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Episode Two

  • Get across the Pecos River alive!
  • Rendez-vous with Taurus on 380 west
  • Get across the Pecos River alive!  
    Bridge out  
    Your only task in this mission is scarier than it sounds. Follow Skeeter down the hill, but turn right onto 380 when he turns left. When you've crossed the first bridge, both bridges will suddenly explode. Make a sharp right and head north along the dirt path. Two helicopters will be following you. When the path forks, stay to the left. A short distance down the dirt path, you should see another path heading southwest. Turn onto this path and follow it down into the riverbed.

    At the bottom of this path, turn left along the road heading south. There are two parallel paths, and you'll want to stay on the eastern road. Continue down this road, avoiding any opposition you encounter. You'll know you're on the right road if you pass a number of turrets. There will be dozens of enemies on your radar, but don't stop to engage any of them unless you're feeling particularly gutsy. Just keep driving and use your Nitrous Oxide for some extra speed on the straightaways.

    Eventually, you'll pass under another bridge. Turn around just beyond it. You'll see a dirt road heading up to the bridge. Quickly drive up and over the bridge - it'll blow soon after you see it. Head east until you come to 380.

    Rendez-vous with Taurus on 380 west  
    Means of escape  
    Turn left when you reach 380. Taurus and Skeeter will be waiting in the van a short distance up the road. When you reach the van, the mission is a success.

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