Basic Changelog
This file stores all the information about what has changed from
release version to release version for OJP Basic. OJP Basic
contains all non-gameplay altering aspects of OJP that don't involve
vehicles or skins (which are seperate packages due to harddrive size).
of Contents
- SpeedLagFix - Fixed bug where when spectating someone on vehicle camera would lag and shake.
- Ammo System (AmmoSys)
- Fixed EF_DOUBLE_AMMO flag with adding ammo (mostly with
ammo floor units).
- Fixed floor units all together.
- Area Portal
Fix (AREAPORTALFIX) - Fixed the glitch in siege where
areaportals would remain stuck in last state on round changes. (From
Cerburus of MB2)
- Bolted
Effects (Bolted effect) - OJP now supports effects that
bolted to player models thru the EV_PLAY_EFFECT_BOLTED game
event. We
used this to add the SP visual effect for Force Heal.
- BugFix48
- The player's selected weapon no longer switches mysteriously on
initial spawn. This was more of an issue in OJP Enhanced.
The cause of this was an issue with PERS_SPAWN_COUNT not incrementing correctly in some situations like the initial player join.
- BugFix47
- Fixed issue with entity spawn keys containing a backslash (\)
skipping the next letter after it.
- BugFix46
- Fixes problem where players could illegally keep their saber
style selection after dropping the saber offensive holocron.
- BugFix45
- Fixed issue from MasterHex of xMod dealing with the saber collision
when you die and saber was knocked away.
- BugFix44
- Fixed issue where arena files on the server would not load
when bot_enable was set to 0 and yet G_RefreshNextMap and
G_DoesMapSupportGametype still uses it and has nothing to do with bots.
- BugFix43
- Merged fix from MasterHex of xMod that fixes the allowing of +button2
to hold weapon charges forever.
- BugFix42
- Fixed issue while in speeder and trying to fire the guns; it
was allowing you to fire still when you had 1 of 2 sabers off.
- BugFix41
- Some siege-related fixed including allowing /kill while in
temp spectate, and using /team <current team> as a
- BugFix40
- Fixed issue where players could use holdable items while dead prior
to going into temp spectate mode.
- BugFix39
- Fixed issue where if you reconnect (and/or are in a vehicle)
the siege item you were holding would disappear. Edit: whoops fixed the
follow/followcycle pb.
- BugFix38
- Fixed some issues with StopFollowing, going to intermission, and
leaving a vehicle (Added Function G_LeaveVehicle).
- BugFix37
- Fixed critical buffer overflow issue in cgame dealing with CS_ITEMS
- BugFix36
- Fixed issue with game crashes whenever a bad forcepowers
configuration string is given.
- BugFix35
- Mindtrick users now decloak when they attempt to grapple someone.
- BugFix34
- Team overlay data is now only transmitted to players when
they're using the overlay. In addition, the transmission
method has
been optimized to only broadcast when there's a change in the data.
- BugFix33
- Fixed problem where the bottom-left and bottom-right
animations for parries, broken parries, and knockaways were switched.
- BugFix32
- Fixed problem where a player's dead body wouldn't match their team
color after respawning in team games.
- BugFix31
- The "where" command now works for non-spectators.
- BugFix30
- Fixed an issue with demo playback lagging for demos recorded in local
- BugFix29
- This fix prevents players from kicking private duelers.
- BugFix28
- Fixed a problem where players with who maxed out their ammo
with an ammo dispensor couldn't pick up the thrown weapons (thermal,
det pack, etc).
- BugFix27
- Fixed issue with force lighting doing damage based on the
server's frames per second. IE, higher sv_fps settings were
lightning to do damage very, very fast.
- BugFix26
- Fixed issue with saber collision detection where deactivated blades
where still counted as hittable areas.
- BugFix25
- This fixes a problem with locked doors unlocking when blocked by an
- BugFix24
- Players can no longer become invisible by reconnecting to the server
while inside a vehicle without a visible rider.
- BugFix23
- This bugfix fixes an issue with dropped sabers spawning
inside objects and then freaking out. This is more of an
issue in
Enhanced where dropped sabers occur much more often.
- BugFix22
- This bugfix fixes a problem with players not being properly
removed/added from a game of powerduel for the next round.
problem may or maybe not be the result of some TABBots related changes
or it may be a basejka bug.
- Client
Number Fix (ClientNumFix) - Fixes various ps.clientNum
errors with
printing and such.
- Crash Log
(CrashLog) - Run stack traces and such on init and
so that the game can better give information in the log and shut down
properly on a crash from server.
- (Note: MSVC 2003, and newer you must tell MSVC to
generate a program
database and must be put in ojp directory for it to work). See ensiform
for more help on this.
- This can be
set in the jk2game project under linker debugging (must set for final
and debug compiles and any other) Generate Debug Info: Yes; Generate
Program Database File: filename.pdb
- MinGW/gcc and Linux: Do not need to have this pdb file,
and there is no
support for mac yet for this at all. Make sure you have your
windows headers in the correct place for this to work also.
- CoOp
- Finished porting all camera scripting for all the SP
basejka maps to work with CoOp mode.
- Team overlays now work in CoOp.
- Fixed problem with many SP related messages not
displaying their messages properly.
- Fixed problem with fraglimit and timelimit drawing @ load
- Truely fixed problem with key pickup messages not
displaying properly.
- Scoreboard now works in CoOp.
- give force
and give inventory
commands added. Their behavior matches that of their behavior
in SP.
- Tweaked color codes for secret and autosave touching.
- Fixed problem autosave teleportations resulting in
players merged into each other.
- Spectators don't get screwed up by cutscenes anymore.
- Exiting a cutscene doesn't cause a visible "camera
whoosh" back to their player's position.
