SWAT 4's career mode offers thirteen stand-alone missions. The mission level design and objectives remain the same each time you play but the location of suspects, hostages, and certain objective-related items change with each attempt. Loadout options are also extremely varied depending on how you want to attempt a mission. If you're trying for maximum points, use a non-lethal set. But if you'd rather gain entry with ample firepower, consider a duo of lethal firearms to complement your tactical equipment.
This section features walkthroughs for all thirteen career missions. You have near limitless freedom in how you chose to tackle a particular mission. Also, since many mission elements are randomized and the unpredictable nature of armed suspects, a particular room could play differently on each attempt. The following walkthroughs provide a sample path through each mission and include suggestions for loadout, entry point, and how to tackle specific areas and room layouts.
The owner of the Food Wall Restaurant, Lian Niu, deals in illegal modification of firearms such as fabricating custom high-volume magazines. Niu maintains an apartment above the restaurant. Ten minutes ago, a detective spotted Alex "The Knife" Jimenez, a hit man with Columbian connections and a key suspect in multiple homicides. Jimenez is there to have modifications made to his MAC-10.
Objectives: Neutralize Alex Jimenez. Neutralize Lian Niu. Bring order to chaos. Rescue all of the civilians. Secure the MAC-10.
Loadout: Equip team members with a non-lethal primary weapon (pepper-ball gun or less lethal shotgun) and a secondary firearm. If you choose to use a firearm, select jacketed hollow point ammo because there are no armored suspects in the mission. Give each team member a mix of flashbangs and CS gas grenades. Give each team one optiwand and a couple door wedges so you can split up the teams and have each properly equipped for cautious entry and covered closure.
The mission's entry point is at the corner of the alley and the restaurant's front entrance. There are two doors into the restaurant and they're not far apart. Order one team to stack up on the front door or use a door wedge to keep the exit shut. Proceed down the alley and order the other team to fall in.
It's possible to find civilians or even a suspect hanging near the restaurant's back door. Order the civilians or suspect down. Use the pepperball gun or less-lethal shotgun if necessary to subdue a suspect. Handcuff anyone in the alley and report in. Order a team to mirror under door to check for occupants in the hall. Maneuver inside and order a team member to close and wedge the exit.
From the alley back door, the kitchen lies to the left, door to the stairs is ahead, and there's a storage room to the right. If the stairs door is closed, use a door wedge to keep the passage shut. Search the storage room with the optiwand. If there's a suspect inside, order the team to open, gas, and clear. There's some cover in the room so a flashbang may not be as successful.
Use the optiwand around the corner into the kitchen to search for occupants. Gas and subdue any suspects lurking around. By now you can order the second team, if still stacked up at the restaurant's front entrance, to use the optiwand to check the dining area then to open and clear the room (and gas or flashbang as necessary). Move through the kitchen to meet up with the second team.
Check the small storage room for occupants. If there's a suspect inside, order a team to open, gas, and clear. You could also breach using C2 but it risks injuring the occupant. Breach if the occupant is away from the door. Use the optiwand to check the bathrooms. The bottom floor should be clear by now.
Finding and recovering the MAC-10 completes a mission objective.
Walk to the door leading to the stairwell. You can order one team to cover the hall and take the second team up the stairs. There's a door on the left that leads into the apartment. Order the team to mirror under the door and flashbang or gas the interior if there's a suspect inside. Past the door, check around the corner with an optiwand and order a team to flashbang or gas the area around the corner.
Search the desk in this work area to find the MAC-10. Secure the evidence before moving onward. Continue into the apartment and check around the corner and gas or flashbang as necessary. There are two doors inside; the door on the left leads back to the stairwell and the door on the right leads to the bedroom. It's the last room in the apartment; check for occupants using the optiwand and open, gas, and clear.
To achieve the highest possible score, use non-lethal means to apprehend all suspects (and anyone armed). Restrain everyone and report them in. Secure the evidence and report it in. If you lose a team member, report it.