OFPEC Enhanced Configuration Project
Current Version:
Enhanced Configuration Project (ECP) is an OFP 'modification' that aims to increase the potential of OFP through providing enhanced configuration files and associated scripts that run without any in-mission triggers or code. The ECP provides:
Additional special effects
Improved sound
Realism enhancements
In addition to increasing the enjoyment of the game for individuals, we aim to provide an open-source enhanced configuration for use by all mods.
Note that this document does not include download links or installation instructions. These are available on the
ECP page at OFPEC.
Using the ECP
Core Features
Optional Plug-Ins
ECP Settings
Multiplayer ECP
Mission Editing and ECP
Info for Mission Editors
ECP Database Values
ECP Database Functions
ECP Animations
Addons and ECP
Making ECP Compatible Addons
Using ECP in your MOD
Help and About
Contacting the ECP Team
There are many reasons why you should use the ECP mod instead of standard OFP. OFP provides a rich scripting language and configuration system, and we have tried to push the envelope with regards to in-game effects without you requiring a P4 3.0 GHz in order to enjoy it. The ECP does
not provide new units or terrain.
Our overall goal is to
improve the quality of gameplay through configuration modification and effects scripting. We'll leave the addons to those who are skilled in that area, and we offer the ECP as a backbone to whoever is interested.
The ECP (core) provides the following features
across all OFP missions and campaigns, here underlining our novelties and updates:
General: |
ECP event handling concept and initial algorithm |
- |
snYpir |
Configuration modifications (Updated) |
- |
TJ, Komuna, Zayfod, Kurayami |
Editor's Debug Spectator© |
- |
snYpir |
Flexible game startup (New) |
- |
Komuna |
In-game ECP Settings Editor (Updated) |
- |
Igor Drukov, Zayfod |
Level Of Detail |
- |
snYpir |
New main menu cut-scenes |
- |
Gummi, O'Neil |
Redesigned editor GUI (Updated) |
- |
Finish Defence Forces mod, Komuna |
Redesigned main menu GUI (New) |
- |
Finish Defence Forces mod, Zayfod |
Scripting resources (Extended) |
- |
snYpir, General Barron, Zayfod, Komuna |
Spectator script |
- |
Kegetys |
ECP Performance: |
Core redesign and code optimisation (New) |
- |
Zayfod, Komuna |
DGAS architecture (New) |
- |
Komuna |
Enhanced MP reliability and AIM (New) |
- |
Zayfod, Komuna |
Simulations: |
AI information sharing and AAD (New) |
- |
General Barron, Zayfod |
AI join |
- |
RED, snYpir |
AI release (New) |
- |
General Barron |
AI surrendering and PoW interaction (New) |
- |
General Barron, Zayfod |
AT/AA launcher backblast damage |
- |
Sui, RED, snYpir, Zayfod |
Bleeding damage (Updated) |
- |
snYpir, Zayfod |
Bouncing fragmentation grenades (New) | - |
Komuna, Zayfod |
Bouncing smoke grenades and smoke simulation (New) |
- |
Komuna, Zayfod |
H.A.L.O. Parachutes (Updated) | - |
Toadlife, Zayfod |
Helo Coms(New) |
- |
Ballistic Addons Studio, Zayfod |
IR AA jamming and visual counter-measures |
- |
MachoMan, TJ |
Multiple ordnance suppression (New) |
- |
Zayfod |
Random Weather and Snow (Updated) | - |
RED, snYpir, Kegetys, Zayfod |
Tail rotor failure | - | Vektorboson, Zayfod |
Effects: |
Aircraft altitude warning |
- |
MachoMan |
Aircraft smoke |
- |
Ballistic Addons Studio, RED, Zayfod |
AT/AA launcher backblast |
- |
Sui, RED, snYpir, Zayfod |
AT/AA smoke trail (Extended) |
- |
Sui, RED, snYpir, Zayfod |
Blood spurt and bleeding (Updated) | - |
snYpir, Komuna |
Burning men (Updated) |
- |
Igor Drukov, Zayfod, Komuna |
Buzzing flies (Updated) |
- |
RED, snYpir, Zayfod |
Church chanting, animated fountains and lighting effects (New) |
- |
Zayfod |
Explosion craters (New) |
- |
Zayfod, Komuna |
Explosion effects (Updated & Extended) |
- |
GMR, TJ, Igor Drugov, Zayfod |
Fire effects (Updated & Extended) |
- |
Ballistic Addons Studio, RED, Zayfod |
Helicopter dust | - |
Ballistic Addons Studio/Vektorboson |
Mounted machine gun cartridges (New) |
- |
Zayfod |
Shell and bullet whiz (Extended) | - | Zayfod |
Tank main gun flash (New) |
- |
Tank shock dust |
- |
TJ |
Working lighthouses (Updated) | - |
walker, RED, Komuna, Zayfod |
Muzzle smoke/flash (New) | - |
War Games League, Zayfod |
ECP event handling concept and initial algorithm
Back in 2003, snYpir developed a concept of improved gameplay with resort to config-implemented Event Handlers (EH). These event handlers, which cannot be removed by the 'removeEventHandler' command, are triggered by specific in-game events, providing the information used to create new effects and simulations.
