Last updated : 4 January 2001 (Australian Time)
Magus' Rainbow Six:Rogue Spear Urban Operations Guide            v1.3

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               |  _  // _` | | '_ \| '_ \ / _ \ \ /\ / /
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           \____/| .__/ \___|_|  \__,_|\__|_|\___/|_| |_|___/
                 | |

Legal Stuff 
This entire FAQ is copyright Magus 2000-01. The only sites that can use
this without asking are:

If you want to use it on your site, please e-mail me at
The latest version can always be found from or

Note, that if you've asked me for permission but don't see your site on the
list above, don't worry about it, as it's a real pain to update each time
everyone asks me to use this guide on their site. So as long as you've
asked me, yes, you can put it up on your site. The sites above are the
ones that don't have to ask to use them.

Rogue Spear:Urban Operations is copyright The Producers/Red Storm 2000.
Please do not leech any 
of this to make your own FAQ out of it. Unless you have MY permission DO 
NOT take anything at all from this guide. Don't edit, don't do anything to 
it and submit it without e-mailing me with permission first. You can
print it out, but only for personal use, no selling this! Summing it
up, do anything for your own personal benefit (apart from reading it)
without asking me, AND YOU'LL BURN IN HELL!!!!!

To get in touch, e-mail me at
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   address will most likely be ignored, as I don't check that
My AIM name is dcmagus

Be warned that I'm only on the net twice a week, don't expect replies 
from me which are ten minutes after you've sent the mail. Here's some 
guidelines about sending me mail:

1.Make sure you put the title of the game you're asking about in the
  subject. I've made a fair few FAQs, and it's a bit hard to work 
  things out sometimes.
2.If it's an FAQ, make sure that it's not already in the guide!!! If
  it is, I'll do my best to ignore it.
  If it's not in there, make sure that the details you provide 
  are, well, DETAILED, and not sketchy. Examples are "Hi need to know
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3.Ask nicely. So far, most people have, but if your mail goes along
  the lines of "Hi, need code for B2, reply within the next hour 
  otherwise I'll bomb you" will not get you anywhere.
That's it. Sorry for being a pain, but it had to be said.

Version History

v1.0-Missions added.
v1.05-Copyright Notice changed.
v1.06-Copyright Notice changed.
v1.07-Seems like a waste of time, but I like ASCII art headings =)
v1.08-Copyright changed, again.
v1.09-Copyright Notice changed.
v1.10-Copyright Notice changed.
v1.11-Email guidelines. Some people out there are getting annoying.
v1.2-Big update, kits and characters updated.
v1.3-New email addy.

4)Other Tips
5)Some Mission Hints


When Rainbow Six came out, it was hailed as the king of tactical
FPS's. It had teamwork, "real-world" factors, and some of the best
team play in an FPS ever. Now its sequel is out, and it is even more

It's basically a re-doing of Rainbow Six, and the tweaks it adds are
extremely good. You are again in charge of the Rainbow anti-terrorist
squad, who's put in charge of protecting the world from these
terrorists (the Tangos).

The game is really easy to get into if you've played Rainbow Six
before, and it's still pretty easy to learn for beginners. Within
the game is a training feature, kinda like the Half-Life Black Mesa
Hazard Course. 

Once you've picked your mission, the game will give you a briefing 
which it is advisable to listen to, and gives you some intel too. Then
you've got to make your team. There's tonnes of abilities your team
members can have, ranging from electronics, assault, sniping, demo-
litons or reconnaissance.

Their weapons and other stats can be tweaked to your delight. You can
use sniper rifles (YES! I won't have to resort to playing Silent 
Scope at the arcades), standard and silenced assault rifles, pistols,
flashbangs, grenades, explosives, and heartbeat sensors to detect 
the enemy.

Apart from the missions, there's two variants: Lone Wolf and Terrorist
Hunt. In these missions, you've got to exterminate all of the terrorists,
and in Lone Wolf, you've got to do it alone, and in Terrorist Hunt,
you've got a full backup team to help.

Now onto the graphics. WHOA. They're damn good. Fully 3D, and they are
modelled on real-life locations, including the Prague Opera House and
a 747. It looks real enough. The game also uses the sounds to up the
suspense a little. 

It's not your average Quake style FPS. You've got to plan, plan, plan.
And work together in a team. You're not the lone soldier zapped into
hell now, you're the anti-terrorist squad who aren't as macho. You
can co-ordinate their actions so that when one team throws a flashbang
to blind the enemy, the other team rushes in to finish them off.

There's also the issue of hostages. They die, you die. I mean, lose. 
You've got to rescue them before they die... and timing is vital to
saving them. Actually, timing is vital to any part of the mission.
Planning plays a very important part of the game, and you can either
take the default plan or make one up of your own.

In game, there's a very useful map in the game which shows you your
position and position of the other teams. Use this to your advantage 
when storming the enemy. Also, there's the extremely useful peek
function, where you can see what's around a corner without actually
going around that corner. Peeking adds to the suspense factor, and
also increases your chance of your survival.

The AI does have some problems though. But, they are minor, minor things
as it's still supberb. They can withdraw from attack, and they keep
moving and don't just stay in one spot.

Multiplay is also near perfect. All of the missions are available for
multiplay, and you can not only play co-op with your buddies but also
the AI!

Overall, this is the new standard in tactical FPS. While the AI may not
be perfect, and the missions may become a little repetitive, it's a 
great FPS full of tactics, and suspense. Get it.


Apart from the real action phase, the planning is probably the most
important phase of the game. The plans that the game provides you
with are good to stick with for the first few missions, and once
you've got the hang of it, you can start planning yourself.

First, watch the whole thing in Watch Mode. Here, you can make an
analysis on the plan. Here, you can see the mission's strongest
points, and the weakest points. Try to plan by yourself as quickly as
possible, as you'll get experience and you'll know how to spend your

Next, never ever skip the briefing. Listen to every single last 
detail, and if there's any information you can squeeze out of anyone/
anything, get it as it will be invaluable.

Also stay on the Intel screen for a while. You should have some 
knowledge of the likely plans of the Tangos, and some advice on the 
type of team you should you. You should have been able to have learnt 
them, the objectives, and any restrictions (time, specialists) on the

Now, it's time to choose a team. You should know by know what type of
team you'll need for the situation. Usually, people with assault skills
are the ones to pick as they are the most versatile, and assault 
skills are usually the most important skills needed in a mission.

Some missions may call for demolition specialists, reconnaisance, 
snipers or electronics. All team members know how to carry out all 
of the tasksbut they're probably less skilled in those areas than a

Using a specialist will make the mission go faster. If the mission is 
more aligned to the nature of rush in shoot kill, you may want to just
have a whole team of assault specialists. If you need a demo man, or 
electronics specialist, it's wise to pick one. But in most examples, 
an assault member with a high rating of the skill you need will do 
the job.

Balance out the skills of your team members, as you'll probably split 
them into different teams throughout the mission. When picking members 
you should look for a high assault and stealth rating, as these are the
stats which will help you through the mission. For team leaders, they 
should be the ones which have the most leadership and self-control.

Also choose your weapon kit wisely. As with the plans, use the 
default settings for the first couple of missions, then go on and
experiment. Say, switch those grenades for flashbangs, and include
a heartbeat sensor. Would a silencer be more effective? Work out the
reasons why your kit isn't doing well and improve it.

With the kit, you can also specify the type of uniform, armor, primary
and secondary weapons, and extra equpiment. Remember to give each 
person the correct type of equipment, as a demolitions man isn't very
good without heavy armor, and a sniper isn't any good with heavy

Use the Go Codes well too. Their main use is to co-ordinate actions 
between two teams. Selecting waypoints for your teams are effective too,
and remembering to think about the Rules of Engagement is good too.
Now, it's action!


Now, even though you've done all your careful, careful, planning, it's
gotta come unstuck somewhere. As with everything in life. But, stick
to the plan. Don't change anything, even at the worst disaster.

Follow the map and waypoints, and even if you see some obvious,
gaping hole in the Tango's plan, try not to change the plan much at 
all. But, if you're really, really screwed, you've gotta make a change.

To help, to make the mission easier, you'll need to give each team
a heartbeat sensor. Give them to someone other than the team leaders,
and check it regularly to detect the enemy.

When you've detected the enemy, first, use the peek command. It's free,
apart from that it wastes a minimal amount of time, and the Tangos
keep on moving. Then, take them out with short bursts of fire. It's 
tempting to rush in with all guns blazing, but the simplest shots will
do the job.

Also check the mission map regularly, and if a team is not doing 
anything, chances are that they've come across some Tangos, or you need 
to give them a Go code.

