormaster. Quickly turn around and shoot the soldier
before he leaves the building. Go into the door next to the window and grab the
level 2 papers from the desk. Go back outside and show the level 2 papers to
the guard at the east gate. The gate will open and you can go up the stairs
onto the freighter.

If someone alerts the guards you will have to fight your way onto the
freighter. Instead of going through the gate you will have to climb up the
crates next to the gate and jump over the fence.

     [X]  Objective Complete: Find a Way Aboard the Freighter

Bizerte Harbor - All Aboard
Show your papers to the guard patrolling on deck. Head west to the door and
again show your papers. Open the door and go in. Go downstairs. Turn south at
the bottom of the stairs and open the closest door. You will see a group of
soldiers talking and told to go away.

Take out your Hi Standard Silenced, open the door, and start shooting. Before
going into the room turn to the west and open the door past the alarm. You will
see an enemy coming towards you. Shoot him. Go back to the room. On the table
you see a box of SMG ammo, an MP40 submachine gun, and the Troop Roster.

As soon as you take the Troop Roster from the desk it spawns a soldier on the
other side of the door you just opened. The soldier runs to the alarm and trips
it off. It is possible to stop the soldier from setting off the alarm. You have
to quickly grab the Troop Roster, back out of the room, and then run and block
the soldier from reaching the alarm. You don't have time to shoot him.
Unfortunately this leaves an invincible soldier. Just run away from him and you
won't have to worry about him.

     [X]  Objective Complete: Obtain the Troop Roster

Head west dealing with any enemies you encounter along the way. You can duck
into the radio room behind the open door to find a 25% health canteen. You'll
come to a set of stairs going down. At the bottom will be some enemies
straight ahead. Go west down the hallway and through the door to the north and
grab the explosives, shotgun, and box of rifle ammo. As soon as you grab the
explosives some soldiers will run into the room.

If the alarm was set off before you boarded the freighter the enemies will be
waiting for you with guns drawn.

     [X]  Objective Complete: Search the Freighter for Explosive Charges

Go back to the bottom of the stairs then go south and west through the open
door to a room with a black and white checkered floor. Go through this room
and go through the north door. Go through the door to the west into a barracks
area. You will come across a table with 32 SMG ammo, a box of pistol ammo, a
25% health canteen, and 3 stick grenades. Once out in the hallway turn south
and west for the to top of another flight of stairs. Along the way you should
pick up a Carcano bolt-action rifle.

Go down the stairs to the Engine Room. Deal with any enemies. Turn south and go
east for a box of rifle ammo and a 25% health canteen. Go to the west end of
the engine room. There will be an armed mechanic hiding by the engines. Take
care of him then plant the 2 explosive charges. There won't be a timer after
you set the explosives.

     [X]  Objective Complete: Locate Engine Room and Set Explosives

Go back to the stairs and shoot any enemies along the way. Go up the stairs and
turn west and go through the door into the hallway. There will be a transition
as explosions rock the freighter.

Bizerte Harbor - Scuttled
The ship is now on its side. Crouch down and head west. Climb up the crates.
Go north up the wall, turn east and drop down. Crouch and go east. Climb up
the next set of crates to the room with the checkered floor. There will be
a soldier firing at you from a couple rooms over to the east.

Cross the checkered floor room and drop down. Turn east and go "up" the stairs.
Turn west and there will be 3 soldiers. One soldier is above you and there are
two others further down the corridor. Crouch down and go west. Climb up the
netting. Turn west and heads towards the fire. There will be another netting
you can climb up. You are now near the exit of the ship. 

Bizerte Harbor - The Getaway
Climb up the crates and peek outside. The harbor is swarming with enemies. A
truck will pull up and deposit more enemies. Stay inside the ship and on top
of the crates. Duck down for cover and pop up and shoot as many soldiers as
possible. When it looks clear exit the ship and run along the side to the
stairs leading back to shore.

Use the stairs to get back on shore. Run into the little building to the south.
You can close the door. There are 2 boxes of rifle ammo, 2 stick grenades, and
a 25% health canteen. and grenades. From inside the building you should see
some more trucks pull up. Stay in the building and shoot as many enemies as

When you are ready leave the little building and go back to the Harbormaster's
building. There will be enemies along the way. Go upstairs and follow the
hallway all the way to the end to a north door. This leads out onto a balcony.
Go west into the next building. There will be a soldier right inside the door.
Open the interior door and exit the room then go out onto the second story
catwalk. Go down to the ground floor. Check out the office for a box of SMG
ammo, a stick grenade, and a 50% health kit. Exit the building using the west

As soon as you open the door you should see a soldier inside a building across
from you. Shoot him. Then go north around the crates and head south towards
that building. Inside you will find a shotgun. Go through the the south door
onto the street outside the harbor.

Turn east and find cover. You will be quickly attacked by a patrol. There will
also be a shooter on a balcony. Go south and stop at the corner. Around the
corner to the east there will be another group of enemies including a couple on
a balcony. Head northeast. When you go around this corner an enemy will open
some shutters on a second story window and start firing at you. Turn east past
that enemy and you will see Klaus Knefler. Secure the area. There's a box of
rifle ammo, a box of pistol ammo, and a 50% health kit on a table nearby.

HARD MODE: There is no 50% health kit.

Run up to Klaus and he'll tell you that the truck had to be abandoned.

     [X]  Objective Complete: Rendezvous with Klaus

Bizerte Harbor - The Edge of Town
Go south down the alley and west a little bit. Wait here and a couple enemies
will run into you. Take them out. Turn east and start down the street. Watch
out for the enemy on the balcony to the the north. When you get to the corner
some enemies will throw smoke grenades. Don't run around the corner into the
smoke. Wait until it clears and kill any enemies that run from out of the
smoke. When you do go around the corner there will be balconies to the north
and south with snipers. Just past the snipers there is a table with a box of
SMG ammo, 2 stick grenades, a shotgun, a box of rifle ammo, and a 50% health

Head to the northeast corner. There will be a stack of boxes. When you go
around the corner and head north there will be an enemy with a Panzerschreck
on a balcony and a bunch of other enemies. There is also a longer balcony to
the north. When the area is clear take cover in the covered walkway to the
north. Head east and more enemies will spawn including another Panzerschreck
trooper on a balcony to the east. When you go around the corner to the south
there will be a sniper in a second story window.

Once all the enemies are dead run up to the wooden gate. Mission complete.