The system affects all recognised units that have been loaded or created in-game. In order to be recognised, every unit's configuration must be bound by the ECP_EventHandlers superclass, that can be inherited by addons or else implemented along with other EH.
In alternative to EH, which fail to detect very specific events, a quasi-event monitoring system has been developed to enable a wide set of effects on the recognised units.
Configuration modifications
The game configuration has been enhanced with small but significant implementations:
- Enhanced AI behaviour in combat
- Texture specular effects for Direct3D HW T&L
- Dynamic size cartridges that remain on the ground for longer times
- Modified smoke, dust, fire and explosion effects
- Improved environmental sound
Editor's Debug Spectator©
The ECP Debug Spectator extends the OFP mission editor by providing a 3D spectating capability. It includes a debug console and a number of different camera modes (including freelook). It is the ideal tool for mission debugging.
- Attention to developers! The
Debug Spectator© is a copyrighted feature, provided as courtesy of P.J.M. for the ECP. It can't be modified by anyone but its author or used elsewhere than the official ECP mod.
Flexible game startup
The game startup splash screen has been improved for high performance machines, enabling the main menu as soon as the game has been fully loaded. No longer you'll have to wait for the end of the default intro or use the -nosplash flag.
In-game ECP Settings Editor
This dialog, accessible via the pause menu, permits in-game configuration of the most common ECP settings during a mission. However, it doesn't modify the settings files, not affecting, therefore, other missions.
Level of Detail
In order to make the ECP more efficient, level of detail (changing effects depending on whether or not a player can see them) has been implemented.
New Main Menu Cutscenes
Getting tired of seeing the same old main menu cutscenes? We've taken some steps to fix that.
Redesigned GUI
The redesigned main menu and editor GUI's is an eye-candy addition to enhance the interaction between the player/designer and the game.
Scripting resources
ECP provides a wide set of functions for development or mission design, gathered in the ECP_resources array. See
ECP Functions for more information.
Spectator Script
Kegetys' Spectator Script will automatically initiate when a player dies in a ECP multiplayer game. This can also be set up to run in single player missions. The Spectator Script allows players to follow the action either as a seagull or through various camera modes.
ECP Performance
Core redesign and code optimisation
Inspired by the need of improving the game performance, we have redesigned the ECP core and improved the code of many effects/simulations scripts. Thanks to such effort, the players can enjoy an instant ECP startup followed by a very smooth gameplay, even on the low-end pc's. The performance hit is generally unnoticeable, regardless of mission or computer characteristics.
Dynamic Global Array System architecture
In order to prevent the crash-to-desktop (CTD) issue on mission resume, it was implemented an array database system, represented by five global variables, from/to which the ECP data is processed/stored. This method proved to be much reliable and, now, players can save their missions without corrupting the savegame log - this is not assured, but it's still a great step forward to prevent the problem.
Effective MP settings interchange and Array Interchange Monitor
As consequence of the implementation of the DGAS, a new method of MP settings broadcast was developed, followed by an enhancement of the relations between server and client. Now, the game mode is rapidly distinguished and MP missions have a much better support and reliability.
AI information sharing and Adaptive Ally Detection
This system allows allied AI units - either from the same side or friendly to the resistance - to share the position of the enemy, depending on their distance from each other and their knowledge.
AI join
The player, if leader, can join single units to his/her squad - e.g.: last member of another squad, a crashed pilot, etc.
AI release
The player, if leader, can release units from his/her squad. Combined with AI join, allows replacing units in a full squad.
AI surrendering and PoW interaction
There is a chance of fleeing units surrendering themselves.
The player will be able to capture unfriendly units, interrogate them, collect or destroy their weapons and halt them. However, if the player refuses to capture PoW's or lets them escape, these will regroup, collect weapons from dead bodies and get back in combat!
On the other hand, player side units, that have surrendered but not been taken captive, can be told to fight.
AT/AA launcher backblast damage
Units standing at an AT/AA launcher's BBDA (Back Blast Danger Area), upon fire, will be caught by the backblast debris and get critically injured or even killed!
Bleeding damage
Units bound by bleeding effects can suffer blood loss damage until being deceased or, otherwise, healed.
Bouncing fragmentation grenades
A set of fragmentation grenades that replaces the default hand grenade according to the unit's side. Depending on type, the grenades have specific fuse times with a random factor, sometimes allowing air blasts.
Bouncing smoke grenades and smoke simulation
A set of smoke grenades that replaces the default smoke grenades according to their colour and unit's side. Depending on type, the grenades have specific fuse and smoke release times.
In addition, these grenades can be effectively used for screening purposes.
High Altitude Low Opening parachutes
HALO parachutes allow the player to decide when to open his/her parachute. It includes altimeter and auto-opening, preventing thus fatalities during cut-scenes.
Helo Coms
The Helo Coms gives the player, if leader, full control over its squad helicopter, providing landing, insertion, extraction and flight altitude commands.
IR AA jamming and visual counter-measures
Aircraft engaged by AA guided weapons will release flares on the sky, an effect complemented by IR jamming, changing the trajectory of the missile.
This is ideal for missions with air transportation, but rather limited during air combat.
Multiple ordnance suppression
The player will suffer visual and auditive suppression from most ordnance blasts at close range.
