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Episode Two

  • Check out what's up ahead... it seems the pigs are on to something...
  • Lure the cops away from the roadblock! See if they will follow you somewhere...
  • Defend the van until it gets to the town of Tatum!
  • Check out what's up ahead... it seems the pigs are on to something...  
    Another roadblock  
    Speed west along 380 until you reach the roadblock. You're severely outnumbered so don't even try to engage the cops. Instead, head north along the access road just east of the roadblock.

    Lure the cops away from the roadblock! See if they will follow you somewhere...  
    When you've gone some distance on the access road, the cops will begin to follow you, abandoning the roadblock and allowing Skeeter and Taurus to continue down the highway in safety. Drop some mines along the road (but save a good number for later), and just keep chugging along. When you hit the jump on the access road, be prepared for some rough terrain just beyond. You need to make it back to 380 pretty quickly, but these roads have some twisty turns, so keep the Piranha at a speed you can control.

    Defend the van until it gets to the town of Tatum!  
    Protecting the van  
    The van will cross your path just as you make it to 380. Follow Skeeter and Taurus west, drawing the fire away from them when the pursuers get too close. There will be three or four cops tailing you. You may want to kill a couple of them along the road, but your highest priority is protecting the van. Land mines are extremely useful here - litter the road with them. If they don't hurt the cops, they will at least slow them down.

    When Skeeter and Taurus arrive safely in Tatum, you'll need to get rid of the remaining cops. There will be a few remaining, and you'll no doubt have taken serious damage, but some linked machine gun fire should make short work of whoever's left.

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