     [X]  Objective Complete: Escape the City


                            Operation Husky


|   Mission 3A: Glider Landing                           |
|               Somewhere Above Sicily                   |
|               July 10, 1943                            |
| Objectives - Glider Landing                            |
|   [ ]  Locate and Destroy Anti-Aircraft Artillery (6)  |
|   [ ]  Rendezvous with your Allies                     |
|   [ ]  Destroy the Italian Rail Tank                   |
|   [ ]  Protect the 505th Airborne from Ambush          |
| Starting weapons         | Other weapons               |
|   Colt 45         7/101  |   Anti-Aircraft             |
|   M1 Garand       8/100  |   Flak 88                   |
|   Frag grenades   4/6    |   MG42                      |
|                          |   Carcano                   |
|                          |   Moschetto                 |
|  Rifle ammo* = (24 x 3/2) |  100% health kits: 1       |
+---------------------------|   50% health kits: 1       |
  *optional                 |   25% health kits: 1       |

Glider Landing - Crash
You are hanging by a harness from the crashed glider. Free yourself and drop
down to the ground. There will be a couple enemies checking out the crash site.
Take care of them. There's a 50% health kit by the wreckage.

To the east you will see an AA gun. Shoot the soldiers around the AA gun then
jump into the operator's seat. A truck will approach from the south. Take it
out and deal with any enemies from the truck. Hop out of the AA gun and set an
explosives charge on it.

HARD MODE: The truck will arrive before you can reach the AA gun. So stay
           behind cover and take care of the five enemies that get out of
           the truck before moving to the AA gun.

     [X]  Locate and Destroy Anti-Aircraft Artillery (1/6)

Head southeast hugging the east wall. There will be a single enemy that drops
a Moschetto submachine gun. You will see a machine gun nest and a Flak 88 to
the west. Take out the machine gunner and any enemies around the Flak 88. Run
up and use the Flak. There will be a truck coming down the road from the
northeast. After blowing up the truck get out of the 88.

HARD MODE: There is an additional truck.

If you man one of the machine guns in the machine gun nest there will be large
group of enemies after the truck. Don't let enemies outflank you and get behind
you. Blow up the Flak 88.

     [X]  Locate and Destroy Anti-Aircraft Artillery (2/6)

Glider Landing - Artillery Hunt
Head northeast from the destroyed Flak 88. You will see a tall rock next to a
telephone pole. Take cover behind the rock. Some enemies will approach you.
There is also a soldier hiding in a large bush further to the northeast. Keep
heading northeast down the road when it's clear. You'll see an AA gun to the
east. Take out the enemies operating the AA gun. There will be an enemy
northeast of the AA gun by another glider crash. There is also an enemy behind
the AA gun on the ridge to the east. You don't need to use this AA gun. Just
put a charge on it and head east. You should also pick up a Carcano rifle in
the area.

     [X]  Locate and Destroy Anti-Aircraft Artillery (3/6)

Glider Landing - The Railway
You will come to a firefight. Take out as many enemies as possible and don't
let all the Allied paratroopers get killed. There is a Flak 88 to the south and
a machine gun nest behind and above the Flak 88. Take out the enemies around
the 88. Jump into the Flak 88 and point it due east towards the tracks. An AB41
rail tank will come from the south. Hit it with a couple shells from the 88.
Jump out of the 88 and blow it up.

If you go up the hill to the southwest and man the machine gun it just spawns
extra enemies and will probably get any surviving Allied paratroopers killed.
There is a 100% health kit by the machine gun.

     [X]  Rendezvous with your Allies
     [X]  Destroy the Italian Rail Tank
     [X]  Locate and Destroy Anti-Aircraft Artillery (4/6)

Now head south down the tracks. Before you cross the bridge you will see a
searchlight. Either avoid the searchlight or just shoot the guy operating it.
As you cross the bridge enemies will spawn and attack you.

After the bridge is a water tower with a machine gun nest inside. Shoot the
enemy operating the machine gun. Run up to the water tower and toss a grenade
inside. There are 3 boxes of rifle ammo and a 100% health kit in the water
tower, but entering the water tower spawns an extra set of enemies.

HARD MODE: There are only 2 boxes of rifle ammo in the water tower.

You'll reach the end of the tracks. Stand at the bottom of the hill and toss a
grenade or two towards the artillery. Head up the hill towards the artillery.
Be careful because the enemy is on the high ground and will fire on you before
you can see them. There is an AA gun here. Get into the AA gun and turn to the
northwest. There will be a rush of enemies. Scan the ridges to the west and
north for additional enemies. Plant the explosives then run back down the hill
and take cover behind the rock. There is a 25% health canteen by the crash

     [X]  Locate and Destroy Anti-Aircraft Artillery (5/6)

Start going northwest once it's safe. As you turn west there will be some more
enemies including one guy hiding in some shrubs. Head west past that area and
you will see a glider that actually didn't crash.

Glider Landing - Reunited
Run past the guy trying to talk to you and man the Flak 88. There will be tank
coming from the east followed by a huge swarm of enemies. Destroy the tank then
take out as many enemies as possible. It's a little tricky because the enemies
like hiding behind the numerous rocks in the area. Just move forwards towards
the tail of the glider and be aware of where enemy fire is coming from. If Lt.
Phillips, the guy with the Vicker-Berthier, gets killed the mission is over.

     [X]  Protect the 505th Airborne from Ambush

Destroy the last Flak 88 to end the mission.

     [X]  Locate and Destroy Anti-Aircraft Artillery (6/6)

|   Mission 3B: The Airfield at Caltagirone              |
|               July 10, 1943                            |
| Objectives - The Airfield at Caltagirone               |
|   [ ]  Destroy th Communications Tower                 |
|   [ ]  Reach the Airfield at Caltagirone               |
|   [ ]  Sabotage Italian Fighters (4)                   |
|   [ ]  Sound Alarm to Scramble the Fighters            |
|   [ ]  Locate British Officer and Escape the Airfield  |
| Starting weapons         | Other weapons               |
|   Beretta         15/39  |   Jeep .30 Caliber          |
|   M1 Garand        8/50  |   DeLisle                   |
|                          |   Vickers-Berthier          |
|   Rifle ammo = 24 x 1    |  100% health kits: 2        |
|   MG ammo = 96 x 2       |   50% health kits: 2        |
+--------------------------|   25% health kits: 2        |

The Airfield at Caltagirone - A Peaceful Beginning
Head down the road. You will see a guardhouse with 3 guards. Inside the
guardhouse is a box of rifle ammo. Continue down the road to a machine gun
nest with some other foot soldiers in the area. Secure the area. Keep going
and you'll find a fenced in compound. Take care of any resistance. There is
a 100% health kit in the tent. Blow up the communications tower. Get in the

     [X]  Objective Complete: Destroy the Communications Tower

The Airfield at Caltagirone - Stealing the Jeep
There will be a lot of enemies on either side during the ride. Just be alert
and it shouldn't be a problem.

2 trucks will follow you. Shoot the enemies in the backs of the trucks. If you
blow up the trucks when they are close to the jeep you'll take too much damage
and die. The trucks will stop following you when you reach some houses. The
chase is picked up by two motorcycle soldiers. After catapulting the riders
into the air courtesy of the .30 caliber you'll come to a roadblock. Shoot the
guards as the jeep backs up.

