OJP RGB Sabers


jka tchouky's rgb saber b1

Hello everyone, this is a jka version of my RGB sabers.
you can easily set up your cool new saber colors in the menus.
however, if you want to do it by hand, here are the cvars.

NOTE : the SCRIPTED sabers are only selectable with CVARS.

new saber colors:

//for cvars "color1" and "color2"

0 => red
1 => orange
2 => yellow
3 => green
4 => blue
5 => purple
6 => white
7 => black
8 => rgb
9 => pimp
10 => scripted

new cvars for definition
of rgb params of the blades

rgb_saber1 & rgb_saber2

//usage : 
rgb_saber1 R,G,B

example : 

rgb_saber1 255,0,255 //purple

cvars for scripted sabers !!!

rgb_script1 & rgb_script2

//usage : 
rgb_script1 :R1,G1,B1:T1:R2,G2,B2:t2:

with R1, G1, and B1 being the rgb params of the color number 1.
you have up to 10 color slots for each scripted sabers.
T1 is the transition time between color 1 and color 2 in milliseconds.

rgb_script1 :255,0,0:500:255,0,255:500:0,0,255:500:

this script will make a saber that is red and then changes to purple
and then to blue with a transition time of half a second (500 millisecs) between each color changes.

jka tchouky's rgb saber b1


Custom blades' shapes

if you want to allow your new sabers to be compatible with RGB mods,
just replace the 3 following files :



to alter the black saber, just change :


don't forget the alpha channel !

Bots using custom sabers

in the botfiles/bots.txt
just add entries for : 

and change the color1 and color2 values to make them match the kind
of saber you want the bot to use.
examples provided in the pk3 : /botfiles/bots.txt watch out for alora and cultist


if you want the source code, just let me know, i ll just give it to you.

Note: Forgetting to add the colon at the end of a rgb saber script define results in very bad things happening. 


Q: My bot's RGB saber scripts are resulting in nasty saber color flickering and dynamic

A: Make sure that you included a colon at the end of your saber script in the bot file. (:255,255,0:500:0,255,0:500:255,0,0:500: = right; :255,255,0:500:0,255,0:500:255,0,0:500 = wrong)

Q: Why is my bot saber not displaying the correct color?

A: It's probably because you didn't set the color varible correctly. See the Color Cvar Legend for which value you want. 

Color Cvar Legend:
0 Standard Red
1 Standard Orange
2 Standard Yellow
3 Standard Green
4 Standard Blue
5 Standard Purple
6 Standard White
7 Standard Black
8 RGB Colors
9 Pimp Saber
10 Scripted RGB Colors