Sometimes your team can stick to you like glue, and that's bad when 
you need to scout ahead. Scout ahead and check out the situation 
before calling the rest of them in. You don't want your whole team to 
be slaughtered.

Do not underestimate the power of the sniper!!!! He's a very important
part of the team. Make him take out that annoying Tango at the entrance,
or guard a exit. You've got to take control of them well though, 
otherwise you'll give the whole game away.

When rescuing hostages, you'll probably need to escort them in case
the Tangos get them. Otherwise, leave them in a safe spot, then move
on and complete your objectives before rescuing them.

And most of all, take your time. Walking around will reduce noise, 
and you'll be quicker to react than running into a group of Tangos.

4)Other Tips

-When in a mission where you have to use Specialist skills, you should
always pick an assault member who is high in that skill. Assault members
also have a better "enemy killing" ratio to others.

-If you need a demolition specialist, only call one in if you need
to disarm something. For something minor, as placing explosives, it's
fundamentally better to stick to an assault member.

-If you need an electronics specialist, usually, once again, stick to
an assault member with a high electronics skill level. Unless you need

-If you need a sniper, ALWAYS bring in a specialist. You need lots of
precision, and good timing, otherwise you'll bring the misison down. 
Even if they aren't required, having one is quite useful.

-Good weapons to choose from are of course, the MP510SD, closely
followed by the Benelli M1 Shotgun and the HK MP5SD5. The MP510SD cuts
through the enemy like hell, but the only disadvantage is that it's
louder than the MP5SD5. 
The M1 is great for barging into a room, and shooting anything for the 
heck of it. Another great gun to choose is the HK UMP45SD, as it's great 
for those situations where you're taking on lots of terrorists.

-When choosing a secondary weapon, just pick whatever you feel is 
okay, but the best bet is to go with something very, very powerful, such
as the Desert Eagle.

-When in any situation, remember to give each team a heartbeat sensor.
These are the things which will save your ass.

-When outdoors, you may want to take a pair of binoculars along with you.
This way you can check out the positions of the Tangos and look for any
clear paths.

-Equip Flashbangs! They're really good for taking out (well, not really)
Tangos, as they can blind them and leave you to pick them off one by

-What are Go Codes? Complex, but very useful commands. Say you've got
one team at a waypoint. They'll sit there and do nothing until you
give them a Go Code, basically an order. For example, if you have two
teams waiting for you to reach some Tangos, you can use a Go Code to
make them storm in just as you reach the Tangos. 
You should usually stick to the same Go Code for each team to make 
things less complicated.

-What are Rules Of Engagement? They are commands which will affect
the speed and actions of each team. In sync with Go Codes, these 
are very effective ways to make sure all your teams are co-ordinated.
There are four ROEs, Assault, Escort, Infiltrate and Recon.

Infiltrate is the best for the situations where you're trying to
control a lot of teams. The teams will move quietly and quickly to
wherever you want them to head to, and will avoid all combat.

Escort and Assault are self-explainatory. Recon is almost the same
as Infiltrate, but they move slower, so it's handy when you can't see
those Tangos.

5)Some Mission Hints


This mission is hard because along with the terrorists you have to 
deal with, there are civilians running around and getting in your way.
If by some freakish accident, you shoot one of them, the mission will
end in failure. Civilians don't have guns. Use that to tell the
civilians from the hostages.

Use four teams. Two teams will enter the bazaar and clean up there, 
while the other two teams cover them from any Tangos that might get 
them from the back.

Enter the bazzar through the marketplace on the left with one of the 
teams, watching out for the Tango snipers up high. The hostages can be 
found in a room upstairs, but be careful, four Tangos will be in your 

Once you get upstairs, send another team up the right side to clear
out that area. Move upstairs with that team, then rescue the hostages
and escape.

You'll need to use four teams again for this mission. Four teams are
needed again.

Control the sniper team. Move just in front of the extraction zone, 
and take out the Tangos on the other side of the subway. Inch forward
more and get rid of any more Tangos you spot.

Give a Go Code for your teams to move. Use your team to cover the other
teams just in case you didn't get rid of all the Tangos. Once everyone
is in position, switch to the Gold Team, and give the Bravo Code.

Take out the sniper in the fourth level with the Gold Team, then give
Code Charlie. Wait until the Green Team is ready for Code Alpha, then
move onto the next floor.

Switch back to the snipers,(the Green Team). Give Code Delta, and go 
up to Floor 4. Be careful of the Tangos in the office, and take them
out. Secure the level, give code Alpha, and grab the hostages.


Disarming a bomb. Hmm. A sniper team is needed, along with three other

First, make it that the sniper team (Gold) will automatically fire 
at Tangos, before moving on with the recon team (Blue). Go down to the
first level and clear the area.

Once you reach the canal, flick over to Red and give Code Alpha. Race
to the courtyard and find the Green Team. Give Code Bravo, then cover
the balcony of the library until Gold Team reach you.

Give Code Charlie, and head towards the library, making sure Green 
Team is trailing you. Once they are at the North Door, give Code Delta,
race up to the third floor and clear that out. Pop into the courtyard
and clean that up too.

Switch to Green, find the bomb, disarm it, then clear out the library.


This is a very interesting mission, with all of the fighting done at
almost point-blank range. You'll need four teams, two assault teams,
a team that will cover from up high, and a team which are all equipped
with machineguns.

Start off with Blue. Move them north, and position them so that they
cover all of the street. Then switch to Red, and enter the first 
building. Head up to Floor 3, and then take out the Tangos in the 
other buildings. 

Switch to Green, give code Alpha, and head towards the building to
the east. Head into the basement, but be careful, you'll need to take
out the sniper in there, probably with a grenade.

Once Gold Team reaches you, give Code Bravo and head up the stairs to
clear the center out. Tangos love to hide in stairwells, take extreme
caution when you're in them.

When Green retreats back to the basement, give code Charlie and use
Gold to Floor 2, then to take out the third building across the road.


What's required here are two assault teams and two snipers. This level
is quite tough, and you'll need silenced weapons.

You'll be separated at the start, with Red Team starting at the 
insertion zone to the west, while all the other three teams are to the
east. Use Red to take out the two snipers to the west, one's in the
street and the other is near by the pillars on the third level of a

Give Code Alpha and switch to Gold. Head to the first level, entering
from the west, and take out all Tangos, some may rush down to
investigate. Once that's done, give Code Bravo and switch to blue.

Move up to the kitchen on Level 3, watch out for Tangos though. Find 
the hostages, but don't get them yet. Give Code Charlie and the Red
Team will rescue the other hostage first. Then peek around the corner,
dispose of the Tangos, and take the hostages home. Give Code Delta and
the sniper teams will follow.


You'll just need four teams, equipped with heartbeat sensors.

Three teams will enter the building, and the other team will stay 
outside and clean up from there. Take the Green Team, up the path.
Get rid of the Tangos that patrol the house and the roof. After 
you've cleaned all of them up, give Code Alpha. Switch to Blue.

Run into the Kitcehn and rescue the hostages. Go straight down the 
hall and into the basement, free the hostages there, then return to 
the kitchen.

Switch to Red, give Code Charlie and then to the foyer. Take out the
Tango, then go to the stairs. Piff a grenade up there, and once that's
done, run up there and get rid of Calderon, and his bodyguard. Give
Code Delta and then get out of here.


This is one mission where the briefing does not help. Equip all of
your members with the stuff. By that, I mean the big guns, you'll
need POWER. Four teams are required again. 

One team will patrol the main gate. Another team will clear out the
two small buildings, and the other two will clear the lab out. The
one which enter the lab must hve biosuits on, and because of that
you'll have to be extremely careful when combating Tangos. Use
heartbeat sensors to full effect.

Take Green and clear the outside buildings. Once you're done, give
code Alpha and switch to Blue. Head into the western entrance of the
lab. Give Code Alpha again, so that you can enter the lab, and then
give Bravo for Red to come in from the dock. The two teams should
then be able to dispose of all Tangos, no problems.

-------------------------------------------------------------------- infiltrate mission! But you can't kill things
or be seen. All you'll need for this mission is two electronics
specialists, which should be in separate teams. You'll most 
certainly require a heartbeat sensor, and binoculars.

Use Red, and halfway to the house, use the bino's and check out the
position of the guard. When he goes south of the large window, give
Code Alpha and Blue will run and disarm the security, and then
hide in the laundry.

After the guard goes back north, give Code Bravo, and dash to the
south side of the house. When it's clear, go in via the front door,
and hide in the closet upstairs. When it's clear upstairs, bug the
phone and hide in the closet.

Now for this part, you'll need to be in Map view. When the guard
downstairs is in the south, and the guard upstairs is south of the
phone room, give Code Alpha, and Blue will plant the bug in the 
office, and return.