- Players no longer get merged together after cutscenes.
- Fix a instance of instant death at a certain point in
- Players' sabers no longer invisibly clash during
- Added t2_rogue, taspir1 as selectable CoOp maps.
- Fixed crash bug on map load for taspir2.
- Fixed some problems with NPC corpses not disappearing
when they were supposed to.
- Attempted to fix issue with autosave points randomly
crashing the server with entity overflows.
- Added additional sanity checks to NPC_BSST_Attack to
prevent a crash bug.
- Fixed crash bug in Q3_SetBState where it was calling into
NPC functions without setting the NPCGlobals.
- The profile menu no longer displays team color models
after the player joins a CoOp game.
- The profile menu no longer shows the team join buttons in
a CoOp game.
- Fixed problem with SET_WEAPON calls with undefined
weapons causing the
game to error out. This fixes the problem with the game
dropping when
players reach the boss room in vjun3.
- Death scripts now work properly for characters with the
undying flag
set. This allows the boss battle with Rosh to be completable.
- Ported SP ICARUS code for the SET_ORIGIN command.
- Players now properly end up on the other side of the
blocked door at the end of the rocket attack cutscene in t1_sour.
- Ported SP ICARUS code for the SET_ANGLES command.
- Increased POOLSIZE for G_Alloc() to attempt to prevent
the game from running out of memory on t2_wedge.
- Dynamic
memory allocation for vehicles (DynamicMemory_Vehicles) -
vehicle limit based on file size, and greatly increased memory
efficiency for vehicle parsing system. You can use as many
vehicle as your computer has memory to hold.
- Dynamic
memory for sabers (DynamicMemory_Sabers)
- No more saber limit, you can use as many sabers as your computer has
memory to hold. The saber list ui will now display all sabers properly.
- Game Tweaks (GameTweaks) - Misc code tweaks to the game side of the code.
- Integer
Sliders (INTSLIDERS) - A integer based slider has been
implimented for the menu system under the new type
ITEM_TYPE_INTSLIDER. To assign only integer values to a
slider with
this new type, use cvarint instead of cvarfloat.
- Missing
File Close (MissingFileClose) - Fixes various missing
trap_FS_FCloseFile calls when they should have been there.
- Overflow
Protection (OverflowProtection) - Adds a variety of tweaks
to prevent buffer overflows.
- Private
Password Fix (PrivatePasswordFix) - If server is password
and there is a private password, and you attempt to connect using that
password instead of the one in g_password, you may still connect now.
- RGB Sabers
- (MP Only) All RGB Saber menu items now use only integer values on the
color sliders.
- Raw Map
Name (RawMapName) - Adds level.rawmapname for simple use
of getting the
mapname without the .bsp on the end and thus not having to make a bunch
of cvar calls all over the place.
- SFX Sabers - Added SFX's fancy new movie-like saber blades and trails.
- Siege Cvar
Fix (SIEGECVARFIX) - Retooled the siege code to reduce the
number of cvars used for internal purposes. This dramatically
the likelyhood of MAX_CVAR recursive errors in Siege.
- Taunt Fix
(TAUNTFIX) - Fixes several issues where saberOff sounds
would be played
when attempting to use some of the duel taunts and weapon was not
really saber, also some extra checks for when to use taunts,
togglesaber, and saberattackcycle
- VS 2005
Source Code Port (VS2005) - The OJP source code now
compiles in
- Admin
- CenterSay now also duplicates the
message in the chat buffer and in the game log (so the admin can follow
admin<->player conversations).
- Fixed problem with the bot_minplayers
system making stupid bot removal decisions when the teams are close to
being even.
- Ambient
Player Sounds - Added
animevents.cfg for VaderVM model
so Vader will have his signature breath.
- Asteroids - Tweaked method of death code so that it will be more compatible for players without the client plugin.
- Auto Team
Balancer - Added
point spread to the team score
balancer. CTF/CTY Spread = 2 Captures Team FFA
Spread = 5 All other gametypes don't have team scores so they
aren't balanced.
- Bot
- Added human player check to the bot
chat code to make the bots not talk unless human players are on the
server. This tweak was done to fix the problem of server logs
getting filled up with bot chat junk.
- Bots now attack other players in the
JediMaster gametype if the JM saber has been dropped.
- Bots no longer cheat by getting extra
force powers.
- BugFix2
- Fixed issue with the timer calculations for single frame animations.
- Fixed issue where BG_GetTorsoAnimPoint() was basically just a copy of BG_GetTorsoAnimPoint().
- BugFix10
- Dead NPCs now disappear
instead of blocking elevators and other moving map objects.
- Fixed a bug where movers
could move a partially spawned NPC before it has completely
spawned. This was causing a read memory error in the AI
Grouping code.
- BugFix17
- Fixed a problem with the fix causing bots to just continuously join
into a duel/powerduel game when bot_minplayer is non-zero.
- CoOp
- Fixed problem with scripted voices not
running for the proper length of time.
- NPCs now scream and fall to their
deaths when dropped from great heights like in SP.
- Fixed issue where vehicles and droids
weren't appearing in CoOp mode.
- Implimented SET_FORCE_PROTECT,
- Fixed problem where some parts of the
game was acting like all NPCs were enemies to players. This
was causing a problem where bots were attacking our NPC allies!
- Increased G_Alloc() memory pool to
prevent crashes on vjun1.
- Added additional autosave points to
hoth2, hoth3, t1_fatal, t1_rail, t1_sour, t2_rogue, t3_byss, t3_hevil,
t3_rift, taspir1, taspir2, vjun1, vjun3, and yavin2.
- Fixed problem where NPCs that lost
their weapon would continue to visibly hold said lost weapon.
