//================================= // ForceMod II - Cvar list //================================= Notes: - All ForceMod cvars start with f_ so you can do cvarlist f_ to see them all. - All Original JediMod cvars start with mod_ so you can do cvarlist mod_ to see them all. - The list is presented alphabetically, clientside first and then server cvars - Emote commands listed at the bottom, and thru menu by using "\minfo" //---------- CLIENTSIDE Cvars (Adjusted through menus) --------------- cf_blade -"0" Default ForceMod blade style -"1-6" Episode # blade style -"7" Ancient blade style cf_forcebladetype -"0" Everyone can have unique saber blades -"1" Everyone's saber blades will match your own cf_hidegriphand -"0" Default -"1" Red Hand extension not displayed while gripping cf_hideshield -"0" Default -"1" Shield is not shown when enemy is hit cf_hidespawnsphere -"0" Default -"1" White sphere not shown around spawning/invulnerable players cf_hideteamicon -"0" Default -"1" Icon is not displayed over heads of team members cf_jet -"0" No Jetpack -"1" Single Thrust Jetpack -"2" Dual Thrust Jetpack -"3" Tri-Thrust Jetpack cf_jetpacksound -"0" No jetpack sounds -"1" Default: all jetpacks sounds -"2" Only personal jetpack sounds -"3" Only other jetpack sounds cf_noteamskins -"0" No changes -"1" Default skins will be used during team games - cf_roll - Determines roll type -"0" Dive Roll (Default) -"1" Butterfly -"2" Cartwheel -"3" Arial Flips cf_saber -"0" Lightsaber & Guns -"1" Pure Single-Bladed Saber User -"2" Pure Dual-Bladed Saber User -"3" Pure Twin Lightsaber User cf_single -"0" Single blade users have 5 stances -"1" Single blade users have 3 stances cf_spec -"0" Normal -"1" Crouching while attacking performs back-attack cmod_multipletaunts (not in menus) -"1" You will hear multiple taunt sounds -"0" Disable cmod_teamrgb (not in menus) -"0" Disabled -"1" You will see rgb colored sabers in team games //---------- SERVERSIDE Cvars ---------------------------------------- bot_honorableduelacceptance -"1" Cheat protection have been removed. if you have you saber off and challenge a bot in a saber duel he will accept. -"0" Disable f_absorbmod -"0" No changes -"1" Absorbs costs double normal force amount f_ammoregen -"0" Merc Ammo regen disabled -"1" Merc Ammo regen enabled f_botpack - restricts which bots can use jetpack -"0" Not available -"1" Mandalorians (Mercs) -"2" Mandalorians (Model) -"3" Equipped Mercs Only -"4" All Mercs -"5" Only Bots with "jetpack #" in their script file -"6" All bots have jetpack f_botpackcarryflag -"0" Bots cannot use the jetpack while carrying a flag -"1" Bots can use jetpack while carrying flag f_botpackfuel -"0" Bots can fly for free -"1" Bot jetpacks use fuel in flight f_botthrow -"0" Bot saberthrow disabled -"1" No changes f_changespeed - "#" multiplied by speed: changed for all players on server. f_cloakmerc -"0" Cloaking disabled -"1" Cloaking enabled f_defaultclass -"05-020" Default class attributes for a model not contained in 'fm_classes.cfg' f_drainmod -"0" No changes -"1" ForceDrain attackers take damage if they miss f_dualguns -"0" No changes -"1" Only Bounty Hunters and Soldiers can wield dual firearms -"2" Only Mercs can wield dual firearms -"3" Everyone can wield dual firearms f_dualgunshow -"0" Only Dual pistols are available -"1" Dual pistols and blasters available (for appropriate classes) f_flamemerc -"0" Flamethrower disabled -"1" Flamethrower enabled f_forcemod -"0" No changes -"1" Level 4 Force powers enabled f_forcerank -"0" No changes -"1" Four new force ranks available f_forceregenerate -"1" Value at which force pool regenerates (default is 1) f_forcesabertype -"0" No changes -"1" Jedi can only change lightsaber types on respawn -"2" Jedi must use lightsabers -"3" Jedi must use lightsabers and can only change lightsaber types on