Now, monitor the positions of the guards and dash downstairs with
Red into the garage when it's clear. Be careful outside, and head
to the Extraction Zone. Give Code Delta when it's safe to leave.


Very similiar to the last. This time, you have to download some files
off some guy's PC. Two teams are needed again, heartbeat sensors,
and make them electronics specialists.

Use Red, go down to level 3 via the lift shaft. Wait until it's clear,
then move across the hall and deactivate security. Dash back to the

Use Blue, and follow the Tango to the left carefully. Hide in 
restrooms if you think you'll be spotted. Go into the office, 
download and get out.


Use four teams, all with silenced weapons. Heartbeat sensors help as

Send two to one building, and two to the other one. VIPs are in the
barracks, and Lang is in research. Rush in to each building from 
different entrances, secure the area and rescue the hostages.

If you pick the Blue Team (I think, might be Red), you can snipe 
away and make life easier. Then give Alpha, and when everyone is 
ready, give Bravo and Charlie. Control Blue or Green, and use hearbeat
sensors to full effect in the barracks. Rescue, then give Delta to 


Arnavisca, Santiago
Born in Málaga, Spain.  Although the family's holdings were greatly 
reduced under Franco's rule, the Arnaviscas still control large 
tracts of farmland around Córdoba and the Guadalquivir river valley.  
The second youngest son in a family of eight, his eldest brother is 
a deputy in the Adalucian Parliament.  Attended University of Seville,
1983-88.  Joined the Guardia Civil upon graduation.  Served as a
brigade commander 1994-96 in the Western European Union (WEU) 
administration of Mostar in Bosnia where he was instrumental in 
rebuilding the local police force.  In 1997 recruited by the Guardia 
Civil's counter-terrorism unit, the Unidad Especial de Intervención 
(UEI) as part of their focus on the growing threat of terrorist 
action within the European Union by former citizens of Yugoslavia.

Arnavisca has competed in shooting competitions since he was a child
and is an expert marksman.  He speaks English, German and Italian 
fluently, as well as his native Spanish, and can make himself 
understood in most other European languages.  Despite his 
aristocratic bearing, he is more comfortable acting as a lieutenant 
and advisor than a team lead.  Extremely tenacious in combat, he has 
a reputation for maintaining an air of calm detachment no matter how
tense the situation.

Beckenbauer, Lars

Born on a farm near Chemnitz on the Czechoslovakian border in what 
was, at the time, the German Democratic Republic (East Germany).  
Drafted into the East Germany Army, 1970.  Specialized in bomb 
disposal and demolitions.  Assigned to East German Border Patrol, 
1971-76.  Arrested by the GDR State Security Service (Stasi) in 1976
under suspicion of involvement in several high-profile defections.  
Released for lack of evidence and discharged from army in 1977.  
Movements and activities from 1977-84 are unknown.  The current 
German government will neither confirm nor deny rumors that he was a 
member of the "Libellen", an underground group held responsible for 
several bombings of East German governmental offices in and around 
Berlin in the summer of 1981.  Resurfaced in 1985 when he was 
granted asylum by West Germany after a risky crossing of the Baltic 
Sea in a small sailboat.  Opened Pyrotechno GmbH, a security 
consulting firm, in 1989.  Since then he has built his reputation as 
Germany's leading expert on explosives and demolitions.  Married, 
1995.  Two children.

Beckenbauer has an encyclopedic knowledge of all types of explosive 
devices.  Years of working with bombs have made him extremely 
meticulous.  He never overlooks any detail of an operation and leaves 
nothing to chance.   In his relations with the rest of the team he is
liable to be somewhat cold and distant, but only because he is so 
completely focused on his job that he considers personal interactions 
to be a dangerous distraction.

Bogart, Daniel

Born in Keokuk, Iowa, USA.  Father is a local deputy sheriff, mother 
a homemaker.  Two brothers.  Attended University of Iowa on a track 
& field scholarship, 1972-76.  Graduated with honors with a degree in 
law enforcement.  Worked for three years as a patrolman in Keokuk 
police department.  Hired in 1980 by the Federal Bureau of 
Investigation.  Member of FBI Hostage Rescue Team 1987-97.  Married 
since 1979.  Wife and two teen-age children live in Maine, USA.

Bogart is an excellent team lead.  He has exceptional tactical skills
and situational awareness from his years with HRT.  Extremely cool 
under fire, he is also a crack shot, having won several marksmanship
awards during his tenure at the FBI.  His low-key demeanor and 
laconic sense of humor have made him a well-liked member of the 

Burke, Andrew

Born in Manchester, England.  Whereabouts of father unknown.  Mother 
is a secretary at a plastics processing plant in Leeds.  Three 
siblings, two brothers and a sister.  Joined Royal Marines in 1986. 
Two tours of duty with British Special Air Service (SAS) , 1989-91 
and 1996-1999.  Awarded Military Cross, 1998. Has taken part in SAS 
actions in twenty-two countries on four continents.  Further details
of his service record are sealed.  Unmarried.

Burke is a seasoned veteran of numerous covert operations.  While not
reckless, he has a strong can-do attitude and unlimited confidence 
in his abilities.  As a leader he is decisive and demanding.  He has 
a quick sense of humor and is likely to keep his team relaxed by 
telling jokes before the start of a mission.  While he has some 
contact with his immediate family, he considers the service to be his 

Chavez, Domingo "Ding"

Born in Los Angeles, California.  Joined U.S. Army, 1983.  Served 
with the 7th Infantry Division, 1984-87. Rose to rank of Staff 
Sergeant before being recruited by the American Central Intelligence 
Agency (CIA) in 1987 for narcotics interdiction operations in South 
America.  Discharged 1988 and became a full-time CIA employee the 
same year, working under John Clark.  Service records for the years 
1989-99 are sealed.  Earned B.S. Political Science, George Mason 
University, 1995.  M.A. International Relations from the same 
institution 1999. Married.

Chavez is an excellent light infantry soldier with an exceptional 
grasp of small unit tactics and close quarters battle.  Although 
small in stature he is powerfully built and agile, a formidable 
opponent with a wide range of weapons and in hand-to-hand combat.

DuBarry, Alain

Born in Chantilly, France.  Father is a manuscript curator at a local
museum, mother is a journalist.  Four sisters and two brothers.  
Second oldest sister is a prominent professor of mathematics at the
University of Paris.  Attended the Ecole Supérieure d'Ingénieurs en 
Electrotechnique et Electronique (ESIEE) in Paris, 1984-89.  
Graduated with a degree in electronics engineering and computer 
science.  Joined the Gendarmerie Nationale in 1990 as an officer in 
their computer crime division.  Instrumental in thwarting a 1994 
attempt by a group of Algerian nationals to bring down the French 
Minitel computer network using a virus spread by telephone switching 
software.  In 1996 he was recuited by the Groupe d'Intervention 
Gendarmerie Nationale (GIGN), France's elite counter-terrorist unit,
as a specialist in telephony and electronic surveillance.  Unmarried.

DuBarry is an expert on computers and computer nets as well as more 
conventional forms of surveillance.  Although his role in CT actions
is usually intelligence gathering and communications, as a veteran 
of  GIGN's extensive combat training he is fully qualified to 
participate in armed operations.  Introverted and thoughtful, and an
excellent tactician, he often makes connections that other team 
members miss.  Off-duty he is an avid amateur scuba diver and is an 
officer in the Confédération Mondiale des Activités Subaquatiques 

Filatov, Genedy

Born in Pskov, Pskovskaya Oblast, Russian Federation.  No information 
on family available.  Served in army of former Soviet Union, 1981-85,
including tour of duty in Afghanistan.  Recruited by "Alfa" counter-
terrorist group in 1987.  Operated in all major territories of the 
former Soviet Union and eastern Europe.  Resigned from "Alfa" in 1991
in response to that organization's ambiguous response to the failed
Soviet coup.  Director of operations for private security firm, 
1991-96.  Returned to "Alfa" during its 1997 restructuring under the 
Russian Federal Security Service.  Married, no children.

Filatov is a solid counter-terrorism operative.  Although his
training and background are unorthodox by western standards, he has
a wealth of real-world experience from his years in the security 
forces of the former Soviet Union, and numerous contacts across 
eastern Europe and Asia.  His steady nerves and methodical approach 
to any threat make him a particularly valuable asset in combat 
situations.  Team commanders should not be misled by his world-weary
manner; he is not a pessimist but a realist, and he prides himself 
on being the voice of reason and conservatism in any debate.

