GRAA 3.0 OPTIONS DESCRIPTION : ------------------------------------------ ENABLE_RADIO_VOICES Allow the user to enable/disable the radio voice. When radio voices are disabled, OFP continue to display them, but the really good side is that the AI does not wait until the slooooow speaker finish his voice acting to really do something, noticable immediately in tank battles, and town combat as a squad leader ordering AI around is enojoyable. ENABLE_FDF_RECOIL Allow the user to switch between the BIS recoil system, and the new one introduced by the FDF mod, the AI is influenced by this exactly like the player. ENABLE_WAVERING Allow the user to play with the extremely stable weapons from BIS system, or with more weapon "wavering" simulating it is not that easy to aim and shoot, the effect is done on the AI too. the wavering is not high enough to make the game harder for the player, but it is enjoyable as you are really happy when you score a very long distance shot now. ENABLE_VEH_REFL Allow the user to have light from the sun be applied on vehicles, or use the default BIS setting that does not apply it. ENABLE_WEA_REFL Similar to the previous options, in the difference it is for applying light of the sun on the weapon, or not like with the default BIS setting. ENABLE_BIS_FACES Llauma head need different texture format, so far all the faces that were done for the Llauma heads were using a strong influence from Ghost Recon or Wolfenstein textures, recently Hyakushiki came with all the BIS faces converted to use the format necessary for Llauma's head model. This option allow the user to switch between the GR/Wolf inspired face textures or the BIS converted to Llauma's head face textures. ENABLE_FREEAIM Allow the user to use the "free aim" zone that is in the default OFP, or block his gun like most of the FPS available, not the game can play differently like this but i may be crazy but it seems there is a performance improvement when fixing the aim zone and using ironsight in some enviroment. ENABLE_LARGE_FORM BIS formation space between soldiers was rather small, as it was possible to kill nearly a whole squad with a grenade. Enabling the large formation use the double of space between soldiers to prevent this mass killing problem. Another good side effect is that it doubles the battle front, making actually you think with great pleasure that the AI is flanking you. ENABLE_AIAWARE BIS default AI you know it can't see anything beyond a certain distance, play the mission Ambush and once you are in the small hill you can see easily the AI but the AI can't see you a all. Or you can crawl at 30m from an AI without it being able to see you in open space. With that option enabled , the AI is now capable to see (and hear) you from longer distances, nearly the same as the distance a player can see an AI. ENABLE_HYK_ACU Allow the user to switch between Hyakushiki ACU soldiers and Hyakushiki Woodland BDU for the west side, for every soldiers of it. ENABLE_HYK_OPFOR Allow the user to switch between Hyakushiki OPFOR soldiers and RHS GRU for the east side, for every soldiers of it. ENABLE_SANCNVG Allow the user to switch between the BIS nvg system and my improved NVG textures , my NVG texture can support DXDLL nvg system from what i was told. ENABLE_SANC_LEAN Allow the user to lean and roll when pressing the turbo/sprint key, SHIFT i think, and the direction left or right, or remove the lean ability to go back at BIS default. ENABLE_SANC_CROUCH Allow the user to crouch walk in every direction, or go back at BIS default that make the player standing up. The AI can use this by themselves. ENABLE_BURNING_VEH Allow the user to have all the destroyed vehicles in the game to burn with fire and long smoke, fire does not hurt if near of it as the AI is unable to deal with that. ENABLE_HD_BATTLE Give JAM-like HD dispersion to every weapon of the game, making firefight longer and affect the AI accordingly. Good thing i give every soldiers 2 more magazines already . ENABLE_DELAY_AISMOKE Allow the user to play with BIS smoke grenade that does not do anything to the AI and the "impact" grenade, or use smoke that are actually blocking the AI view and grenade that explode after a small delay instead of impact. ENABLE_DESTR_VEH Allow the user to play with BIS "melting" destroyed vehicle, or remove the "melting" effect to have them just be darker when destroyed, it is recommended to activate the burning option in that case. ENABLE_SANC_RUNAT Allow the player to actually run and walk while having the AT weapon on shoulder, or go back to BIS setting of just walking (and then getting killed if your AT fail as you are too slow while walking to run for cover) ENABLE_LARGE_FOV Allow a larger field of view instead of the default BIS one. It allows you to see more on the side, just a matter of preference. ENABLE_SANC_CRRUN Allow the player to run while being in crouch position, use this to move fast to a position while keeping a low profile. The AI can use that by themselves, or go back to BIS default that force you to stand up. ENABLE_SANC_STANLYAT Allow the player, when having the AT weapon on shoulder to go prone or to stand up with the AT weapon (and fire from there) when presing the turbo/sprint key (SHIFT i think by default) + your "moving backward" key , or just pressing your "moving backward" key. ENABLE_SANC_ALTSTAN Allow the user to use either the new animation replacement pack that comes with the GRAA modpack (or any Anim.pbo he may use instead) , or to use animations that comes from one of my NG serie of anims as they are very different visually. Just a matter of preferences ENABLE_SANC_NORG Allow the user to move in every direction , jogging with the weapon pointing down, or with the possibility to "run and gun" (very inaccurately though), just a matter of preference. ENABLE_SANC_PAT Allow the user to either play with the old BIS "weapon on back" stances, or with that stance replaced by the popular "patrol" one. Just a matter of preference again. ENABLE_MAP_WEPSND allow the user to switch between the Marine Assault Pack sounds for the weapon (and hits, fly, impact sound) and the BIS weapon sound (or any replacement Sounds.pbo you may want to use). ENABLE_SANC_CRPUT allow the user to be able to put down / take any object/weapon from the crouch position without having to get up first like in the default OFP , disabling this get back to the default OFP behaviour (when crouch and want to put/take object , your soldier stand up first) ENABLE_3RDPALT allow the user to have the 3rd person view (external view) to be closer to the player model, or to use the BIS default if prefered, it is just a matter of preference. ENABLE_SANC_CRGREN allow the user to launch grenades from the crouch stance without having to stand up first, or to be forced to stand up before launching a grenade like in BIS default gameplay. ENABLE_ SANC_RELAX this option allow the user to go in relax mode , like only the AI could do in default OFP, when pressing BACK key + Sprint Key while standing aiming , crouching aiming and lying aiming. This allow to lower the rifle and offer more field of view while you continue to look at a specific target. Disabling this go back to default BIS behaviour. ENABLE_ALT_RESIS Enabling or disabling this option will change the camo pattern for the resistance model from Williec and Ebud, matter of preferences, one is yougoslavian camo, the other is russian flora (simulating the fact the resistance got their uniforms from what they collected when fighting Guba's forces)