''Admin (LAN and internet games)''\n|!command |!description |\n|ADMIN [command]|performs the specified commands on the server |\n|ADMINLOGIN [username password]|logs the administrator onto the server using the specified password. see x-admin documentation for further informations. |\n|ADMINLOGOUT|logout for the admin|\n|SAY #[message]|Broadcasts the message to all players on the server|\n|KICK [playername]|kick the player with the given name from the server|\n|KICKBAN [playername]|kick and ban the player with the given name from the server|\n|ADMIN MAP [mapname?game=gametype?mutator=mutator]|changes the current level with the specified options. |\n|~|example: Admin Map ~OBJ-Maui?gametype=~TO-CTF?mutator=~HeadShotOnly|\n|@@color(blue):admin setnextmap [map]@@|@@color(blue):set next map@@|\n|@@color(blue):admin endround@@|@@color(blue):ends the current round@@|\n|@@color(blue):admin switchteam [id]@@|@@color(blue):force a teamswitch on the player with the designated id@@|\n\n''Local (offline) games only''\n|!command |!description|\n|MAP [mapname]|switches to a map|\n|ADDBOTS [number]|singleplayer only|\n|KILLBOTS|removes all bots from the game|\n|PLAYERSONLY|freezes/pauses the bots but the player can still move BEHINDVIEW 1 (changes to 3rd person view)|\n|BEHINDVIEW 0|changes to 1st person view|\n|SLOMO x|sets the speed of the game to factor x (0.1 -> 1.0)|
> ''The Dedicated TO:C Server''\n>> [[Installation]]\n>> [[Configuration]]\n>>> [[Mapcylce]]\n>>> [[XWebAdmin]]
<<option chkOpenInNewWindow>> OpenLinksInNewWindow\n<<option chkSaveEmptyTemplate>> SaveEmptyTemplate\n<<option chkToggleLinks>> Clicking on links to tiddlers that are already open causes them to close\n^^(override with Control or other modifier key)^^\n<<option chkHttpReadOnly>> HideEditingFeatures when viewed over HTTP\n<<option chkForceMinorUpdate>> Treat edits as MinorChanges by preserving date and time\n^^(override with Shift key when clicking 'done' or by pressing Ctrl-Shift-Enter^^
In order to speed up the rendering of your map, it is a good idea to use a shader with a opacity mask for textures with alpha hide (in particular: foliage).\n\nHere is a pic taken on SunsetBlossom:\n[img[ |devguide/alpha_SSBOverDraw.small.jpg]]\nThe trees already use a shader, the bamboo not. As you can see the trees cause //no alphablending overdraw//! (the shader also avoids some other expensive things)\n\nThe Shader itself is easy to create. In most cases you can use the existing texture.\n\n* Simply create a shader, set ''Diffuse'' and "//Opacity//" to the texture (has to contain the alpha channel).\n* Set ''TwoSided'' to "//true//".\n* For ''Outputblending'' use //OB_Masked// (see note below)\n\n''@@color(red):Important:@@'' only OB_Masked works properly and disables sorting!\n\n[img[ |devguide/alpha_cherryshad.jpg]]\n\n\nChanging the ''bDisableSorting'' property of actors @@color(red):might cause problems@@ and slow down the game.\n\nAlso watch out when using OB_Masked and a shader - every pixel with an alpha value ''below 127'' will //not be drawn//, possibly causing visual probs.\n\nYou might want to try the following final blend settings:\n[img[ |devguide/alpha_palmtest.jpg]]\n\n\nMore informations on Alpha Channels can be found at [[UnrealWiki|http://wiki.beyondunreal.com/wiki?search=alpha]]\n\n\nhttp://wiki.beyondunreal.com/wiki/Alpha_Channel
buyweapon [id]\nbuyammo [id amount]\nsellweapon [id]\nsellammo [id amount]\n\n|!Weapon|!ID|\n|USP | 202|\n|Beretta | 203|\n|~RagingBull | 204|\n|~DesertEagle | 205|\n|Mac11 | 300|\n|P90 | 301|\n|~MP5k | 302|\n|SAF | 303|\n|Scorpion | 304|\n|Jackhammer | 305|\n|~MP7 | 306|\n|~MP5A3 | 307|\n|Spas12 | 400|\n|Benelli | 401|\n|~SuperShorty | 402|\n|~AK47 | 500|\n|Famas | 501|\n|M16a3 | 502|\n|M4 | 503|\n|Galil | 504|\n|Sig551 | 505|\n|~MSG90 | 506|\n|~SteyrAug | 507|\n|AWM | 508|\n|G3 | 510|\n|Dragunov | 511|\n|HE | 700|\n|~FlashBang | 701|\n|Smoke | 703|
