Initial Stats
Class: Jedi Sentinel
Strength: 12
Dexterity: 18
Constitution: 12
Intelligence: 10
Wisdom: 12
Charisma: 15
Bastila favors lightsabers of the dual-bladed variety.
Bastila, being the first Jedi you run across, will be an important part of your escape from Taris. Since she's of the Jedi sentinel class, she's a more balanced Jedi than either Juhani or Jolee, but balanced doesn't always mean better.
Bastila is probably your best choice for a Jedi party member if you find yourself needing to bring along T3-M4 or Mission for their skills; she's fairly good at lightsaber combat, and has a decent Force point reservoir to unleash powers on your opponents. If you are less interested in skills and more interested in combat efficiency, though, you're probably going to want to take both Jolee and Juhani along with you; Juhani is more powerful in combat than Bastila, while Jolee is able to use more Force powers (while not lagging too far behind in lightsaber skills).
Attributes: Just pump dexterity whenever possible. It may look tempting to ease charisma over to 16, but Bastila will rarely use offensive Force powers, and thus will not need to increase the DC of said powers.
Skills: Bastila's only class skills are treat injury and awareness, neither of which is very useful to her. Awareness is probably the better of the two, but you might want to think about giving her a cross-class skill with her points, such as security.
Feats: Get lightsaber focus to begin with; the dual-bladed lightsaber you'll be running around with on Taris will hurt Bastila's attack rating. Note that Bastila starts out with a rank in Two-weapon fighting, so if you're intent on getting one of your characters to fight with two lightsabers, she'll be a good choice.
Force Powers: Cure is definitely a good place to start in terms of powers, along with stun droid and speed, if only to make getting around Taris a little less time-consuming. You'll likely be off Taris before you access whirlwind, but that's still a worthy upgrade when it does come along.