Each map can be assigned a simple number rating and comment.
Use either of the following two ways to assign a map rating and comment to a map:
You may decide what the maximum possible rating for your maps will be. Some
people may like to use a rating between 1 to 5, 1 to 10 or 1 to 100 etc.
Open the mapmixer Options menu and enter the Max Map Rating value. Now click on
the Set button next to it. MapMixer will now set the maximum map rating and then
scale all rated maps to the new value.
For example:
Say you had a maximum map rating of 5 and you rated a map as 1 (ie 1 out of 5)
Now you set the maximum map rating to 10.
The resultant map rating will be 2 (ie 2 out of 10)
Apart from displaying the Map Info Panel in the Map List Editor to view or
edit a map rating and comment, you can also change the "Player Counts (PC)" and
"Author" columns in the Available Maps List to show the "Map Ratings (MR)" and
"Comment" fields.
There are two buttons under the Available Maps List ("^") that independently
toggle the display of these columns. As usual you may click on the column
headers to sort the list via these values.
You may create a Map List Filter in the Map List Editor that combines all the
standard mapmixer filter options with the Map Rating and Map Comment fields.
So, for example, you could create a filter that lists only maps that have Player
Counts between 2 and 8 and Map Ratings between 2 and 4. and have the word
"Classic" in their Map Comments. There are numerous possibilities.
And of course you can use these filters when Auto-Creating a Map List using Game
Lists, where one of your game types draws it's map source from a Map List
MapMixer counts a Map Rating of "0" as meaning "unrated". Therefore a valid
map rating is any other number. So a valid map rating is anywhere from 1 to
Maximum Rating.
You may use the Map Comment field for anything you like but keep in mind that
you can use this field for a Map List Filter, so you might like to use your own
"codes" or abbreviations in this field, so you can easily create a Map List
A map comment could be: "Classic,CBO,BETA"
Example meanings:
"Classic" = Classic UT remake map
"CBO" = Cliffy B Ownage Map
"BETA" = Test mapNow you could create a Map List Filter that lists all maps with the word "classic" in the Map Comment field, or all CliffyB Ownage Maps, Beta Maps etc...