Other features

There are tons of changes in this mod, i will keep updating this list based on questions!

Npcs now pay a lot more for items sold

- Characters start with cube

- Max Character level is 205

- Realm only runewords are enabled. 

- You earn 10 stat points per level

- Stamina drain is greatly reduced, meaning you can keep running around until you are sick of it!

- Mana recovery is 5 times faster than normal

- belt, gloves, charms, amulets, rings, bolts and arrows can have sockets

- Throwing potions stack up to 500

- Item compressor -  pack any item in to 1x1 size container.

- Gem bag -  A gembag has been added - sold by Akara

- Letter bag - A bag to store letters in - sold by Akara

- Rune bag - A bag to store runes in - sold by Akara

Also read the dev topic for additional info

Rest of the info can be found under pages:

D2 Scabble Mod

Scrabble recipes Note that original d2 cube recipes still exist

Item Storage For more nformation about the compressors and storage bags

Hirelings All you need to know about hirelings

Characters and Skills Basic characters and skill information

d2 scrabble Items Lists of all items

d2 scrabble forum For any questions you might have

d2 scrabble character guides Player submitted guides