Galanos, Kure

Born in Nicosia, Cyprus. Galanos was thrust into the ethnic tensions 
on Cyprus from an early age, when her family lost their homes during 
widespread clashes between Turkish and Greek rioters. The Galanos 
family, while never physically harmed by the tensions, continued to
suffer difficult times for many years due to the unrest. Eventually 
they fled the city, and Galanos' father, an ex-ELDYK sniper, taught 
her his trade in extended hunting trips through the center of the 
island. Galanos attempted to join the Greek MYK force, but was denied
due to her gender.  Instead, she joined the civilian police force and
quickly rose to prominence as a sniper with a reputation for precise 
shooting in less than optimal conditions. 

Galanos is, at times, a sheer force of nature. What she cannot achieve 
by skill alone, she often completes by force of will. Teammates often 
claim her piercing gaze does more damage than her bullets. She 
displays no antipathy towards Turks, or indeed any other nationality 
or criminal. She treats assignments as problems to be solved, and 
solves them with a single, clean trigger pull.

Haider, Karl

Born in Graz, Austria.  Father is a petroleum distributor, mother a 
homemaker.  Two siblings, a brother and a sister, both still in 
school.  Joined the regular Austrian army in 1992.  Transferred to 
Gendarmerieeinsatzkommando Cobra (GEK Cobra) in 1996.  Trained with 
both Germany's GSG-9 and Israel's Sayeret Mat'Kal.  Participated in 
GEK Cobra raid on Deissenmayr GmbH headquarters in Vienna in 1998 and
was credited with single-handedly saving the lives of seven hostages.
Married 1999, no children.

In combat situations Karl is unstoppable.  He is extremely aggressive
and will not hesitate to use whatever methods are necessary to 
complete his mission.  He is fanatical about protecting the lives of
hostages and innocent bystanders, even to the point of jeopardizing
his own life.  Off the job he is soft-spoken and private, but has an 
iron determination.

Hanley, Timothy

Born in Margaret River, Australia.  Father is a winery foreman, 
mother is a homemaker.  Two siblings, a brother and a sister.  
Attended Australian Defense Forces Academy in Canberra, 1983-87.  
Upon graduation was recruited into newly formed 1st squadron of the 
Special Air Service Regiment (SASR) and remained with this unit when
it was reorganized into the Australian Tactical Assault Group (TAG) 
shortly thereafter.  His entire career has been with TAG with the 
exception of one tour of duty with the Australian Intelligence Corp 
(AustInt), 1993-96.  Has lead counter-terrorist teams on three 
continents and has cross-trained with both the U.S. "Delta Force" and
British Special Air Service.  Unmarried.

Hanley is a career CT officer.  He is a veteran of dozens of assaults
and approaches even the most dangerous missions with the easy-going 
good humor that has become his hallmark.  Off duty he is an 
experienced backpacker and mountaineer and has taken part in amateur 
expeditions to many of the world's major peaks.  He is in superb 
physical condition and has demonstrated an ability to endure even the
most extreme physical hardship.

Johnston, Homer

Born in Boise August 23 1972.  Father local logger, mother secretary 
at lumber mill. Brought up in true mountain man fashion, he shot his 
first deer at age 10.  Former Green Beret and Delta member.  Part of
101st AirMobile Fort Campbell, Kentucky, he found his way into Black
Ops by 1989.  Definitive distance runner, relies on stealth and speed 
to set up his sniper locations.  Expert with all forms of rifles.  
Spends free time hunting with Weber and spending time with his 
parents.  Unmarried.

Lofquist, Annika

Born in Göteborg, Sweden.  Father was a retired admiral in the 
Swedish Navy, now deceased.  Mother is a professor of Romance 
languages at Göteborg University and is active in Miljöpartiet de 
Gröna, the Swedish Green Party.  Three brothers.  The entire family 
sails avidly.  Attended Stockholm University 1984-87, graduated with
a B.S. in Physics.  After a stint as an engineer with the Swedish
semiconductor giant Microelektronik AB (1988-92), Lofquist joined the 
Stockholm police force as an expert on electronic surveillance.   
In 1994 she was recruited into Ordningspolisens Nationella 
Insatsstyrka (ONI), the national rescue unit of the Stockholm Police 
Department.   From 1997 to 1999 she led ONI intelligence and 
surveillance teams in over a dozen different counter-terrorist 
actions, including the high-profile 1998 Red Cell occupation of the 
trading floor of the Stockholm futures exchange.  Unmarried.

Lofquist is an electronics genius.  Her name is on 14 different 
patents held by Microelektronik, her old employer, and she continues
to consult with their engineers while serving as a member of the 
RAINBOW team.  Most of her innovations have been in the area of
electronic eavesdropping.  She is extremely confident and courageous, 
although at times her lack of military training can lead her to
overestimate her ability to handle a situation.  Off duty she keeps
to herself, living alone on a sailboat in Saltsjobaden outside 

Loiselle, Louis

Born in Paris June 6 1968, married to Elaine, three years.    Father 
former commercial pilot, mother is a clerk at local department store
in Avagion.  Former member of the French Parachute Division, he was 
detailed to DGSE.  Part of action group Service 7.  Involved in 
tactical espionage and counter-espionage throughout Europe.  Began
training DGSE recruits in 1985.   On assignments he is a utility 
player, and doesn't get shaken easily.  He is a marksman with pistols
and rifles, although he is experienced in all forms of 
counterterrorism.   He spends most free time reading and spending 
time with his wife.

Maldini, Antonio

Born in Milano, Italy.  Father is the manager of a textile factory, 
mother is a homemaker.  Five siblings.  Attended Universitŕ degli 
Studi di Ferrara, 1984-88.  Graduated with a degree in Chemistry.  
Joined L'Arma dei Caribinieri in 1989 and after completing training
was assigned to the Comando Carabinieri Antidroga, the Caribinieri's 
anti-narcotics agency.  Transferred in 1995 to the Gruppo Intervento
Speciale (GIS), Italy's elite counter-terrorist team.  Married since 
1990.  Three children.

Maldini's specialty is stealth.  At GIS his ability to occupy 
positions undetected by the enemy resulted in the nickname "The 
Invisible Man".  He is in excellent physical condition and is 
exceptionally quick on his feet. His demeanor is calm and somewhat 
aloof.  Although a solid team member, he is too introspective to be
a truly effective commander.  Off-duty he is an amateur marathoner 
and has competed in races across Europe.  Extremely intelligent and 

McAllen, Roger

Born in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.  Father is a senior officer with 
the Royal Bank of Canada.  Mother is deceased.  One sister, still a 
resident of Toronto.  Joined the Canadian Army as a Field Engineer, 
1981.  Served one tour of duty, 1981-85.  Received advanced training
in both combat diving and explosive ordnance disposal.  Upon 
discharge joined the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and in 1988
became a member of the Special Emergency Response Team (SERT), the 
RCMP's elite counter-terrorism unit.  When SERT was disbanded in 1993,
he helped coordinate the transition of counter-terrorist 
responsibilities to the Canadian Armed Forces' newly formed Joint 
Task Force Two (JTF-2).  McAllen re-enlisted in 1994 and became a 
full member of JTF-2 the same year.  He has participated in counter-
terrorist actions on three continents, including the JTF-2 extended 
operations in 1996-97 against war criminals in Bosnia.  Married in 
1984, divorced in 1992.  One child, a daughter, born 1986, lives with 
her mother in London, Ontario.

McAllen is a specialist in multiple areas.  He is an excellent shot 
and is extremely aggressive in combat situations, making him a good 
choice as a member of an assault team, but he also has extensive 
experience with bomb disposal and demolitions.  He is an amateur 
power-lifter and his strength and stamina make him a formidable
opponent.  Team leads should be warned that he performs better in a 
subordinate rather than a command position.  He has a hearty, good-
natured manner and spends his off-duty time socializing with a wide 
circle of friends, most of them current or ex-military men.

Morris, Gerald

Born in Birmingham, Alabama, USA.  Father is a retired furniture 
salesman, mother is a homemaker.  Two younger sisters, both still 
living in Birmingham.  Valedictorian of his high school class, 
National Merit Scholar, 1982.  Attended Rice University in Houston, 
Texas, 1983-87, graduating with a BS in Material Science and a BA in
Russian Literature.  Joined the American Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco
and Firearms (BATF) in 1988 as an agent in their Explosives Division.  
Earned an MS in Inorganic Chemistry from the University of New 
Orleans during a leave of absence from BATF, 1992-1994.  His thesis 
"Applications of Micro-stress Analysis in Accelerant Identification" 
is considered to be a landmark in the forensic analysis of bomb 
debris.  Upon return to active duty in 1995 he was assigned to the 
BATF's International Response Team (IRT).  Since 1998 he has been on 
extended assignment in South Korea with the Korean counter-terrorism 
task force, the National Police 868 Unit, training them in techniques
of bomb detection, bomb disposal, and post-bombing investigation.  
His wife and two daughters currently live in Seoul, South Korea.

