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Episode Two

  • Defend Spanner's Truck stop
  • Find the Tanker
  • Wait for the Van
  • Defend Spanner's Truck stop  
    The heat is on  
    As if this task wasn't going to be difficult enough, just getting to the truck stop may prove the heartiest challenge you've faced. The primary reason is that two of the four creepers you'll encounter as you head south on 285 are armed with heat seeking DrRadar missiles. Get ready to spend a lot of time with your engine off.

    The first creeper you'll come across will be a dark blue Piranha heading west on the access road. Listen for the telltale beep of his incoming heat seekers and pound him relentlessly with your linked 7.62s. Take him out with the handgun if you feel up to the challenge - an undamaged DrRadar will come in mighty handy in the next mission. Next up is a blue Rattler that will head in from the north but shouldn't pose too much of a threat.

    Try to stay north of the access road during your first two battles. There's a black and white Leprechaun waiting in ambush on a ridge to the south. He won't come after you until you pass him, and it's much easier to take on these creepers one at a time. Further west is a green Courchelle, the second car armed with heat seekers. Try to avoid getting hit by his missiles by shutting off your engine. Dispose of him and continue west toward Spanner's.

    When you get to the truck stop, you'll see three creepers heading in from the south. Before engaging them, lay some land mines along route 62 to the west - you'll be glad you did. Quickly head south and engage the creepers, switching between targets to keep them occupied with you and drawing their fire from the truck stop. The yellow Cavera will be merciless with his mortars, but you can use this to your advantage. Get the creepers clustered in a single area; without fail, the mortar-happy fool will take out at least one of his own, and usually himself to boot.

    Find the Tanker  
    You can't. It's gone.

    Wait for the Van  
    The brothers kamikaze  
    Now things get really crazy, and it all happens extremely fast. Two Phaedra Ponies will be heading in from the west on 62. If you haven't already, litter their path with mines and try to meet them head-on, doing as much damage as you can as quickly as possible. These creepers are on a Kamikaze mission (that rising sun paint job isn't just for looks), and if either one makes it to Spanner's, the truck stop is history.

    As if this weren't enough, a creeper driving a Clydesdale will be heading across the field to the southeast. Intercept him as quickly as possible. He'll be pretty gung-ho about taking out the truck stop, so do whatever it takes - ram him repeatedly to throw him off track and blast away. Once he's gone, the truck stop will be secure... at least until the next mission.

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