Random Weather and Snow
Using the
Island Detection Algorithm, developed by snYpir, ECP determines which island a particular mission is being played on. From this, random weather settings can be defined on a per-island basis. This means that weather may change more than once in a mission, at a rate chosen to the player appropriate to the particular island.
In addition, snow can be implemented either for specific areas on a map (for example the snowy peaks on Nogova) or across an entire island (ie Winter Nogojev).
Users can also add their own islands to the islands settings file via the 'ECP Island Matrix Tool'.
Tail Rotor Failure Script
Damaged choppers have a random chance of tail rotor failure. Once the tail rotor fails, the chopper will spin to the ground whilst smoking.
Upon crash, there's a chance of crew, if not already dead, suffering severe injury or even death.
Aircraft altitude warning
An altitude alarm will sound when flying dangerously low.
Aircraft Smoke
Damaged helicopters (BAS) and planes (RED and Zayfod) will smoke or even burn from the engines, according to the amount of damage. If kept working without being fixed, they'll will eventually blow up in the air from accumulated damage.
AT/AA launcher backblast
The AT/AA weapons now have the back blast effect, complemented by damage on affected units, as in real life. Smoke and debris are spewed out the tube, from the back - AT soldiers must clear their BBDA or risk court-martial!
AT/AA smoke trail
Most rockets and missiles now have more realistic smoke trails.
Blood spurt and bleeding
ECP Blood is a highly reworked version of snYpir's original OFPEC Blood addon. This is a lag-free blood fest featuring blood spurting, animated blood splashing on the ground and animated bleeding from wounds or critical injuries, which can be complemented by damage from blood loss. Dead bodies also have a chance of bleeding, besides BIS default bleeding.
Burning men
Some crew elements will leave their burning vehicles, running and screaming in despair while being consumed by the flames. Not recommended for sensitive people...
It can be even more terrifying when we watch a burning man bailing off a falling chopper... Oooooh!
Buzzing flies
A while after being dead, some corpses might be infested by buzzing annoying flies. This effect brings home the true morbidity of combat.
Church chanting, animated fountains and lighting effects
Missing the monks chanting in churches? Flowing water in fountains? Now, the ECP provides both effects, complemented by fancy lighting effects visible at night.
Explosion craters
3D craters will appear underneath vehicles that suffered catastrophic explosions. These can, then, be used for cover.
Explosion effects
ECP provides many new explosion effects, from simple smoke blasts to amazingly hot fireballs, with debris and dust all over the place! And not only affects vehicles, but also the most varied ordnance. Followed by great fire effects, this is one of the most interesting and complete effects provided.
Fire effects
Vehicles, houses, debris, men: everything burns! Flaming nights and smoky days envelope us in the most exciting combat environments.
Helicopter dust
There are available two rotorwash dust effects for helicopters. Start the engines and embark or disembark between dust clouds.
Mounted machine gun cartridges
Now, heavy machine guns mounted on vehicles or tripods discharge bullet cartridges too.
Shell and bullet whiz
Thanks to our sound guru, Zayfod, flying lead can be heard! The player will hear the whiz of bullets and cannon shells passing close. Keep your heads down!
Tank main gun flash
From ORCS' code, we implemented this amazing effect that brightens and expands the flash of a tank's main gun.
Tank shock dust
Just like in real life, shock wave dust will be formed around a tank upon firing its main gun.
Working lighthouses
The lighthouses from recognised islands will effectively work, with searchlight, fog horn and exterior lighting.
Muzzle smoke/flash
Smoke and occasional muzzle flashes come from both small arms fire and vehicle mounted machine guns. Be careful to not give yourself away, the more you fire the more the smoke drifts from your barrel.
ECP Plug-Ins are ECP exclusive addons that resort to the existing structure to provide new features - new experiences. Install, enable and experiment!
Download plug-ins from the
ECP page at OFPEC.
Dynamic Range Sounds (PV, Zayfod)
The Dynamic Range (DR) plugin provides an alternative set of realistic sounds for a different game experience, enhancing the human interaction towards the virtual environment. By replacing many default sounds, this plugin is the solution that breaks the routine of OFP sonority.
From a pack originally developed by Satchel; PV and Zayfod had perfected and extended DR along the year of 2003. Thenceforward, Zayfod has improved the sound configuration, assuring the plugin remains adequate to the new sound features and visual simulations.
Dynamic Speaking AI (Zayfod)
The Dynamic Speaking AI (DSAI) plugin is one of our greatest novelties and represents another conquest over the game limitations, that
we take delight in sharing with the community. Based on the AI information sharing interaction tree, the DSAI simulates circumstantial AI dialogue. According to their behaviour and the situation, the
AI units talk, scream and act. It provides the player an unique scenery of envelopment, which turns to be much useful in combat situations. Enjoy it!
Radio Chatter (Zayfod)
The Radio Chatter (RC) plugin is a very thrilling feature in mounted combat. Armoured and air transportation or fighting are now accompanied with radio chatter from real combat scenarios, leading you into a deeper realm of fantasy.
This effect is still only available onboard of air and armoured vehicles. Sometimes, the chatter might not have much to do with the circumstances since it's mostly associated with combat environments. Nevertheless, it gives the impression to the player that they are in a world where many other things are happening around them, perhaps on other islands or other parts of the island. Its de/activation is available through the settings dialog, in game.