Morris is a team player who likes his operations to run strictly by 
the book.  His primary specialty is forensics, but he is also an 
expert at the setting and disarming of all types of explosive devices.  
Although he knows a fair amount about conducting counter-terrorist 
assaults from his years working with the 868 Unit, in hostage
situations he prefers an indirect approach.  Morris likes to spend 
his off-duty hours with his family.  In his spare time he collects 
antique blues recordings and memorabilia.

Murad, Jamal

Born in Bani Suwayf, Egypt. Murad is the son of an influential 
moderate Muslim cleric, and grew up learning a great deal about both
the religious and secular worlds. To the dismay of his pacifistic 
parents, Murad joined the Egyptian armed forces rather than continue
his scholarship. Privately upset by the reputation of Egypt's Unit 
777, Murad set out to change the organization from within. His 
contacts with US, British and German training units convinced him 
there was a better way, but that Egypt would not be taking that path 
soon enough for him. His exceptional skills, both linguistic and 
military, landed him a frequent cross training position with the SAS,
where he came to the attention of RAINBOW.  

In combat, Murad is a swift and lethal presence. Once he has 
committed a plan to memory, nothing stand in his way to accomplish 
that plan. Prior to the mission, Murad questions every detail of
every plan, often infuriating the planning officers but ensuring that
every possible consequence and complication have been well thought 
out. His insistence that there is a Right Way has won him many 
admirers, if few friends.

Narino, Emilio

Born in Cartagena, Colombia. Narino's early activities are shrouded 
in mystery, a situation he enhances with conflicting stories 
regarding his training and upbringing. At various times, Narino has
claimed to be the nephew of a Colombian drug lord, a failed 
university professor, an ex-police officer, and a freedom fighter. 
Most team members believe that he learned his trade as a CIA assassin, 
a belief that Narino alternately encourages with outrageous stories 
or flatly denies cold stares. Regardless, everyone agrees that 
Narino is a cool and composed marksman with a disquieting ability to
sneak into exposed positions without being seen.  

Narino is a study in unpredictable mood swings. One minute joking and 
talkative, the next tight-lipped and silent. This never interferes 
with his professionalism on the job, but it has kept Narino at arm's 
length from the easy camaraderie pervading most of the team. This
distance is especially noticeable during planning sessions, where he
doesn't contribute unless it is to point out an unorthodox sniping 

Noronha, Alejandro

Born in Belo Horizonte, Brazil.  His late father ran an import 
business.  His mother is a homemaker.  One older brother, two younger
sisters. Attended college at the Brazilian military academy, Colégio
Militar do Rio de Janeiro (CMRJ), 1977-81.  Served two terms of duty
with the regular Brazilian army before being recruited into the 
Counter-Terrorist Detachment (CTD) of the 1st Special Forces Battalion
in 1987.  Since 1995 he has commanded one of CTD's three squadrons. 
He has cross-trained with the U.S. "Delta Force", Chile's Unidad 
Anti-Terroristes (UAT), Agentina's Brigada Especial Operativa Halcon,
and Columbia's Agrupacion De Fuerzas Especiales Urbanas (AFEU).  
In 1997 he was one of a group of senior Brazilian CTD operators who
assisted the Peruvian armed forces in ending the occupation of the 
Japanese embassy by the Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement (MRTA).  
Married since 1985.  His wife and two daughters live in Rio de Janeiro.

Noronha has spent the majority of his military career as a CT 
operator.  He is well-known in the CT community, particularly in 
North and South America, and has a reputation as a stern taskmaster.
Although he has conducted actions in a wide variety of terrains and
circumstances, he is particularly proficient in jungle operations and
long-range intelligence gathering.  In combat situations he is 
extremely aggressive and he expects the same from any team that 
serves under him.  He has no sense of humor and considers it 
unprofessional in others.  His only passion in life (aside from his
work and his family) is classical music and opera.

Novikov, Arkadi

Born in Minsk, in what is now Belarus. Novikov is the son of a career
army officer; his family is politically very well connected, and has
made the transition from the USSR to the CIS very well indeed. 
Novikov enjoyed the finest education and living standard available,
including an engineering degree from the University of Moscow. He 
spurned the regular army to take a prized field position in the 
enforcement arm of the KGB, only to find it disintegrating beneath 
him. When his co-workers joined the forming Russian Mafias, Novikov 
left the city to return to Minsk where the newly independent Belarus 
army offered him a chance to lead a CT team of his own creation. A 
series of low profile but well-planned and executed missions brought 
him to the attention of RAINBOW, which Novikov gladly joined. 

Novikov combines the broad built of the Russian athlete with an 
incisive mind and stern leadership. He is capable of working much 
higher in the organization, but prefers field duty, even if it means
taking more orders than he gives. Other team members feel comfortable 
with Novikov in charge, as his personal bravery combines with sharp 
planning to virtually guarantee success.

Petersen, Einar

Born in Hamar, Norway. Parents owned and operated a ski resort high 
in central Norway. Began skiing at an early age; soon added hunting 
and shooting, to become an accomplished biathlete. Attempted and 
failed to win entry to Norway's Olympic Biathlon Team in 1988 and 
1992, missing by fractions of a point each time. Joined 
Beredskapstroppen in 1990, after sister travelling in the Middle East 
was wounded in a terrorist attack.

Petersen is a nearly unstoppable sniper if allowed the proper setup 
time. He projects an air of icy calm at all times, prompting 
teammates to devise various pranks and embarrassing situations to
disturb that calm. All attempts so far have failed. While aloof, his 
unerring accuracy has endeared him to the rest of the team. When not 
on duty, Petersen often embarks on lengthy solo cross-country skiing 
trips, disappearing into dense terrain for days at a time.

Price, Eddie

Born in London, September 21 1958.  Father deceased, mother living in
Cambridge, retired nurse.  Price is a former color sergeant who
served in the 22nd SAS at Hereford.  Spot promoted to Sergeant major,
he spent time in Northern Ireland for the 14th Intelligence Company.
Highly trained in techniques such as CQB, IR photography and covert 
surveillance, "The Company" as it is known performs in Northern 
Ireland, monitoring known IRA terrorists and pre-emptively striking
against terrorist targets.  Involved in hostage rescue in Columbia,
1984, where scientist was on a research expedition. Extremely 
physically fit, and an expert marksmen. Enjoys reading, smoking his 
pipe, and working out with Weber.  Unmarried.

Rakuzanka, Kazimiera
Born Kazimiera Koziol  in Gdansk, Poland.  Her father and brothers 
worked in the shipyards and she was active from an early age in the
movement that later become known as Solidarnosc.  In 1981 when she 
was 17 she was beaten seriously enough by police to require 
hospitalization and in 1982 she was arrested during a street 
demonstration and spent the following year in jail.  Upon her release 
in 1983 she resumed activity in the Solidarity underground while 
working odd jobs in and around Gdansk.  Married in 1986 to Andrzej 
Rakuzanka, a follow underground activist.  With the shifting of 
political winds in 1989 and the founding of the Republic of Poland she 
was able once again to make public her affiliation with Solidarity. 
In 1990 she joined the reconstructed Gdansk police force and quickly
moved into undercover work to battle the growing organized crime
problem in the newly liberated country.  In 1993 she was recruited by 
the Grupa Reagowania Operacyjno Mobilnego (GROM), Poland's newly-
formed counter-terrorist unit.  Initially she was involved purely in
intelligence gathering activities, but in 1994 when her unit took 
part in Operation Restore Democracy, the American-led invasion of 
Haiti, she was promoted to full-fledged CT operator.  In 1998 she 
lead her first assault team, and has since cross-trained with the 
U.S. "Delta Force", Norway's Beredskapstroppen, and Finland's Osasto 
Karhu.  Her husband and two daughters reside in Gdansk.

Rakuzanka is a survivor.  Despite her unassuming appearance she has 
an iron consititution and is capable of enduring extreme hardship.  
She is a strong team player and an excellent shot.  She has a 
sarcastic way of speaking but always reserves her sharpest barbs for 
the rich and powerful.  She is called "Kazi" by friends and family, 
and "Kamikazi" by her colleagues, although never to her face.

Raymond, Renee

Born in Kansas City, Missouri, USA.  Father is a retired U.S. Army 
colonel, mother is a homemaker.  Two older brothers.  Attended 
University of Oklahoma, 1986-89 under Reserve Officers Training Corp
(ROTC) program, majoring in Political Science.  Entered regular U.S.
Army upon graduation.  Served in Kuwait, 1991.  Recruited into U.S.
Special Operations Psychological Operations (PSYOPS), 1992.  Served 
in Bosnia, 1996-97.  In 1998 was selected to take part in U.S. Army 
trial introduction of women into special operations ground combat 
forces.   Trained with 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta 
(1st SFOD-D, "Delta Force") .  Married since 1993.  Husband is a 
lieutenant in U.S. Army, stationed in Frankfurt, Germany.  One child,
a daughter, born 1995.

