Initial Stats
Class: Jedi Consular
Strength: 12
Dexterity: 16
Constitution: 12
Intelligence: 12
Wisdom: 15
Charisma: 15
Jolee is one of the last NPCs you'll add to your party, but he's far from the worst. This semi-retired Jedi consular is found on Kashyyyk, and will lend his mastery of the Force to your cause after you pick him up from that planet's jungle floor.
While Jolee won't have as high a vitality as either Bastila or Juhani, his offensive capabilities are on par with Bastila, at least, and may even exceed hers if both are using the same type of lightsaber. His increased number of Force powers lends him a versatility that's valuable to any team, and while Juhani may be more powerful in melee combat, Jolee is no slouch; his lightsaber combined with Master speed and backed up by offensive Force powers will let him handle many foes by himself, if need be. He will die quickly, though, so you will need to keep an eye on his vitality if he wades into a group of enemies.
Attributes: Knock over wisdom first, then charisma. Once both of these stats hit 16, you should add Jolee's last two attribute bonuses to dexterity.
Skills: Since Jolee only gets one skill point per level-up, you'll have to pick one and stick to it. Awareness is the natural choice, since it dovetails with Jolee's wisdom bonus, and is easily boosted by a large number of headgear items.
Feats: Dueling and toughness will both serve Jolee well. Whatever you do, don't dabble; Jolee will have fewer feats than anyone else in your party by the time the end-game rolls around.
Force Powers: Jolee should be your Dark side Jedi, at least when it comes to Force powers, since he can use any of them without the severe penalties that your Light side Jedi will incur. Cure and heal are still going to be better choices than drain life, since they affect everyone in your party, but you might want to proceed up the ladder to kill or insanity, or even Force storm, provided you don't mind waiting until the end of the game to reach it. Don't forget that Jolee will get more Force power choices than the other Jedi, due to his class, so don't be afraid to experiment a bit.