Installation Notes


The batch file attempts to copy necessary terrain files from the default Mechwarrior Vengeance directory to the default Mechwarrior Mercenaries directory. In the event a custom installation was done for either games or that the user did not install either game or their terrains, the user will be required to copy the following terrains to their Mechwarrior Mercenaries\Resource\Maps folder.

The Vengeance terrain file that is used for this map should be located or copied into your Mechwarrior Mercenaries\Resource\Maps folder. Normally you'd copy them from your Vengeance CD2 \resource\maps directory or the installation you have on your machine.  The link below is provided for those that don't have access to the terrain file locally.


Volcan03.MW4  (Terrain used for Hotfoot)

You cannot use maps that are missing the associated terrain file  CD2 errors will be received in the game if terrain files are not accessible in the correct Mercenaries directory.


The CTF games will appear under CUSTOM TEAM BATTLE gametype. 



For Server admins or those hosting maps there is a document that outlines how to modify the NFM.  Editing a maps NFM file (Mechwarrior Mercenaries\Resource\Usermissions) will be required to eliminate one or more teams from being selectable in the lobby.  (i.e. Team1 vs Team3)


All permutations for all games were not included, but a basic skeleton was for each game type.    Please see the NFMANATOMY installer for more details and access to the skin chart.


For help in resolving problems with this installation, please visit the forum at


Additional maps can be found at


If you have questions please email