Raymond is extremely self-reliant and resourceful.  An excellent 
combat soldier, she is also well-versed in a variety of types of 
psychological warfare, and understand how both soldiers and civilians 
react under the stress of combat.  Although an experienced officer, 
she is too much of a loner to be at her best as a team lead and will
be used to maximum advantage in a support role.  She doesn't talk 
much, and weighs her words carefully when she does speak.

Pak Suo-Won

Born in Kangnung, South Korea. Pak is a member of a large family of 
fishermen; he has four brothers and three sisters. He entered the 
South Korean army at the youngest age he could, so long as he would 
not have to serve on a boat, ever again. Despite (or perhaps because
of) his slight build, Pak developed a reputation for physical 
prowess, particularly endurance. He was accepted into the 707th 
Special Mission Battalion, making battalion history by being the only 
inductee to exceed every one of the punishing physical tests exacted
upon the battalion during training. He built his reputation up 
further by succeeding at lengthy solo infiltration missions behind 
North Korean lines, often in disguise for extended periods of time.

Pak is cheerful and optimistic at all times. While Recon operatives 
are not used in all missions, Pak manages to be in the center of the
planning and discussion stages all the same. 

Sweeney, Kevin

Born in Birmingham, England.  Father was a waiter, mother a cleaning 
woman.  Two brothers, one younger, one older.  Joined Birmingham 
police force as a patrol officer in 1987.  Promoted to detective in 
1991.  Spent the next five years working a variety of undercover 
operations in the Special Branch.  In collaboration with the British
Security Service (MI5) coordinated a series of raids in the fall of 
1996 that broke the back of the "Field of Gold" terrorist underground 
in the British Isles.  Recruited by MI5 as an agent in 1997, he left
his position with the Birmingham force.  Assigned to their counter-
terrorism branch ("T" Branch) and working out of London, he has 
planned and executed over two dozen covert actions in Great Britain
and British territories.  Unmarried.

Despite his youthful appearance, Sweeney is a master of covert 
operations.  He has a particular knack for blending into the
background that served him well during his years working undercover
on the streets of Birmingham.  He also is an excellent burglar and,
despite his large build, can move quite quickly and quietly if he 
needs to.  He is a good actor and can maintain his composure even 
under the most stressful situations.  Professionally he is soft-spoken 
and earnest.  He prefers consensus to confrontation.

Walther, Jorg

Born in Saarbrücken, Germany.  Father is a safety engineer with 
Lufthansa, mother is a homemaker.  Three younger siblings, two 
sisters and a brother.  Amateur archer, competing in Germany junior
national championships, 1990.  Entered the German Federal Border 
Police Force (Bundesgrenzschutz) in 1994 at the top of his cadet 
class.  Stationed at Saarbrücken, 1994-98.  Recruited into Germany's
elite counter-terrorist force, Grenzschutzgruppe 9 (GSG-9) in 1998. 
Completed GSG-9 training in record time, again at the top of his 
class.  Temporarily attached to GSG-9/1, the group's primary CT 
strike unit, before reassignment to RAINBOW.  Married since 1996. 
No children.

Walther is currently the youngest member of the RAINBOW team.  His 
lack of experience in the field is balanced by his extraordinary 
drive and determination.  He is a quick learner and an exceptional 
team member, following every order without hesitation or question. 
Although his primary training was as member of an assault team, he 
is also well-versed in wire-tapping and electronic surveillance.  He 
is clearly being groomed for advancement by the Bundesgrenzschutz 
command and his assignment to RAINBOW reflects the German 
government's long-term commitment to international CT collaboration.

Weber, Dieter
Born in Munich July 9 1971, Father ironworker, mother deceased.  
Graduate of German Army's Burger Fubrer or Mountain Leader schools,
one of the physically toughest schools in the world.  Came from 
German GSG-9 team, which was part of the former Border Guards, the 
Federal Republic's counterterrorism team.  Fluent in English and 
German, his marksmen ability only matched by a few members on the 
team.  Spends free time hunting, working out with Price, and 
practicing Tai Kwon Do.  Unmarried.

Woo, Tracy

Born in Los Angeles, California, USA.  Father is a doctor, mother a
lawyer.  No siblings.  Amateur gymnast, competing in west coast 
regional championships 1987-88.  Attended UCLA University 1989-92,
graduated with a BA in Psychology.  Joined Los Angeles Police 
department in 1992, transferred to Metro Division S.W.A.T Team in 
1994, where she specialized in surveillance and negotiation.  
Awarded commendation for bravery for role in ending the New Millennia
occupation of L.A. city hall in 1999.  Unmarried.

Woo is an expert on reconnaissance and surveillance.  She can move 
quickly and quietly through terrorist-controlled areas and is well-
versed in the installation and removal of a wide variety of electronic
intelligence-gathering devices.  She handles command well, but she
has an independent nature and has been known to argue with her 
superiors.  Her combat skills are average.  Outspoken and self-

Yacoby, Ayana

Born in Tel Aviv, Israel.  Father is a greengrocer, mother died when 
she was three.  One younger brother, plays professional soccer for 
Beitar Jerusalem.  Joined the regular Israeli army, 1992.  Transferred 
to Sayeret Mat'kal in 1995, where she served in the general staff 
reconnaissance unit.  Recruited in 1997 by the Mossad.  Specialization 
in infiltration and intelligence gathering.  Speaks fluent English 
and Arabic.  Unmarried.

Ayana is a master of the silent kill.  Her training has prepared her 
for moving stealthily into hostile territory and neutralizing whatever
threats may confront her.  She is extremely intelligent with little
tolerance for fools.  The quintessential professional, she has been 
known to complain about the "cowboy attitude" of some of the other 
members of the team.  Ruthless in combat, in non-military situations
she may err on the side of excessive force.



These compact, lightweight binoculars are specially constructed to 
withstand the rigors of CT operations. A built in range finder and 
choice of 4x and 8x zoom factors make these the item of choice for 
RAINBOW recon missions.

Breaching Charges

Breaching charges are used to explosively remove doors for rapid 
entry. Flashbangs do not need to be used in conjunction with a 
breaching charge as they stun, wound, or even kill anyone nearby. 

Demolitions Kit

This kit speeds both the placing and disarming of explosives. It 
contains basic electrical diagnostic equipment along with the 
essential mechanical tools needed to perform the job. Extra primer, 
detcord, and a variety of adhesives complete the kit.

Electronics Kit

This kit speeds up placing bugs, rewiring security cameras, and 
related electrical tasks. It contains a high precision multimeter, 
miniature power supplies, a breadboard, and digital analyzer. A full 
complement of jumpers, clips, and miscellaneous electrical parts 
rounds out the kit. 


Capable of stunning observers with a combination bright flash and 
loud report, flashbangs are commonly tossed into rooms to 'prepare' 
rooms prior to entry. The valauble seconds gained while potential 
hostiles recover from the stun effects can mean the difference
between life and death to a tactical team. Also known as distraction
devices or stun grenades. 

Fragmentation Grenade

The M61 fragmentation grenade is the standard issue offensive grenade 
used by infantry throughout the world. While its blast radius is 
small, an overhand throw is still necessary to safely clear the blast
radius in the open.

Heartbeat Sensor

The Heartbeat Sensor is capable of tracking a human heartbeat even 
through thick layers of concrete.  It works by detecting the 
characteristic ultra-low-frequency electric field given off by a 
beating heart.  When in use, the hearbeat sensor scans in a small 
circle around the user as well as a larger cone straight ahead.

Lockpicking Kit

This kit speeds the picking of locks. Its primary component is a 
highly sophisticated auto-pick capable of opening most mechanical 
locks in a few seconds. Electrical keycard or swipe locks are handled
using a classified system containing presets for all major keycard 

Barret M82A1

The Barrett 'Light Fifty' M82A1 was the first .50 caliber sniper 
rifle to achieve widespread use. Its massive length (1.55m) and 
weight (13.4 kg) make it the bulkiest and most powerful sniper rifle
in RAINBOW's arsenal. Extreme care should be used in employing this 
weapon, as its high powered .50 Browning round can tear through 
multiple targets just as easily as it can through an engine block. 

M4 Carbine

A compact version of the M-16, the M4 Carbine is commonly used when 
the firepower of an assault rifle is needed, but the weight and size 
is not. It is commonly used by US and Israeli special forces. It 
comes standard with a single and full auto trigger group.


