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Destroy the truck loaded with munitions before it reaches the compound!
The milk truck  

This scenario requires you to take out a milk truck and the five Clydesdales escorting it. The milk truck leads the pack, so it would seem obvious to take the Clydesdales out one by one from behind. Unfortunately, that's not going to work. There's a short distance between the start point and the truck's destination, so you should make haste to take the milk truck out first and foremost.

Arm you car with some Nitrous Oxide, a blower, and the dropper of your choice. Speed past the Clydesdales, firing as you pass and using your dropper to slow their progress. When you reach the truck, quickly dispose of it.

Take out any guards escorting the convoy!
Confronting the convoy  

Once the truck is gone, turn around and take on the Clydesdales as they approach. Hopefully, your droppers and early firing will have done much of your work already. Once you've disposed of them, the scenario is complete.


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