- Removed fraglimit voice countdown.
- Fixed problem where seekers were
scanning for enemies in a small static piece of the map rather than
immediately around themselves.
- Fixed crash problem involving the
Seeker NPC. Also fixed issue where it was trying to hover
around enemy players instead of allied players.
- Crosshair names no longer appear
during cutscenes.
- Added basic return for
SET_OBJECTIVE_LIGHTSIDE so that it does not spam that it does not exist.
- The following SET_'s properly work
- Weapons may only be picked up by
players if they do not already have the weapon or need ammo for it.
- Made it so team, kill, and noclip cmds
are not able to work while in_camera is qtrue.
- Tweaked BroadcastTeamChange and
Cmd_Team_f (with no args) to act like you are either free team or
spectator when sending print/cp.
- Added "misc_model_bomb_planted" and
"misc_model_beacon" entities.
- CoOp Editor
- Rewrote the .autosp phrasing to make
it simplier and more stable.
- CrashLog
- Added Build Date and Time to the log
- Duel
Taunts in all Gametypes - Fixed problem where the standard
taunt wasn't
playing the full selection of taunt sounds outside of duel/powerduel.
- Holstered
- Added holster.cfg for VaderVM.
- Tweaked holster.cfg for clonebacara.
- Tweaked holster.cfg for clonebeehive.
- Tweaked holster.cfg for clonebly.
- Tweaked holster.cfg for cloneclassic.
- Tweaked holster.cfg for clonecommander.
- Added holster.cfgs for clonedelta and
- Fixed bug where a dropped saber was
rendered as being holstered when using a non-saber weapon.
Massive re-write of our
DeclaredVariables system.
- Improved
Obituaries - Added Obituary messages for all the NPC
Client Plugin Detection
- Changed the way the plugin flag for
the player is stored. Hopefully this will fix issues with
players dropping from the game on map restarts or reconnects due to
poor plugin detection.
- The version detection is now
associated with the general GAMEVERSION rather than a seperate client
plugin version.
- Old
JK2 Gametypes
- Fixed bug where the siege team switch
option was appearing in the create server menu while making a Team FFA
game rather than a Siege game.
- Fixed bug where CTF maps were not
added in the internal lists for CTY to use (callvote, auto map
rotation, etc) and for the create server/vote menus.
- Fixed problem with the menus loading
CTF when attempting to start a CTY game.
- RGBSabers
- Fixed a buffer overflow error that was
causing crashes with the OJP client when it was compiled with
- Feature removed because it didn't work correctly.
- TABBots
- Increased the minimum attack range for
the saber to prevent TABBots from dancing on top of their enemy's heads.
- Bots no longer get in situations where
they don't click-in at the end of a round.
- TABBots now switch saber styles on
respawn if they're using a single saber.
- Players can no longer give orders to
bots on the other team.
- Bots can no longer give orders to each
other accidentally.
- TABBots no longer stare at navels when
their current enemy disconnects or switches to spectate.
- TABBots now act properly in CoOp based
on their team.
- Cleaned up the TABBot enemy selection
- True View
- Fixed problem with the trueview.cfg
settings not being loaded.
- Added new option to cg_trueinvertsaber
(2) to be able to force the third person view while using melee or
sabers. This new option is the basejka view behavior.
- Added menu option in
Setup->Advanced for cg_trueinvertsaber (determines how the
weapons handle the current 1st/3rd person setting).
- Fixed problem with some models
(rebel_pilot) not working with True View.
- Fixed problem with the camera freaking
out whenever the true view using player uses the dual saber special
flip attack.
- Fixed problem with the primary fire
disruptor beam not looking like it was coming out of the player's gun
barrel while using True View.
- UI Tweaks
- Added some missing colons to the
Setup->Advanced menu items to make them more consistant with the
default menus.
- Fixed blank option bug for "Display
Holstered Weapons" in the ingame menu.
- Fixed bug where the Defaults button
was highlighting instead of the Advanced button while in the
Setup->Advanced menu.
- Cleaned up the Setup->Advanced
menu so that it's order of menu options are consistant.
- Cleaned out the FPMessageTime and
parsedFPMessage code which was active but unused.
- Until we get a full french
translation, french players will at least see the english version of
the text messages.
- Vote
- Cleaned up some trap commands in vote
drawing and have them point to CG_GetStringEdString with Q_strncpyz
- Added fraglimit, capturelimit, and
timelimit to the vote display.
- Added a generic else statement to
display whatever is in the voteCmd as a whole.
- Added JM and CoOp to list of valid
displaying Gametypes.
- Added the generic N/A gametype just in
- Cleared all the char's so that we
don't get any goofy characters or, non showing up vote data.
- /siegeCvarList
- lists the data and values that were originally stored
as cvars. (Siege Cvar Fix)
- sfx_sabers - Turns SFX sabers on/off.
- BugFix20
- Fixed problem with the Bot AI's force power selection not being
properly handled by the game.
- BugFix21
- Fixed issue with players occasionally moving as if in a saber style
when using weapons other than the lightsaber.
- Expanded MOTD
- This new feature allows server admins to send a message of the day to
each client as they join the game. These MOTDs are displayed
in the
center of the player's screen when they first join the
server. This
MOTD is in addition to the MOTD displayed during map load.
that is displayed can be based on weither or not the client is running
the correct client. See the descriptions for ojp_clientMOTD
- Admin System
- Added some fancy text wrap to centersay to prevent it
from cutting off
words mid-word when wrapping the text to fit on the screen.
- Fixed problem with g_teamForceBalance = 2 not working
- Bots removed by bot_minplayers are now removed in a way
so that they don't conflict with the g_teamForceBalance setting.
