Force Immunity

Jedi sentinels are reliant on their personality to resolve conflicts, and to bring together parties in discord so that resolution to their problems can be achieved. This focused determination lends them great mental stability, and protection against many of the mind-affecting afflictions that would cause a less disciplined individual to panic. Like the other class-specific feats, this is always active

Immunity: FearJedi sentinel Level 1Jedi is immune to all fear attacks and effects
Immunity: StunJedi sentinel Level 6Jedi is immune to all stunning attacks and effects
Immunity: ParalysisJedi sentinel Level 12Jedi is immune to all paralysis attacks and effects

Jedi Defense

Although all Jedi are trained in the proper use of a lightsaber upon initiation into the Jedi Order, it's a simple matter of fact that some of them are more adept at wielding the blade than others. What's more, it's one thing to put your fencing skills to the test; it's another thing entirely to become proficient at using a lightsaber to defend yourself against the nigh-endless number of overeager fools with blaster rifles looking to make their name by taking out a Jedi.

Thus, Jedi defense is a feat that can be pumped in order to give your character an edge when dealing with ranged attackers. Every time your Jedi is attacked with a ranged blaster attack, he or she will have a chance to deflect the blaster shot, or even reflect it back at the attacker (which you'll no doubt discover if you ever attempt to use a blaster rifle to take on a Dark Jedi master). All Jedi have a rudimentary ability to perform this kind of deflection, so that everyone picks up Jedi defense at their first level, but with practice, a Jedi can become much more adept at this skill, thus increasing not only the chance that they'll escape from an attack unharmed, but also turn the attack back upon the attacker. This skill relies on a dice roll that is compared to the opponent's attack roll.

This feat's main drawback is that it is not useful in every situation; when taking on mandalorians, you might save your character a bit of vitality, but when in combat with Tuskan raiders, or Wookiees, or, most importantly, Dark Jedi, this feat won't help you one whit. Even Sith troopers usually resort to melee combat when they're closed in upon. This isn't necessarily a bad feat, but something like flurry is more likely to be useful in every combat situation

Jedi DefenseLevel 1Able to block incoming blaster fire
Advanced Jedi DefenseLevel 4+3 to your opposing roll
Master Jedi DefenseLevel 8+6 to your opposing roll

Weapon Proficiency: Lightsaber

Simple enough; increasing this lets your Jedi strike more accurately and deal more damage with a lightsaber, much like all of the other weapon proficiencies. Note that lightsaber specialization is only available to Jedi guardians

ProficiencyNoneAllows use of weapon type with no penalties
Weapon FocusNoneAttacks with weapon type gain +1 attack
Weapon SpecializationNoneSuccessful hits with weapon type gain +2 damage