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Episode Two

  • Disable Calisto's car. But be careful not to kill him!
  • Disable Calisto's car. But be careful not to kill him!  
    Task screen shot  
    Your job in this mission seems simple: Catch up to Calisto and disable his car. The problem? He's fast and heavily armed. Activate your Nitrous Oxide to catch up to him, link your cannons, and get to work on his tail. He'll be sending some serious firepower your way, but you should be able to survive long enough to get him into the red. Once his damage level is in the mid-red range, he'll surrender.

    If you're having trouble staying with him or doing enough damage to neutralize him, try to get next to his car and knock him into one of the ravines along the side of the road. He'll be determined to drive up the steep walls and get away, leaving him seriously open to shots from behind.

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