- CenterSay
- Tweaked text wrap behavior to be better about not text
wrapping when not nessicary.
- Fixed text wrapping so it will work without the client
- CoOp -
Ported Sand Creature's AI from the SP code. (NPCSandCreature)
- Holstered Weapons
- Added holster.cfg for atst_pilot.
- Added holster.cfgs for the Clones Ultima package by Marz.
- Added holster.cfg for reborn.
- Added holster.cfg for reelo.
- Added holster.cfg for snowtrooper.
- Added holster.cfg for the magnaguard VM player model.
- Added holster.cfg for jetclone playermodel.
- Added menu item for ojp_holsteredweapons to
Setup->Advanced menu.
- Fixed bug with holstered weapons appearing on players
that are invisible due to mindtrick.
- RGBSabers -
Added menu item for ojp_teamrgbsabers to Setup->Advanced menu.
- Server Filters
- Made OJP Basic filter the default server filter to
encourage OJP Basic usage on servers.
- Removed the OJP Enhanced filter since the OJP Basic
client doesn't work with it.
- TABBots -
Fixed the problem with the TABbots crapping out in siege after
changing the way objectives are checked for validity by the bots.
- ojp_clientMOTD
- This is the MOTD that is displayed to players are running the proper
client plugin.
- ojp_MOTD
- This is the MOTD that is displayed to players that aren't
running the proper client plugin. This defaults to a message
recommends that the player runs the client
- AdminSys
- Added /centersay command to enable admins to print messages in the
center of player's screens in nice big text. Just treat this
command like /say.
- BugFix18
- Fixed a problem with certain bolted items (holstered
weapons, flags, and siege items) not updating properly while the player
is riding a vehicle.
- BugFix19
- Fixed problem with game not properly displaying any message over 50
characters long with center print.
- Map URLs
(MapURLs) - This feature allows server
admins to display an URL to download a map if a client doesn't have the
map. Simply add the map's download URL to "mapURL" (a
cvar). This
feature requires that OJP to be running on their machine.
- AdminSys
- Auto team balancing restrictions now apply to players
joining teams.
If you wish to switch teams when the balancer is in full effect, you're
going to have to talk someone into spectating before moving to the
other team.
- CoOp
- Objective related messages are no longer cut off after 50
characters. See BugFix19.
- Holstered Weapons
- Fixed problem with the "disabled" holster option throwing
a bunch of
error messages ingame. Also tweaked the holster.cfg
documentation a
bit on that subject.
- Fixed problem with holstered weapons not sticking to
player properly while riding vehicles. See BugFix18.
- RGB Sabers
- Black saber now has white core in saber blur trail.
- True View
- Fixed problem with True View screwing up the sniper view
if cg_trueguns is active.
- Changed default cg_truefov to 80 to make the visuals look
more like the normal view.
- mapURL
- Setting this cvar to a map's download URL will display this URL to
players that don't have the map.
- BugFix16
- Fixed a problem with turrets' splash damage missing a "method of
death". This was screwing up the death messages for people
that died from getting hit by turret splash damage.
- BugFix17
- Fixed a problem where bots were getting bumped from the game
incorrectly whenever a human player tried to spectate a bot.
- AdminSys
- Altered team balancing behavior so that the bot/human
balance is only checked when the teams are completely
balanced. This
was done to fix a problem with the bot/human balancer doing conflicting
switches when the team balancer was attempting to even the teams.
- Asteroids
- Fixed bug where the enhanced kill messages for players getting killed
by vehicles weren't displaying properly.
- CoOp
- Fixed backwards compatibility issue with the way JKO sets the
enemy to "the player" by using the keyword "kyle" instead of "player".
- Chat Spam
Protection - Fixed problem with chat spam protection
blocking all messagemode3 and messagemode4 messages.
- Holstered Weapons
- The position of the holstered weapons can now be
configured on a
per-skin basis using holster.cfgs. This operates very similar
to the
sounds.cfg files. IE, the holster.cfg for a red team skin
would be
holster_red.cfg and the default holster.cfg for a model is simply
holster.cfg. See the premade holster.cfgs for the file format
- Added holstered weapon debugging cvars so that players
can tweak their
holstered weapons in real-time during the game. (ojp_holsteredweapons,
ojp_holsterdebug, ojp_holsterdebug_boneindex,
ojp_holsterdebug_posoffset, ojp_holsterdebug_angoffset)
- RGB Sabers
- Added cvar (ojp_teamrgbsabers) to allow players to see RGB sabers
instead of team-based colors during team games.
- True View
- Fixed possible memory leak involving True View's config file parser
not closing the file after reading it.
- Holstered Weapons
- ojp_holsteredweapons
2 - controls how holstered weapons are rendered.
- ojp_holsterdebug
0 - Controls the debugging of the holster
system. Value sets which type of holstered weapon is being
- ojp_holsterdebug_boneindex
0 - Controls which bone that the current debug holsterType
is based off of.
- ojp_holsterdebug_posoffset
"0.0 0.0 0.0" - Controls the positional offset for the
current debug holsterType.
- ojp_holsterdebug_angoffset
"0.0 0.0 0.0" - Controls the angular offset for the
current debug holsterType.
- RGB Sabers
- ojp_teamrgbsabers
0 - Controls the saber blade colors during team games.
Version 0.0.9
New Features
- OJP Client
Plugin Detection - OJP can now detect when a player is
running the mod on their computer. This is useful for
tweaking content based on weither or not the client is running the mod.
- True View
- Fixed bug with other players' model loads changing the player's True
View eye position.
- Holstered Weapons
- Added cvar (ojp_holsteredweapons) to control this feature.