Since you can have different bomb spots on a map the C4 Bombing Scenario is a bit more complicate then for example the [[Hostage Rescue Scenario]].\n\nThe first things we do is creating the bombspots. Open the actor browser. Open Decoration, followed by ~TO2_InteractionSpot and finally ~TO2_ObjectiveInteractionSpot. From there select the ~TO2_BombSpot.\n[img[ |devguide/objectives_bombspot.jpg]]\n\nPlace it somewhere in your map. Open its properties and under Event --> Tag enter the name of the tag. (E.g. bombspot) Create more of those bombspots in your map if you wish. Give them all the same tag.\nWhen you're finished you need a second actor. This one can be found under ~TO2_BaseMapGoal and is called ''~TO2_BaseMapGoal_Bomb''\n[img[ |devguide/objectives_mapgoalbomb.jpg]]\n\nPlace it somewhere in your map. It doesn’t matter where since it only controls how the bomb should act. Open its properties. This will come up:\n[img[ |devguide/objectives_propertiesbomb.jpg]]\n\nNow fill in the necessary informations.\nA lot of these properties stand for themselves. Here is an explanation though:\n|''~BombSpotTag''|Enter your tag for the bombspots here|\n|''~BombTeam''|The team that needs to plant the bomb|\n|''~CountdownTime''|The time in seconds it takes before the bomb explodes|\n|''~DefaultWinningTeam''|When the bomb is not planted, this team will be considered as the winning team|\n|''~DisarmTime''|The time in seconds that it takes to disarm the bomb|\n|''~PlantTime''|The time in seconds that it takes to plant the bomb|\n|''~SwatFailureEvent''|If Swat fails to rescue this event will be triggered|\n|''~SwatFailureMessage''|The message that will be shown when Swat fails to rescue|\n|''~SwatSuccesEvent''|This event will be triggered after Swat successfully rescued the hostages|\n|''~SwatSuccesMessage''|The message that will be shown after Swat successfully rescued the hostages|\n|''~TerrFailureEvent''|If Terrorists fails to rescue, this event will be triggered|\n|''~TerrFailureMessage''|The message that will be shown when Terrorists fails to rescue|\n|''~TerrSuccesEvent''|This event will be triggered after Terrorists successfully rescued the hostages|\n|''~TerrSuccesMessage''|The message that will be shown after Terrorists successfully rescued the hostages|\n|''~ObjShot''|The screenshot that shows the objective|\n|''~TaskDescSF''|Here goes the description for Swat on what to do. E.g. "Prevent the Terrorists to plant the bomb!"|\n|''~TaskDescTerrorists''|Here goes the description for Terrorists on what to do. E.g. "Plant the bomb!"|\n\nNow you have successfully set up a bomb scenario!\n
|!command |!description|\n|OPEN [IP adress] |connects to a specific server IP|\n|DISCONNECT |disconnects from current server|\n|RECONNECT |reconnects to the current server|\n|EXIT |quits the game|\n|QUIT |quits the game|\n|SETNAME [playername] |well, changes your nick ingame :)|\n|@@color(blue):SETCLANTAG [~MyTag]@@|@@color(blue):sets your clantag@@|\n|SWITCHTEAM |switch your team|\n|SUICIDE |commit suicide|\n|SET INPUT (key) (cmd) |binds a key to a command such as "set input L ~StatFPS"|\n|SHOWALIASES |shows a list of all defined aliases in the ~TOCUser.ini|\n|SHOWBINDINGS |shows a list of all defined keybindings in the ~TOCUser.ini|\n|vote [~PlayerID] |votes the player with the given ID|\n|@@color(blue):votemap [~OBJ-]Mapname[.to2]@@|@@color(blue):votes for the given map, [~OBJ-] and [~.to2] are optional@@|\n|@@color(blue):givemoney [amount]@@|@@color(blue):drops the given amount of money@@|
Here is an overview on how to set the ~StaticMeshActor collision properties properly:\n\n|!Players |!Grenades |!Bullets |!bCollideActors |!bBlockActors |!bBlockNonZeroExtentTraces |!bBlockZeroExtentTraces |!bProjTarget |!Event |\n|Yes|Yes|Yes|True|True|True|True|False| - |\n|No|No|Yes|True|True|False|True|False| - |\n|Yes|Yes|No|True|True|True|False|False| - |\n|Yes|No|No|True|True|True|False|False|PawnBlockingOnly|\n|No|Yes|Yes|True|False|True|True|True|ProjectileBlocking|\n|No|Yes|No|True|False|True|False|True|ProjectileBlocking|\n|No|No|No|True|False|False|False|False| - |\n\nEvent means the Event name in the Events category. It's used to tell the TO:C code to change some properties of the ~StaticMeshActor you can't change in UED.
