Achieving high scores in SWAT 4's career mode often requires a non-lethal approach. A jittery trigger finger with lethal firearms could result in an unauthorized use of force penalty or just simply a suspect's death which nullifies a chance at a perfect rating. Practice using the pepper-ball gun or less-lethal shotgun as your primary weapon. Couple these weapons with strategic use of tactical equipment for optimum effect.
It's also possible to find similar success with an assault rifle or sub machinegun. Plus if required, you have the punch to end an armed suspect's fury at a moment's notice. This section covers SWAT 4's primary and secondary weapon offerings.
This weapon has its roots in recreational paintball. But instead of paint, the pellets are filled with OC gas, technically oleoresin capsicum, the active ingredient in pepper spray. Pelt a suspect around the head with the pepper-ball gun. As he suffers the effects, shout for the suspect to comply, continue to pelt him with OC, or switch to another device (a taser gun for instance) to encourage the suspect to subdue. The pepper-ball gun is rendered less useful against suspects wearing gas masks.
If you're aiming for perfect mission scores, the less-lethal shotgun should be high--or at the top--on your list as the weapon of choice. The less-lethal shotgun fires beanbags at the targeted suspect or civilian. Use the weapon to encourage suspects to subdue without risking their life (and reduction of your mission score).
A few beanbags to the chest is usually enough to motivate any suspect to comply.
The weapon's downside is its relatively sparse ammunition. It can be quite easy to be careless and fire more beanbags than necessary. If you're at closer range, hit a suspect with a beanbag, shout repeatedly, and if the suspect refuses to subdue, provide more encouragement. You could also follow up with pepper spray or a taser to conserve the beanbag ammo.
The nova pump and M4 Super 90 shotguns pack a massive punch but at the expense of precision. Blasting away inside a room with suspects and hostages can have undesired--to say the least--results. Trying to counter an angry suspect at long range could injure nearby hostages caught within the shotgun's spread. With higher accuracy weapons, it's possible to encourage a suspect to drop their weapon by firing a round into their arm or leg. But the shotgun's power, and inaccuracies at longer range, leaves little finesse.
The nova pump fires slower but holds 8 shells at a time; the M4 Super 90 fires much quicker but with just a 5 round magazine. Use 12 Gauge Slug ammunition against armored targets and 00 Buck ammunition to counter unarmored foes.
The GB36s and Colt M4A1 carbine are extremely powerful assault rifles with pinpoint accuracy under controlled firing and seem to be more adept at piercing armored targets (with FMJ ammo). For optimum precision, crouch, remain steady, and fire the assault rifles in short, controlled bursts (the GB36s even has a 2-round burst firing mode).
These weapons lose an enormous amount of accuracy if you attempt to move and fire at the same time (though you can move while crouched and maintain accuracy as long as you don't swivel around wildly). If you spot a hostile suspect and plan to retaliate with one of these weapons, crouch behind cover immediately and aim your shot carefully. Both the GB36s and M4A1 carbine are accurate enough to force a suspect to drop their weapons (hit in the arm or leg) from longer range. It is possible, though the weapons' power means if you're off slightly the suspect could suffer a fatal wound.
The GB36s includes full automatic and 2-round burst firing modes (stick with the 2-round burst nearly all of the time, there's just too much kickback in automatic mode) and the carbine offers semi and full automatic. Both can use either jacketed hollow point (JHP) or full metal jacket (FMJ) ammunition. Equip JHP for unarmored targets and FMJ for missions with armored hostiles.
The .45 sub machinegun is the more powerful of the two but requires controlled firing for optimum accuracy (there's only semi and full automatic firing modes, no burst mode). The 9mm sub machinegun is less powerful but a bit more accurate with its 3-round burst firing to complement its semi-automatic mode. In multiplayer player vs. player modes, the .45 SMG has the edge because of its power against armored targets.
Both weapons can be equipped with jacketed hollow point (use against unarmored targets) and full metal jacket (use against armored targets) ammunition. The 9mm SMG also comes in suppressed variety; it sports a sound and flash suppressor.
The M1911 and 9mm handguns are possible secondary weapons. Although in general the taser is a better choice (it's another relatively easy-to-use item to help subdue uncooperative civilians and suspects), both handguns can serve a similar purpose, even if you're attempting to restrain armed suspects instead of eliminate them. Aim for the suspect's arm carrying the weapon or pop a couple in the suspect's leg to encourage surrender. You might say that lacks the ease of the taser, though.
The M1911 is more powerful than the 9mm and should be used if you aren't adverse to returning deadly fire. The 9mm lacks the damage potential of its counterpart but can carry over twice the ammo in a single clip (17 round magazine to the M1911's 8 round magazine). Use jacketed hollow point (JHP) ammo against unarmored foes and FMJ (full metal jacket) against armored suspects.
The taser is a solid answer to any uncooperative individual.
The taser is the ideal secondary weapon, especially if you're trying to avoid incapacitating or killing suspects. It's even a means of dealing with an uncooperative civilian (in lieu of pepper spray). You won't want to charge an alert suspect and expect to subdue him with a taser gun--you will be shot long before you're within taser range. Instead, save the taser for when you have used a flashbang, stinger, or gas grenade to disorient a suspect and he won't drop his weapon even after repeated shouts. The weapon's one downside is that it must be reloaded after every use. Aim carefully and start shouting orders as soon as the taser finds its mark.