- Not running OJP while on a OJP server no longer makes the
game crash. (Added client plugin detection)
- Players can now see their own holstered weapons even if
they are
running on a server with players that aren't running the mod on their
- RGB Sabers
- Renamed the RGB saber blade shader file to prevent weird
conflicts with certain hilt/blade mods.
- Cleaned up some of the menu descriptions.
New Cvars
- Holstered Weapons
- ojp_holsteredweapons
2 - Controls how holstered weapons are rendered.
- 0 = Off
- 1 = Only show on your player
- 2 = Show on all players
Version 0.0.8
- Auto Team Balancer
- Team Balancer now correctly moves bots to balance teams
instead of human players (if possible).
- Auto team balance switches are now logged in the server
- BugFix15
- Fixed bug with saber styles being switchable when the lightsaber is
not currently being used.
- Holstered
Weapons (VisualWeapons) - This feature has been reenabled
now compatible with all player models. (This feature only
works if the
player is playing with the OJP mod running on the client side).
- Private Duel
Enhancements (DuelSys) - You can no longer use
medpacks while in private duels.
- Red Green
Blue Sabers - Fixed problem with the shader file
with some saber/blade mods, which resulted in missing textures for the
RGB blade effects.
Version 0.0.7b9
- TABBots
- Bots now go after ammo/weapons when they want/need them
and while they're hunting around the map for their kill targets.
- Fixed bug with bots not properly aimming ahead of their
Version 0.0.7b8:
New Features
- Admin System
- Kick Ally
Menu - Added a Kick Ally menu to the Call Vote menu make
it much easier to use the teamkick vote option.
- BugFix12
- Fixed a problem with the g2LastSurfaceHit stuff not
accounting for ghoul2 hits on models other than the player model (like
the player's jetpack, weapon, saber, etc).
- BugFix13
- Detpacks and other player objects can no longer be used to
block movers (bridges, elevators, etc). This was a major
exploit on
- BugFix14
- Fixed problem with bots appearing to be on the wrong team in team
- CoOp -
Players now automatically have the melee ability in CoOp.
- CoOp Editor
(CoOpEditor) - Fancy little editor for adding additional
spawnpoints and autosaves points to make CoOp work better.
- Private Duel Enhancements
- Private duels are now allowed in team games.
- Players can now do private duels with teammates in team
games where
friendly fire is turned on. Now you can take revenge against
terrible Team Killers!
- You can now allow simultanious private duels by using
- You can now display the duel stats (shields and
hitpoints) with g_duelStats.
- You can log duel stats to the game.log with
- Added cvar for the amount of time a player must wait
between private duel invites.
- g_playerDuelShield now determines private duel
hitpoint/shield settings.
- Bot Tweaks
- Added the ability to switch which player can edit
waypoints with the
waypoint editor with bot_wp_editornumber. Only the player
that has
been designated can see the waypoint data or use the edit commands.
- Added cvars (g_allowBotLimit, g_maxBots, g_minHumans)
that allow you to
set a range of minimum players to bots per team instead of the hard
limit of bot_minplayers.
- BotFPSScaler -
Removed this feature because it didn't work as intended.
- CoOp
- Fixed issue with sabers and force powers restrictions not working
right on yavin1b.
- RGB Sabers
- Redid the RGB saber textures to make the RGB sabers look
more like the basejkas sabers.
- Changed the RGB saber icon to make it easier to
understand what it does.
- Old JK2
Gametypes - The Pull Holocron in Holocron FFA now have the
correct skin.
- TABBots
- Bots in JediMaster now always know where the jedimaster
- Bots now vary saber attack directions.
- Attack distances for the saber tweaked.
- Bots are now better at getting around obsticles and other
- Bots now accept challenges for private saber duels.
- Added bot routes for all the basejka and bonus maps.
- Fixed problem with the bots using the elevators to
suicide a lot on Hoth Siege.
- TrueView
- Updated the trueview.cfg file with True View configs for some popular
Episode 3 models.
- Various UI
Tweaks - The additional menu options now have
german and spanish translations.
New Cvars
- Bot Tweaks
- bot_wp_editornumber
0 - This cvar sets which client (by client number)
is the editing person. Only this person recieves the waypoint
info or
can issue waypoint commands.
- g_allowBotLimit
0 - enables the bots to remain on the server when players
- g_maxBots
- Maximum amount of bots (per team) allowed on the server at a given
- g_minHumans
- minimum amount of players (per team) allowed on the server before the
bots leave.
- Private Duel Enhancements
- g_multiDuel
1 - Toggles weither or not multiple private duels are
permitted at the same time.
- g_duelStats
1 - Sets who recieves private duel stat information.
- 0 = noone
- 1 = duelers
- 2 = everyone on server
- g_logDuelStats
0 - Toggles the recording of private duel stats to
game.log. Great for tracking stats!!
- g_duelTimer
10 - how long you have to wait until your next duel in
seconds, default is 10.
- g_playerDuelShield
50 - the shield value you start with in a private
duel. Set this to -1 to not restore pre-duel health/shields
to duel
winners and not give full health to starting duelers.
Version 0.0.7b7
New Features
- Admin System
- Auto
Suicider kick/ban System (forgot to document) - New system
automatically kicks and/or bans players that abuse the (/kill) command
too much. See New Cvars.
- Chat Spam
Protection (ChatSpamProtection) - The chat channels are
protected against people spamming the channels, use ojp_chatProtectTime
to set how often you can send chat messages.
- BugFix10
- Elevators are no longer blocked by dead body limbs or dropped weapons.
- BugFix11
- Fix for problem with bots being blocked from getting into password
protected servers.