respawn f_gunbreak -"0" No changes -"1" Guns are breakable by lightsabers f_healmod -"0" No changes -"1" Heals increased amounts -"2" ForceHeal now heals over time f_jdash -"0" No changes -"1" Pure Saber users run 10% faster if sabers are holstered f_jetcarryflag -"0" Flag carrier's jetpack is disabled (human players only) -"1" Flag carrier can use jetpack (human players only) f_jetpackbreak -"0" No changes -"1" Jetpacks are breakable f_jetpackflighttime -"#" Amount of time (in milliseconds) between jetpack fuel checks f_jetpackfuel -"0" Jetpack flys for free (No fuel usage) -"1" Jetpack burns fuel while airborne -"2" Jetpack burns fuel while airborne, double while moving f_jetpackmod - restricts who can use the jetpack -"0" Not available -"1" Mandalorians (Mercs) -"2" Mandalorians (Model) -"3" Bounty Hunter and Soldier Mercs Only -"4" All Mercs -"5" Everybody f_jmodel (Unused) -"0" Default (DO NOT CHANGE) f_jumpmod -"0" No changes -"1" Level 3 & 4 Jumps falling damage reduced -"2" Reduced Force cost only -"3" Reduced falling damage and Force cost f_kickDmg -"0" No kick damage -"1" Default -"#.#" Multiplied by kick damage received. f_kicklevel -"2" Minimum forceJump level that kicks can be used on. (Level 2 is default) f_lightdarkmod -"0" No changes -"1" Both Light and Dark Side force powers are available -"2" New Jedi/Sith Class System f_lightningmod -"0" No changes -"1" Lightning range increased 10%, Force cost increased f_mercdismember -"0" No changes -"1" Disruptor fire has a chance to dismember targets f_mercfalldamage -"#" Multiplied by fall damage Mercs take f_mercjump -"1-4" ForceJump level for all Mercs f_mindtrickmod -"0" No changes -"1" ForceSeeing only reveals Jedi of equal or lesser rank f_mortalwounds -"0" No changes -"1-100" % chance that an attack to the legs will cause a character to fall down f_multisentry -"0" No changes -"#" Heavy Soldier can place up to this # of sentries simultaneously f_nerfbackblock -"0" No changes -"1" Prevent lightsaber from blocking rear attacks f_nerfdg -"0" No changes -"1" Dual pistol/blaster users speed slowed by %20 f_nerfgrip4 -"0" Level 4 forceGrip can only be broken by level 4 push/pull -"1" Level 4 forceGrip can be broken by level 3 push/pull f_nerflevel4saber -"0" No changes -"1" Level 4 SaberAttack no longer has damage boost f_nofalldamage -"0" No changes -"1" No fall damage. f_powerbots -"0" No changes -"1" Bots will be allowed to have any force powers on any force rank -"2" Bots will be given max level on any forcepowers they know -"3" Bots will be given all powers on their forceside (light or dark) at max level -"4" Bots will be given all forcepowers on highest level f_protectmod -"0" No changes -"1" Only drains force when hit f_pushmod -"0" No changes -"1" True Jedi can block push/pull attacks if ducking -"2" Mercs can block push/pull attacks if ducking -"3" Anyone can block push/pull attacks if ducking f_radarmerc -"0" Optic Radar disabled -"1" Optic Radar enabled f_ragemod -"0" No changes -"1" Speed and damage adjusted as outlined above f_reducefalldamage -"0.0" % by which fall damage reduced/increased universally. f_rocketjumps -"0" Explosion splash damage is the same for both attacker and defender -"1" Explosion splash damage is reduced %50 for attacker (Standard in game) -"2" Explosion splash damage is reduced %75 for attacker -"3" No Explosion splash damage for attacker f_rocketjumpvalue -"#.