Sorry, we ran out of time - a detailled description of this topic should be included within the serverpackage or in our forums.
Sorry, we ran out of time - a detailled description of this topic will be included in a later patch.
''Armor''\nThere are only 2 types of armor you can wear to protect yourself from projectile and explosion impact.\n\n|! Helmet |! Vest |! Full Armor |\n| 250$ | 350$ | 600$ |\n|[img[(Helmet)|userguide/armorguy_helmet.png]]|[img[(Vest)|userguide/armorguy_vest.png]]|[img[(Full armor)|userguide/armorguy_full.png]]|\n\n@@color(red):Remember:@@ Armor wont protect you from falling damage! Falling damage will directly decrease your health.\n\n|!Element |!Description |\n|[img[(Buyzone)|userguide/hud_buyzone.png]]|The buyzone is an invisible zone around the spawnzone where you enter the game. In the buyzone, you can buy and sell weapons during the game|\n|[img[(Rescuezone)|userguide/hud_rescuezone.png]]|When playing on a map where your objective is to rescue hostages, you'll have to get the hostages to this area in order to win by objective. Each hostage rescued = xxx $ for you and xxx $ for each member of your team|\n|[img[(Escape spot)|userguide/hud_escapespot.png]]|Some maps require you enter this area to escape from the map in order to win by objective. You'll keep all your weapons in the next round and win xxx $ bonus|\n|[img[(Objective)|userguide/hud_objective.png]]|Objectives in TO:C can vary. Hack a panel, use a radio to call reinforcements. Read the mapobjective to find it out. Winning by meeting your objective makes xxx$ for each member of your team|\n|[img[(Bomb carrier)|userguide/hud_bombcarrier.png]]|When you see this icon on your HUD, you're the player carrying the C4 bomb. Get the bomb to one of the bombspots and plant it. You can drop the bomb for a member of your team to pick up|\n|[img[(Bomb spot)|userguide/hud_bombspot1.png]] [img[(Bomb spot)|userguide/hud_bombspot2.png]]|The bombspot signs mark the place where the bombcarrier can plant the C4 in order to complete their mission. The bomb has a countdown timer of 60 seconds in which the opposite team can defuse the bomb. It's your objective to defend the bomb in this time.|
> ''Mapping''\n>> <<slider chkGeneralMappingLinks "General mapping links" "General mapping links">>\n>>\n>> ''Performance and Quality''\n>>> [[Alpha hide for foliage]]\n>>> [[Find out what is refering texture X]]\n>>\n>> ''TO:Crossfire Specific''\n>>> <<slider chkObjectiveSystem "TO:C Objective System" "TO:C Objective System">>\n>>> [[TO:C Shadow Source]]\n>>> [[Collision Settings for Static Meshes]]
To find out what is referencing to texture XY, use this console-command ingame:\n\n{{{\nOBJ REFS CLASS=Texture NAME=Texturenamehere\n}}}\n\nexample: //OBJ REFS CLASS=texture NAME=HumanoidArchitecture.Bases.bas05bHA//\n\nyou will get output like this:\n\n{{{\nLog: Referencers of Texture HumanoidArchitecture.Bases.bas05bHA:\nLog: Shader HumanoidArchitecture.Bases.bas05bHA_TwoSided (1) Log: Texture HumanoidArchitecture.Bases.bas05bHA (1)\nLog: StaticMesh HumanoidHardware.Miscellaneous.jrailing01HA (1)\nLog: StaticMesh OBJ-Hyperion.hourecornerarounded (1)\nLog: Log: Shortest reachability from root to Texture HumanoidArchitecture.Bases.bas05bHA:\nLog: TO2_GameEngine Package.TO2_GameEngine (root)\nLog: Level OBJ-Hyperion.myLevel\nLog: Model OBJ-Hyperion.Model1\nLog: Shader HumanoidArchitecture.Bases.bas05bHA_TwoSided Log: Texture HumanoidArchitecture.Bases.bas05bHA\n}}}