The ECP has both new
effects and
simulations. Effects are purely visual changes to enhance your OFP experience. Simulations are 'things that happen' and they may modify gameplay.
There are two ways to configure ECP effect and simulation settings:
1. Via the settings files in the @ECP folder, or
2. Via the ECP settings dialog.
ECP Settings Files
The ECP settings files are located in the @ECP folder. Open these up in either notepad or
Chris's OFP Script Editor (recommended).
The settings files are fairly well commented. You do not need to restart OFP if you load these settings, you only need to restart the current mission.
The available settings files are:
- ECP_Settings.sqf > contains the settings related to most of simulations and effects.
- ECP_Blood_Settings.sqf > contains the settings related to blood effects.
- ECP_Island_Settings.sqf > gathers information regarding island configuration.
ECP Settings Dialog
The ECP Settings Dialog is accessible via the 'pause' (ESC key) screen whilst playing OFP. This dialog allows you to configure the support pack
for the particular mission you are playing.
It does not save the settings to disk. If you want to change settings across all your missions you must edit the settings files as detailed above.
Note that certain settings will not be able to be changed during multiplayer games (they will be set by the server from variables defined in the settings files).
ECP Override Settings
When using the ECP settings dialog you'll notice 'override' settings of low, medium or high. These can be also be set by changing the 'ECP_override' variable in ECP_Settings.sqf. Following are very approximate system requirements for each override setting:
Low - P4 1.5 GHz or slower
Medium - P4 1.5 - 2.5 GHz
High - P4 2.5 GHz or faster
It is recommended that you set your preferred override in ECP_Settings.sqf correctly to ensure satisfactory performance. This offers a quick way to increase or decrease ECP effects and is intended for those end users that are less familiar with the ECP_settings.sqf and its many options.
We recommend that you become familiar with the ECP_settings.sqf and customise all effects for your PC so that you eventually won't need to use the 'ECP_override' variable at all.
Effects Distance
On the dialog you'll notice a slider for 'effects distance'. This is used to calculate the distance in meters (or closer) that the player must be from an effect in order for the effect to occur. Before ECP determines if the effect will occur it multiplies the 'effects distance' by a multiplier 'LOD multiplier'. The 'LOD multiplier' is set in ECP_Settings.sqf. For example, if the effect distance was set to 300m (ECP default) and the LOD multiplier for blood (ECP_lod_bld_x) was set as 0.5 (ECP default in ECP_Settings.sqf) then the final effects distance would be 150m. So if a unit got hit 300m from the player there would not be a blood spurt from that unit.
We use LOD multipliers because it enables ECP to increase or decrease the final effect range for different effects. Example, the LOD multiplier for explosions (ECP_lod_exp_x) is 2, thus giving a final effect range of 600m. This is because one would expect to see explosion effects at that range but not necessarily blood.
'Effects distance' affects all effect ranges and is universal to all effects.'LOD multiplier' affects only the effect that it is assigned to and it may vary in value for different effects. Effects distance can also be set via the 'ECP_lod_dis' value in ECP_Settings.sqf.
Important! Cutscenes may not have effects visible because of the LOD culling (the player may be too far away from where the cutscene is taking place). To disable the effects distance concept set ECP_lod_enable equal to false:
ECP_local set [ 16 , false ];
The ECP is fully compatible with MP play. It is recommended that all computers play with the ECP mod to prevent 'modified config.bin' error messages. It is important that all computers have the same version of the ECP as well.
You may play on non-ECP servers with the ECP installed, however many effects will not be visible because a number of important eventhandlers are registered on remote computers, not your own.
The ECP will operate in either
dedicated or
designated server mode.
Dedicated Server
If you are using a dedicated OFP server (running the OFP executable with the -server option) then the ECP will use dedicated server mode. This means that the 'simulation settings' on the dedicated server will be used by all connected to the server. All 'effect settings' are
local to the client computers - you could turn off blood on a client, for example, and this would not effect any other computer on the network.
Designated Server
If you are not using a dedicated server, and the game has been started through the OFP 'multiplayer' interface, then the ECP will automatically pick one of the computers on the network to act as a designated server. The 'simulation settings' on this designated server will be used on all computers. Unfortunately there is currently no way for the ECP to determine which is the actual server in this sort of game (we are working on it!).
Important Notes!
It is ok to run the ECP on your system and connect to non-ECP servers on the internet. All of the ECP computers in the game will synchronise simulation settings amongst themselves as appropriate. Note that some effects will not be seen due to certain eventhandlers being local to other, non-ECP computers.
If you are a mission designer, please put a single trigger or game logic unit name 'ECP_server' in your mission. This will allow the ECP to correctly determine which computer is the server.
The ECP is designed with mission editing in mind, and all ECP settings can be explicitly defined by a mission editor for a specific mission. In order to know which values you should modify in the ECP database, take the ECP_Settings.sqf as reference.
Suppose, for example, that you don't want tail rotor failure to occur in your mission. In your mission's init.sqs file you would have:
ECP_public set [ 5 , true ]
This would
replace the user-defined value in ECP_Settings.sqf.
There are also a great range of
values and
functions that you can use within your ECP-compatible mission.
Here are some important FAQ entries that you should read if you are mission editing with the ECP:
Why can't I see ECP effects in my cutscenes?