#" Value is multiplied to knockback if f_rocketjumps is on f_rocketmod -"0" No changes -"1" Rockets won't lose lock when pushed f_rollmod -"0" No changes -"1" Jedi can roll with guns -"2" Jedi & Mercs can roll with guns f_saberblockall -"0" No changes -"X" Pure lightsaber users at this level of SaberDefense can block all incoming projectiles if attacker is in crosshair Also, determines level of saber defense needed for blocking lightning/drain f_saberblocklit -"0" No changes -"1" Pure lightsaber users can block Lightning if enemy in sights -"2" Pure lightsaber users can block Drain attacks if enemy in sights -"3" Pure lightsaber users can block both Drain & Lightning attacks f_saberbreak -"0" Lightsabers unbreakable -"1" Can break 2nd saber or dualblade by hitting saber hand -"2" Can break 2nd saber or split dualblade (1 in 3 chance) by hitting saber hand -"3-100" % Chance of breaking special saber with ANY saber hit f_sabercyclequeue -"0" No changes -"1" Allows saberist to cycle thru different stances mid-move f_saberdroptime -"X" Maximum amount of time in seconds a blocked saber can remain on the ground f_saberidledamage -"0" No changes -"5" Value of saber idle damage (5 is default) f_scaleDamage -"0" No changes -"1" Longer sabers do more damage -"2" Shorter sabers do more damage f_scaleDamagevalue -"#.#" Float value which determines the degree of damage scaling f_scaleDefense -"0" No changes -"1" Bigger characters take proportionally less damage, smaller get hurt more -"2" Smaller characters take proportionally less damage, smaller get hurt more f_scaleDefensevalue -"#.#" Float value which determines the degree of damage reduction based on size f_scaleFirearmDamage -"0" No changes -"#.#" Float value multiplied by all non-saber and non-falling damage f_scaleKnockback -"0" No changes -"1" Knockback is proportional to model size f_scalespeed -"0" No changes -"1" Scale speed of models based on size (bigger == faster) Note - Making this number smaller will increase the ratio of speed to size, making it bigger will lessen the ratio f_scalespeedvalue -"#.#" Float value which determines the degree of speed scaling f_shieldregen -"0" Merc Shield regen disabled -"1" Merc Shield regen enabled f_skillStances -"0" No changes -"1" Level 1 SaberAttack allows: Single Blade - Light Style Double & Dual Blades - Tavion One-Handed Style Level 2 SaberAttack adds: Single Blade - Medium and Light Styles Level 3 SaberAttack adds: Single Blade - Medium, Light, and Strong Style Double & Dual Blades - Desann One-Handed Style Level 4 SaberAttack allows: All stances with Single-bladed lightsaber Double & Dual Blades - Styles Green and Purple -"2" Level 1 SaberAttack allows: Single Blade - Medium Style Level 2 SaberAttack adds: Single Blade - Medium and Light Styles Level 3 SaberAttack allows: Single Blade - Medium, Light, and Strong Style Double & Dual Blades - Styles Green and Purple Level 4 SaberAttack allows: All stances with Single-bladed lightsaber Double & Dual Blades - Styles Green and Purple f_snipemove -"0" No changes -"1" Scout can move with sniper scope zoomed f_speedbackwards -"0.65" Value for % of normal running speed of players running in reverse f_speedmod -"0" No changes -"1" Short, powerful burst of speed instead of extended jogging f_sthrowdmg -"0" No changes -"1" SaberThrow damage reduced by half in Jedi vs Merc mode -"2" SaberThrow damage reduced by half f_stunforcetazer -"0" No changes -"1" Deactivates all forcepowers in use -"2" Deactivates all forcepowers in use, Reduces shields by 50% -"3" Deactivates all forcepowers in use, Reduces shields by 50%, Drains Merc battery -"4" Deactivates all forcepowers in use, Reduces shields by 50%, Drains Merc battery, Knocks opponent down f_supermerc (cheat) -"0" No changes -"1" Mercs have all powers in one single class f_underwatermod -"0" No changes -"1" No damage taken from staying underwater f_unspambots -"0" No changes -"#" The higher the #, the less often bots will spam forcepowers f_wallflipmod -"0" No changes -"1" Jedi can flip off walls with guns -"2" Jedi & Mercs can flip off walls with guns f_weaponpickup -"0" No changes -"1" Spawned weapons may be picked up as ammo g_enableextended -"0" Disable -"1" Clients will be able to have an extended saber. (you can bind your key to tck_dualphase or goto the controls setup screen) mod_allStances -"0" Disable -"1" All stances can be used with dual sabers and the dual bladed saber mod_blockScale -"1.0" The amount of blocking is scaled by this factor. -Higher numbers mean less blocking. 