> [[Terrain Building in Depth|http://www.planetunreal.com/muad/tutorials/terrainbuilding.html]] //by Muad'dib//\n> [[The basic principles of Zoning|http://dynamic.gamespy.com/~corsix/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=13]] //by Corsix//\n> [[The basic principles of adding light to a map|http://dynamic.gamespy.com/~corsix/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=11]] //by Corsix//\n> [[Adding reflections to water|http://www.slayweb.com/tutorials/tut1.php]] //by Slayweb//\n> [[How to build a SkyBox|http://wiki.beyondunreal.com/wiki/Building_A_SkyBox]] //by UnrealWiki//\n> [[How to make Terragen work with your SkyBoy in UnrealED|http://wiki.beyondunreal.com/wiki/Terragen]] //by UnrealWiki//\n> [[How to export a single texture|http://wiki.beyondunreal.com/wiki/DXT]] //by UnrealWiki//\n> [[How to Import/Export your textures the right way|http://wiki.beyondunreal.com/wiki/Texture_Import_And_Export]] //by UnrealWiki//\n> [[The right usage of colors to create different themesets|http://wiki.beyondunreal.com/wiki/Colors]] //by UnrealWiki//
var sidebar = document.getElementById('sidebar');\nsidebar.insertBefore(document.getElementById('mainMenu'),document.getElementById('sidebarOptions'));
The hack scenario exists out of two scenarios. Either a team has to hack one thing, or maybe even two. These two work almost the same. Well, let’s stop talking, let’s start creating the thing!\n\n1. Open your actor browser. Now open the [+] in front of actor. Open Decoration, followed by ~TO2_InteractionSpot and finally ~TO2_ObjectiveInteractionSpot. From there select the ~TO2_ConsoleSpot.\n[img[ |devguide/objectives_consolespot.jpg]]\n\n2. Place it somewhere in your map where you want your ~ConsoleSpot. A ~ConsoleSpot is a static mesh that has to be hacked. For example a monitor. After you placed it you see nothing happened. That’s because the ~ConsoleSpot doesn’t have a static mesh selected. Select the mesh you would like to be as the ~ConsoleSpot. In this case I choose for the monitor from the mesh package: ~TO2_Schl-Mesh1, called ~Monitor. \n\n3. Your ~ConsoleSpot should be selected now. If not, find the ~ConsoleSpot by clicking on the “Search for actors” button. Enter ~TO2_ConsoleSpot and you will find it. Double click it. Now you’re in control of the ~ConsoleSpot. Open its properties by either hitting the F4 Key or View --> Actor Properties\n\n4. Go to the menu Display. Under “Static Mesh” you click on use. Now it will use the static mesh you have selected. All the properties a Static mesh has can now be entered for this ~ConsoleSpot. For example you could give it a material sequence texture so it flashes. You can do this under Display  skins. So far so good? Well this is only the ~ConsoleSpot. There are some more properties you’ll have to set before you hacking scenario actually work\n\n5. The next thing we need is an actor that controls the objective. This means it will know what to do when the ~ConsoleSpot is actually being hacked or hacked. The actor we will use for this will be the ~TO2_MapGoal_ConsoleTimer. You can find it in your actor browser from the ~TO2_BaseMapGoal menu. Now open its properties. Here you will see the following:\n[img[ |devguide/objectives_propertiesconsoletimer.jpg]]\n\nA lot of these properties stand for themselves. Here is an explanation though:\n|''~DefaultWinningTeam''|When nobody hacks it and the round time is over this team will be considered as the winning team|\n|''~HackResume''|If true, the hacking team will