When you enter the lower level of the hangar, you'll note the rocket turrets that are set up on either side, underneath the balcony. As with most rocket turrets, the gunners can be killed, but soon after you take them out, another Trando will pop into the turret and start using it again, so you'll need to kill the turret gunners three times in each turret before you can be assured of safe passage. Luckily, your concussion rifle is quite accurate and its blast will destroy the gunners in one shot. With it equipped, place your squaddies in the hall by telling them to secure a position near the blaster ammo, then you're your way into the hangar and start shelling the turret. After the leftmost turret has been taken out three times, you can aim through the small gap in the boxes and hit the second one without having to worry about retaliation. One of the side effects of this level of caution is that the mine that prevents you from accessing the first turret will likely be tripped by Trandoshans, obviating the need to pull it up yourself while you're under heavy fire.
When the two turrets have been disabled, you can return to the upper level for a bacta refresher, should you need it. If you're ready to head into the hangar, though, cancel all trooper orders and get them to form up on you. Walk in, place a sniper at the snipe spot near the door, then move around and quickly get the other two commandos into the turrets. Your primary difficulty here will be more Trandos with concussion rifles; as you'll find out, these things can pack quite a punch when they hit you. To avoid the worst effects of the blast, keep moving around, and try to listen for the distinctive sound the rifle makes before taking out its owners.
After both of the turrets start firing on the ship, it'll be destroyed in less than 20 seconds, at which point the level will end.
Saving The Ship
Advance to Hangar B
Prepare Hangar Defense
The next pair of levels will involve killing a whole lot of droids; the Federation has arrived to take possession of the ship, and your squad is the only one that can stop them. To effect their desires, they've started sending droid dispensers into the ship's three main hangar bays. Your goal is to defend these bays and prevent the droids from gaining a foothold on the ship, or, failing that, destroy the droids and prevent any more from coming aboard.
Your first goal is to reach Hangar B and defend it. After passing through a long maintenance tunnel, you'll come to a small room with some anti-armor shells and EC grenades; you'd be wise to make a full save here, since the upcoming fight can be rather tricky.
In the hangar beyond, you're going to come up against a huge number of sniper positions, charge placements, and explosive barrels, all of which will have context-specific commands for your troopers. Most of these are just distractions, and won't come into play during the upcoming fight. The only really critical placement here is to place three proximity mines on the barrels nearest the hangar's force field, and to place a charge on the crate near the field control coil (the large purple shaft in the corner of the hangar). Beyond that, you don't need to worry about much, beyond getting one of your squaddies into the grenadier position in the hangar and another into the anti-armor position in the middle of the room. The third squaddie should be in form up position, so that he sticks near you.
As the battle begins, a droid dispenser will come floating through the field and land right near the proximity mines you laid on the three barrels; the resulting explosion will take it out. The second droid dispenser, though, is one that'll discharge SBD's, and you won't be able to destroy it so easily. As it lands, though, Advisor will key you into the fact that you can shut the hangar down for good by placing a charge on the field coil, so try to be standing by the coil before the SBD dispenser comes in, then immediately task the remaining squaddie to set the charge as soon as the spot becomes active. While he's doing that, you should have one sniper firing away at the droids, while your grenadier will be chucking EC charges at them as well. This still won't prevent them from coming out, though, so feel free to trip the crate charge you laid earlier when an SBD is standing near it, and use your anti-armor charges on the baddies, as well; there's another box full of ammo for your AA attachment near one of the snipe spots in the middle of the hangar which you can use for refill duty.
It'll take 20 seconds to place the charge on the coil; when it's ready to go, hit it immediately, then start running out of the hangar into the corridor leading to the next one. The SBD's will occasionally pelt you with some kind of massively-damaging electrical ranged attack that can kill you instantly, so be sure to clear out any that are hanging around the dispenser with an EC grenade or an AA round before you start running. You can leave the squaddies in their positions to cover your retreat. The next hallway will quickly result in the end-of-level loading screen, so they'll automatically be warped on after you reach it, even if they're dead.