How do I make non-compatible addons work with the ECP?
How do I use the ECP Editor Enhancement?
When making missions specifically for use with the ECP, the following values might be useful:
ECP_server_id / ECP_Internal select 31 (ECP_is_server) - Integer / Boolean
ECP_server_id will contain an ID representing either the dedicated or designated server in an MP game. It may be:
ECP_server_id == -2 - Server not yet chosen
ECP_server_id == -1 - Dedicated server or standalone game
ECP_server_id >= 0 - Designated server (one of the clients is acting as ECP designated server)
ECP_is_server will equal true on the computer that is server.
ECP_Internal select 24 (ECP_island_array) - Array
ECP_island_array contains information regarding the current island (loaded from ECP_Island_Settings.sqf). It will contain the default island settings (specified in ECP_Settings.sqf) if the current island could not be detected.
See the top of ECP_Island_Settings.sqf for a description of each element in ECP_island_array.
ECP_Internal select 18 (ECP_units) - Array
This variable is an array of all 'man' units recognised by the ECP.
ECP system functions
<list of units> call (ECP_resources select 30)
This function, ECP_addUnits, will add <list of units> to the ECP in a particular mission. It is designed to be used in a trigger with the following characteristics:
- Size: 50000 x 50000 (as big as the entire map)
- Activation: Anybody (Once) when 'Present'
- Condition: this
- On Activation: thislist call (ECP_resources select 30)
From ECP 1.057.
<"unit or camera"> call (ECP_resources select 25)
This function, ECP_addLODTgt, will add <"unit or camera"> to the ECP for the purpose of LOD calculations. Note that the name of the unit or camera must be enclosed in inverted commas (").
From ECP 1.065.
Island related functions
<island array> call (ECP_resources select 37)
ECP_AddIsland adds a new island to the ECP island array. This should be done right at the start of a mission. <island array> is as per that described in ECP_Island_Settings.sqf. If the island name already exists, the new island array will replace the old one.
Mission designers can use this function to specify their own island settings (rather than use player-defined ones).
[<resolution>,<terrain size>,<num indexes>] call (ECP_resources select 37)
A key component of an island definition is the island matrix. This is the 'key' used to determine what island is currently being used.
This function, ECP_GetMatrix, will display a dialog that can be used to calculate the island matrix. See ECP_Island_Settings.sqf for more information.
Height and Distance functions
[<object>,<game logic unit>] call (ECP_resources select 6)
ECP_getASLHgt returns the height above sea level of <object>.
[<position>,<game logic unit 1>,<game logic unit 2>] call (ECP_resources select 7)
ECP_getASLHgtPos returns the height above sea level of <position>.
[<position 1>,<position 2>] call (ECP_resources select 8)
ECP_distancePos returns the 2D distance of <position 1> to <position 2>.
[<position 1>,<position 2>] call (ECP_resources select 9)
ECP_distancePosSqr returns the 2D distance squared of <position 1> to <position 2>. This is faster than ECP_distancePos because it doesn't perform a sqrt.
[<position 1>,<position 2>,<game logic unit 1>,<game logic unit 2>] call (ECP_resources select 10)
ECP_distancePos3D returns the 3D distance from <position 1> to <position 2>. This is a slow, inefficient function. Positions are expected to be height above ground level.
[<position 1>,<position 2>] call (ECP_resources select 11)
ECP_distance3D returns the 3D distance from <position 1> to <position 2> using pythagoras theorem. It is expected that the two positions are height above sea level.
[<position 1>,<position 2>] call (ECP_resources select 12)
ECP_distance3DSqr returns the 3D distance squared from <position 1> to <position 2>. This is faster than ECP_distance3D because it doesn't perform a sqrt.
Direction functions
[<position 1>,<position 2>] call (ECP_resources select 3)
ECP_getDirPos returns the direction in degrees from <position 1> to <position 2>.
[<unit>,<position>] call (ECP_resources select 4)
ECP_getDirRelPos returns the relative direction in degrees from <unit> to <position>. 0 degrees is considered to be to the direct front of <unit>, 90 is to the right etc.
[<position>,<center angle>,<sector width>,<position in sector>] call (ECP_resources select 5)
ECP_inAng returns true if <position in sector> is within the sector at <center angle> degrees of an angle <sector width> degrees wide.
Vector related functionsA vector is considered to be an array containing 3 elements: [x,y,z].
[<vector 1>,<vector 2>] call (ECP_resources select 15)
ECP_vDiff returns a vector which is the difference between <vector 1> and <vector 2>.
<vector> call (ECP_resources select 16)
ECP_vMag returns a number which is the magnitude of <vector>.
<vector> call (ECP_resources select 17)
ECP_vDir returns a number which is the direction of <vector>.
<vector> call (ECP_resources select 18)
ECP_vUnit returns a unit vector from <vector>.
[<position 1>,<position 2>,<game logic unit 1>,<game logic unit 2>] call (ECP_resources select 19)
ECP_vVelUnit returns a velocity vector from <position 1> to <position 2>. Positions are expected to be height above ground level. The returned velocity vector will be a unit vector.
[<vector>,<number>] call
(ECP_resources select 20)
ECP_vMultiply returns <vector> multiplied by <number>.