- weapons.dat
(WEAPONSDAT) - CoOp now uses the /ext_data/weapons.dat (sp
weapon data file) to override the weapon/ammo data.
- Auto Team
Balancer - New option (g_teamForceBalance) to balance the
humans/bots on the teams in addition to the standard team balancing.
- CoOp
- Made turrets work. They now use and regen ammo.
- Disabled warm up for CoOp to prevent problems.
- Fixed problem with players being visible when they spawn
in during camera scripting.
- Fixed bug where NPCs weren't firing at players that had
been in a cutscene.
New Cvars
- g_autoBanKillSpammers
- Auto ban a player after this many suicides (/kill). 0 = no limit.
- g_autoKickKillSpammers
- Auto kick a player after this many suicides (/kill). 0 = no limit.
- ojp_chatProtectTime
- Sets how often a player can send text messages.
Version 0.0.7b6
New Features
- BugFix9
- Fixed a problem with spectators getting kicked when following bot
- BotTweaks
- Human specators don't count towards the bot_minplayer checks unless
it's powerduel/duel.
- TABBots
- Bots can actually play JediMaster mode now.
- Bots now use contour tracing to navigate around obsticles
if they can. This improves their ability to get around things.
- Bots now correctly join siege games instead of sometimes
getting stuck in spectator mode.
Version 0.0.7b5
- AdminSys
- kick votes automatically try to do a teamkick vote if normal kicking
is disabled.
- Old JK2
Gametypes - OJP now automagically creates the jedimaster
spawn point
on maps that don't have jedimaster support. Meaning that all
maps now
support JediMaster mode by defualt. Menus now reflect this.
- ROQFiles
- g_allowROQ (0): cvar to enable/disable ROQ
playing. ROQ playing doesn't currently work with multiple
- TABBots
- TABBots can now play JediMaster mode.
Version 0.0.7
New Features
- Added AotC TC bot ai code as a new bot type.
- BotFPSScaler
- added system to dynamically scale the bot AI to prevent
the bot AI from slowing the server fps down too much. Use
ojp_BotCPUUsage to set the percentage of the sv_fps the bot ai is
allowed to use.
- Extra Vehicle
Implementation - New cloaking ability option for
vehicles. Vehicles with cloak can be cloaked by pressing the
Forcepower button.
- ImprovedObituary
- NPCs now have names in the Obituary messages.
- Mac Port -
Code now ready for Mac Port compiling.
- RandomBotNames
- Bots that are randomly added to the game now have randomly created
- ROQFiles
- scripting supported added to MP.
- SP Waypoints
Used by MP Bots (SPWAYPOINTS) - Ability to let the MP bots
use the SP waypoints for
navigation in addition to the MP bot waypoints. This should
in theory
give bots limited support on SP maps. Use ojp_spwaypoints to
- Water Jump
Fix (WATERJUMPFIX) - Fixed problem with players not being
able jump up onto ledges from in water.
- VehicleTweaks
- Player's in fighters now have their views follow the rolling of the
- Auto Team
Balancer - Bots are now switched before humans by the
- Cooperative
- Massive updates.
- Holstered
Weapons - This feature has been disabled to enable OJP
to work in server-only mode. Please let us know if you want
feature reenabled and/or improved.
Version 0.0.6
New Features
- Admin System
- Auto Team
Balancer - This admin feature allows the server to
automatically scan for team imbalance every 30
seconds. If an imbalance is found, the newest player on the
larger team will be switched to the other team.
- Vote Control
(VoteSys) -
Admins can now select which vote items they want players to be able to
vote on.
- CoOp (CoOp)
- New gametype allows players to cooperatively take on the singleplayer
missions. This is a work in progress. See OJP_coop.txt.
- Linux Compile
(Linux) - The OJP code will now compile on the
gcc compiler for Linux.
- Misc
- Completely rewrote bot_minplayers so that it will function
as intended.
- TAB Bots
(TABBots) - Totally redesigned AI bots for
multiplayer. WIP. Currently works on all the default Siege
maps and all FFA gametypes. See
- Various Menu
Tweaks - Doubled the number of skins icons that will be
displayed in the player selection menu.
- Admin System
- The vote command ("/vote") and the
yes/no menu options now apply to both team votes and general
votes. In terms of priority, team votes are voted on before
general votes.
- Bug Fixes
- Fixed serious issue with siege capture items
(misc_siege_item) getting stuck in walls and then floating out of the
- Fixed stack overflow in CalculateRanks().
- Placed #ifndef FINAL_BUILD in places that were missed,
causing compile errors.
- Various UI
Tweaks (UITweaks) - You can now use the bot selection menu
in the server/game creation menus to add specific bots in Siege.
New Cvars
- ojp_skipcutscenes - Controls how the server handles the
skipping of cutscenes during CoOp missions.
Version 0.0.5
New Features
- Admin System
- Auto TK (team killers) kick/ban admin cvars
(g_autoKickTKSpammers/g_autoBanTKSpammers) with auto warning system.
- Expanded IP
Banlist - The IP banlist now uses an externally stored
(banip.txt) to ban certain IP addresses from the server. You
can use
incomplete IPs (IE 192.246.40) to ban entire subnets. Use the
commands addip,
and listip
to use this feature.
- Client IPs are now recorded to the game log whenever a
connects. This is so admins can easily ban troublemakers
after the
- Team Kicking
- You can now kick members of your own team using the
voting menu while in team gametypes. Use g_allowTeamVote to
- Asteroids
Code (ASTEROIDS) - All the Asteroids Mod code has been
ported to OJP. You can now use Asteroids' maps without
- BugFix6
- Twi'lek "skirts" 3 and 4 are now twosided (added z_newstuff.shader)
- BugFix5
- Fixed minor bug with saber clash effect logic.