You'll go down a side road. There will be a wooden bunker to the right. Strafe
the bunker. Past that the jeep will stop briefly by a house. There is a
Panzerschreck firing from the balcony of the house.

Next you'll head over a wooden bridge. Just on the other side will be another
wooden bunker to the left. After the bunker you'll reach the airfield. Your
Allied comrade will hand you a DeLisle silenced rifle.

     [X]  Objective Complete: Reach the Airfield at Caltagirone

The Airfield at Caltagirone - Infiltration

HARD MODE: The DeLisle seems to be less powerful. It takes two body shots or
           one head shot to kill enemies instead of one head shot or one body

Go through the gate. There will be 2 soldiers on patrol around the first corner
to the north. Go all the way to the north and open the doors to the hangar.
There will be a guard wandering around inside. Move west to the back end of the
truck and you'll be able to take out one enemy as he comes out of the office.
Take care of the second soldier. There's a 50% health kit on some shelves to
the north. Go out the door to the west.

There will another enemy on patrol plus two guard towers sweeping the area with
searchlights. Take out the enemy in the first guard tower then head towards the
hangar. Before you go in turn around and you will see some soldiers coming to
investigate. Enter the hangar and go to the nose of the plane. You will see a
panel. Hit the 'use' key twice to open the panel and cut the wires inside.

     [X]  Objective Complete: Sabotage Italian Fighters (1/4)

Exit the hangar. Take care of the guy in the second guard tower. Head west to
the next hangar. Inside are 2 armed mechanics. Sabotage the plane.

     [X]  Objective Complete: Sabotage Italian Fighters (2/4)

Go back out and you'll see a mechanic working on a truck. Shoot him. There is
also a guy wandering around. There is a building here that is some sort of
mess hall. There is a front and a back door. You can enter through either door.
If you go in the front there will be two rifleman and a third guy behind an
open window in a small room. If you go in the back room you'll meet the guy in
the small room first then the two rifleman. In the back room is a 50% health kit.

Head southwest past the mess hall. You'll see another enemy on patrol and
another guard tower. Shoot the guy on patrol, don't walk into the searchlight,
shoot the guard in the tower. Enter the hangar. There's an armed mechanic in
this one. Sabotage the plane.

     [X]  Objective Complete: Sabotage Italian Fighters (3/4)

To the south are two quonset huts. These are the metal buildings that look like
half a tube. In the west hut are three soldiers taking a break. Interrupt their
game. There's a 25% health canteen on a table. In the hut to the south you'll
find some enemies sleeping. When you shoot the first one you'll wake up the
others. Go out the back door of the second hut to the south.

There will be one solider on patrol. Bang. Go south and enter the next
building. Go to the south end of the hallway. Behind the door to the east is a
classroom with some scientists and some soldiers. Class dismissed. On the north
side of the room there is a small office to the west with a 25% health canteen.
Go through the east door of the classroom into another hallway. Go through the
north door at the end of the hall.

There will be a guard here and a guard above you to the northeast. Go north
onto the runway. Turn to the east and follow the fence to the last plane. There
will be a couple curious enemies here. Sabotage the last plane.

     [X]  Objective Complete: Sabotage Italian Fighters (4/4)

Go out of the hangar through the south door. And to the south is a guard tower.
Head west around the boxes then go up the stairs.

The Airfield at Caltagirone - Sabotage
Go west and enter the control tower. Shoot the two enemies working the radios.
Grab the Vickers-Berthier machine gun. There's also two crates of MG ammo and
a 100% health kit on the shelf west of the Vickers-Berthier. Use the radio to
send out the false alarm.

     [X]  Objective Complete: Sound Alarm to Scramble the Fighters

Some enemies will rush into the control tower so be ready. When you open the
door of the control tower you will come under heavy fire. There will be two
guard towers to the south. Both have Panzerschreck troops. There will an
assortment of enemies on the ground. A truck will also drive to the area from
the east and deploy more troops. Crouch down so the control tower height
provides cover from the lower guard towers and the enemies on the ground. Deal
with the enemies then get back on the ground. Head south through the gates of
the airfield. You will find the British Officer waiting for you in a jeep.

     [X]  Objective Complete: Locate British Officer and Escape the Airfield

|   Mission 3C: Gela                                     |
|               July 10, 1943                            |
| Objectives - Gela                                      |
|   [ ]  Rendezvous with 82nd Airborne                   |
|   [ ]  Assist 82nd Airborne                            |
|   [ ]  Secure the Village                              |
|   [ ]  Repel the Tank Attack                           |
| Starting weapons            | Other weapons            |
|   Beretta           15/39   |   Bazooka                |
|   Moschetto         40/160  |   Bohler                 |
|   Vickers-Berthier  30/0    |   Breda                  |
|   Frag grenades      3/6    |   Granatwerfer           |
|                             |   Bomba A Mano grenades  |
|   MG ammo = 96 x 7          |  50% health kits: 3      |
|   SMG ammo = 96 x 3         |--------------------------+
|   Pistol ammo = 24 x 2      |
|   Grenades = 5 x 2          |
|   Heavy Rounds = 10         |

Gela - Firefight
Get out of the jeep and run into the house. Grab the bazooka and heavy rounds.
Destroy the tank. Exit the house and follow the Allied solider down the road to
the southwest. There's MG ammo, SMG ammo, a box of pistol rounds, a 50% health
kit, and a crate of 5 Italian Bomba A Mano grenades.

2 trucks will come down the road. Stay behind the low wall and secure the area.
Continue west down the road. You will see a one story building under fire from
a two story building. Enter the one story building through the west door.
Inside the building go through the north door then go to the guy standing in
the corner.

     [X]  Objective Complete: Rendezvous with 82nd Airborne

Now take out the machine gun position on the second story of the house. Exit
the building and enter the two story building. Clear the area. Exit the
building and get the ammo from the small building to the west by the well.
There is 1 SMG ammo box, 1 MG ammo box, a box of pistol ammo, and 2 heavy
rounds. Go back into the two story building and clear the upstairs. Do not
take control of the machine gun. This just spawns extra enemies. There is a
MG ammo crate by the east Breda MG on the second floor. There is a 50% health
it on the second floor in the room that is in the southern most part of the
building. Go back to the ground floor and exit the two story building to the

You are now in the vineyard. Work your way south. You will have to zig-zag east
and west to find openings in each row. Any allied you have left should 
adequately cover you as you move through the vineyard. Exit the vineyard and go
southeast to meet up with any surviving members of the 82nd Airborne.

