Objectives: Enter the Sith Base
Besides the Sith Embassy, there's a droid shop here, as well as the swoop registration offices, where you obviously will go to enter in the Manaan Swoop Races side quest.
Sith Base
Objectives: Find the Republic droid
If you enter the base through the transport from the hangar, head southwest from your starting point; this will place you at the same entrance to the facility that the more stealthy options will use.
Almost immediately after you enter, you'll be challenged by a very hostile receptionist. It's so hard to find good help these days; I'm afraid you'll just have to put her down. She won't listen to you anyway, so select a response and watch as Grann comes down the elevator with four war droids, mark IV. They sound very impressive, but they're no match for destroy droid. Finally, some action!
We told you destroy droid would come in handy as a force power.
To achieve your main objective, head north from here until you find the disassembly room. Kill the troops, then take the data module from the droid. You can leave if you want, but if you wish to acquire more info on the missing Selkath, you'll need to proceed further into the base. Note that if you're good at hacking, then you might want to travel to the north computer room in the northwestern corner of the base. You'll need to engage in solo mode and use a speed or cure power to avoid dying from steam exposure, though. Once you arrive you can hack into the base's security measures and cause the usual chaos.)
Head east to find a group of Dark Jedi that need killing, then walk into the flow control room. Dispatch the guards and search the remains for a datapad that'll give you a bit of a clue regarding this base's main puzzle. In order to disengage the airlock venting that blocks access to the northern part of the base, you'll have to learn how to cycle water from one room to the next, without accidentally flooding the room that you're in and drowning. Apparently the Sith engineers don't have to hold themselves up to OSHA standards.
Well, if you want an arbitrary puzzle to solve, please feel free to try and do this one yourself. Otherwise.... Your goal here is to clear a path through one of the two corridors, by shuffling all of the water into the other corridor. There's a very precise solution that can be followed to the letter, or you can endure many minutes of trial and error. The precise solution, starting from the main flow control room, is:
1. | Hit the flow control panel outside the left room. |
2. | Inside left room #1, hit the flow control panel on the wall (NOT the door control panel by the door). |
3. | Go back outside and enter right room #1. Hit the flow control panel on the wall. |
4. | Go back to left room #1, then hit the flow control panel on the wall again. Proceed through the doors until you reach the outside corridor. |
From here, head south to engage more Dark Jedi. Afterwards, start following the passage north to eventually find the Training Annex to the base; if you picked up the Missing Selkath quest in the mercenary enclave, you should see a Selkath apprentice just about to enter. After he opens the door, cut him down and proceed inside.