[<vector 1>,<vector 2>] call (ECP_resources select 21)
ECP_vAdd returns <vector 1> added to <vector 2>. From ECP 1.057.
Misc functions
[<variable>] call (ECP_resources select 0)
ECP_is_Null returns true if <variable> is not defined. Ensure <variable> is not an array or you will CTD.
[<variable>] call (ECP_resources select 1)
ECP_is_scalar returns true if <variable> is not defined. Meant for use if <variable> is an array.
[<number1>,<number2>] call (ECP_resources select 2)
ECP_getRandom returns a random value between <number1> and <number2>.
<array> call (ECP_resources select 23)
ECP_randomElement returns a random element from <array>.
<array> call (ECP_resources select 24)
ECP_randomIndex returns a random index (number) from <array>.
<number> call (ECP_resources select 13)
ECP_roundn round <number> to the nearest whole number.
[<variable>,...] call (ECP_resources select 14)
ECP_echo prints the value of <variable> to the screen. This is the same as doing
hint format["%1",<variable>]
[<position>,<distance>,<resolution>,<type>] call (ECP_resources select 22)
ECP_nearestObjs returns an array of units of class <type> around <position>, out to a distance of <distance>.
<resolution> is the number of meters between nearestObject calls.
<position> is a 2D or 3D vector.
<distance> and <resolution> are numbers.
<type> is a string (object class name).
This function is neither fast nor accurate. For experimental use only.
Updated 03/06/05
If you are making an addon that provides a new vehicle, and defines it's own 'class EventHandlers', you'll need to do the following in order to make it ECP compatible.
One line above class CfgVehicles
, add:class ECP_EventHandlers {};
Where you define your unit's eventhandler, use::class EventHandlers : ECP_EventHandlers
... eventhandlers here ...
For example, if you were making a new boat addon, you'd do the following:
class ECP_EventHandlers {};
class CfgVehicles
class MyBoat : Ship
class EventHandlers : ECP_EventHandlers
fired="hint {fire!}";
Note that any eventhandlers you define in this fashion will replace ECP eventhandlers. In the above example, the new boat unit would not have ECP fired events. It would however have ECP init, hit and killed events.
You can enable ECP events as well as your pre-defined events by using certain ECP EH code and functions. The relevant ones are:
init: _this call (ECP_resources select 40);
fired: _this call (ECP_resources select 41);
killed: _this call (ECP_resources select 42);
hit: _this call (ECP_resources select 43);
incoming missile: _this call (ECP_resources select 44);
getout: _this call (ECP_resources select 75);
In the above example, you could enable ECP fired events as well as custom ones by using:
class EventHandlers : ECP_EventHandlers
fired="_this call (ECP_resources select 41); hint {fire!}";
There is no requirement to define separate init, hit and killed EHs in this case because these are
inherited from the ECP_EventHandlers class.
The above code would
not cause an error if for some reason your addon was used and the ECP was not present.
Send us an email if you require further information.
ECP is open-source and we are happy for other mods to use our scripts and config settings. We do ask that:
Full credit is given to either a) the ECP mod or b) individual script authors as appropriate.
You contact us if you intend to sell a mod that contains ECP components.
If you modify or improve scripts please send them to us for inclusion in later ECP releases. You will of course be credited appropriately.
You must read the ECP End User License Agreement.
The ECP development version (available on the
ECP download page) will be required if you intend to use ECP as a backbone to your mod. Contact
us if you require assistance.
ECP requires OFP version 1.96 or higher.
Current (known) limitations of the ECP are as follows (these will probably change with each release):
Multiplayer (MP) compatibility
Although the ECP is MP compatible (effects will be seen on all computers), it is currently impossible for the ECP to detect which computer is the server in a non-dedicated multiplayer game (ie a game started through the multiplayer interface within OFP).
For this reason it is recommended that you use a dedicated server (run OFP with the -server option).
In order to get around this problem a
designated server will be automatically allocated by ECP if there is no dedicated server. This designated server will then control weather, for example.
Grenades not responding to real-world physics
Unfortunately the OFP physics engine is very poor. We'll have to wait for BIS to release a major update before we see objects responding to physics as they would in real life. The bouncing grenades, for example, have to weight 80000Kg (175000lb) in order to stay on ground, otherwise they'd be ejected to outer-space... So, if you throw a grenade on a tank, the tank will bounce as if it was hit. Helicopters will eventually explode.
Winter Kolgujev is not detectable
As Winter Kolgujev is a direct copy of Kolgujev, Winter Kolgujev cannot be detected by the ECP island detection system. Winter Nogojev can be detected however (time to upgrade, people!
Download Winter Nogojev).
The other option is to edit your missions and create a trigger as specified in the answer to
How do I make non-compatible addons work with the ECP? in the FAQ below.
Go up and read
Limitations if you haven't already.
Contact the ECP Team if your question isn't answered here. FAQ last updated
03/06/05 (ECP 1.085).
Q: How do I make a shortcut to run the ECP? (10/01/04)
A: Create a shortcut to your latest OFP application. Edit it's properties, and after "FlashpointResistance.exe" enter -mod=@ECP. Hit apply and then OK.
Q: How do I run other mods with the ECP?
A: Add -mod=@ECP;
mod name;
mod name etc. to the commandline in the shortcut. Note that only one config.bin can be for any one instance of OFP (you can't run FDF and ECP, for example).