     [X]  Objective Complete: Assist 82nd Airborne

Gela - Regroup with the 82nd Airborne
Stop at the corner of the building to the southeast. A group of enemies will
attack. Now walk east down the road. Past the Bohler go southeast and go behind
the two story building. This triggers an attack. Watch for enemies coming
around the corners of the building to the west and east. Also a tank will drive
into town through the east gate. Take out the bazooka and destroy the tank. Go
east around the building and circle back around to the front. Their will be two
snipers in the upper story of the building. Toss a grenade into the open window.

In the tiny building next to the Bohler there is a 50% health kit and a crate
of 5 Bomba A Mano grenades. In the tiny building that is on the east end of
the road on the hill you can find a crate of MG ammo.

Go east towards the destroyed tank and open the double doors to the south.
There will be a bunch of enemies inside. Now Lt. Terry Lyndon likes to rush
into the building and get killed. Try to prevent that by blocking the entrance
and taking out as many enemies as possible before Lt. Terry charges. On the
first floor there is a crate of MG ammo underneath the stairs.

Go up the stairs and go to the east end. Grab the MG ammo, SMG ammo, and 2
heavy rounds from the table. There is a 25% health canteen, too. Go out the
door to the north and go down the stairs. You'll end up behind the tank that
was blocking the gate. There is also one enemy waiting for you.

Go to the east up the road a little and man the Breda machine gun. There will
be an enemy rush from the house to the southeast and from the road to the east.
Across the street from the Breda by the building is a MG ammo crate. Head down
the road to the east. Ahead of you will be a bunch of haystacks. There will be
some enemies waiting there to try to ambush you. Follow the road as it turns
south. You'll see a ruined two story building. Take out your bazooka and go up
to the second floor of that building.

     [X]  Objective Complete: Secure the Village

Gela - Tank Assault
On the second floor you will find 6 heavy rounds for the bazooka and two
Granatwerfers or mortars. There is one motor to the south and one mortar to
the west.

When aiming the mortar the lower the cursor the farther the range of the mortar
round. The higher the cursor the closer the motor round will land to the
building. So when the target is far away aim as low as possible and as the
target approaches aim a little bit higher. Also keep the mortar lined up with
the center of the target.

You have to destroy the tanks using the mortar or the bazooka before they can
get right next to the building. Start out aiming as low as possible then
slowly adjust the cursor higher until you hit the tank. Only use the bazooka
when the tanks are very close to the building. The further away the target the
less damage the bazooka shell will inflict.

Man the south mortar first. There will be two tanks coming from the south.
After those two tanks are destroyed go to the west mortar. There will be 2
tanks coming from the west. Then there will be 1 tank from the south. If you
can't quickly destroy both west tanks then switch to the south tank then go
back to the other west tank. The last waves will be 2 tanks from the south and
2 tanks from the west.

Step by step:
1) Go to the south mortar and move the cursor all the way to the bottom. 
   Aim for the south tank on the right and start firing right away.
2) Move the cursor just above the top of the mortar barrel and start firing at
   the south tank on the left.
3) Go to the west mortar and move the cursor all the way to the bottom, and
   start firing at the west tank on the right.
4) Go to the south mortar, move the cursor all the way to the bottom, and fire
   at the single south tank.
5) Go to the west mortar, move the cursor all the way to the bottom, and fire
   on the remaining west tank.
6) Go to the south mortar, move the cursor all the way to the bottom, and fire
   on the south tank to the right.
7) Move the cursor over the south tank to the left and fire.
8) Go to the west mortar, move the cursor to about treetop level or higher and
   fire on the west tank on the right.
9) Keep the mortar at the treetop level and fire on the last tank.

     [X]  Objective Complete: Repel the Tank Attack


                           Battle Mountain


|   Mission 4: Monte Cassino                        |
|              Italy                                |
|              January 12, 1944                     |
| Objectives - Monte Cassino Part I                 |
|   [ ]  Report to the British Field HQ             |
|   [ ]  Escort the Medic to British Wounded        |
|   [ ]  Eliminate Snipers (3)                      |
|   [ ]  Retrieve Munitions from the Supply House   |
|   [ ]  Escort the Wounded out of the Area         |
| Starting weapons          | Other weapons         |
|   Beretta         15/75   |   Jeep .30 Caliber    |
|   Enfield L42A1   10/30   |   Thompson            |
|   Sten Mark II    30/26   |   PIAT                |
|   Frag grenade     5/6    |                       |
|   SMG ammo = 96 x 1       |  100% health kits: 1  |
|   Rifle ammo = 24 x 2     |   50% health kits: 2  |
|   Stick grenades = 5 x 2  |   25% health kits: 1  |
|   Heavy Rounds = 2 5      |-----------------------+

Monte Cassino Part I - The Approach to the City
After the jeep is destroyed grab the Thompson, go south, and hide behind the
rock. Take out the sniper rifle. There are a couple enemies to the northwest.
Move up to the tree and aim up the ridge. There should be a couple enemies you
can shoot. Move up the ramp. You will see more enemies. In the back of the
truck you'll find a box of rifle ammo. There's a 25% health canteen by the
tree to the southeast.

Monte Cassino Part I - British Field Headquarters
Go northwest down the road. There's snipers all along the ridge to the
northeast. You will reach the British Field HQ. There's a 100% health kit
in the tent. Talk to the British soldier standing by the campfire.

     [X]  Objective Complete: Report to the British Field HQ

Now run and get in the jeep as the field HQ is overrun by the enemy. The jeep
will get escorted out of the area by a tank. Unfortunately the tank gets
bombed. While the jeep backs up concentrate on the enemies to the east that
are on the ridge. There are some enemies on the bridge to the south.

Monte Cassino Part I - An Unexpected Sidetrack
The jeep will now drive west down another road. There will be a machine gun
nest along the way. You'll get to an area that's blocked off by a barricade to
the south. Alternate between shooting the enemies to the southeast and
southwest and shooting out the barricade. The jeep will make it's way through
the city. Keep your eyes open and take out any enemies that you see. The medic
driving the jeep will see a wounded soldier, stop the jeep, and get out to

Monte Cassino Part I - Rescuing a Wounded Soldier
Aim to the north towards the back of the jeep. There will be Panzerschreck
troops on the top of the building to the northwest. There are also a group of
enemies to the east right next to the jeep. There will be an enemy on one of
the upper floors of the shelled out building to the northeast. Take out the
Panzerschreck first. A truck will drive in from the east. Eventually the medic
will finish taking care of the wounded and start driving the jeep again. The
medic will give you an automatic 50% heal when he gets back in the jeep. As
you pull away two trucks will start to follow you. Machine gun the enemies
riding in the back of the trucks. 

Monte Cassino Part I - Snipers in the Courtyard
The jeep will come to a stop and the medic will get out and take cover. There
is a group of enemies to the north. The trucks will be at the south and
southeast. Get out of the jeep and run over by the medic.

