This puppet is really dangerous for your opponents. It’s bite causes high damage! This weapon is the right choice for close combat,
or want to escape a senseless fight, because while using Punchy you can un a bit faster than with the other weapons-
good to get away or get closer to your enemies. If you handle it to make 5 frags with punchy in one round, you'll become a Puppet Master (see Powerups).
The NiPPER, is the starting weapon and works in the same way like a pistol. This weapon has a auto-fire like every other weapon,
but if you click you mouse button faster then hell, it will shoot faster than the normal auto-fire.
The PUMPER is like a shotgun. Having flashes at the end of the trail, it lets you hurt people near the trail. This weapon has a limited range of fire.
It's gettin' colorful. The BUBBLE G. (Bubble Gum) shoots small little coloured balls very fast. These might make you go crazy ;).
This weapon is a fun weapon. It shoots cool water bombs, which jump around in the arena. It's not easy to make an aimed shot,
but if you hit the opponent, he'll take a lot of damage. The perfect weapon to shoot into a crowd!
Every game needs a Sniper-Rifle. In the "World of Padman" the SPLASHER is the weapon for all the campers out there. With its variable zoom,
it is the perfect weapon for long and mid distances. Disadvantage: it needs some time to reload.
This is a really strange weapon. Its jet, curved like a water jet, makes a lot of damage. Besides the damage, the jet will make the floor very slippery.
It is not easy to move on this floor, so you will be an easy target if you walk on it.
BETTY shoots really huge fireballs. Important: the fireballs do not fly very fast but they
do cause splash damage over a large area. It's really good for mid-ranged distances.
If you see a pink star, then RUN! With its all-destroying explosion, the iMPERiUS is the most powerful weapon ever.
But this gun has two big disadvantages. The maximum ammo limit is set at 5 shots, and you have to hold down the fire key for a few seconds
until the weapon is ready to shoot. But do not hold it down too long or the weapon will explode in your hands.
Oh, and the weapon is shaking while loading it, so its not easy to aim.