Junk War
--A RuneStorm
Version 1.10
Unreal Tournament 2004©
-Install Instructions-
Getting it Started
-Configuration and Controls-
Controlling the Junk
Known Issues
Version History
-Mod Authors-
Ballistic Core
JunkWar Weapons
RS Credits
Special Thanks
War is a high quality mod, that allows players to fight with many different
kinds of weapons, such as everyday tools, bits of junk and various objects
that can be found just about anywhere.
Based on the versatile BCore system (already used for Ballistic Weapons),
and using a new junk system, a huge amount of weapons can be added with little
The junk weapons, can swing and stab, beat and pulverise, and even
electrocute or shatter! Many of the weapons can be thrown, used to block
and even break
or shatter.
Players can now use many different weapons, including: Pieces of plumbing,
Hammers of various kinds, Crowbar, Baseball-Bat, Screwdriver, Electrical
Devices, BeerBottles, Sporting Equipment, and much more!
Unlike Ballistic Weapons, this mod has no recoil, chaos or innacuracy
settings or problems. Just easy-to-use melee and throwing weapons..
This mod is implemented through a mutator. This allows for many gameplay
possibilities, as it can be used with all standard gametypes, such as DM,
CTF, ONS, etc.
It can also be used together with other mods, which may use new maps, gametypes,
or entirely new features, allowing for many more gameplay combinations.
Install Instructions
the ut4mod version
To install JunkWar, first extract JunkWarv110.ut4mod from the .zip file,
then simply run JunkWarv110.ut4mod
by double-clicking on it, and following
the instructions.
the zip version
extract the files to your UT2004 folder making sure making sure that the
Use Folder Names option is checked. Note: this will not add the mod to your
ServerPackages. you will have to do this manually if you intend to run a
This is a list of where files with a certain extension must be placed,
should you need it:
.u = System
.ucl = System
.ini = System
.utx = Textures
.usx = StaticMeshes
.ukx = Animations
.uax = Sound
To add JunkWar to the Server Packages
The ServerPackages are done automatically by the .ut4mod, however the .zip
version does not.
First, open up your UT2004.ini file, located in the "System" directory
of your UT2004 folder, and find your way to the lines that read "ServerPackages=.......".
Next, just add the lines: "ServerPackages=JunkWar"and "ServerPackages=BCore",
without the " marks,
below all the other ServerPackages. If the BCore line is already there, you
do not need to add it again.
This mod requires UT2004 v3369.
Getting it Started
JunkWar is a mutator, and as such allows it to be used
in many gametypes, and even new mods. If installed correctly, players
can easily find the mutator "JunkWar" under the mutators tab. Simply
add it to the active list, tweak any options you might want, by using
the config mutators button, then press play! Easy!
Configuration and Controls
JunkWar shares the same keys as Ballistic Weapons, so if you already have them set for BW, you may not need to change them.
/ Weapon Special: This
key is used to block with shields and weapons. It is normally used for
special functions in BW.
Junk Cycle / Reload: This key is used to cycle through
junk items. It is used to reload in BW.
Select Junk: This key will immediately
select the last junk weapon you were using.
Controlling the Junk:
Melee Attack: Use your primary fire button to perform
rapid melee attacks.
Prepared Melee Attack: Hold your secondary fire button
to prepare you weapon for attack, then release it to strike at the
right time. When
released, the weapon will perform a one-shot swipe. This is very
useful for delivering a single painful blow, without swinging around
Throwing: Standard throwing weapons (like screwdrivers)
can be thrown simply by holding and releasing secondary fire. To
throw other items, you must hold down secondary, press primary and
then release
secondary to throw. Alternatively, you can hold secondary while using
primary fire and then release secondary to throw. Basically, throwing
is acheived by using the primary and secondary keys together. This
could take a bit of getting used to, but it is much the same to perform
as UT's special Rocket Launcher attack.
Blocking: To
block with a weapon or shield, simply hold down the Block / Weapon Special button.
Equip Shield: To activate the shield (if you have one) simply
tap (not hold) the Block key. Tap Block again to deactivate the shield.
Shields only work with one handed weapons.
Weapon Cycling: To cycle through your junk items, press the
Cycle / Reload key. When you are using a shield, cycling will only select
weapons that can be used with a shield.
Dropping Shields: With your shield active, press
the standard toss weapon key to drop your shield. This is useful
when you want to use a different shield.
Dropping Junk: To drop junk items, make sure your
shield is deactivated and press the toss weapon key.
