Locate Tarfful
After starting this level, you'll have to fight your way through a couple of Trandos and a room full of battle droids before you reach the door that'll see you meeting up with Tarfful--in a sense, anyway. He's on the upper level of the bridge, while you're on the lower, so you'll have to find a ramp leading up to him before you can get him out of danger.
Before you proceed, though, be prepared for the inevitable Trando ambush in the large room where you first see Tarfful. With a soldier in the anti-armor spot, you shouldn't have any problems dispatching the enemies across the way, so stand back near the crates in the rear of the room and stab the Trandos there as they hop over before moving across to the broken glass and jumping through. A soldier in the sniper spot is all you'll really need to deal with the SBD's here.
After you make your way back to the concourse, take up sniping positions and start eliminating the Trandos as they make their way in via the vents and the skylights. When they're out of the way, meet up with the Wookiee around the corner; he'll take you up to meet Tarfful, and dispatch most of the droids along the way.
Escort Tarfful To The End of the Bridge
After you find Tarfful, you'll have to bring him to the end of the level. No major challenges await, but breach the door you come to after the Trandos, as there's an SBD on the other side. The stunning effect of the EC grenade should allow you to take it down in short order, thanks to concentrated fire.
Saving Ammo
Escort Tarfful To The Rendezvous Spot
Advance To Loading Dock A
Tarfful wants to meet up with his followers, but unfortunately there's another pressing matter to attend to along the way. Apparently the Separatists are attempting to destroy a Wookiee ammo cache; your goal is to get there and protect the ammo, and hopefully kill any Separatists in the area at the same time.
Unfortunately, your trip is going to hit a snag almost immediately, as you'll run across a pair of droid dispensers. Your first task here will obviously be to deal with the SBD dispenser, and luckily, it should be dormant for a few seconds after it drops in, allowing you to set up a sniper and anti-armor position near it, then command the third squaddie to place a charge on it. There will be battle droids coming out of the other dispenser to your rear, but they won't seriously hurt your teammates, so you can ignore them if you wish. When the charge is set, blow the SBD dispenser, kill any remaining SBD's in the area, then repeat the process for the regular dispenser and move on.
If you breach the door near the SBD dispenser, you'll come into another room with a pair of SBDs. If you have any EC grenades or anti-armor rounds left, feel free to use them all, as there are boxes of each in the room, as well as bacta dispensers.
In the next large room, you'll have to disable a pair of SBD's from long range. Luckily, there are grenadier and sniping spots available for you, so move your troopers into position, then help them out by firing an anti-armor or EC grenade at the SBD's. Another one will pop out of the door at the end of the hall when you move far enough that way, so keep your guys in position until you're sure you're ready to move on.
Slice Demolitions Charges On Ammo Crates
The next large area will feature a large group of ammo crates; your goal is to secure them by slicing the explosives that have been placed on them before they go off. The first set of crates is up the ramp to your left, so take out the droids there, being mindful of the one in the turret, then get yourself up to the crates. Trandos will drop in while you slice, so you may want to just set all of our troopers into the two sniper positions and the turret while you yourself do the slicing. The grenadier position here is too far removed from the action to be worth filling, so leave it empty.
After you've sliced both of the consoles, you'll need to get to the far side of the room and destroy the SBD dispenser there. Technically this isn't required, but it'll obviously make it easier to get out of this room without getting shot up. With all three of your soldiers in the sniper positions and turret, you should begin by making your way across the room solo until you trigger in a spawn of Trandos that'll appear behind the dispenser. The SBD's are obviously infinite in number, but the Trandos aren't; taking them down now will make it easier to plant your charge on the dispenser.
Now, technically, if you want, you can just let your sniper and your turreteer continue to fire on the dispenser until it blows up. It'll take a few minutes, thanks to the fact that they also fire on the SBD's themselves, but if you want to find a hiding spot and leave the game running while you go to the bathroom or make a sandwich, the dispenser will probably be destroyed, or at least heavily smoking, by the time you get back. You can also, of course, disengage one of the snipers and move him up to plant a charge on the dispenser; this isn't difficult to do, and is quite a bit quicker than the other method. After the dispenser is out of commission, blow the barricade to move on.