
Game Rules Lists

The fifth page of the MapMixer Configuration is where you to create custom sets of game type rules.  Each Game Rules List contains a list of game types for which you can individually specify rules or settings.

These Game Rules Lists are used specifically for Game Type Switching.  When MapMixer changes game type it needs to obtain a new set of rules for the new game type.  Otherwise you could imagine the situation where you are playing a Death Match with a goal score of 50 and you then switch to Capture The Flag - a goal score of 50 aint gonna go down too well :)  For this reason, MapMixer requires a list of Game Rules that it can call upon to obtain settings for the new Game Type.

You can make as many lists as you like.  You might like to create a list of game type rules for different styles of play.  In the Setup Configuration you can specify which List of Game Rules you wish to use.

Creating a List

Each Game Rules list contains every game type installed for the game.  Simply select the game type and a list of Rules specific to that game type appear below.  Click on each Rule and the setting appears below, which you can adjust to your own liking.

Rule Randomisation

In addition to setting each rule's value, you have the option to randomise numerical and checked parameters.

Checked Rules
Game Rules that are either on or off (eg Weapon Stay) can be given a percentage chance that they will be enabled.  After you enable this option, you will see a box to the right labelled with a percentage sign, enter a value from 1 to 100 to indicate the probability of this option being enabled.  Set the value to 100% to turn off any randomisation.

Numerical Rules
Game Rules that consist of a number appear with two edit boxes.  Normally you would just use the edit box on the left but if you wish to randomise the value then enter a maximum possible value in the right box.  Then MapMixer will randomly choose a value between (and inclusive) of these values when it uses this rule.  For example you might like the GoalScore to be from 20 to 40 for DeathMatch.

Note that when MapMixer loads the Game Rules, it chooses the random values at that point and they are not stored with that map in the current map list, so you could end up with a different value each time you play a map in your map list, if randomisation is used..

Saving a List

To save the currently displayed game rules list simply give it a name and click on save.

Deleting a List

To delete a list, simply select it from the list and click on delete.