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Latest DK2 Update Patch:  1.70
Multiplayer Demo is Out.

The Reaper is back, and he's got a few choice words to say
about how you ran things the last time....

Recent News:
Other news and updates

  • 05-May-01 - Just removed the Darksword Webring stuff, since it's dead now.  Fun while it lasted....
  • 03-Aug-00  - Development on DK3 Halted.  The Official Dungeon Keeper Site reports the following bad news:
    Development On Dungeon Keeper 3 Has Ceased

    A third episode of the Dungeon Keeper saga was underway, but opportunities to develop new intellectual properties on new platforms such as PlayStation 2 have meant that DK3 has been put on hold.

    There are currently no plans for another Dungeon Keeper game, however it remains an important franchise and there may be opportunities for us to pursue that direction in the future.

You won't find a lot of new information here yet .   This will all change as I get more experience with the game.  Then,  this site will slowly change into something like my Original Dungeon Keeper site.

Thank you for your patience, and enjoy the site.

I'm always on the  lookout for good sites to include in my link list.  If you want your site included, please e-mail me.

Click below to find out more:

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Site design copyright (c) 1999 by Phil Estelle
Dungeon Keeper, Dungeon Keeper 2, and it's concepts are copyright (c) 1997-1999 by Electronic Arts and Bullfrog Productions.

I accept no responsibility for wrong or misleading factual information or for the opinions and views expressed
This site and it's author are in no way part of nor associated with Bullfrog Productions Ltd.
Do not use any original material from this site without express written permission.