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Episode Two

  • Kill Malocchio...
  • ...and anyone who gets in the way
  • Kill Malocchio...  
    Dueling Malochio  
    With the mail truck, this isn't much of a problem. He'll taunt you for a while before he begins attacking. Wait until he is directly in your sights then fire a cupid missile his way. If one doesn't take him out immediately, a second hit will most definitely finish him. Once he's in the red, he'll call out for help and begin to flee. If you don't take him out immediately, you'll have to deal with him later.

    ...and anyone who gets in the way  
    - Malochio's henchmen  
    Once Malocchio sends out the distress call, three creepers will head in from the south: two Rattlers and Cloaker (one of Malocchio's toadies driving a milk truck). This is just straight-ahead combat, but these guys are topnotch and your truck isn't well armored. Any cherub missiles you have left should be directed at Cloaker's truck. The remaining two should be a breeze.

    After Malocchio's henchmen are out of the way, you've done it. Sit back and enjoy the fact that vengeance is yours.

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