     [X]  Objective Complete: Escort the Medic to British Wounded

Cover the medic as he runs to the group of wounded British soldiers. The
enemies will be coming from the east. By the building to the north you will
find a crate of 5 stick grenades. If you go down the stairs by the north
building, there will be a box of SMG ammo and a crate of 5 stick grenades.
Then follow the medic and take cover with the rest of the allies. 

There are 3 snipers keeping everyone pinned down. There is one sniper to the
southeast, a sniper on the roof of the building to the northeast, and the third
sniper is to the southwest on the top floor. Take out the 3 snipers.

     [X] Objective complete: Eliminate Snipers

Turn to the northeast. The door of the building will be opened by some enemies.
Kill the enemies then run up the stairs. There are some enemies waiting for you
just inside the doorway. Clear out the ground floor. There are also a couple of
heavy rounds.

Go up the stairs. There will be 2 enemies. There's one enemy hiding in the
wardrobe. You can't shoot the enemy out of the wardrobe. Sometimes the
wardrobe enemy come out of hiding so there will be 3 enemies upstairs.
Sometimes the wardrobe enemy comes down the stairs before you can get
upstairs. There are 24 rifle rounds and a 50% health kit. Duck down and go to
the window. Take out the three snipers in the windows of the building to the
south. There will be two more enemies on the street below.

Monte Cassino Part I - Surprise Tank Attack
Next to the window is a PIAT grenade launcher. When you pick it up it spawns a
tank to the southwest. The tank will blow the corner of the building off. This
exposes you to an enemy on the building to the west. Take out the tank using
the PIAT and shoot the enemy on the building to the west.

     [X] Objective complete: Retrieve Munitions from the Supply House

Exit the building and return to the British troops and the medic. The British
troops will run off to the north. Don't bother following them. Instead run east
past the destroyed tank.

     [X] Objective complete: Escort the Wounded out of the Area

|   Mission 4: Monte Cassino                        |
|              Italy                                |
|              January 12, 1944                     |
| Objectives - Monte Cassino Part II                |
|   [ ]  Destroy Enemy Artillery (3)                |
|   [ ]  Cover the Allied Prisoners' Escape (3)     |
|   [ ]  Make Your Escape                           |
| Starting weapons          | Other weapons         |
|   Beretta         15/63   |   MG42                |
|   Enfield L42A1   10/20   |   Thompson            |
|   Sten Mark II    30/98   |   Modello 3           |
|   Frag grenade     6/6    |                       |
|   PIAT             5/6    |                       |
|   SMG ammo = 96 x 2       |   50% health kits: 3  |
|   Rifle ammo = 24 x 2     |   25% health kits: 1  |
|   Pistol ammo = 24 x 1    +-----------------------+
|   Heavy Rounds = 4        |

Monte Cassino Part II - Starting
Go east down the road. There is a sniper in the building to the southeast
before you reach the corner. Turn south and there will be a truck with some
enemies milling about. Past the truck there is a sniper in the building to the

Go up the stairs and into the building at the south end of the street. Go
upstairs. An enemy will come out of the door to the south. There are a couple
more enemies beyond that door. There is a 25% health canteen inside the south
room. Come back out and go up the second flight of stairs. Open the door to
the west and go down the stairs.

Monte Cassino Part II - Escorting the Medic
There are 4 heavy rounds here. Go look out the window. It's a tank! Much like
the last tank this tank also blows off the side of the building. Destroy the
tank using the PIAT. 

Climb down the rubble to the street. Go south. There will be a sandbag bunker
on the second floor of a building to the southwest. Past the tank to the west
is a soldier above you in another ruined building. To the east of the sandbag
bunker there is another enemy in the ruined tower. Turn west and go through the
building and exit to the south. Go east watching for enemies and a sniper at
the east end of the street. 

There's a truck parked here with a box of SMG ammo in the back. Before the the
end of the truck turn south to find some stairs going down. Some enemies will
run out of the building. As you go down the stairs toss a grenade towards the
awning. Under the awning is a box of pistol ammo. Go south into the building.
To east is a 50% health kit. Go all the way to the end of the hallway and go
through the west door. You'll find an enemy officer and a set of keys. Use the
keys to unlock the east door. You've discovered some of the POWs.

Another group of enemies will spawn outside. Stay inside and use your pistol.
Go back up the stairs. Now you can go through the gates to the west. There's a
big chunk of rubble here to hide behind. Up ahead is a machine gun nest and
some enemies.

Once the area is secure go west and turn to the north. You'll come under
artillery fire. Take cover by the building to to the northeast. The enemies
operating the artillery will come looking for you. They usually run around the
truck. Approach the artillery but don't go around the corner. Peek around the
corner to the west and take care of the sniper in the building. Another sniper
will spawn in the tower southwest from you. Also a tank comes. Between tank
shots run to the artillery, a Modello 3, and turn it to the west and take out
the tank. Plant a charge on the artillery and head north.

You can also run straight for the artillery and use the Modello to destroy the
tank and the buildings with the two snipers. Don't forget to destroy the
Modello once you're finished using it.

     [X] Objective Complete: Destroy Enemy Artillery (1/3)

Enter the building and go up the stairs. Open the door at the top of the
stairs. There's an enemy. Go across the walkway. Behind the next door are
3 enemies. Duck down and shoot them. There's another enemy by the north door.
Cross the room and exit the building by the north door. There's a couple
snipers in the building to the northeast. You might be able to get a better
angle on the snipers from the ground. 

Go down the wooden stairs. Some enemies will come out of a door to the
northeast. In the room to the northeast is an enemy and a 50% health kit. Exit
the little courtyard through the south door. There's two enemies. Exit onto the
street. There's a box of rifle ammo. Go south past the destroyed tank. There
will be a sniper in a building to the west and a sniper on a balcony ahead to
the south. Another enemy pops out of a shuttered window.

Monte Cassino Part II - Stop the Executioner
You will see a POW with a gun to his head being marched towards a truck. Shoot
the enemy holding the gun on the prisoner giving the POW a chance to escape. A
bunch of enemies will get out of the truck. Keep the POW alive or else the
mission is over.

Around the corner to the east is another sniper on the roof. Once he's killed
head east down the road. When you approach the building one of the windows will
open revealing a machine gun station. After taking care of that run to the
Modello 3 and fire on the tank coming down the road from the south. After the
tank is taken out plant an explosives charge on the Modello 3.

     [X] Objective Complete: Destroy Enemy Artillery (2/3)

Go west down the road. There will be a sniper in the attic of a building to the
southeast. At the corner there is a soldier on one of the upper floors that
will toss grenades at you. Also around the corner are two more enemies in the
street and another sniper at the west end of the street. Neutralize the
enemies. There is another enemy in the upper story of the building to the
north at the end of the street. Go northwest and you will see the German base.