0 means no auto blocking mod_blockThrow -"1" Saber throws can be blocked like in single player -"0" Disable mod_boxing -"0" Disable -"1" You can use the /punch emote and punch people mod_cangod -"1" Players are allowed to use god mode when cheats are enabled -"0" Players can't use god mode when cheats are enabled mod_cheatprotection -"50" You can not change models if you are this close to another person. 50 is about 4 feet in the game. -Increase to expand the no model change radius. Decrease to allow players to change models when they are close mod_clientscale -"0" Disable -"1" Clients can type /size somenumber to change their size. ex. /size 0.5 makes you the size 0.5 mod_debugcheats -"1" Can use cheats like /g2animent to spawn stormtroopers. First you must use the cheataccess command with your client number to give yourself access to these cheats. So if you were the server in non dedicated mode you would do /cheatacces 0 in console to give client 0 (you) access to the cheats. You could then do /g2animent to spawn a stormtrooper There is also /g2platoon to spawn a group of stormtroopers -"0" Disable (no real reason to have it disabled since you need cheataccess to do anything with it mod_dualblade -"1" Allow players to use the "thedestroyer" cheat without cheats on -"2" Players can have two dualbladed sabers at once (providing dualsaber is on) -"0" No dual bladed sabers. mod_dualbsScale -"1.0" Scales dualsaber style's backstab damage by this factor. -Any other number changes the scale factor. mod_dualsaber -"1" Allows players to use two sabers at once. Dualsabers are activated using the command /twosaber -"0" Disable mod_duelshields -"0" Get 0 shields after a duel -Any other number, Get that much shields after a duel (I like 25 since thats what players start with) mod_emotes -"1" Emotes may be used -"2" The sleep emote may also be used (makes you look sortof dead though) -"0" No emotes mod_funKick -if mod_funMode is 1 then this scales the kick dammage and knock back factor 1.0 is normal mod_funMode -"0" Disable -"1" funKick and funSize will now work mod_funSize -if mod_funMode is 1 this sets all players to the same size eg. mod_funSize 0.2 for small models mod_funWallRun -"0" Does even less -"1" Does nothing but you need funMode on to use it mod_gib -"0" Disable -"1" As far as I can tell if this is 1 then people sometimes disintegrate when you kill them mod_grapple -"1" Grappling hook is useable by all players in all game modes. -"2" Grappling hook is useable only by mercs and only in Jedi Vs. Merc mode. -"3" Grappling hook is useable only by Jedi -"0" Grappling hook disabled mod_hbsmax: the maximum dammage that a heavy style backstab does mod_hbsmin: the minimum dammage that a heavy style backstab does mod_hilts -"1" Custom hilts may be used. -"0" Disable mod_infotime -"500" This is a wait period in milliseconds to protect from people changeing models/extended saber/dualsaber rapidly -increase for a longer wait period. Decrease for a shorter waitperiod. If 0 then there is no wait period. mod_lbsmax the maximum dammage mod_lbsmin the minimum dammage that a light style backstab does mod_maxsize -"1.5" Default max size, if a player does /size 2.3 their size will only change to 1.5 because of the maximum -Any other number changes the maximum size a player can become through the /size command mod_mbsmax the maximum dammage mod_mbsmin the minimum dammage that a medium style backstab does mod_minsize -"0.6" Default min size, if a player does /size 0.2 their size will only change to 0.6 because of the minimum -Any other number changes the minimum size a player can become through the /size command mod_multiduels -"1" Multiple duels can happen at once -"0" Disable mod_nerfbs -"2" Backstab damage is like in 1.04 -"1" Backstab damage is mid way between 1.03 and 1.04 -"0" Backstab damage is like in 1.03 -"3" Backstab damage is set to the backstab damage variables (mod_lbsmin etc) mod_nerfDualBlade -"1" Players are slowed down when attacking with the double bladed saber. This is done to make the game more balanced. -"0" Disable mod_nerflunge -"1" Disables lungeing while in the air like in 1.04 -"0" Enables air lunge like in 1.04 mod_nerfspin -"1" Disables spinning during backstabs -"0" Enables spinning mod_pushall -"1" Items can be pushed like in single player -"0" Disable mod_scaleDamage -"1" Damage will be scaled based on the attacker's saber size and the defender's model size -"0" Disable mod_scaleKicks -"1" Kick damage and knock back will be scaled based on the attackers model size and the defenders model size. -"0" Disable mod_scaleModels -"1" Models will be scaled by the scale factor set in tckmodel.cfg -"0" Disable mod_scaleSabers -"1" Sabers are scaled in the same way that models are -"0" Sabers are not scaled mod_skillMode -"1" damage will be increased or decreased depending on which region of the body was hit. i.e. a hit to the head does 2x damage while a hit to the legs does 0.9x damage -"0" Disable mod_tag -"1" If someone is kicked then he becomes "it" and he has to tag someone else by kicking them. Set this to 0 and then kick one last person and the game will end and show who was tagged the most and the least mod_tagBacks -"0" You can't tag the person who tagged you -"1" You can tag someone right after they tag you mod_tckcolors -"0" Disabled -"1" Tchouky's rgb saber colors are enabled mod_timescale -"1.0" This isn't really a variable, its actually a command that changes the timescale variable so that you dont have to //============================= // Commands //============================= ban -bans the player with this name clientban -bans the player with this client number. Use "status" to find their client number how to use the /g2animent and /g2platoon commands g2animent takes 7 arguments: type, alignment, weapon, model, sounds, health, and owner number. here is an example that spawns an ent that looks and sounds like a rodian, has 100 health, is friendly, and has a blaster /g2animent 3 2 4 models/players/rodian/model.glm sound/chars/rodian/misc 100 0 type: there are 4 types of animents. 0 spawns a storm trooper, 1 spawns a rodian, 2 spawns a jan, and 3 spawns a custom one. the rest of the arguments only matter if this is 3, otherwise it sets the model and gun and stuff on its own. alignment: 1 = bad 2 = good 8 = creates one that stands still and only attacks bots unless attacked 9 = creates one that attacks everything except its owner (owner set by owner num, the last argument) weapon: 0 = none 1 = stun batton 2 = saber (gives them a saber but they cant use it at all) 3 = bryar pistol ... it keeps going in order 13 is the last one 13 = det pack (they dont know how to use it) model: the path of the player model dont put in a bad model or it gets mad. sounds: path to the sounds for that model health: the health of the animent owner: the owner of the animent. If alignment is 9 then it wont attack its owner. /g2platoon this command is just like /g2animent except it doesn't have a health or owner argument. it spawns a group of ents. //============================= // Emotes //============================= sit, beg, looks, flip, dest, cocky, jedi, way, scratch, dunno, power, barf, throw1, throw2, throw3, adjust, secretissafewithus, stand, taunt, spintaunt, super, thumbsdown, draw, dance1, dance2, nod, shake, kiss, shrug, sleep, bounce, breakdance, kneel, slap, crossarms