Sub quests

There are several sub quests in d2 scrabble mod: This page contains some basic information about most of them and is meant to be to aid you in your once you stumbled upon a sub quest!

Monster spirit Sub quests

Monster spirit - throw to unleash
Buffed up Smithy
Required Level: 127
There are several of these monster spirits. Once you found one equip it as a weapon and throw it! The bottle will break and the monster will be unleashed, should you be successful in defeating the monster it will forever be enslaved to your will in form of a small charm! Random unique bosses have been known to carry monster spirits!

A list of the potions can be found here and a list of rewards here

Monster charm
Required Level: 100
2% Reanimate as: Smithy

Westmarch quest

Westmarch quest consists of 5 scrolls, for those who are not familiar with d2 geography Westmarch are the grass plain parts (aka act1). Those who manage to find all pieces can cube them and gain the book of Westmarch

Philos quest

Philos quest is about finding 7 book pages in order to gain book of philos. 6 Of the pages have been last seen in Philos, according to rumors the 7th was stolen by a creature resembling Duriel

Philos is an island in act2

Kurast quest

By now you se the pattern of the act quests. To do kurast quest head on over to act3 until you found 5 kurast quest items - cube them to get the book of Kurast

Hell quest

Hell (aka act4) is about collecting 5 hell quest parts in order to gain the Book Of Hell

Mt Arreat quest

Collect 5 Mt Arreat quest parts in act 5 to gain the book of Book Of Mt Arreat

Bonus quest

Complete all act quests and cube the 5 books and you will get one chance to battle the god of fire! 

Those few who are powerful enough to defeat the god of fire will gain the book of the fire god! It has been said the barer of the book will inherit some of the fire gods power!


Book Of the fire god

Stats unknown

Letter reroll quest

Somewhere in the philos region there is a totem, standing within this totems aura will allow you to reroll any letter an infinite number of times. So don't throw away any letters instead quest for the totem and reroll the ones you do not have use for!

This quest must be done in hell difficulty!


Underground castle

Somewhere in the underground castle there is yet another totem, this totem is heavily guarded due to its powers! The powers of the totem are unknown but once you find it you should be able to figure it out!

Hedge maze quest version 5c

This quest requires a whole lot of patience and steel nerves (if you lack one of the 2 just skip it and save yourself a headache)!

The hedge maze is located in the cave in cold plains! The maze has 5 Super Unique bosses, Alastor, Baphomet, Lempo, Moloch and Barbas! The bosses have a chance of dropping parts of a 2 part set called the dead mans set! They can drop the set pieces in all difficulties but the chance improves in higher difficulties!

Once you have the dead mans soul and body equipped you will become truly weak! Now while wearing the set  you have to kill 100000 monsters or more without using spells, meaning the kill has to be made using your weapon! The set counts your valid non spell kills so you don't need to keep track yourself! It also tracks your deaths but this is just for fun + if you somehow manage to complete the quest without dying you can prove it by posting a screenie and the bragging rights are yours!
Once you have your 100k kills proceed by cubing the set! You will be rewarded with a charm!

With the charm in your inventory you will be complete Hedge maze quest recipes, check them at the Scrabble recipes page. In addition you will get a teleport skill that enables you to teleport in areas where teleporting is normally restricted (such as quest levels and tows)


Hedge maze quest done
Small charm

Keep in inventory to gain bonus
Required level 100
Hedge maze quest completed!
Clue: Hedge maze recipes are unlocked!
0- infinite Times been killed
100000 - infinite monsters you killed

1 to teleport beyond