Setup your options ------------------- To change options to adapt the game to your liking, you need to modify the config.cpp of this mod In order to achieve such thing, very simple as you will see , just go to ...\yourOFPinstall\@GRAA\Bin usually it should be somethig like C:\Program Files\Codemasters\Operation Flashpoint\@GRAA\Bin\ And open the file config.cpp that is located there (it is a text file so you can open it with wordpad/notepad) You will see the following 31 options at the beginning : /////////////////////////////////Gameplay Options///////////////////////////// //#define ENABLE_FDF_RECOIL //#define ENABLE_WAVERING //#define ENABLE_FREEAIM //#define ENABLE_HD_BATTLE //#define ENABLE_DELAY_AISMOKE //#define ENABLE_LARGE_FOV #define ENABLE_3RDPALT #define ENABLE_LARGE_FORM #define ENABLE_AIAWARE /////////////////////////////////Animation Options////////////////////////////// #define ENABLE_SANC_LEAN #define ENABLE_SANC_CROUCH #define ENABLE_SANC_RUNAT #define ENABLE_SANC_CRRUN #define ENABLE_SANC_STANLYAT //#define ENABLE_SANC_ALTSTAN #define ENABLE_SANC_NORG #define ENABLE_SANC_PAT #define ENABLE_SANC_CRPUT #define ENABLE_SANC_RELAX #define ENABLE_SANC_CRGREN //////////////////////////////////Visual Options////////////////////////////// #define ENABLE_VEH_REFL #define ENABLE_WEA_REFL #define ENABLE_BIS_FACES #define ENABLE_HYK_ACU #define ENABLE_HYK_OPFOR #define ENABLE_ALT_RESIS #define ENABLE_SANCNVG #define ENABLE_BURNING_VEH //#define ENABLE_DESTR_VEH //////////////////////////////////Sound Options////////////////////////////// //#define ENABLE_RADIO_VOICES #define ENABLE_MAP_WEPSND If there is no // present before a #define blablabla it means the option is enabled If you add // it will disable the option Description ----------- ------------------------------------------------------ GAMEPLAY category------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------ ***FDF recoil option disabled : //#define ENABLE_FDF_RECOIL It gives you the BIS recoil for the weapon you all know and used countless time option enabled : #define ENABLE_FDF_RECOIL It gives you the recoil adapted from the FDF mod values, notice that the AI use the same recoil as you . ---note that the machineguns recoil remains BIS one, as the AI using m60/pk waste too much ammo before hiting something with the FDF recoil values when prone, while for the human it is near to pinpoint accuracy with the FDF values when prone--- ***Hand wavering option disabled : //#define ENABLE_WAVERING It gives you the default OFP wavring, nearly none and a steady aim option enabled : #define ENABLE_WAVERING It gives you increased weapon wavering, but it remains very easy to control. ---note that the AI is using the same wavering values as you--- ***Free aim zone option disabled : //#define ENABLE_FREEAIM This will disable the free aim zone of default OFP option enabled : #define ENABLE_FREEAIM Gives you the default free aim zone from OFP ---while it can sound strange to disable that vanilla OFP setting, ingame it makes aiming with the ironsight a very lot less laggy, just test and see how smooth it feels when using the ironsight key with free aim disabled--- ***HD mags for everyone option disabled : //#define ENABLE_HD_BATTLE default BIS dispersion, weapons are very accurate option enabled : #define ENABLE_HD_BATTLE every rifle and pistol ( NOT sniper rifles) is affected by an increased dispersion similar to JAMHD ones ---For longer firefights , both AI and player are affected, waste lot more ammo, arcadish---- ***AI blocking smoke shell and delayed grenade option disabled : //#define ENABLE_DELAY_AISMOKE default BIS settings , the smoke grenades do not block the AI view and grenades get impact explosion option enabled : #define ENABLE_DELAY_AISMOKE the AI view is blocked by the grenade smoke thanks to the JAM block object and Zayfod script makes sure the grenade explode after a 3/4 seconds delay ---As the script must spawn object to block the AI, it is possible there is a small performance drop on low end system--- ***Field of view option disabled //#define ENABLE_LARGE_FOV normal field of vision, BIS setting option enabled #define ENABLE_LARGE_FOV a bit larger field of vision ---matter of taste but larger field of vision can make a small performance hit as you can then see more objects--- ***3RD person view option disabled //#defineENABLE_ 3RDPAT option enabled #define ENABLE_ 3RDPAT move the 3rd person view a lot closer, a bit to the left and a bit down ---just a matter of taste, but the new 3rd person view does not allow you anymore to cheat/see over walls--- ***Formation range choice option disabled : //#define ENABLE_LARGE_FORM Default OFP