be able to resume its hacking after aborting. |\n|''~HackTag''|Here goes the tag of the ~ConsoleSpot it controls|\n|''~HackTeam''|The team that needs to hack the objective|\n|''~HackTime''|The time it takes to hack the object|\n|''~SwatFailureEvent''|If Swat fails to hack it (on abort), this event will be triggered|\n|''~SwatFailureMessage''|The message that will be shown when Swat fails to hack|\n|''~SwatSuccesEvent''|This event will be triggered after Swat successfully hacked the object|\n|''~SwatSuccesMessage''|The message that will be shown after Swat successfully hacked the object|\n|''~TerrFailureEvent''|If Terrorists fails to hack it (on abort), this event will be triggered|\n|''~TerrFailureMessage''|The message that will be shown when Terrorists fails to hack|\n|''~TerrSuccesEvent''|This event will be triggered after Terrorists successfully hacked the object|\n|''~TerrSuccesMessage''|The message that will be shown after Terrorists successfully hacked the object|\n|''~ObjShot''|The screenshot that shows the objective|\n|''~TaskDescSF''|Here goes the description for Swat on what to do. E.g. "Prevent the Terrorists from hacking the main system!"|\n|''~TaskDescTerrorists''|Here goes the description for Terrorists on what to do. E.g. "Start hacking the main system!"|\n\n6. The ~HackTag in the properties are connected with the tag that the ~ConsoleSpot has. This tag can be entered in the properties of the ~TO2_ConsoleSpot actor under its menu: ~InteractionSpot, followed by ~LocationName.\n[img[ |devguide/objectives_propertiesconsolespot.jpg]]\n\nIf you want you can destroy the item after its being hacked.\n\nWe have now successfully set up a hacking scenario!
|!Image|!Name |!Price |!Magazines|!Bullets|\n|[img[(USP)|userguide/pistol-usp.png]]|@@color(red):USP@@|500|7|12|\n|[img[(Beretta)|userguide/pistol-beretta.png]]|@@color(blue):Beretta@@|500|6|15|\n|[img[(Desert Eagle)|userguide/pistol-deagle.png]]|Desert Eagle|800|7|7|\n|[img[(Raging Bull)|userguide/pistol-raging.png]]|Raging Bull|1000|7|5|
A new thing compared to ~Unreal1-Engine games like ~TacticalOps:Assault On Terror is that hostages don’t have their own actor that places them inside of a map. Instead, they use a ''playerstart with team number 3.''\n\nNow the next thing you need in your map besides the playerstarts is the actor that handles the properties. Open the actor browser and select from the ~TO2_BaseMapGoal --> ~TO2_BaseMapGoal_Hostage. Add it somewhere in your map. Open the properties and this should come up:\n[img[ |devguide/objectives_propertieshostages.jpg]]\n\nA lot of these properties stand for themselves. Here is an explanation though:\n|''~DefaultWinningTeam''|When the hostages are not rescued this team will be considered as the winning team|\n|''~RescuePercentage''|Describes how many hostages must be rescued. If 1, all hostages need to be rescued. If 0, no hostages need to be rescued to win (That would be useless though)|\n|''~RescueTeam''|The team that needs to rescue the hostages|\n|''~SwatFailureEvent''|If Swat fails to rescue this event will be triggered|\n|''~SwatFailureMessage''|The message that will be shown when Swat fails to rescue|\n|''~SwatSuccesEvent''|This event will be triggered after Swat successfully rescued the hostages|\n|''~SwatSuccesMessage''|The message that will be shown after Swat successfully rescued the hostages|\n|''~TerrFailureEvent''|If Terrorists fails to rescue, this event will be triggered|\n|''~TerrFailureMessage''|The message that will be shown when Terrorists fails to rescue|\n|''~TerrSuccesEvent''|This event will be triggered after Terrorists successfully rescued the hostages|\n|''~TerrSuccesMessage''|The message that will be shown after Terrorists successfully rescued the hostages|\n|''~ObjShot''|The screenshot that shows the objective|\n|''~TaskDescSF''|Here goes the description for Swat on what to do. E.g. "Rescue the hostages!"