OJP Basic Manual

Table of Contents

Any Color (RBG) Sabers

A player can custom their lightsabers' color to any color they wish.  This is easily done thru three color sliders on the saber selection menu.

The color can even be scripted to shift colors!  See the Red Green Blue (RGB) sabers page for details.


We've added an additional bot to the game that completely out classes the original bots.  We call them TABBots.  TABBots are a completely new bot tries to play the game like a human player as realistically as possible without cheating.  In addition, TABBots can play all gametypes including Siege.  TABBots are added whenever you use bot commands unless otherwise specificed.  

If you wish to pit the different bot types against each other, use the Bot Type option in the Add Bot menu for each bot add.

Character Sounds

Individual characters can have customized sounds based on their actions.
See the AnimEvents page for instructions on how to create custom character sounds.

Server Administration