Mission Two
Mission Objective: A smash and run mission - destroy buildings, bridges, emplacements and towers.
Primary Objectives: Destroy village at Op. Able. Destroy laser tower at Op. Baker.
Secondary Objective: Destroy Smoke Jaguar Forces.
Difficulty: Medium
Mech Recommendation: Agile Mech with ample close-range weaponry plus some long-range lasers for sniping.
As you approach the village, several Mechs come out to prevent your attack. A Champion appears to the right (not much of a threat), two Madcats converge from the front (a greater threat) and an Annihilator follows close behind (the greatest threat). Turn your lancemates on the Champion and get it out of the picture as soon as possible. Then, engage the two Madcats from long range, using lasers and missiles. The Annihilator follows, and you don't want to get too close to this powerful Mech.
If you order the lancemates to attack the Madcats, they'll likely get too close to the Annihilator and won't last very long. Try to get the Madcats severely damaged or even out of the picture before advancing against the Annihilator. Once the Madcats are destroyed, order the lancemates to attack the Annihilator while you hang back and use long-range lasers or missiles. You might lose a lancemate Mech in the process, but the Annihilator shouldn't last long against four Mechs' firepower.
Approach the mountain just behind the village and you'll spot a Champion and a Supernova in the distance. Use long-range weapons to eliminate these two threats. Then, after the area is secure, begin destroying the village. You must destroy each building, which might take some time. To speed things up, jump in the nearby river and let the water cool your laser systems as you pummel the village buildings. Once completed, bring up Op. Baker on your radar and begin advance to the final objective, the laser tower.
Annihilate the village from the plateau just above. |
On the way to Op. Baker, you'll be engaged by a Supernova first, then a powerful Daishi. Order your lancemates to fight and overwhelm the Supernova while you use long-range weapons from the rear to dismantle its limbs. When the Daishi appears, try and fight from the river where you won't have to worry about overheating. From there, you can rapidly fire lasers and other armaments while the Daishi still can't get into range. If necessary, order your lancemates to assist. Once the Daishi is down, point your sight at the laser tower and complete the mission.
Next: Operation Four, Mission Three