|\n|''~TaskDescTerrorists''|Here goes the description for Terrorists on what to do. E.g. "Prevent Swat from rescuing the hostages!"|\n\nThe last thing we need is a rescue zone. This can be done by adding a special volume. Create a brush with the size of your choice. In the volume menu on the left select ~TO2_ObjectiveVolume.\n\nOpen its properties. Under ~SpecialZone --> ~EscapeZone switch to ~TEAM_Hostage.\n\nYou have now successfully set up a hostage rescue scenario!\n
TiddlyWiki lets you write ordinary HTML by enclosing it in {{{<html>}}} and {{{</html>}}}:\n\n<html>\n<a href="javascript:;" onclick="onClickTiddlerLink(event);" tiddlyLink="TiddlyWiki" style="background-color: yellow;">Link to wikiwords from HTML</a>\n</html>\n\nThe source for the above is:\n\n{{{\n<html>\n<div style="background-color: yellow;">\n<a href="javascript:;" onclick="onClickTiddlerLink(event);" tiddlyLink="Macros">Link to wikiwords from HTML</a>\n</div>\n</html>\n}}}\n\nHTML can enable some exotic new features (like [[embedding GMail and Outlook|http://groups.google.com/group/TiddlyWiki/browse_thread/thread/d363303aff5868d0/056269d8409d121f?lnk=st&q=embedding+gmail&rnum=1#056269d8409d121f]] in a TiddlyWiki). But, care needs to be taken with including things like JavaScript code. For example, this Flickr badge doesn't work in any of the browsers I've tried:\n\n<html>\n<!-- Start of Flickr Badge -->\n<style type="text/css">\n#flickr_badge_source_txt {padding:0; font: 11px Arial, Helvetica, Sans serif; color:#666666;}\n#flickr_badge_icon {display:block !important; margin:0 !important; border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) !important;}\n#flickr_icon_td {padding:0 5px 0 0 !important;}\n.flickr_badge_image {text-align:center !important;}\n.flickr_badge_image img {border: 1px solid black !important;}\n#flickr_www {display:block; padding:0 10px 0 10px !important; font: 11px Arial, Helvetica, Sans serif !important; color:#3993ff !important;}\n#flickr_badge_uber_wrapper a:hover,\n#flickr_badge_uber_wrapper a:link,\n#flickr_badge_uber_wrapper a:active,\n#flickr_badge_uber_wrapper a:visited {text-decoration:none !important; background:inherit !important;color:#3993ff;}\n#flickr_badge_wrapper {}\n#flickr_badge_source {padding:0 !important; font: 11px Arial, Helvetica, Sans serif !important; color:#666666 !important;}\n</style>\n<table id="flickr_badge_uber_wrapper" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="10" border="0"><tr><td><a href="http://www.flickr.com" id="flickr_www">www.<strong style="color:#3993ff">flick<span style="color:#ff1c92">r</span></strong>.com</a><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="10" border="0" id="flickr_badge_wrapper">\n<script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.flickr.com/badge_code_v2.gne?count=5&display=latest&size=t&layout=v&source=user&user=35468148136%40N01"></script>\n</table>\n</td></tr></table>\n<!-- End of Flickr Badge -->\n</html>
Sorry, we ran out of time - a detailled description of this topic should be included within the serverpackage or in our forums.