Q: I get lag with the ECP, can I stop this?
A: You will have to edit the @ECP\ECP_settings.sqf file to suit your needs, e.g. turn off some of the effects. I.e. to turn off chopper dust you would edit '\@ECP\ECP_Settings.sqf' in a text editor (notepad will do) and make the value ECP_h_dust_enable false:
ECP_local set [ 33 , false ];
Q: How do I use the ECP Debug Spectator©? (05/01/04)
A: You must first 'Preview' your mission and then the 'Spectate' button in the editor will work. Ensure you 'Preview' after every update,
before spectating.
Hit the book icon on the left of the screen (when spectating) for instructions on usage.
Q: Some units don't seem to have effects working! (updated 05/01/04)
A: This is a known bug that happens when using addon units that define their own eventhandlers. See
Making ECP Compatible Addons below, or make a trigger in the mission as specified in the answer to the next question.
Q: How do I make non-compatible addons work with the ECP? (05/01/04)
A: You either have to modify the addon's config.cpp file (as specified in
Making ECP Compatible Addons), or edit each mission and place in the following trigger:
- Size: 50000 x 50000 (as big as the entire map)
- Activation: Anybody (Once) when 'Present'
- Condition: this
- On Activation: thislist call (ECP_resources select 30)
Note that you'll need at least one default BIS unit on the map (e.g. a unit of type WEST: Men) in order for the ECP to initialise.
Q: When I disable certain effects/simulations using the ECP settings in game GUI then others are also disabled. Why? (new 03/06/05)
A: Some features require that others are enabled. Example: Grenade suppression requires that bouncing grenades also be enabled.
Q: Is ECP 1.075 backwards compatible with previously made missions designed to work with ECP? (new 03/06/05)
A: Yes If any third party mission has added variables to their mission to disable or enable effects with ECP 1.071, they will still work with ECP 1.075.
Q: When I start OFP I can see my mouse cursor. How do I remove it?
(new 03/06/05)
A: Don't do anything. Once the main menu is loaded, the Windows mouse
cursor disappears.
Q: Why can't I see ECP effects in my cutscenes? (17/01/04)
A: From 1.060 ECP uses 'level of detail' (LOD) to determine if effects should be shown or not. It the 'player' unit is too far from the cutscene then effects will not be seen.
If you are simply playing, open @ECP\ECP_Settings.sqf and find the 'ECP_lod_enable' value. Make it equal to false. It is not recommended that you disable LOD for good, because this will decrease frame rate dramatically in big missions.
If you are designing a mission, after creating your camera (using camcreate), use the function 'ECP_addLODTgt' (ECP_resources select 25) to register your camera with the ECP. I.e. if I had used 'camcreate' to create a camera called 'camera', I would add it to ECP as follows:
"camera" call (ECP_resources select 25)
You only have to add a particular camera to ECP_lod_target once in a mission. Note that the name of your camera (passed to the function) must be enclosed in inverted commas (").
Q: I don't want to turn any effects off, but I get some lag when units are shot? (new 03/06/05)
A: Open up the '\@ECP\ECP_Blood_Settings.sqf' file in a text editor (notepad will do) and change the blood_particle_number to a lower number, default is 50.
Q: Some vehicles don't burn, why?
A: There is a random chance that sometimes a vehicle won't burn. Change ECP_fire_random_chance in ECP_Settings.sqf as required.
Q: I have the new ECP compliant USMC units but when I run ECP Dynamic Range with them I see no smoke trail from the Javelin. Why is this?
A: This is a known bug. We are working on it.
Q: If I stand facing a wall really close (like Im almost touching the wall) and throw a grenade at the wall the grenade disappears, but I hear a bang somewhere else and no damage occurs. (new 03/06/05)
A: This is a known bug. We are working on it. However, I don't think many people would encounter this unless they had a death wish.
Q: Why are the hand grenades sometimes attached to the ground, instead of bouncing as usual? (new 03/06/05)
A: The OFP's engine is not well prepared to handle objects according to the physics laws, in what concerns collisions. Thus, you might sometimes get a nice bouncing effect, sometimes not. Very often, the hand grenade model could disappear underground, due to a bug that is still under study and which is thought to be related with configuration classes dependencies. In order to avoid this issue, we found a simple solution: we set the grenade model Surface property to "Above Surface", preventing it from getting buried and granting a ground level explosion.
Q: It has been declared that the new smoke simulation prevents the AI from viewing beyond the smoke. However, after throwing a smoke grenade towards the enemy, it still fires at me. Why? (new 03/06/05)
A: Well, that's, perhaps, the realistic point of the new smoke obstruction simulation. The AI keeps shooting because it still has the reference of the enemy's last position. You might have noticed, sometimes, the target marks moving along the scenery even after the target stopped. This lag effect is similar when you place a new object between you and the enemy, which forces him to shoot randomly against an "invisible" target. So, the AI will shoot against your last position until it looses the reference. Thus, you'd better move from your position if you don't want to get hit.
