

Someone who makes his or her way through the universe by becoming a jack-of-all-trades would most likely be a scout, since this class is proficient at both combat and the more intellectual methods of problem-solving. Unfortunately, the two class skills that scouts have in addition to the three that soldiers get are somewhat less than useful in practice: computer use and repair are both decent enough skills, but rarely offer players a preferable alternative to combat, unless perhaps you're playing on the hardest difficulty levels. There are some tough fights in KOTOR, to be sure. But assuming you have made decent choices when leveling up and choose useful teammates, few fights should give you trouble. This effectively nullifies the purpose of computer use and repair, which for for the most part is to avoid combat, by creating droid slaves to fight for you, or by using the computer terminals to turn security systems on your opponents. It's also useful to point out that these skills don't make it any easier to actually repair a droid or use a computer; they simply make it so that your character uses fewer computer spikes and parts when performing the action. If you can keep a surfeit of parts and spikes, you will rarely be in dire need of either skill.

For these reasons, it's perhaps best to just rely on your teammates for their computer use and repair talents, and make your player-character either a soldier, if you intend on participating in combat, or a scoundrel, if you wish to utilize truly useful skills, like persuade or security. Scouts seem to be merely downgraded soldiers, with less vitality and fewer feats. Granted, you'll get more skill points when you gain a level, but the skill set that's available to scouts is barely improved over what soldiers are given access to, so this a mediocre benefit at best.

Starting Feats:

Class Skills:

Vitality: +8 per Level

Feat Progression: Levels 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19

First level Skill points: (3 + Intelligence Modifier) * 4

Skill points progression at higher levels: (6 + Intelligence Modifier) / 2