[[Home|Welcome]]\n[[User Manual]]\n[[Admin Manual]]\n[[Developers Manual]]\n[[General mapping links]]\n\n<<newTiddler>>
''Maintenance (Stats)''\n|!command|!description|\n|MEMSTAT|displays windows memory usage|\n|STAT ALL|shows all stats|\n|STAT AUDIO|shows audio stats|\n|STAT FPS|displays framerate|\n|STAT GAME|displays game stats|\n|STAT HARDWARE|shows hardware stats|\n|STAT NET|shows network game play stats|\n|STAT NONE|turns off all stats|\n|STAT RENDER|displays rendering statistics|\n\n\n''Maintenance (System)''\n|!command|!description|\n|BRIGHTNESS [number]|changes the brightness level to a specified number (0.1 -> 1.0)|\n|CDTRACK [number]|plays the specified CD track number|\n|CONFIGHASH|displays configuration info|\n|CONTRAST [number]|changes the contrast level to a specified number (0.1 -> 1.0)|\n|EXEC [filename]|executes a file in the UT2004/system/ directory|\n|FLUSH|flushes all cache and relights|\n|FOV [number]|Changes the field of view to the specified number|\n|FIXEDVISIBILITY|toggle; fixes the engine's visibility from your current point of view. You can walk around and see what exactly is being drawn, check that antiportals are working, etc.|\n|GAMMA [number]|changes the gamma to a specified number (0.1 -> 1.0)|\n|GETCOLORDEPTHS|displays the maximum color depth supported by your hardware|\n|GETCURRENT COLORDEPTHS|displays your current color depth|\n|GETCURRENTRES|dDisplays your current resolution|\n|GETCURRENT TICKRATE|returns the tick rate|\n|GETMAXTICKRATE|displays the maximum allowed tick rate|\n|MUSICORDER [number]|change to a current track in the song (0=ambient, 1= action, 2=suspense)|\n|NETSPEED [number]|sets the net speed, default is 10000|\n|OBJ CLASSES|displays a list of object classes|\n|OBJ GARBAGE|collects and purges objects no longer in use|\n|OBJ HASH|displays object hashing statistics|\n|OBJ LINKERS|displays a list of active linkers|\n|PAUSESOUNDS|pauses all sounds|\n|PREFERENCES|opens advanced settings|\n|RELAUNCH|relaunches the engine|\n|RENDEREMULATE [gf1/gf2]|emulates gfx cards (e.g., if some of your shaders are to complicated and don&#8217;t have fallbacks)|\n|REPORT|copies a report of the current game to clipboard|\n|SET [class var value]|sets a specified class and specified variable with the specified value|\n|SETSENSITIVITY [number]|sets a new sensitivity for your mouse|\n|SETRES [WxHxD]|sets your screen resolution to the specified width, height, and color depth|\n|SOCKETS|displays a list of sockets in use|\n|TOGGLEFULLSCREEN|toggles full screen mode|\n|TOGGLE SCREENSHOTMODE|removes all HUD for screenshot taking|\n|REMOVEHUD|also removes the HUD|\n|FREECAMERA [number]|allows you to move camera around player|\n|TYPE [text]|displays the provided text in the chat window but it's not broadcasted to other players|\n|UNPAUSESOUNDS|enables sounds again|\n|MUTATE [mutatorcmd]|executes the given mutator command|\n\n\n''Maintenance (Debug)''\n|!command|!description|\n|DEBUG CRASH|testcrashes the game with an error|\n|DEBUG EATMEM|tests memory allocation until full|\n|DEBUG GPF|tests crashes the game with a general protection fault error|\n|DEBUG RECURSE|tests crashes the game by infinite recursion|\n|DUMPCACHE|displays the memory cache contents|
Sorry, we ran out of time - a detailled description of this topic should be included within the serverpackage or in our forums.
