OJP Classic Game Modes


OJP Enhanced brings back some of the classic game modes found in Jedi Knight: Outcast.  In addition to the standard multiplayer game modes, you can also play:


CTF with a twist!  The flags now have the object properties of the Ysalamari.  When you hold the flag,  you cannot use Force powers...and none can be used against you!  

This mode is identical to normal Deathmatch (FFA) except that throughout the levels there are Holocron cubes. Force Enlightenment Holocrons are removed in this mode.  Unlike in a normal FFA game, every player starts with just Level 1 Force Jump, Level 1 Saber Attack, and no other Force Powers. His Force configuration screen is also disabled, since Force Powers are acquired through Holocrons, not Force Point Allocation.

The game itself is much like the old schoolyard game of “tag.”  Each match begins like a normal Deathmatch, except that no player has any Force (except for Level 1 Force Jump) or a lightsaber. Thus players are limited to the Stun Baton, Bryar Pistol and whatever guns/explosive and gadgets they can pick up and use.  Players cannot harm one another (though they could theoretically blast each other off ledges) in this state. Essentially they are all on the same “team.”

There is one lightsaber in the level (that always respawns in the same place) which glows gold through walls. Once picked up, this player becomes the Jedi Master. As the JM, he receives 200 health (total) and all of the Force Powers at their highest levels (except for Absorb and Drain) while some music plays. The JM glows blue (through walls) to all non-force players. His 200 health count down until it reaches 100, and then it functions as normal. He loses access to all his weapons (minus the saber) but his items and shields remain as before.

Now the rest of the players are able to kill him. He scores points by killing the non-force players. The JM’s only weapon is his lightsaber (and the Force) and any items he can pick up.

Only the JM may score, thus it’s a race for the lightsaber and who can hold onto it and get the most kills. The non-force players may work together to kill the JM, but after that, it’s every person for himself!