Extended Pickup: To pick up a thrown item from further
away, simply press the 'Use' key.
37 "junk" weapons based on the BCore.
Includes RuneStorm's "BCore", used as the base for "Ballistic
Blocking for some weapons.
Throwing for many weapons.
Shields to help block and protect from harm.
Area specific damage.
Mutator implementation.
New effects and sounds for all weapons and impacts.
Surface dependant impact effects, sounds and decals.
Good bot support.
Very easy for users to add their own "junk".
JunkWar, all manner of junk weapons are scattered across the arena. Players
can do battle with the wide variety of junk objects lying around while
forced to fend off their enemies with whatever they can get their hands
on. Your life will depend on how well you can wield everything from a
Claw Hammer, Wrench and Baseball Bat to empty old Beer Bottles, Light
Bulbs and rotten pieces of wood.
Junk weapons can be used to fight by throwing them, carefully
preparing a melee attack or simply by bludgeoning the enemy to death
in a wild frenzy. Screwdrivers and Spanners can be thrown,Hammers can
smash, Shanks can stab, Capacitors can electrocute, Beer Botles can be
broken across
faces and the Big Steel Mace can be used to simply crush an opponent
into the ground.
The type and quantity of junk available can be set with the "Junk Quantity" option. Junk weapons can be used in addition to other weapons or players can be forced to battle it out with whatever junk is at hand by using the "Use Junk Only" option. certain types of junk, such as the beer bottles and similar throwing weapons will apear more frequently while larger weapons like the Big Steel Mace will appear less frequently.
As with Ballistic Weapons, Junk War has area specific damage. Most weapons do different amounts of damage, and whats more, they do different amounts of damage to different parts of the body. Limbs take less damage than normal, while being hit in the head does a lot more damage than normal. Of course certain weapons, such as the electrical devices, do approximately the same amount of damage no matter where they hit.
Just about everything can be thrown, but only a few of each weapon can be carried. Once thrown, most items can be retrieved and used again though. Some items, like the screwdrivers, are smaller and many of them can be carried a a time. Breakable items, such as the light bulb, can be destroyed very easily, leaving the player empty handed, while others, like the beer bottle can be broken to transform them into a potentially even more deadly weapon.
Players can even shield themselves by using their junk weapons to block enemies' attacks. Some junk items are not very effective at blocking, like the screwdriver, and others, such as the light blub, can even be destroyed by the blows of an enemy's weapon. Not all attacks can be blocked though and while a Hammer might fend off an enemy's Shank, it will will do little to stop the descent of a heavy Fireaxe upon the player's head.
To greatly improve blocking capabilities, players can even pick up shields
and use them to effectively shield themselves from attacks of just about
all small and medium weapons.
To activate the shield, simply Tap the 'Block
/ Weapon Special' key. The shield will become visible on the screen, but
in this state, it will only shield you from attacks that are are alrady
aimed directly at the shield itself. To use the shied more effectively, simply
hold down the 'Block / Special' key and the shield will be raised into
more protective position. Furthermore, in this state, it will be used to
block attacks that come from a much wider range of directions. To deactivae
a shield, simply Tap the same 'Block / Special' key again. While shields
will deflect most smaller weapons they are still not as effective at blocking
attacks from huge two handed weapons such as the Concrete Pole. Shields
also suffer damage done to them by larger weapons and will eventually be
by such attacks. Some shields are stronger and more protective than others,
the riot shield being a better choice than the flimsy thrash can lid. Players
are also
to wield a shied and a two handed weapon at the same time
be deactivated
drop a shield in favour of another, or if it is wearing thin, simply have
the shield active, then press the "Drop Weapon" key.
Junk War comes with many weapons. Most are melee attacking weapons, while
many can be thrown and others can block. There are tools, weapons, everyday
objects, bits of junk, electrical devices, and many more. The following is
a list and a few pictures of some of the Junk War weapons:
Junk Weapons:
2x4 with Metal
Peen Hammer
Beer Bottle
Steel Mace
Pole Club
Junk Pipe
Metal Shank
Neon Light
Pipe Corner
with Tap
Rolling Pin
Steel Rod
Wine Glass
Wooden Stick
Junk Shields:
Can Lid
JunkWar Sign
Riot Shield
are a few JunkWar weapon and Shield pics:
The JunkWar mutator itself, comes with several options to tweak the gameplay.