setting, 5 meters between each units of a formation option enabled : #define ENABLE_LARGE_FORM The space between each units of a formation is now 10 meters, can change a lot of things in missions ---good setting to enable as it allows battle frontlines to be larger , allowing more flanking--- ***AI awareness option disabled : //#define ENABLE_AIAWARE default OFP setting , use this if you think the AI is too good for you #define ENABLE_AIAWARE Ears and sight enhanced for the AI, changing a lot of the gameplay, the new settings remains reasonnable so the AI can see and engage you from the same conditions as you can as a player. ---note that if you found the OFP vanilla AI settings too hard before, i recommend to disable this--- ------------------------------------------------------ ANIMATION category------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------ ***Leaning option disabled : //#define ENABLE_SANC_LEAN Default BIS setting, you can't lean and roll option enabled : #define ENABLE_SANC_LEAN Allow you to lean and roll when using the turbo + left or right keys in the 3 stances ---note that the AI is unable to use lean and roll and so it gives the player really an unfair advantage in missions vs AI--- ***Tactical crouch move option disabled : //#define ENABLE_SANC_CROUCH Default BIS setting , you can't crouch move in any direction, it use the stand running or stand walking animation instead option enabled : #define ENABLE_SANC_CROUCH You can move in all direction while you are in crouch position using new animations for them ---note that the AI is capable of using this--- ***AT new moves option disabled //#define ENABLE_SANC_RUNAT default BIS setting, when you have the AT on shoulder, you can only walk slowly option enabled #define ENABLE_SANC_RUNAT not only you can walk slowly, but by using the sprint key you can run with the AT on shoulder ---the AI is capable of running forward with the AT on shoulder--- ***Tactical running move option disabled //#define ENABLE_SANC_CRRUN default BIS setting, it will use the usual jogging/run standing animation option enabled #define ENABLE_SANC_CRRUN this allow you to run while being on crouch stance to move quickly while offering a low profile ---it does not go as fast as a standing sprint, but it can make you tired--- ***New AT stances option disabled //#define ENABLE_SANC_STANLYAT default BIS setting, you can use the AT launcher only from the default crouch stance option enabled #define ENABLE_SANC_STANLYAT allow you to use the AT from standing, crouching and lying down, by using the BACK key or BACK+SPRINT key while having the AT on shoulder ---you can't walk backward with the AT on shoulder anymore, but you can walk backward in diagonal--- ***Alternative basic stance animations option disabled //#define ENABLE_SANC_ALTSTAN this way you use the specific GRAA modpack 3 animations from its Anim.pbo #define ENABLE_SANC_ALTSTAN allow you to use animations coming from my DMA NG Final animation pack instead of the ones from the GRAA 3 specific Anim.pbo ---matter of preference, but notice that lots of animation interpolate smoothly only with the GRAA 3 Anim.pbo--- ***Run and Gun or not option disabled //#define ENABLE_SANC_NORG this allow you to run (joggin) in every direction while being able to shoot option enabled #define ENABLE_SANC_NORG this allow you to play with weapon pointing down while running (jogging) in every direction ---matter of preference, but without run and gun you or the AI will not be able to launch grenade while running--- ***Safe stance option disabled //#define ENABLE_SANC_PAT this allow you to put the rifle on your back option disabled #define ENABLE_SANC_PAT instead of putting the rifle on your back, you will have a "patrol" stance ---matter of preference again, but with patrol stance you and the AI will be quicker to go in combat mode--- ***Put down object while crouching option disabled //#define ENABLE_SANC_CRPUT BIS default : when you are in crouch position, you automatically stand up when take/drop objects option enabled #define ENABLE_SANC_CRPUT With this you can take/drop object from crouch stance without having to stand up --- without being forced to stand up you can have a better cover---- ***Lower your rifle option disabled //#define ENABLE_SANC_RELAX BIS default, when aiming to lower your rifle you must look down option enabled # define ENABLE_SANC_RELAX By pressing the BACK+SPRINT keys you can lower your rifle without lowering your point of view ---give you a better view without the gun on your right or prevent to shoot blue on blue--- ***Put down object while crouching option disabled //#define ENABLE_SANC_CRGREN BIS default : when you are in crouch position, you automatically stand up when launching a grenade option enabled #define ENABLE_SANC_CRGREN With this you can launch a grenade from crouch stance without having to stand up --- without being forced to stand up you can have a better cover---- ------------------------------------------------------ VISUAL category----------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------ ***Vehicle reflection option disabled : //#define ENABLE_VEH_REFL No reflection on 99% of the vehicles, that is default OFP setting. option enabled : #define ENABLE_VEH_REFL It gives every OFP BIS vehicles some reflections from the sun ---this can have a performance impact--- ***Weapon reflection option disabled : //#define ENABLE_WEA_REFL No reflection on 99% of the weapons, that is default OFP setting. option enabled : #define ENABLE_WEA_REFL It gives every weapons from this mod a reflection from the light according to sun position --this can have a small performance impact-- ***Face set option disabled : //#define ENABLE_BIS_FACES For the llauma head of every unit of the mod , every face textures is using a facetex2 texture. option enabled : #define ENABLE_BIS_FACES For the llauma head of every unit of the mod , every face textures is using a BIS face texture converted to Llauma mapping ---that is just a matter of taste , experiment to see what set of faces you prefer--- ***West units set option disabled : //#define ENABLE_HYK_ACU Change all the west units to use the woodland BDU units with model and textures from Hyakushiki option enabled : #define ENABLE_HYK_ACU Change all the west units to use the ACU camo , model and textures from Hyakushiki ---matter of taste again, they all look great and have been both tweaked to get good performance in framerate--- ***East units set option disabled : //#define ENABLE_HYK_OPFOR Change all the east units to use the RHS modern GRU models and textures option enabled : #define ENABLE_HYK_OPFOR Change all the east units to use the Hyakushiki woodland OPFOR models and textures ---matter of taste again, they all look great and have been both tweaked to get good performance in framerate--- ***Resistance units set option disabled : //#define ENABLE_ALT_RESIS Change all the resistance units to use the Williec and Ebud resistance model and yugoslavian camo option enabled : #define ENABLE_ALT_RESIS Change all the resistance units to use the Williec and Ebud resistance model and flora russian camo ---matter of taste again, they all look great and have been both tweaked to get good performance in framerate--- ***Nvg choice option disabled : //#define ENABLE_SANCNVG use default BIS nvg statics and texture option enabled : #define ENABLE_SANCNVG use another NVG statics and textures ---mine is less obscuring than BIS one if you play without DXDLL, but i was told that both are compatible with the NVG DXDLL effect, as i don't have a DXDLL compatible card i can't check--- ***Burning destroyed vehicles option disabled : //#define ENABLE_BURNING_VEH default BIS setting, no burning vehicle option enabled : #define ENABLE_BURNING_VEH a simple explosion, burning and smoke script will be launched for each destroyed vehicle, during +/- 30 seconds ---this could have a very small impact on performance on lower end system but really small--- ***model destruction option disabled //#define ENABLE_DESTR_VEH destroyed vehicles are not the soup of messed up vertexes it is in vanilla OFP option enabled : #define ENABLE_DESTR_VEH destroyed vehicles are using the soup of messed up vertexes you all know ---Just a matter of taste--- ------------------------------------------------------ SOUND category------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------ ***Radio voices option disabled : //#define ENABLE_RADIO_VOICES It will remove the radio communication vocal files, this way the AI will act immediately to any of your orders and will no wait until the vocal file is totally played to do something else, geting you stupidly killed countless of time in tank battles in default OFP. option enabled #define ENABLE_RADIO_VOICES It gives you back the radio voices files for communications, getting your AI as slow to act as it was in vanilla OFP ---it is not possible due to how OFP is coded to have both radio voices and immediately responsive AI, too bad--- ***Weapon sounds option disabled //#define ENABLE_MAP_WEPSND This will use BIS Sound.pbo (or any replacement Sound.pbo you want to use) weapons sounds #define ENABLE_MAP_WEPSND This will use the Marine Assault Pack weapons sounds. ---just a matter of preferences, if you don't use a custom Sound.pbo, it is recommended to enable this---