Monte Cassino Part II - Final Rescue
Continue northwest and take cover behind the partial wall. You will hear enemy
troops approaching. Kill all the enemies. There's a 50% health in the tent to
the south and a box of SMG ammo in the sandbag bunker near the entrance to the
building. There is a Modello 3 here. Turn the artillery to the west and blow
out the door of the building. Plant an explosive charge on the Modello.

     [X]  Objective Complete: Destroy Enemy Artillery (3/3)

Go into the building and grab the box of rifle ammo. Switch to the Sten SMG.
There is a short flight of stairs  to the north. Go up the stairs but don't go
into the room where the POWs were being held. As soon as the dialogue starts
run back to the former entrance and start clearing the enemies. A truck will
pull up. This is your escape ride. The first POW will run out to the truck. As
long as there are no enemies between him and the truck he should make it.

     [X]  Objective Complete: Cover the Allied Prisoners' Escape (1/3)

Switch to the Enfield sniper rifle and run east to the fountain. Take position
on the south side of the fountain facing north. The middle of the fountain
should not be blocking your view of the two windows to the northwest or the
hole in the building to the northeast.

To cover the second POW shoot the enemies in this order:
1) The enemy that will appear behind the sandbags in the hole in the building
   to the northeast. 
2) Sniper in the window of the building to the west.
3) Sniper high on the roof to the west. 
4) Sniper hidden by the building to the northwest.

     [X}  Objective Complete: Cover the Allied Prisoners' Escape (2/3)

To cover the third POW:
1) Take out the 2 SMG enemies in the two windows to the northwest.
2) Panzerschreck on the roof of the building to the east.
3) Sniper on the roof of the building to the northeast above the sandbags.

     [X]  Objective Complete: Cover the Allied Prisoners' Escape (3/3)

Now just break cover and jump in the back of the truck.

     [X] Objective Complete: Make Your Escape

|   Mission 5: Anzio                                |
|              Italy                                |
|              January 22, 1944                     |
| Objectives - Anzio                                |
|   [ ]  Destroy the Munitions Convoy               |
|   [ ]  Search the House for Intelligence          |
|   [ ]  Locate and Destroy K5 Railway Guns (2)     |
| Starting weapons          | Other weapons         |
|   Colt 45          7/61   |   MG42                |
|   Carcano          6/66   |   Anti-Aircraft Gun   |
|   BAR             20/96   |   AB41 Rail Tank      |
|   SMG ammo = 96 x 1       |  100% health kits: 1  |
|   Rifle ammo = 24 x 2     |   50% health kits: 1  |
|   Stick grenades = 5 x 1  |   25% health kits: 1  |

Anzio - Ambush
Set up an explosives charge on the rock near the road. Set up the plunger at
the top of the hill. Use the plunger when the first truck reaches the rock.
Duck down or take cover behind the wall to the west. Most of the enemies from
the convoy will move up the hill towards you. There are also two enemies on
the balcony of the house to the west. When things look safe go down and put
an explosives charge on the other two trucks in the convoy.

     [X]  Objective Complete: Destroy the Munitions Convoy

Anzio - Destroying the Convoy
Approach the entrance of the building. Some enemies will exit the building.
Kill them. Open the door. There will be an enemy using a turned over table for
cover right in front of the door plus some additional enemies. Enter the
building. Go to the south and you will see the stairs. There is an enemy
upstairs that has line of sight on you as you pass the foot of the stairs. Go
west past the stairs and secure the rest of the ground floor. There's a closet
under the stairs with a 25% health canteen.

Go up the stairs to the second floor. There is one door at the top of the
stairs to the west, one door to the east and three doors to the north. Behind
the east door is a barracks room with a couple enemies and a box of SMG ammo.
The northwest door is an empty bathroom. The middle north door is locked. The
northeast door is another barracks with 2 enemies and a box of rifle ammo.
Behind the west door is a room with the Intelligence (this time a map). There
is a soldier outside on the balcony that can shoot you through the north window
of this room. By the window is a 50% health kit.

     [X]  Objective Complete: Search the House for Intelligence

Now go north of the stairs and head east. You will see a door that wasn't
visible from the top of the stairs. This leads out to a balcony on the north
side of the building. There are a couple enemies hiding behind boxes when you
first open the door. The balcony goes north then turns west. On the road north
of the balcony you will see a truck parked on the road. There is the standard
enemies from the truck running around on the road. Also from the balcony you
can shoot the guy in the middle north room of the building. There is a box of
5 stick grenades at the west end of the balcony.

Go back into the house and go to the ground floor. Go to the west end of the
house and go out the north door. There will be a machine gun nest to the west
past the parked truck. There are some other enemies on the west side of the
road. There is one enemy hiding in the bushes where the road starts to turn.

There is a group of enemies just after the first machine gun nest. Take care
of this group of enemies. Stay out of range of the second machine gun nest.

When you get close to the first machine gun nest you come within range of a
second machine gun nest further to the west and on higher ground. Run up to 
the AA gun that's between the two machine gun nests. Some enemies will come
down the path from the to the south. A truck will also drive up the road from
the east. 

When you're finished with the AA gun get out and use the Carcano to snipe the
enemies visible on the railway gun. You probably won't eliminate all the guys
on the path with the AA gun so be ready when you start going up the path to
the railway gun. You don't have to blow up the AA gun.

There are two ways to get on the railway gun to set the explosives. There is a
box on the ground next to the railway car. If that gets destroyed just get on
the platform car to the west of the railway gun. Climb onto some boxes and jump
over the railing onto the railway gun. Climb up the ladder on the north side
and set the two explosives charges. Run to safety.

     [X] Objective Complete: Locate and Destroy K5 Railway Guns (1/2)

Go to the western boxcar. There will be enemies coming out of the boxcar to
investigate the explosion. Take them out and go into the boxcar or rush into
the boxcar and take them out. Go through the west door into the next boxcar
and say hello to the 2 enemies in that boxcar. There's a 100% health kit in
the second boxcar. Now open the door to the south. Peek around the corner to
the west and you'll see some enemies next to the boxcars. Jump out and take
them out. Go west to the AB41 rail tank. 

NOTE: Once you get in the AB41 tank you won't be able to hop in and out of
      the AB41 like you can with a Panzer tank.

Anzio - Stealing the AB41
The AB41 rail tank has a machine gun and a tank cannon. You'll probably want
to switch back and forth during this next part. Start by machine gunning the
enemies on the tracks. Move forward until you get to a tunnel. Switch to the
main cannon and take out the barrier. Past the end of the tunnel are a couple
of buildings to the left. Blow them up with the cannon. Switch to the machine
gun and clear the tracks of enemies.

Go forward some more. You'll see a barrier with 2 machine gun nests on either
side of the tracks. Take out the barrier with the cannon then switch to the
machine gun. Take out the gunners. There are some explosive barrels behind each
machine gun nest. There are Panzerschreck troops on both sides of the tracks.
The one on the east is by the machine gun nest. The west Panzerschreck troop
is past the first barrier. There is another barrier on the tracks. Past the
barrier is a building and a guard tower on the east side.