The following is a list of the options, and what they
Restriction List: Tick on or off the various weapons to
limit which ones will be spawned in the game.
Junk Quantity: Type in a number, to adjust how many junk objects
will exist in a map.
Shield Quantity: This is used to set the number of shields
spawned in the map.
Starting Variety: Sets the number of possible, low ranking
junk items that players can begin with.
Use Junk Only: Tick on or off, to determine
whether normal weapons are allowed.
For example, if this is off and the the Ballistic
Weapons mutator is on, then BW guns as well as the
junk weapons will be spawned.
Keep Translocators: Determines whether the
translocator will be allowed in those gametypes that
use it.
Motion Blur: Tick this to enable special
motion blur effects used by some weapons. Note: This
is disabled by default and may cause problems with
some hardware.
HUD icons do not represent junk weapons.
If you happen to find any bugs, please contact us or head to the RuneStorm
forums to report them!
only the first release!
Mod Authors
Ballistic Core:
Ballistic Weapons, and Junk War mods, have been seperated from
and are built on a
powerful base called
the Ballistic Core. This core has been especially designed to be very mod-friendly
and to be expanded upon. Just about all the new features can be applied
through the use of the default properties of new classes and many new
systems have been added to ease the implementation of advanced
features like surface
specific impacts and special emitters.
Anyone interested in
using the Ballistic Core or this mod or its sytems in or as a base for
their own mod should contact us.
JunkWar weapons:
New weapons can be very easily added to this mod. Weapons can be added
with a simple model and skin, and some work in the default properties. No
animations or complicated scripting is required!
With that said, if anyone makes any very nice weapons, they can submit
a screenshot on our website so we can take a look at it. If good enough
for us, and with the authors approval, we may include it in future weapon
packs for this mod.
If you have any comments,
suggestions, bug reports, etc
Also feel free to join our forums and post support questions, feature requests
or anything you like! Its a great place for all kinds of discussions related
to RuneStorm and our mods. The RuneStorm forums can be found on our website.
We provide
to any who
will try our best to get any bugs fixed and deal with any problems you might
have. Our forums are an excellent place for bug reports and suggestions.
Not only will we help out where we can, but our members can offer advice
and suggestions to solve many common problems users
Our site: www.runestorm.za.net
JunkWar site: www.runestorm.za.net
RS Credits
Mod Design : RuneStorm
RuneStorm is :
Programming: Nolan "DarkCarnivour" Richert
Modelling: Nolan Richert
Animation: Arn "ShadowBlade" Richert
Graphic Art: Arn Richert, Nolan Richert
Sound Design: Arn Richert
Additional Modeling: Arn Richert
Testing: Nolan Richert, Arn Richert
Web; Design/Maintenance/Support: Alan Richert
The RuneStorm Fans: All the RuneStorm, BW and JunkWar fans
who keep our forums alive, and who keep us busy with their suggestions and
bug reports!
Thanks to all who have played our mod and sent in their suggestions and bug
The Beta Testers: The beta testers who helped us eliminate
as many bugs as possible. Your support and dedication to RS is greatly appreciated;
Terran Gell
installing and using this mod, (hereafter referred to as “JunkWar”)
you agree to the following terms and agreements:
You may not under any circumstances distribute “JunkWar” for profit.
You may not decompile, modify, disassemble, or reuse any of the included files.
You acknowledge and understand that “JunkWar”, or the RuneStorm team or it’s individual members are in no way responsible for any damages or problems caused (directly or indirectly) by “JunkWar”.
“JunkWar” is not in any way guaranteed nor warranted.
You may distribute “JunkWar” freely,
provided all files in the official release are included and remain intact,
unmodified and unaltered.
“JunkWar” is © 2006
Nolan Richert, Arn Richert, All rights reserved.
“Ballistic Weapons” is © 2004/2005 Nolan Richert, Arn
Richert, All rights reserved.
All content included in this release is © Nolan Richert, Arn Richert 2005,
All rights reserved.
All elements and content included in this file are © Nolan Richert, Arn
Richert 2005, All rights reserved.
"Project Archon" is © 2004/2005 Nolan Richert, Arn Richert, All
rights reserved.
“Unreal Tournament 2003, Unreal Tournament 2004, UT2004” and "UT2003" are © 2002/2004
Epic Games, Inc. All rights reserved.
"RuneStorm" is © 2004/2006 Nolan Richert, Arn Richert, All Rights Reserved.
All other trademarks and trade names are property of their respective owners.