Tactical Supremacy
Proceed Through Hallways To The Bridge
Now that you're near the bridge, you're going to have to make your way through the predictably difficult fights to reach it--you remember that whole thing at the end of the Coreship, right? Well, this is similar, but you won't have the ticking clock hanging over your head, so feel free to take your time and do things right.
As soon as you begin the level, your squaddies will be breaching a doorway, but try to hold them back before they enter the hallway nearby, as there's a bunch of baddies there that can put a hurting on them if you rush in uncoordinated. The bulk of the Trandos are located around the corner to the left. If you have any flashbang grenades, you'd be well advised to bank one off the wall into that portion of the hallway, then command your troopers to secure that area. They'll rush in and start jacking the fools while they're still dizzy from the flashbang. Be sure to order one of your squaddies to snipe, then head down the opposite hallway to clear out the rest of the Trandos before the next breachable door.
Now, there's no need to hurry here, so feel free to slice through these doors if you want to take things quietly. It's usually the better option, as you'll be able to get the first shot off at the enemies beyond, and the turrets don't seem to react to your presence at all if you slice through the doors, letting you blast them without having to deal with their shooting you in return. Nice.
Video Walk-through
Assau lting the bridge can be intimidating your first time, but it's not too bad if you get your guys into position quickly.
The next pressing area comes at the breachable door beyond the room with four ceiling turrets; heading through there will lead you to another droid dispenser, one that is further guarded by two SBD's. The SBD's are obviously going to be your primary concern, but you can't discount the threat posed by the infinite battle droids, so set one squaddie into snipe mode while another sets a charge on the dispenser. After the dispenser's been taken out, you'll be more able to focus on the SBD's, whether with EC grenades or anti-armor rounds, or just by focusing your team's fire on one at a time. You're near a bacta dispenser, so there's no need to unload all of your ammo on these guys, and in fact it's a good idea not too, as you're going to be facing a roomful of these guys shortly.
Locate the Trandoshan Jamming Device
Now, when you get to the door to the bridge, you'll hopefully have either an EC grenade or an anti-armor round left to your name, preferably the latter; either one will make the assault here a much easier task. The only way through the door is to breach it, so command your squad to do so. As soon as it pops open, target the SBD inside with your weapon of choice and try to take him down as quickly as possible. When the coast is clear, pop one of your squadmates on the sniper spot nearby, then command the other two to enter the snipe spots on the far side of the room, but be sure to select the ones on the lower level. They're going to take fire while they run across the room--there are three or four other SBD's around here--but they should be able to survive the trip, especially since they'll outrun the thermal detonators that the Trandos are going to be chucking at them. Having snipers on each side of the room will let you set up a nice little crossfire, and while your teammates are ducked behind cover, they should be mostly safe from the SBD fire that'll be coming their way.
If you can't quickly take out the first SBD, though, the other ones in the area will start coming towards the doorway and clogging it up, forcing you to make your stand there. This isn't as impossible as it may sound, especially if you keep someone sniping at all times, but it is difficult to beat all of them at once, especially if you're out of EC grenades or AA rounds. Still, it can be done, and indeed will have to be, since you need to access the bridge to finish the level.
When you've succeeded in clearing out most of the SBD's, heal up your teammates, but then return them to sniping positions; all three of them should be in the sniping spots at the far end of the bridge, underneath the platform that holds the jammer. If you set them up on the upper level, they seem to have a hard time shooting the SBD's that are going to come pouring through the door when you get near the jammer. Said SBD's are more of a nuisance than a real threat, though; you can safely sit back and watch your snipers take them down from afar.