Mission Four
Mission Objective: Enter the second underground installation and destroy the equipment at Op. Able. Use the conveyor belt to move through processing plant to Op. Baker and destroy Mech factory.
Primary Objectives: Destroy mining equipment at Op. Able. Destroy battlemech factory at Op. Baker.
Secondary Objective: Destroy Smoke Jaguar Forces.
Difficulty: Medium
Mech Recommendation: Thor or Orion with enough weaponry to down an Annihilator quickly - autocannons work well, especially aimed at the arms or legs.
With a tough Mech to face at the end of the mission, use something other than the default Mech. If you haven't already graduated to a greater Mech, now is definitely the time to do so. Though the mission briefing indicates a possible ambush at the first turn, don't worry there's nothing there. Proceed down the tunnel until an Owens Mech powers up to your right. Approach the right turn and torso twist until you've got a sight on the Owens, which should be stationary for the moment. Rip into the Owens with whatever you've got and take it out as fast as possible. After you get it in the red zone, it might flee to the right; however, if you've damaged it sufficiently, it won't pose much of a problem.
Follow this corridor and you'll emerge in the large cavern containing Op. Able and the processing plant. Move into the area slowly and attempt to take out the Owens before proceeding too far inside. As soon as you enter, two Thor Mechs power up. Once the Thors emerge, forget about the weak Owens Mech and turn your sights on the Thor that enters from the right side of the room.
 Engage the two Thors from the walkway above. Don't engage them from the cavern below. |
From this point, you should take out the Thors from above on this walkway, backing up if needed for cover. You shouldn't have much trouble eliminating the Thors from this spot. If you need to repair, just return to the start position and call for the Mobile Field Base. Then, return to the large room and finish the job.
Once the Owens and two Thors are destroyed, blow apart the conveyor supports on the belt to the right side of the room (nearest the door in which you entered). Also, destroy the rock crushed on the second conveyor belt but be careful not to destroy the belt itself. Finally, a laser turret is attached to the ceiling inside the processing plant. Destroy it as well, and the first objective will be complete.
With this area now secure, call the MFBs into the room and repair and rearm as needed. Walk up the side ramps and get on the conveyor belt that moves through the processing plant. The conveyor won't be moving, so just walk your way through the plant and approach a locked door on your left. Blow the door with a few shots and enter the tunnel.
Move slowly through this area and stop as soon as the Puma as powered up in the distance. You should be able to get a sight on the Puma and just take it out from this safe distance. After the Puma is destroyed, you have but one challenge left - and it's quite a challenge! If you need to repair, return to the processing plant and use the MFBs.
From the point at which you stopped to destroy the Puma, hug this left wall and approach slowly. Your second lancemate, Epona, should materialize and indicate she's fighting an Annihilator Mech, a tough adversary boasting enough firepower to eliminate you in seconds. Order her to attack the Annihilator, which should distract it momentarily. Approach along the left wall and while the Annihilator is distracted, shoot quickly at the legs or other body parts. Let it have it with everything you've got; you need to get it out of the picture as fast as possible.
The Annihilator is tough. If it turns the corner and faces your direction, its four powerful autocannons will likely tear you apart. Try and keep that wall between it and you; use all cover to your advantage and work as fast as possible. If you start taking shots, try to retreat back into the corridor and use the MFBs to repair. But more than likely if it has a line of sight at your Mech, you won't have the time to retreat. Load up your Mech with at least one autocannon, perhaps the LB-10X AC. Knock the Annihilator down with a barrage of lasers then tear it up with continuous blasts with the autocannon.
Once the Annihilator is destroyed, target the Mech factory. Once destroyed, the mission ends successfully and you'll have salvaged a few new Mechs for your trouble.
Next: Operation Three, Mission One