Bot Team Editor

The Bot Team Editor page in the BotMixer Configuration Menu allows you to create any number of Bot Teams for use in BotMixer.

Bot Teams List

On the left of the screen at the top is a drop-down-list where you can name a new team or select an existing team.  The list underneath contains the current Bot Team.

Available Bots

On the right side of the screen is the larger list that contains the available bots that you can add to your Bot Team.

List Styles
There are three different ways to view the Available Bots list.  The buttons labelled L1, L2 and L3 select which style to use.  Choose the style that best suits you current needs.

L1 - Portraits
This is the default list style.  It shows the bot portraits in the order that they appear in the UT2004 Cache Manager.

If you install custom made (ie downloaded) bots then it could be a good idea to create a master UPL file that contains all these bots, then you can order them how you like in this file and they will be shown in the Portrait list in the same order.  It is not recommended that you alter the standard UPL files "xplayersL1.upl" or "xplayersL2.upl" but create your own, eg "xplayers-user.upl".

L2 - Bot Stats
This second list displays the bots in a standard list format, along with their standard bot stats.

The default list order is alphabetical, however you can sort by any column by clicking on the column header.  Click on the column header again to cycle between ascending and descending.

L3 - Bot Stats + Portrait
This third list is the same as the L2 - Bot Stats list except that the bot portrait is displayed along with the name and the stats are also shown with vertical bars.

This list behaves just like the L2 - Bot Stats list.

The Available Bots list contains a Context Menu (ie right-click on the selected entry for a menu).

At the bottom of the Available Bots list the average bot statistics are shown for the list.

Context Menus
Each list contains specific Context Menus (ie Click on a bot with the Right Mouse Button).

Keyboard Shortcuts

Viewing the Current Bot Team

The button labelled "S", allows you to switch the Bot Team to be shown on the right side instead of the Available Bots list.  This gives you the ability to view your Bot Teams in a more detailed manner using the three list styles L1, L2 and L3.  You cannot manually add or remove bots in this mode.  Click on this button to switch back to normal mode.

Bot Preview

At the bottom left of the screen is a box that shows a preview and info on the currently selected bot.  Select a bot in either the Available Bots List or Bot Team list.

You can select either a portrait style or 3D style bot preview by clicking on the button labelled with a "?".

If a 3D preview is selected then you may also choose which style of skin is displayed (ie Blue or Red Team Skin, or no Team Skin) using the small drop-down-list that is shown in this mode.

You can edit the global properties for a bot by clicking on the button labelled "E".  The standard UT2004 Bot Edit Menu will open.  Note that this will affect the bot in every list.  There is no way to edit a bot's properties individually per list, as this is not supported in UT2004 and the author does not agree with this concept.  (Would it make sense to have two versions of Malcolm with two different sets of properties?)  If you wish to make a different bot with different properties then you will need to do this in the UPL files, creating a bot with a unique name.  There are separate tools for this available for download on the Internet (eg JaFO's Botmanager for UT2004).

If you click on the button labelled "!" then the Available Bots list will disappear and a larger version of the Bot will be shown in 3D, along with any bot description.

If you left click on the Bot Preview Portrait then a random sound will be played for the corresponding voice-pack.

If you right click on either the Bot Preview Portrait or the 3D version then it will cycle between the Large Bot View mode and normal Bot Preview mode

Team Symbol

Each Bot Team can be assigned its own standard Team Symbol.  (These are used in Team Games.)  Alongside the Bot Team name drop-down-list is a box containing the current Team Symbol.  Left-click on the box to open the Team Symbol selection menu, or right-click on it to randomly select a team symbol.  Every time a blank new list is created, a new Team Symbol is selected.

Saving and Loading Bot Teams

This is self-explanatory.  Simply use the drop-down-list to name a new team or select an existing one.  Each list must be manually Saved.

Merging Bot Teams

If you select the Merge button, then you can select an existing Bot Team from the drop-down-list to merge that team with the existing team.  The new bots are inserted in the current list at the point selected.  If the new bot already exists in the current list then it is not added.

Importing the Standard UT2004 Single Player Teams

You may import all the teams from the UT2004 single player game (eg The Corrupt etc...) by clicking on the button labelled "SP".  Team Symbols assigned to these teams are also imported.  If the teams already exist in BotMixer then they are overwritten.  The first bot in the team is assigned  team leader status.

Bot Filters

On the right side of the screen above the Available Bots list is the Bot Filter controls.  A Bot Filter allows you to filter the Available Bots list to shown only bots matching the current Bot Filter.  A drop-down-list allows you to select a Bot Filter or select "(none)" to disable the Bot Filter functions.  Create or Edit a Bot Filter by clicking on the "Edit" button and the Bot Filter Edit menu will open.

Bot Filter Editor Menu

This Menu appears when you click on the Bot Filter "Edit" button.

On the right side of the menu are the options that define a filter.  You may use as many of these options to define a filter as you like.

On the left is the list of saved Bot Filters.  You may use drag-n-drop to re-order the list.

Excluding Bots from the Available Bots List

At the top right side of the screen is a drop-down-list labelled "Exclude".  This allows you to exclude a list of bots(Bot Team) from being displayed in the Available Bots list.  It works in conjunction with the Bot Filter, so only bots matching the Bot Filter and not in the Exclusion list are displayed.