Sith Academy

Objectives: Gain access to the Sith excavations
After you arrive inside the Academy, you'll be given something of an entrance interview with the Academy's headmaster, Uthar Wynn. Answer his questions, and you'll find yourself set loose, along with your fellow candidates, to gain prestige and hopefully become the single candidate chosen to become a Sith. There are quite a few different quests on this planet, some of them small, most of them not.

The Double-Cross: Before you start roaming the school, you'll be caught up by a hall monitor: Yuthura waits outside your room, and offers you the opportunity to help her eliminate Uthar once you become the final candidate. You can follow her instructions to the letter, if you like, but if you do decide to tell Uthar about the plot, he'll give you another quest...

The Double-Double-Cross: With the datapad from Uthar in hand, head to Adrenas to set in motion events that will lead to Yuthura getting a healthy dose of poison, thus weakening her before your final battle. You can, however, turn the tables on the dynamic duo yet again, by informing Yuthura of what Uthar has done. She'll give you a poisonous device to place in Uthar's cot, along with a passkey to get into his room. Now, if you click on Uthar's bed, the device will be implanted, and both Uthar and Yuthura will be weakened during your pending fight. Don't miss the Sith mask in Uthar's footlocker.

You don't get any prestige for either of these quests, but you do get experience, without a Force alignment shift.

Renegade Sith: If you ask Yuthura about gaining prestige, she will tell you about a number of former Sith students who disobeyed an execution order from Uthar, and have thus been sentenced to execution themselves.

The Sith in question are sequestered away in the Shyrack caves, which is the first exit from the path that leads into the Valley of the Dark Lords. Once you track them down, you can, as always, kill them or help them. Helping them entails killing a terentatek in the eastern part of the caves. Whether you help them or destroy them, however, you'll want to fight through the terentatek anyway, since you'll find the bodies of the two other Jedi sent to kill the beasts to the north of its position, along with the incredible Qel-Droma Robes, which only a Light side Jedi can use. Helping them will gain you prestige, as you'll be able to claim to Uthar that you have solved the problem, which is technically true.

The Way of the Sith: After you learn the Sith Code from Yuthura, head back to Uthar and ask to be tested. The answers to his oral exam are:
5.My chains are broken.

After this, he'll ask you one of three questions about the code.
1.There is nothing worse than love: false.
2.Victory is always desirable: false.
3.It is passion that fuels the Force: true.

The Sword of Ajunta Pall: Speak to one of the Sith students in the main chamber where Uthar Wynn is meditating. If you ask him how to gain prestige, he'll spin you a tale of a great Sith master who's buried in the Valley of the Dark Lords beyond the Academy, and say that if you could recover the sword, you'd undoubtedly gain prestige.