The Heckler & Koch G36K is their latest assault rifle entry. Its 
compact design makes it useful in close quarters, while its 5.56mm 
round will penetrate most body armor.


The G3A3 is Heckler & Koch's standard assault rifle. It fires the 
powerful 7.62mm NATO round. This is the most accurate assault rifle 
in RAINBOW's arsenal.

Enfield L85A1

The Enfield L85A1 (also known as the Enfield Individual Weapon or 
SA80) is the standard infantry weapon of the British Army. Its 
bullpup design trades accuracy for maneuverability. 


The direct descendant of the classic M1 Garand, the M14 fires a 7.62
round with extreme accuracy. It has been is use by the US Army since


When extra range or firepower is needed, RAINBOW turns to Colt's 
M16A2. Tried and true, it's 5.56 caliber easily pierces Level II body 
armor and has the longest range of any of RAINBOW's standard weapons.
It comes standard with a single and three round trigger group. 

HK MP510A2

The HK MP5/10A2 is a product-improved variant of the venerable HK MP5 
chambered for a 10mm round. The increased stopping power of the 
heavier round is offset by increased recoil. It is equipped with a 
single and full auto trigger group. 

HK MP510A2 Silenced

An HK MP5/10A2 equipped with a sound suppressor gives a nice mix 
between power and silence. Because the suppression is not integral 
(like the MP5SD), the suppression is not quite as complete. 


The preferred submachine gun of counter-terrorist operatives around 
the world, Heckler & Koch's MP5 is known for its reliability and 
accuracy, even when firing on full automatic. RAINBOW uses the 9mm 
MP5A4 fitted with single, triple, and full-auto trigger group.


Heckler & Koch's 9mm MP5K-PDW is a compact version of the classic MP5. 
Its folding stock and light weight make it an ideal choice when a 
full rifle or submachine gun is unmanageable and a handgun is a poor
compromise. It is equipped with the single and full auto trigger 


Terrorists throughout the world fear Heckler & Koch's MP5SD. Its 
integral silencer is so effective that the report of the bullet is 
miniscule compared to the click of the bolt operating. RAINBOW uses 
the 9mm MP5SD5 whenever both accuracy and stealth are essential. 


Arguably the most accurate off-the-shelf sniper rifle available. A 
favorite of police forces around the world, the PSG-1 comes standard 
with a 6x sight and fires the NATO 7.62 round. 

Benelli 12 Gauge Shotgun

Whether used for door breaching or highly lethal close quarters 
combat, a good tactical shotgun is an essential part of all anti-
terrorist teams. RAINBOW uses the Benelli M1 Tactical 12-Gauge, 
largely because its superb recoil characteristics enable a skilled 
operator to fire five rounds accurately in less than one second. 


The SPAS-12 is a fully automatic combat shotgun capable of emptying 
its nine-round clip in 2.25s. This makes it ideal for quickly 
clearing a room of all hostiles.  

Steyr AUG

The standard weapon of the Austrian Army, the Steyr AUG is a 
futuristic looking assault rifle with a compact bullpup design. It is 
well suited for missions requiring the maneuverability of a 
submachine gun combined with the punch of an assault rifle. 


The HK UMP45 is the newest submachine gun from veteran gun 
manufacturer HK. The stopping power of its .45 caliber round comes at 
the price of an increased recoil and lower rate of fire. 

HK UMP45 Silenced

An HK UMP45 equipped with a sound suppressor. Of course, the 
suppression is not as complete as the integral suppressor of the 
MP5SD. A good choice when a balance between power and silence is

Walther WA2000

The shortest sniper rifle used by the RAINBOW team, the Walther 
WA2000's bullpup design and light weight make it a favorite of 
snipers needing to move stealthily into difficult positions. Its 
powerful .300 Winchester round has more punch than the 7.62 NATO 


Heckler & Koch's .40 caliber USP is a favorite among those desiring 
a balance between size and firepower. 

.40 Silenced

This Knight Armament Corp. silencer provides excellent sound 
suppression to the HK .40 USP. 


The extreme ruggedness, reliability, and match-grade accuracy of 
Heckler & Koch's .45 Caliber Mark23 ACP has made it the handgun of 
choice for all U.S. Special Forces. 

.45 Silenced

The specially designed sound and flash suppressor on this HK MK23
virtually eliminates muzzle flash and provides more than 35dB of 
sound reduction. An essential part of any RAINBOW mission requiring 
both firepower and discretion. 

.50 Desert Eagle

The IMI .50 Desert Eagle is a very powerful handgun. It is capable of 
punching through body armor, but has a limited seven round magazine.


The Beretta Model 92FS is RAINBOW's 9mm pistol of choice. Its primary 
advantage is low recoil and a large magazine compared to the bulkier

9mm Silenced

The specially designed sound and flash suppressor on this Beretta 
Model 92FS minimizes weight and length to maintain accuracy while
boasting an impressive 32dB of sound reduction. It is the favorite 
pistol of for RAINBOW's recon specialists.

.357 Desert Eagle

The smaller cousin of the Desert Eagle .50, this the IMI Desert 
Eagle's .357 Magnum round packs a punch capable of punching through
body armor at close range. It carries a limited eight-round magazine. 

Arctic Heavy

This bulky uniform sacrifices ease of movement for increased 
protection. An excellent uniform choice for demolitions specialists 
operating in arctic environments, it consists of Level III body armor
extending to the groin, sub-zero parka, a Kevlar Helmet with full
faceplate, soft-soled rubber boots, Nomex balaclava, and Nomex/Kevlar
gloves. The vest reliably stops all but the most high-powered rifle

Arctic Light

This streamlined uniform sacrifices protection for ease of movement. 
An excellent uniform choice for recon specialists operating in arctic 
environments, it consists of a lightweight Level IIa waist-length
tactical vest, sub-zero parka, soft-soled rubber boots, Nomex 
balaclava, and cut resistant Nomex/Kevlar gloves. The vest reliably 
stops low-powered pistol rounds. 

Arctic Medium

This uniform is provides a good blend of protection and ease of 
movement. An excellent uniform choice for recon specialists operating
in arctic environments, it consists of a Level II waist-length 
tactical vest, a Kevlar Helmet, sub-zero parka, soft-soled rubber 
boots, Nomex balaclava, and Nomex/Kevlar gloves. The vest reliably 
stops most pistol and submachine gun rounds. 

Black Heavy

This bulky uniform sacrifices ease of movement for increased 
protection. The uniform of choice for demolitions experts on 
nighttime operations, it consists of Level III body armor extending
to the groin, a Kevlar Helmet with full faceplate, soft-soled rubber
boots, Nomex balaclava, and Nomex/Kevlar gloves. The vest reliably
stops all but the most high-powered rifle rounds. 

Black Light

This streamlined uniform sacrifices protection for ease of movement. 
The uniform of choice for recon specialists on nighttime operations, 
it consists of a lightweight Level IIa waist-length tactical vest, 
soft-soled rubber boots, Nomex balaclava, and cut resistant Nomex/
Kevlar gloves. The vest reliably stops low-powered pistol rounds. 

Black Medium

This uniform is provides a good blend of protection and ease of 
movement. The standard uniform for assaulters on nighttime operations,
it consists of a Level II waist-length tactical vest, a Kevlar 
Helmet, soft-soled rubber boots, Nomex balaclava, and Nomex/Kevlar 
gloves. The vest reliably stops most pistol and submachine gun rounds. 

Blue Heavy

This bulky uniform sacrifices ease of movement for increased 
protection. A good choice for demolitions specialists operating in 
low light conditions, it consists of Level III body armor extending
to the groin, a Kevlar Helmet with full faceplate, soft-soled rubber
boots, Nomex balaclava, and Nomex/Kevlar gloves. The vest reliably 
stops all but the most high-powered rifle rounds.

Blue Light

This streamlined uniform sacrifices protection for ease of movement. 
A good choice for recon specialists operating in low light conditions,
it consists of a lightweight Level IIa waist-length tactical vest, 
soft-soled rubber boots, Nomex balaclava, and cut resistant Nomex/
Kevlar gloves. The vest reliably stops low-powered pistol rounds. 

Blue Medium

This uniform is provides a good blend of protection and ease of 
movement. A good choice for assault specialists operating in low 
light conditions, it consists of a Level II waist-length tactical 
vest, a Kevlar Helmet, soft-soled rubber boots, Nomex balaclava, and
Nomex/Kevlar gloves. The vest reliably stops most pistol and 
submachine gun rounds. 

