After you first leave Dantooine, speak to Zaalbar to begin this side-quest. Apparently some food supplies have gone missing from the store room. Examine the supply chest, then begin searching the ship for the stowaway. Simply walking around for a while will be enough to get a bead on the stowaway, who eventually returns to the cargo hold.
The girl speaks no Basic, which understandably makes communicating with her fairly difficult. Luckily you're some kind of linguistic super-genius, as are most of your party members, because you can learn her pidgin language in a few minutes, after a process of hearing her speak and guessing what the words that she says mean. Once you are finally able to communicate, you can either kick her off the ship immediately for a Dark side hit or bring her back to Dantooine, where the Twi'lek at the starport will take her home, giving you a Light side shift (yay!).
When you land on Tatooine for the first time, a shipment of Gizka will be misallocated to your ship by the docking authorities there. Unfortunately for you, these little creatures will begin multiplying rapidly, until they overrun your ship completely. You have two options: buy some Gizka poison from a docking bay merchant to kill off the Gizka, or bring the entire shipload of them to Manaan, where a Selkath in the docking bay will offer to take them off your hands.
Don't bother trying to kill these things by hand; two pop up for every one you kill.
Calo Nord will be sent after your character once it's clear that your party has escaped Taris intact. He's tough, but fortunately not quite at the one-shot-one-kill level that you would've encountered if you had challenged him when you first met, in the Lower City Cantina. He'll appear on any planet that your party heads to, which is why he's being mentioned in this section, instead of during the regular walkthrough.
Calo comes flanked by two local flunkies; if you followed our advice and headed to Kashyyyk first, for instance, he'll have two Wookiee thugs by his side when the fight begins. Don't worry about the flunkies, though; concentrate all your firepower on Calo himself. His energy shield will let him take quite a beating, but since he'll be using blasters, you can have all of your characters unload on him with grenades until the shield falls, then use your Jedi characters to slice him up.
After he's dead, check Calo's body for an excellent set of armor.
Darth Bandon, Malak's apprentice, will attack your party some time after you kill off Calo Nord. As might be expected, he's a toughie, but is not unmanageable, provided you practice simple divide-and-conquer techniques.
He'll appear with two Dark Jedi friends, who should be eliminated before you take on the boss man. As soon as the fight begins, have all of your party members activate Force speed, then attempt to stun the regular Dark Jedi enemies. Kill the Dark Jedi while they're stunned, but make sure Darth Bandon isn't maniacally chopping away at one of your party members; you might want to set up your strongest character to face him while your other characters dispose of his groupies.
After they fall, you'll have no choice but to face the man himself. Bandon will regularly use death field to recharge himself, and will keep using it until he runs out of Force points. You can also sometimes get lucky and deal more damage than he has life in a very short period of time and kill him outright, but more often, you'll need to wait him out and keep your own health up. If you have three Jedi in your party, then you shouldn't have much trouble after teaming up and bashing him. Once he runs out of Force points, he's an easy mark.
Check his body for a set of unique light armor (which should've prevented him from using death field), 3,000 credits, and a double-bladed lightsaber.