- BugFix4
- Fixes an issue with Linux servers and RandFloat. It was
causing all sorts of weird issues.
- BugFix3
- Fixes bug in the fall damage code that causes client number
0 to always take Jedi style fall damage even when not meeting any of
the Jedi style requirements.
- BugFix2 -
Fixes a major issue with the animation timer calculation in
MP. The animation timers are now calculated correctly and
this should
help with animations that play in Force Rage, Force Speed, or at odd
saber animation speeds.
- Bot Tweaks (BotTweaks)
- Bots in honorable duel acceptance mode
(bot_honorableduelacceptance 1)
now require you to fully holster your saber before accepting a saber
- Add Bot menu commands added to vchat menu, so the addbot
menu is now availible in all team gamemodes.
- Bot AI FPS
Cvar - You can now control how often (in
fps) the Bot AI is processed by using the bot_fps cvar.
NOTE: The Bot
AI can't be done faster than the current server fps (sv_fps).
- Bots can now move thru all areas that players can.
- Cleared up the strafe code a bit to reduce CPU useage.
- Changed the default settings for both
"bot_wp_distconnect" and "bot_wp_visconnect to off.
- Removed some redundent code.
- Dismemberment
Enhancements - Players can now have more than one limb
lopped off at a time and explosive attacks now blow players to
Note: This doesn't work for bodies after the player has
- Extra Vehicle
Implementation - specifically for VH_WALKER vehicles.
Allows Droideka vehicles. See OJP_vehicles.txt for more
- Holstered
Weapons (VisualWeapons) - You can now see the weapons
you're carrying (but
not using) holstered on your player's body. Note:
This feature
currently requires that you to specially prepare your model for this
- More Vehicles
- The game code has been changed to up the vehicle limit
from 16 to 64 different vehicle files. This means you can
have 64
different types of vehicle models (You can spawn up to 128 vehicles
- Note:
Different vehicle skins count against the vehicle model
total. In addition, the vehicle weapon limit has been raised
from 16 to 64.
- Match Warm Ups
- You can now set a warm up period before the beginning
of all non-duel gametypes. You can find options for this in
the create
server menu under the advanced tab. Also see OJP_cvars.txt
for details
on the cvars that control the warm ups.
- More Weapon
Disable Options - You can now disable any weapon in the
game in any combination except for having all weapons (including melee)
disabled. This is controled by the weapondisable cvars (g_weaponDisable
and g_duelWeaponDisable). Ammo now correctly disappears when
weapons for that ammo type are disabled. You now have menu
options for
Melee Only, Sabers & Melee Only, and No Explosives.
- Old JK2 Gametypes
- Added holocron points for all JKA FFA maps in the form
of an external file.
- Added holocron commands "!addholocron",
"!saveholocrons" and "!spawnholocron" while in bot_wp_edit mode.
- Added holocron point hpf files from AOTCTC for
- RGB Sabers
(RGBSabers) - The creator of the very well known RGB
sabers for JK2,
Tchouky, has exclusively given OJP his RGB sabers code for
JKA. It's
been greatly improved over his JK2 version and now supports a black
cored saber, RGB sabers, "Pimp" sabers (a saber that randomly shifts
colors), a powerful RGB saber scripting system (so you can have your
saber shift colors to your liking), full bot support for the system,
and easy to use menus.
- For those that don't know what RGB Sabers are, it simply
means that you
can choose your saber color from over 16 million unique colors (by
using a 24 bit RGB scale).
- True View
(TrueView) - True View is a realistic first person view
for all weapons
(including melee mode) that allows you to play the game from inside
your character. Roll and you'll see your body roll.
Look down and
you'll see your feet. True View adds multiple options to the
game so
be sure to check the cvar list and readme for details on how to get the
most from True View.
- Various Code
Tweaks (MiscCodeTweaks) - Fixed a bug with debug
compiles that caused the animation parsing
function to display a minor error whenever it processed the ROOT
- Various Map
Tweaks - All basejka Duel Maps are now availible
as FFA maps. Duel maps are great for a low number of players
or against bots.
- Various
Server Tweaks - g_saberdamagescale is now a
server info cvar. This means you can now
use third party server browsers, like the All Seeing Eye, to create
filters useing this cvar.
- Old
JK2 Gametypes (OLDGAMETYPES) - The create server menus now
only show maps that
support the selected gametype. In addition, the various
options now display for the correct gametypes. Added "team"
(team ffa)
map type to .arena file options. I've added a fix to the map
function to prevent the asteroid maps from being used in FFA mode.
- More Force Disable Options
- Force Powerup items are no longer disabled for partial
force setups.
- Fixed menu overlapping problem in the advanced options of
the create a server menu.
- TABBots
- Added support for Hoth and Desert.
- Added three tiered AI structure.
- Improved waypoint routing for Seige Korriban.
- Bots now set ready at game intermission.
- New WPFLAG_JUMP behavior. Bots will now jump to jump
waypoints even if the startpoint is higher than the the waypoint.
This is so you can jump across level-grounded gaps.
- This now also makes bots attempt to press nearby buttons or hack
doors. If there's a hackable door but the bot can't hack it,
he'll try to destroy the control panel if that's an option.
- Siege Class auto switching
- Bots automatically pick the classes nessicary for a job if noone else
can currently do it. In addition, bots will attempt to keep the
siege classes balanced when they join the game.
- TABBots are now able to get to attack to final objective of Korriban. Able to defend all.
- TABBots can now actually join into siege games already in progress instead of just staying in spectator mode.
- TABBots now defend/attack siege objectives in random order.
- TABBots use Katas.