Q: What is DSAI ? (new 03/06/05)
A: DSAI stands for "Dynamic Speaking AI". AI characters will speak to each other according to their behaviour, the vehicles that they are in, their health, their environment, and their numbers. They will laugh, cough, sneeze, burp, tell jokes, scream commands, call for help etc. They may even strike up a song if their numbers are high enough. As an added feature of DSAI, the AI characters may shuffle around with idle movements (animation's) if they are stationary. DSAI is multiplayer compliant.
Q: Is the player included in DSAI ? (new 03/06/05)
A: No. With the exceptions of screaming "Grenade" and joining in a group's song the player says nothing.
Q: Does everyone hear the same DSAI comments and see the same DSAI animation's in multiplayer? (new 03/06/05)
A: Yes.
Q: Can I choose which sides have DSAI if I don't want all sides to have it activated? (new 03/06/05)
A: Yes
Q: Can I stipulate certain unit types to not activate DSAI? (new 03/06/05)
A: Yes. ECP automatically excludes snipers from using DSAI.
Q: OK, DSAI doesn't work. I placed a unit on the map and stood there looking at him for ages but he didn't say a bloody word to me. What's up with that? (new 03/06/05)
A: You need to give him a buddy to talk to. AI will not talk to the player (as the player doesn't talk back). Simply place one or more units next to him and they will talk to each other. The units do not have to all be in the same group in order for them to chat. One member of group "A" may talk to one member of group "B" or they may chat within each group.
Q: What languages and accents are catered for in DSAI? (new 03/06/05)
A: Currently DSAI v0.1 uses English with American accent for the West and Russian for East and Resistance sides.
Q: Does this mean we will get British, German, Vietcong versions of DSAI? (new 03/06/05)
A: Maybe. We simply don't have the sound library for it at the moment. If you wish to donate sound voice samples please contact the ECP Team and there may be a release of another language.
Q: Why do I need to remove files to set up a dedicated server? (new 03/06/05)
A: You don't, the server will work fine with them. They will however take up some of the server's RAM, making it run somewhat slower. This is why we recommend dedicated servers remove these files.
Q: Can I use ECP 1.085 and connect to a server running ECP 1.071? (new 03/06/05)
A: Yes You can, but high ping and some desync will occur on your end. Also, many effects that are determined remotely on the server will not be seen on your client due to the updated ECP network code. So don't friggin' do it, okay?
Q: When I release AI units from my group during a multiplayer game they don't move to the spot on the map where I clicked. Why? (new 03/06/05)
A: This is a known multiplayer bug, we are working on it . A work around is to tell your AI to move to that spot, then once they are there, release them.
Having trouble getting ECP to work? Have a bug to report? Wanna sign up?
ECP thread at the official forumsECP bug reports at OFPEC
Contact us (recruitment and support)
In this section we'll try to credit everyone who have contributed for the ECP.
Active ECP Team Members:
Acecombat |
- |
Beta-testing |
GD |
- |
Beta-testing |
Homefry |
- |
Public Relations |
Kaliyuga |
- |
Beta-testing |
Komuna |
- |
Architectural optimisation, texture and model artist, graphics design, simulation scripting, configuration changes, third-party scripting/programming |
KTottE |
- |
Beta-testing |
Kurayami |
- |
Advice, configuration tweaking and visual improvement (EECP) |
Macguba |
- |
Beta-testing |
MachoMan |
- |
Webpage management, third-party scripting/programming |
RED | - |
Effects and simulation scripting, beta-testing |
Shadow |
- |
Beta-testing, advice |
Tim Pink | - |
Music composition & production |
void_false |
- |
Russian translation and voice acting |
Zayfod |
- |
Project leadership, sound & multimedia production, code optimisation, effects and simulations scripting, dialog design, voice acting, graphics design, configuration changes |
Retired/Idle ECP Team Members:
bn880 |
- |
Effects scripting, quality control(retired) |
DeadMeat |
- |
Modelling (retired) |
General Barron |
- |
Simulation scripting (idle) |
Gummi |
- |
Camera scripting (retired) |
Hunter |
- |
Animations (retired) |
Igor Drukov |
- |
Dialogs, particle systems and effects scripting (idle) |
O'Neil |
- |
Camera scripting (retired) |
PitViper |
- |
DR, config decryption (retired) |
snYpir |
- |
Former project leadership, project concept, general scripting, etc. (retired) |
Stalker |
- |
Effects scripting (retired) |
TJ | - |
Effects scripting, configuration changes (retired) |
Toadlife |
- |
HALO, former ECP mirror (retired) |
Vickingo |
- |
VikPack (retired) |
Additional Thanks To:
OFPEC and all its great staff, for being our beloved host
Noon416, Sui, HuBBa, for their support and ECP ftp maintenance
BAS, especially TJ, for their contribution and support
Colonel Klink, for his ASL models and support
FDF, especially Kegetys, for their code
Goldmember, from
GMR mod explosions, for his contribution
Vektorboson, for his code
ORCS, for their code
Shadow, for all his support
Insane, for all his support and Beta testing
Prime, for his constant support and dedicated server/zscti/mfcti Beta testing
snYpir, for starting the ECP (the Mother of all Mods) in the first place
The OFP community, for your patience, enthusiasm, and inspiration
The Beta-testers
TZW, especially NedFox
Bohemia Interactive Studio and Codemasters, for making Operation Flashpoint - the best game ever made
We would like to thank all the authors of the scripts we used in this pack!
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