Keep going north on the tracks (like you have a choice). The tracks will start
to bend to the east. There is a guard tower at this point. As you head east
you'll see two barriers on the tracks. There is also a bridge going over the
tracks. A Panzer tank will drive onto the bridge and open fire. To the north
there is a Panzerschreck hiding in the house. You will need to use the machine
gun to kill the Panzerschreck guy. You can also bypass this area by just
blowing out the two barriers and going into the tunnel. You'll take some
damage but that's okay.

When you go through the tunnel the AB41 will go downhill automatically. There
are two barriers. You can crash through both barriers. There will be a
noticeable decline and the AB41 will pick up speed and start to go over a
bridge. Hit the 'Use' button to jump out of the AB41 before it crashes into
another K5 railway gun. After you jump out, turn west and run behind cover.

     [X] Objective Complete: Locate and Destroy K5 Railway Guns (2/2)

|   Mission 6: Monte Battaglia                         |
|              Central Italy                           |
|              September 28, 1944                      |
| Objectives - Anzio                                   |
|   [ ]  Deliver the Supplies to Able Bunker           |
|   [ ]  Repel the Attack on Baker Bunker              |
|   [ ]  Repel the Attack on Charlie Bunker            |
|   [ ]  Regroup with Allied Forces in the Castle      |
|   [ ]  Defend the Communications Tower               |
|   [ ]  Send a Distress Signal from the Castle Tower  |
| Starting weapons          | Other weapons            |
|   Colt 45          7/61   |   Jeep .30 Caliber       |
|   Enfield L42A1   10/70   |   .30 Caliber            |
|   BAR             20/170  |   Shotgun                |
|   Frag grenades    4/6    |   StG 44                 |
|   MG ammo = 96 x 1        |  100% health kits: 5     |
|   Rifle ammo = 24 x 3     |   50% health kits: 2     |
|   Heavy Rounds = 19       |   25% health kits: 2     |

Monte Battaglia - Able Bunker
You'll be operating a jeep-mounted .30 caliber. The jeep will be driven to
the destroyed truck and the two allies will get out and pick up the supplies.
Provide covering fire in an arc from the southwest to the north. Once the
supplies are loaded into the jeep you'll go back to Able Bunker. Provide
covering fire to the west along the wall while the supplies are unloaded.

     [X]  Objective Complete: Deliver the Supplies to Able Bunker

Monte Battaglia - Baker Bunker
The jeep will now head towards Baker Bunker. There will be numerous enemies to
the left along the entire route. You'll get dropped off at Baker Bunker to help
out. Go into the bottom floor of the bunker. There is a 100% health kit just
inside the door. Operate the machine gun at the unmanned position.

Try to keep the area as clear as possible. Hold off the enemy for as long as
possible. The bunker will eventually get overrun. When this happens run up
the stairs and crouch down in the corner at the top of the stairs. Enemies will
either come up the stairs or from the northwest. There is a 100% health kit
nearby if you take too much damage. Just be patient and a reinforcement will

     [X]  Objective Complete: Repel the Attack on Baker Bunker

Get out of the corner and exit Baker Bunker to the west. There will be some
enemies outside the bunker. Get on the road and head south towards Charlie
Bunker. Up ahead you will see a jeep burning. Take out your sniper rifle and
move slowly towards the jeep. There will be a firefight in progress. Snipe
from a distance.

Continue south down the road. You will see where the road turns to the
southwest. There is an ambush here so get ready to find some cover. Next, move
up to the low stone wall on the west side of the road. Another group of enemies
will come to you. Shoot the ones that approach you. When it sounds clear peek
around the wall and snipe any other enemies out there. Watch out for grenades
and keep your head down. 

Follow the road and hide behind the next low stone wall. Shoot anybody that
comes around the wall then snipe anybody else. Continue to follow the road and
you'll come to Charlie Bunker. There is some MG ammo as you enter the bunker.
Go to the east corner to find the stairs going down. There is a 100% health
kit in the basement. Save the 100% health kit on the ground floor for later.

Go upstairs and approach the allied soldier by the southwest machine gun but
don't get too close. A rocket takes out the allied soldier on the ground floor.
Then man the southwest machine gun. It has the best line of sight. Keep enemies
out of the bunker. They will try to get into the bunker from the now open
southwest corner. Also try to take out any Panzerschreck troopers that show up.
It is absolutely critical that you prevent any enemies from getting in the
bunker from the southwest. Eventually an allied soldier will show up and tell
you to fall back to the castle. Heal up if you need it. Head out of the bunker
and start going northwest.

     [X]  Objective Complete: Repel the Attack on Charlie Bunker

Monte Battaglia - The Mountain Road
You will be running through a canyon. There will be enemy troops up on the
ridges. Enemies rush down from the grassy slopes to the southwest. There is
a lot of random fire so try not to stay in one place for too long or you'll
take additional damage.

Take out the sniper rifle and take out the 3 enemies on the ridge to the
southwest. Switch to the BAR. Run and take cover just before the first grassy
slope. Take out the enemies. Make sure no enemies are hiding behind the
numerous rocks.

Snipe the enemies on the next ridge to the southwest. Run and take cover
before reaching the second grassy slope. Eliminate those enemies. There is a
sniper on the ridge past the second grassy slope. Go up a little ways and a
third group of enemies will rush you from the northwest instead of a grassy

Now run straight towards the building you will see ahead of you. The building
is under attack by a tank. Run straight up the stairs and into the building.
Grab the bazooka. There's a 25% health canteen. Face due east to destroy the
tank. Reload the bazooka from the crate of ammo. Face northwest. Take a peek
out the doorway. You will see another tank. You might have to go through the
doorway to trigger the tank. Destroy the second tank.

Use the bazooka to take out any remaining enemies. There are 16 heavy rounds
in the crate. Go out the door to the northwest and jump down to the ground
floor and run to the northeast corner for cover. Quickly turn around to the
south and deal with any enemies. Run south through the doorway and continue
to the south corner. You should be at the top of some stairs. Go downstairs.

Monte Battaglia - The Wine Cellar
Grab the shotgun and the 50% health kit from the table. The wine cellar is
basically a bunker crawl. Be careful when entering rooms. Peek around corners. 

Turn southeast to look into the first room. There are 2 enemies in the room.
Go south across the room to the the bottom of a short flight of stairs. There
are 3 enemies on the stairs. Go up the stairs. Peek around the corner. Three
enemies. Cross the room by going south. Turn southwest and go through the
passageway. You will pick up a StG 44 with 30 rounds loaded and 162 rounds of
additional ammo. Peek around the corner into the room. There are 2 enemies
taking cover behind some crates. Exit that room to the southeast. More enemies.
Go through the passageway. In the next room is a ladder going up.

