Command Center

Objectives: Find and destroy Darth Malak
You'll probably notice some similarities between this level and Deck 2; the whole "infinite enemies" thing is certainly a chilling reoccurrence. It's not going to be as big of a deal here, since they stop respawning when you reach a set point.

Malak puts his +5 bonus to the Evil Madman Monologue feat to good use.

Your goal, then, is to reach that point as quickly as possible, without letting any enemies stand in your way. First off, pick a runner; one of your characters with Force speed and preferably Force resistance or immunity will do nicely. Second, have that character run, as fast as he or she can. You should head out the first door, then take a right into the hallway, then take another right into the first big door you find, then follow that path until you see three Dark Jedi sealing a door with their Force powers. If all goes well, the teammates of your runner character will follow closely, ignoring the enemies, and your party can stand by the sealed door and fight off the enemies together. In any case, numerous instances of Force wave, insanity, or stasis field will help thin the herd a bit, since you'll have so many enemies in such a small space.

After the enemies fall, the previously sealed door will unlock itself. Head into the corridor, but if you're a Light side player, loot your party members of equipment before you open the far door, and use their items to outfit your PC with the best gear in your possession. You guessed it; it's time for some solo mode action.

When you head through the door, the party members of a Light side character will be left behind; only your PC will be allowed to proceed. What follows is your climactic showdown with Bastila. If you sided with Bastila earlier, skip to the next page, to the part that says "Dark side players:"

Enemies that automatically heal themselves aren't cool. Luckily, Bastila's not that tough.

Bastila, as you might've seen during your little contretemps in the Rakatan Temple, is a tough cookie when three of your characters are taking her on; one-on-one she can be fairly overpowering, especially if you let her use her Force powers with impunity. If you have Force immunity, activate it before battle begins, along with speed and an energy shield, just in case she does manage to stun you. As with all Dark Jedi duels, it's a good idea to have something that protects you from mind-affecting attacks, since Bastila may try to use insanity on you.

For the most part, though, you should be able to handle yourself without too much of a problem, especially if you have Master Speed along for the ride. With a decent energy shield, the only way Bastila will be able to damage you will be with her shock attack, and while this hurts, it's nothing a heal or life support pack can't overcome.