- Text based bot ordering system
- Using computer science's best known real time pathfinding
system, the A* Algorethm, TAB Bots now take the shortest possible
waypoint route to get to where they want to go.
- Various behavioral upgrades.
- Various UI Tweaks
- Server filter names for OJP Basic and OJP Enhanced now
display correctly.
- Siege is now a selectable gametype in the Solo
(quickgame) game setup menus.
- Additional SP Menu
- Game
speed - timescale (5 presets--very slow, slow, normal,
fast, very fast)
- "Hovering"
health bars (bars above each character) -
- Kung-Fu
Style Melee - g_debugmelee
- Pick Up
Sabers - g_saberPickuppableDroppedSabers
- Saber
Anim Speed - g_saberanimspeed (5 presets--very slow, slow,
normal, fast, very fast)
- Saber
Realism - g_sabermorerealistic
- Wireframe
- r_showtris
- Setup->Options
- Crosshair
Size - small/med/large
- Crosshair
Type - crosshairs 1-8
- Controls->Other
- Zoom - zoom goggles (primary fire zooms in,
secondary zooms out, cannot fire)
- Misc
- Update to missionfailed.menu (now has Quit Game as an
- Melee added to ingameweaponselect.menu (no icon --
just automatically loads for new missions)
- Note:
Players can have the advanced SP settings stay the way they want if
they copy/paste the following lines to the bottom of their
- seta r_showtris "0"
- seta g_saberanimspeed "1"
- seta g_saberPickuppableDroppedSabers "0"
- seta cg_debugHealthBars "0"
- seta g_sabermorerealistic "0"
- seta g_debugmelee "0"
- bind z "zoom"
- Additional MP Menu Options
- Setup->Advanced
- Framerate - cg_drawFPS
- Lagometer - cg_lagometer
- Setup->Options
- Crosshair
Size - small/med/large
- Crosshair
Type - crosshairs 1-8
- Note:
Players can have the Lagometer ADVANCED MP cvar stay the way they want
if they copy/paste the following to the bottom of their jampconfig.cfg.
New Cvars/Commands
- g_autoBanTKSpammers 0 - Auto
IP bans TKs after this many team kills. 0 = no limit.
- g_autoKickTKSpammers 0 - Kicks a player
after this many team kills. 0 = no limit.
- g_allowGametypeVote - Allow Gametype
- g_AllowKickVote - Allow kick
votes. Note: This does not apply to the Team Kicking
mentioned above.
- g_AllowMapVote - Allow map change votes
mod configuration
OJP Basic now operates as a /GameData style mod. This means
you'll now have to load the mod using the Setup->Mods
menu. Be
sure to delete your old OJP Basic files.
- Ambient
Player Sounds -
Players now have the ability to setup two fully customizable ambient
sounds (Vader's resporator breathing, sensor ping, breathing, whatever
you want) See ojp_readme.txt and ojp_animevents.txt for details.
- Animevents
System Overhaul - animevent.cfg files are now fully
functional. In addition, all players can use per-model
files to customize their character's animation linked
See OJP_readme.txt and OJP_animevents.txt for details.
- Duel Taunts
in all Gametypes - You can now use all the duel emotes in
all gametypes.
- Old JK2
Gametypes - Reintroduces the old JK2 gametypes Holocron
FFA, Jedi Master, and Capture the Ysalimari.
- More Force
Disable Options - You can now set "Jump Only" and
Only" for the Force Disable (now called "Force Powers") option.
- Realistic
Saber Menu Settings - Added menu option to SP to allow you
to turn on different levels of saber damage realism.
- Various UI
- The map loading screen is now less vague about the
server's disabled
Force Powers setting. It also now has support for the More
Disable Options feature.
- Server filters for OJP Basic and OJP Enhanced.
- RGB Character
Color Menu Options - Added the option to use float values
to set the player color.
- Improved Bot
Routing - Improved bot routing added for mp/duel6.
- RGB Character
Color Menu Options - Added a submenu that allows you to
pick any color for your character's color with simple slide bars.
- Hidden Lannik
Racto Skin - Made the Lannik Racto skin selectable in the
MP skins menu. Also created icon for said skin.
- Improved Bot
Routing - Improved bot routing added for mp/duel8.
- Various Bot
Tweaks - The Lannik Racto bot now uses the correct model
and icon.
- Improved Bot
Routing - The
bot routing for the mp/duel3 and mp/ffa5 maps has been redone and
- SP Dual/Staff
Menu - The
starting SP saber selection menu has been altered to allow you to
select the dual sabers or the saber staff from the beginning of the
game. In addition, you can now select a red blade in SP.
- Various Bot Tweaks:
- The Luke
bot now uses the skywalker saber (single_skywalker) that is included in
the game.
- Chewie now speaks in
- Various Menu Tweaks:
- Shadow options are
now in both SP and MP. Projected shadows are now an option.
- Light Flare option in
the MP ingame More video Options menu.
- Dynamic Glow option
in the MP ingame More video Options menu.
- Hidden JKA
Saber Hilts - The hilts now show up in the SP saber menu.
- Hidden Hoth
Skins - Moved to the Skins Pack to cut down on Basic's
file size.
Version 0.0.1
- Bug Fix 001
Animation.cfg fix for BOTH_WALKBACK2. Fixes an animation bug
when walking backwards with an ignited single saber in single player by
correcting the number of frames.
- Hidden JKA
Saber Hilts - Adds
to multiplayer the Retribution (Desann's), the Skywalker (Luke
Skywalker's Saber), and the Stinger (default Reborn's) saber
These hilts come with the game but are by default hidden from use.
- Hoth Custom
Player Clothing -
Added the ability to select the Hoth clothes for all the built-in
player classes. You can also now select the color of Hoth