At the top of the ladder you'll get rushed by 2 enemies. Go to the southeast
and go up the long stairway. At the top you'll reach a room with wine racks.
There are enemies hiding between the wine racks. Go southwest to get to the
back of the wine racks. Go to the southeast corner. Turn northeast and go to
the corner. Peek around the corner. There are a lot of enemies in the next
room. Toss a couple frag grenades in there then mop up. There is a ladder
going up. Climb.

Monte Battaglia - Into the Castle
Move up to the allied soldier. This will start up some dialogue. He tells you
that you need to get to the tower and send a distress call to send in an air
strike. There's a lot of noise so it might not be clear what he's saying.

     [X]  Objective Complete: Regroup with Allied Forces in the Castle

Go around the broken wall and head southeast. 2 enemies here. Go down the
passage and turn northeast. Go through the door into a tiny room. Peek out the
southeast door to the southwest. There are a couple of enemies waiting for
you. Go up the stairs and grab the 50% health kit on the table at the top of
the stairs. Turn northwest and go to the door in the narrow hallway. Behind
the door is a large room with 3 enemies. Cross the room and exit through the
southwest door into the hallway. You will see a firefight going on outside.
You can ignore it. Go to the door at the opposite end of the hallway. There is
a small room with a box of rifle ammo on a table. Open the door.

The door opens onto a large two story room. There is a firefight in progress.
There is a hole in the roof so check above, around, and below you. There are
two staircases at the north and east corners. Take either set of stairs to the
ground floor. Go through the double doors to the northeast.

This is some sort of Great Hall. There are a couple enemies on the ground floor
plus additional enemies on the balcony above you. There are 2 doors to the
northeast. Open the northeast door on the left. in the next room there is an
allied solider hiding in the closet from a group of enemies. The allied soldier
may start a firefight before you enter the room. Take the door to the east

This leads to a chapel that's been converted into a barracks area or maybe a
triage area. A couple of enemies are in here. Take care of them (with your
weapon). Head east across the room to the spiral stairs. Go up the stairs.
You'll see a small window with planks leading over the room you were just in.
Crouch down and follow the planks northwest to the other end. You will come
under fire from below from additional enemies. Just ignore them and get across
the planks.

If you fall down the planks you'll just be in the chapel with some more
enemies. Just go back to the bottom of the spiral staircase and try again.

Once you get across the planks switch to your sniper rifle. Now go up the
stairs and open the door at the top. You've reached the castle tower. Grab the
2 boxes of rifle ammo. There is a 100% health kit and a 25% health canteen. The
radio operator will tell you he needs to go fix a transmitter so the distress
signal can be sent out. In the meantime, you'll need to prevent the
communications tower from getting destroyed by the enemy.

Monte Battaglia - The Radio Tower
The key to defending the communications tower is finding a good position where
you're protected from enemy ground fire and can see the plunger at the base of
the communications tower. Ignore the Panzerchreck troops and the rest of the
enemies running all around the tower. Don't even bother sniping them.
Concentrate on the plunger. Towards the end a couple of tanks show up. If you
are positioned in a safe area, you shouldn't take any damage. You might get
pushed out of position by tank fire. Just move forward so you can see the

Face due north. Walk up to the balcony so you can see the plunger and the large
wire spool through the sniper scope. You shouldn't be able to see the allied MG
nest to the northwest. You shouldn't see where the balcony meets the wall to
your left. You should see some of the side wall on the left side of your scope
and the top of the balcony wall diagonally in the lower right corner of the
scope. The entire wire spool should just be visible in the scope.

HARD MODE: You need to position yourself so that the closest wall on the left
           is almost touching the side of the plunger when you are looking at
           the plunger through the scope. The tanks that show up at the end aim
           a little better.

           Also, be careful of ground troops. Once the allied machine gun is
           taken out the ground troops will start of concentrate fire on your
           position. The ground troops using the base of the communications
           tower for cover are especially dangerous. So in Hard Mode, shoot
           the ground troops.

Plan on there being a dozen enemies trying to reach the plunger. You'll need to
reload the sniper rifle once. You might see some enemies appear in the scope.
Ignore them. Most of the enemy fire will be directed at the MG nest to the
northwest. You might get pushed out of position by Panzerchreck or tank fire.
Just quickly get in position so you can see the plunger again.

Keep your ears open because you will hear the allied solider over the radio
tell you to send the distress signal. Immediately run over to the radio and
'Use' it. If you hesitate too long an enemy might get to the plunger and blow
up the communications tower. The mission will end in failure if the tower is
blown up even after you send the distress signal.

     [X]  Objective Complete: Defend the Communications Tower
     [X]  Objective Complete: Send a Distress Signal from the Castle Tower
     [X]  Objective Complete: Confirm the Air strike

[04. Medals]

Bronze Star
 |  For heroic and meritorious achievement of service in connection with
 |  the operations against an opposing armed force. Sgt. John Baker,
 |  Special Forces, successfully completed a challenge [sic] tour of
 |  duty in the European Theater of Operations.
Earned by: completing the game on easy difficulty

Silver Star
 |  For gallantry in action against an opposing armed force. Sgt. John
 |  Baker, Special Forces, successfully completed a tremendously
 |  difficult tour of duty in the European Theater of Operations.
Earned by: completing the game on medium difficulty

Distinguished Cross
 |  For extraordinary heroism in connection with military operations
 |  against an opposing force. Sgt. John Baker, Special Forces,
 |  successfully completed a tremendously difficult tour of duty in the
 |  European Theater of Operations.
Earned by: completing the game on hard difficulty

Africa Star
 |  Grateful recognition of service against an opposing armed force.
 |  Sgt. John Baker, along with his entire regiment, despite being
 |  heavily outnumbered, managed to prevent the advancement of enemy
 |  troops in Africa.
Earned by: completing Tunisia

Distinguished Service Cross
 |  Surviving a fatal glider crash on July 10, 1943, and holding off the
 |  advancement of Axis troops. Sgt. John Baker, Special Forces,
 |  successfully completed a tremendously difficult tour of duty in
 |  Operation Husky.
Earned by: completing Sicily

Air Medal
 |  Discernible contribution to the operational air-land assaults against armed
 |  enemy forces, for the events surrounding September 28, 1944. Sgt. John
 |  Baker successfully radioed coordinates that obliterated Battle Mountain
 |  enemy forces at Monte Battaglia.
Earned by: completing Italy

[05. Legal stuff]
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respective trademark and copyright holders.

This FAQ can only appear on the following site:

GameFAQS <www.gamefaqs.com>

If anyone finds it on any other sites please inform me ASAP.

E-Mail Address: nyiaor@yahoo.com

(c)  Copyright 2004  Matthew Brown. 

This FAQ may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,
private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed
publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web
site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation
of copyright.