The two basic steps required to upgrade your FSX panel are: DELETE THE OLD AIRCRAFT in your Airplanes subdirectory. INSTALL THE NEW AIRCRAFT using the link in the next line. Download the new aircraft file here. (Get this file from the webpage with the upgrade instructions.) Do nothing with that file until after you have deleted the old FSX aircraft folder from your computer! Note: If you already know how to delete an aircraft folder, you should delete either the "Learner" or Nav-Trainer" aircraft folder in the "Airplanes" subdirectory then unzip the "" file that you just downloaded and proceed from there. Here's how to locate and delete your old FSX aircraft on your computer if you don't otherwise know. (If you're not comfortable inside your computer, I advise printing these instructions to follow the steps more easily.) You will use Windows Explorer to locate the aircraft folder that you must delete. With Flight simulator Closed and using Windows Explorer, --- Scroll to and click on Drive "C" --- Then scroll to and click on "Program Files" --- Then scroll to and click on "Microsoft Games" --- Then scroll to and click on "Flight Simulator X" --- Then scroll to and click on "SimObjects" --- Then scroll to and click on "Airplanes" --- Then scroll to and click on "Learner" or "Nav_Trainer" (Whichever of those aircraft is on your airplane list.) --- Then right-click that folder and select delete. --- It is not necessary to delete the gauges. Now you can go to the file that you just downloaded, its name is if you have forgotten, and unzip it. Read the readme file for the last few instructions instructions. Thanks, Gérard Trocmé and to all who have enjoyed the navigation tutorial.