Desert Heavy

This bulky uniform sacrifices ease of movement for increased 
protection. An excellent uniform choice for demolitions specialists
operating in desert environments, it consists of Level III body armor 
extending to the groin, a Kevlar Helmet, soft-soled rubber boots,
and Nomex/Kevlar gloves. The vest reliably stops all but the most
high-powered rifle rounds.

Desert Light

This streamlined uniform sacrifices protection for ease of movement.
An excellent uniform choice for recon specialists operating in desert
environments, it consists of a lightweight Level IIa waist-length 
tactical vest, soft-soled rubber boots, and Nomex/Kevlar gloves. The
vest reliably stops low-powered pistol rounds. 

Desert Medium

This uniform is provides a good blend of protection and ease of 
movement. An excellent uniform choice for recon specialists operating
in desert environments, it consists of a Level II waist-length 
tactical vest, a Kevlar Helmet, soft-soled rubber boots, and Nomex/
Kevlar gloves. The vest reliably stops most pistol and submachine gun

Euro Heavy

This bulky uniform sacrifices ease of movement for increased 
protection. An excellent uniform choice for demolitions specialists
operating in mixed forest environments, it consists of Level III body
armor extending to the groin, a Kevlar Helmet, soft-soled rubber 
boots, and Nomex/Kevlar gloves. The vest reliably stops all but the
most high-powered rifle rounds.

Euro Light

This streamlined uniform sacrifices protection for ease of movement. 
An excellent uniform choice for recon specialists operating in mixed
forest environments, it consists of a lightweight Level IIa waist-
length tactical vest, soft-soled rubber boots, and Nomex/Kevlar 
gloves. The vest reliably stops low-powered pistol rounds. 

Euro Medium

This uniform is provides a good blend of protection and ease of 
movement. An excellent uniform choice for recon specialists operating
in mixed forest environments, it consists of a Level II waist-length 
tactical vest, a Kevlar Helmet, soft-soled rubber boots, and Nomex/
Kevlar gloves. The vest reliably stops most pistol and submachine gun

Green Heavy

This bulky uniform sacrifices ease of movement for increased 
protection. Used primarily by demolitions specialists in general
outdoor environments, it consists of Level III body armor extending
to the groin, a Kevlar Helmet with full faceplate, soft-soled rubber
boots, Nomex balaclava, and Nomex/Kevlar gloves. The vest reliably 
stops all but the most high-powered rifle rounds.

Green Light

This streamlined uniform sacrifices protection for ease of movement. 
Used primarily by recon specialists in general outdoor environments,
it consists of a lightweight Level IIa waist-length tactical vest,
soft-soled rubber boots, Nomex balaclava, and cut resistant Nomex/
Kevlar gloves. The vest reliably stops low-powered pistol rounds. 

Green Medium

This uniform is provides a good blend of protection and ease of 
movement. Used primarily by assault specialists in general outdoor 
environments, it consists of a Level II waist-length tactical vest, 
a Kevlar Helmet, soft-soled rubber boots, Nomex balaclava, and Nomex/
Kevlar gloves. The vest reliably stops most pistol and submachine 
gun rounds. 

Grey Heavy

This bulky uniform sacrifices ease of movement for increased 
protection. The traditional uniform of demolitions experts operating
in urban environments, it consists of Level III body armor extending
to the groin, a Kevlar Helmet with full faceplate, soft-soled rubber
boots, Nomex balaclava, and Nomex/Kevlar gloves. The vest reliably 
stops all but the most high-powered rifle rounds.

Grey Light

This streamlined uniform sacrifices protection for ease of movement. 
The traditional uniform of recon specialists operating in urban 
environments, it consists of a lightweight Level IIa waist-length 
tactical vest, soft-soled rubber boots, Nomex balaclava, and cut 
resistant Nomex/Kevlar gloves. The vest reliably stops low-powered 
pistol rounds. 

Grey Medium

This uniform is provides a good blend of protection and ease of 
movement. The traditional uniform of assaulters operating in urban
environments, it consists of a Level II waist-length tactical vest,
a Kevlar Helmet, soft-soled rubber boots, Nomex balaclava, and Nomex/
Kevlar gloves. The vest reliably stops most pistol and submachine 
gun rounds. 

Street Heavy

This bulky uniform sacrifices ease of movement for increased 
protection. An excellent uniform choice for demolitions specialists
operating in urban environments, it consists of Level III body armor
extending to the groin, a Kevlar Helmet with full faceplate, soft-
soled rubber boots, Nomex balaclava, and Nomex/Kevlar gloves. The 
vest reliably stops all but the most high-powered rifle rounds. 

Street Light

This streamlined uniform sacrifices protection for ease of movement.
An excellent uniform choice for recon specialists operating in urban
environments, it consists of a lightweight Level IIa waist-length 
tactical vest, soft-soled rubber boots, Nomex balaclava, and cut 
resistant Nomex/Kevlar gloves. The vest reliably stops low-powered 
pistol rounds. 

Street Medium

This uniform is provides a good blend of protection and ease of 
movement. An excellent uniform choice for recon specialists operating
in urban environments, it consists of a Level II waist-length 
tactical vest, a Kevlar Helmet, soft-soled rubber boots, Nomex 
balaclava, and Nomex/Kevlar gloves. The vest reliably stops most 
pistol and submachine gun rounds. 

Wood Heavy

This bulky uniform sacrifices ease of movement for increased 
protection. An excellent uniform choice for demolitions specialist
s operating in mixed forest environments, it consists of Level III
body armor extending to the groin, a Kevlar Helmet, soft-soled rubber
boots, and Nomex/Kevlar gloves. The vest reliably stops all but the 
most high-powered rifle rounds.

Wood Light

This streamlined uniform sacrifices protection for ease of movement. 
An excellent uniform choice for recon specialists operating in mixed 
forest environments, it consists of a lightweight Level IIa waist-
length tactical vest, soft-soled rubber boots, and Nomex/Kevlar
gloves. The vest reliably stops low-powered pistol rounds. 

Wood Medium

This uniform is provides a good blend of protection and ease of 
movement. An excellent uniform choice for recon specialists 
operating in mixed forest environments, it consists of a Level II 
waist-length tactical vest, a Kevlar Helmet, soft-soled rubber boots, 
and Nomex/Kevlar gloves. The vest reliably stops most pistol and 
submachine gun rounds. 

8)Cheat Codes

Thanks to, I've got these cheats up! Thanks 
again Cheat Code Central! I'm not too sure if these work for Urban 
Operations, but they do work for Rogue Spear.

Cheat Codes 
While playing a game, press [Enter] to display the communication 
window. Then, enter one of the following codes to activate the 
corresponding cheat function:

RESULT                                                     CHEAT CODE  
Avatar god mode                                             avatargod 
Team invincible                                               teamgod 
Team invisible                                             teamshadow 
Invisible mode                                         theshadowknows 
Refill ammunition                                     5fingerdiscount 
Fart when walking           silentbutdeadly or fastactionresponseteam 
2D players                                              turnpunchkick 
Heavy breathing                                                 1-900 
Toggle victory conditions                                     explore 
Disable AI                                                  nobrainer 
Monocle mode                                                  monocle 
Clodhopper mode                                            clodhopper 
Mega head mode                                             meganoggin 
Big head mode                                               bignoggin 
Stumpy mode                                                    stumpy 
Activate debug keys                                         debugkeys 
Map draw AI normal colors                                normalcolors 
Map draw AI panicked colors                            panickedcolors 
Map draw AI ROE colors                                 roestatecolors 
Map draw AI ROE speed colors                           roespeedcolors 
Map draw AI combat state colors                     combatstatecolors 
Map draw AI behavior colors                            behaviorcolors 
Map draw AI psycological state colors                psychstatecolors 
Map draw AI threat awareness colors             threatawarenesscolors 
Map draw AI aware colors                         awarenessstatecolors 
Map draw AI alertness colors                     alertnessstatecolors 
Map draw AI plan colors                                  aiplancolors 
Map draw level maps                                         levelmaps 
Map draw test plan                                           testplan 
Map draw plan                                                drawplan 
Map draw path point links                              pathpointlinks 
Map draw cover points                                     coverpoints 
Map draw path points                                       pathpoints 
Map draw object walls                                     objectwalls 
Map draw obstacle walls                                 obstaclewalls 
Unknown                                                    wounddeath 

Cheat Codes (demo version) 
While playing a game, press [Apostrophe] to display the chat window. 
Then, enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding 
cheat function:

RESULT                                                     CHEAT CODE  
Team invincible                                               teamgod 
Selected character is invincible                            playergod 
Refill ammunition                                     5fingerdiscount 
Toggle victory conditions                                     explore 


Red Storm/The Producers- For a great game and a better sequel.

Ken-Hello! AND STOP TRYING TO IMITATE ME! permission to use their cheats!

The Spoiler Centre