Objectives: Meet with the Priest Caste of the Rakatan
When you first enter this area, you'll get a tip-off that there are plasma mines dotting the wreckage of the ship here. Equip any kind of items that boost demolitions or awareness, and make your way through the minefield to find a set of starship parts. If you align yourself with the warrior Rakatans, you'll need this set, since the only other set is locked away in their compound.
Head down to the beach to find the priest's compound. Walk into their little electrical foyer to get an electrical greeting. The priest's butler has a short temper, so if you don't want to take 1,000 points of damage, you'd be wise not to get him upset. The safest answer here is "I seek the Star Forge."
Once inside, you'll be able to choose to slaughter everyone, if you accepted The One's quest. This path leads to the Dark side, obviously, but you can still choose to double-cross The One by listening to what the Elder Councilor has to say on the subject. If you do go on a rampage, you'll need to head to the far southern end of the enclave to find the Rakatan with the Ancient Tome you'll need to bring back to the One.
Should you side with the Elders against the warrior tribe, you'll be sent back to their compound to free one of their compadres. Speak with Ll'awa before you go to pick up the Rakatan Research quest.
Temple Exterior
Objectives: Find a way into the Temple
After you've cast your lot with one of the two Rakatan tribes, and gained their trust by defeating the members of the other caste, you'll need to meet with their Rakatan mystics to begin the ritual which will gain you access to the Rakatan Temple.
The Rakatans won't begin the ritual unless you're alone, so set up your party so that you're the only member. If you've been traveling around with party members not named Jolee or Juhani, make sure your non-Jedi teammates are cleared of critical equipment.
As soon as the ritual begins, Jolee and Juhani will impress upon you the urgency of allowing them to tag along; you'll need to pass this request along to the Rakatan guide who's leading the ritual. If he disagrees, you may have to threaten him, but this will result in a Dark side shift. At any rate, once the ritual is complete, you'll enter the Temple, along with Jolee and Juhani, but not before a rather disturbing freakish cutscene involving Malak and one of his subordinates.