Objectives: Rescue Zaalbar
After the guard escorts you inside, you'll be treated to a bit more exposition regarding Zaalbar and his brother, Chuundar. Chuundar will hold Zaalbar hostage, and send you on a quest to defeat another Wookiee mad-claw who's been exiled to the Shadowlands below the tree village. You'll also hear about Zaalbar's father, whom has apparently been sold into slavery himself.
You won't have any choice but to accept Chuundar's quest. Before you leave the village, you should head to Woorwill's Home to pick up the A Wookiee Lost side quest. Worrrozner, in the Holder of the Laws building, will have a bit more info on the quest. When you're ready to start looking for the mad-claw, head back out to the Great Walkway and proceed past where the Wookiee guard blocked your way earlier. You'll run into some Wookiees on a hunt; help them kill the Kinraths. If you can get on his good side, the leader will tell you a bit about the planet, and even hint at the presence of a lone human in the Shadowlands.
Once you reach Gorwooken, proceed down the elevator to reach the Shadowlands.
Upper Shadowlands
Objectives: Recruit Jolee Bindo
If this is the first planet you're visiting after Dantooine, Calo Nord will appear after you reach the Shadowlands and attack immediately. Check our Galaxy Side Quests section for more info on this foe.
Proceed throughout the Shadowlands, taking down katarns as you come across them. (Which came first, the Kyle or the katarn?) Near the first batch of katarns, there's a body with a Zabrak Tystel Mark III blaster pistol, which, ignoring the name, is probably the best blaster pistol you've come across so far, excepting Carth's with full upgrades.
Rounding the bend, you'll run across Jolee Bindo, soon to become the newest member of your party. Follow him to his hut to the southeast, where he'll ask you to remove some Czerka poachers that are camping to the northwest.
Once you find the poachers, talk to Commander Dern to learn a bit about the situation. If you want to achieve a Dark side solution to the quest, call him a slaver and kill the lot of them; otherwise, you'll need to ask Dern about what it would take for him to leave, then stop talking to him. The guards and the emitters are the key here; eliminate the sonic field that's being generated, and the poachers will have no choice but to leave the area.
Want to save the whales? Then these poachers have got to go.
Talking to the guards, you'll be faced with a few options. You can ask them about the emitters, then attempt to persuade them to give you the emitter codes so that you can shut them down; you can attempt to persuade them to leave the area (Dern will shoot them before they get anywhere, and you'll earn a Dark side adjustment); or you can bribe them 200 credits to shut down their emitter. Once you shut down two of the emitters, a very big beast will run through the camp, scaring away the poachers once and for all.
Afterwards, head back to Jolee, but un-equip one of your party members before you do, keeping in mind that Jolee will be a required member for a bit.