|!Image|!Name |!Price |\n| [img[(Knife)|userguide/misc-knife.png]] |Knife|-|\n| [img[(Flashbang)|userguide/nade-flash.png]] |Flashbang|400|\n| [img[(Smoke Grenade)|userguide/nade-smoke.png]] |Smoke Granade|450|\n| [img[(High Explosive Grenade)|userguide/nade-he.png]] |HE Grenade|500|\n| [img[(C4 Bomb)|userguide/misc-c4.png]] |C4 Bomb|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|@@color(red):not purchasable, objective item@@|
|!Image|!Name |!Price |!Magazines|!Bullets|\n|[img[(M4)|userguide/rifle-m4.png]]|@@color(blue):M4 Commando@@|2700|4|30|\n|[img[(AK47)|userguide/rifle-ak47.png]]|@@color(red):~AK47@@|2700|4|30|\n|[img[(Famas G2)|userguide/rifle-famasg2.png]]|@@color(blue):FAMAS G2@@|3600|6|25|\n|[img[(Galil)|userguide/rifle-galil.png]]|@@color(red):Galil@@|3600|4|35|\n|[img[(G3)|userguide/rifle-g3.png]]|G3|4200|3|20|\n|[img[(Steyr Aug)|userguide/rifle-steyr.png]]|@@color(blue):Steyr Aug@@|5200|4|42|\n|[img[(Sig 511)|userguide/rifle-sig511.png]]|@@color(red):Sig 511@@|5200|5|30|\n|[img[(MSG 90)|userguide/rifle-msg90.png]]|@@color(blue):MSG 90@@|5700|6|5|\n|[img[(Dragunov)|userguide/rifle-dragunov.png]]|@@color(red):Dragunov@@|5700|3|10|\n|[img[(AWM)|userguide/rifle-awm.png]]|AWM|10000|6|5|\n
End User, Serveradmin and Developer Manual
<<gradient vert #C3C9D4 #ffffff >>\n Tactical Operations: Crossfire
#mainMenu{\n position: static;\n}\n#sidebar{\n left: 0;\n}\n#displayArea{\n margin-right: 0;\n}
|!Image|!Name |!Price |!Magazines|!Bullets|\n|[img[(Mac11)|userguide/smg-mac11.png]]|@@color(blue):Mac 11@@|1000|4|30|\n|[img[(Scorpion)|userguide/smg-scorpion.png]]|@@color(red):Scorpion@@|1000|6|20|\n|[img[(Super Shorty)|userguide/shotgun-supershorty.png]]|@@color(red):Super Shorty@@|1100|36|3|\n|[img[(MP5k PDW)|userguide/smg-mp5k.png]]|@@color(blue):~MP5k PDW@@|1300|6|30|\n|[img[(MP5a3)|userguide/smg-mp5a3.png]]|@@color(red):~MP5a3@@|1300|6|30|\n|[img[(Famae SAF)|userguide/smg-famae.png]]|@@color(red):Famae SAF@@|1500|6|30|\n|[img[(Spas 12)|userguide/shotgun-spas12.png]]|@@color(blue):Spas 12@@|1700|48|8|\n|[img[(Benelli)|userguide/shotgun-benelli.png]]|@@color(blue):Benelli@@|1700|48|8|\n|[img[(MP7)|userguide/smg-mp7.png]]|@@color(blue):~MP7@@|1800|4|40|\n|[img[(P90)|userguide/smg-p90.png]]|@@color(red):P90@@|1800|3|50|\n|[img[(Jackhammer)|userguide/shotgun-jackhammer.png]]|@@color(blue):Jackhammer@@|3500|4|10|
> [[C4 Bombing Scenario]]\n> [[Hostage Rescue Scenario]]\n> [[Hacking Scenario]]
By default, the lights in TO:C do not cast shadows for players and bots.\n\nIn order to make a light cast a shadow, create a ''~TO2_ShadowSourceActor''.\nOpen the property sheet of the actor. Goto ''~TO2_ShadowSource''. Set the ''Light'' variable to the light you want to be casting shadows. The other variables remain unused, //the Radius and Brightness setting of the Light will be used//.\n[img[ |devguide/to2ss_existinglight.jpg]]\n\nIf you want to shadows to be cast __from a place, but don't want a light there__, create a ''TO2_ShadowSourceActor''.\nOpen the property sheet of the actor. Goto ''TO2_ShadowSource''. ''LBrightness'' and ''LRadius'' define the strength and the radius of the fake light. The ''Light'' setting remains //unused//.\n\n[img[ |devguide/to2ss_fakelight.jpg]]\n\nIf you want the __shadows to behave as if being cast by a light with //LE_Sunlight// __ , set //bFakeSunLight// to //True//.\n\n[img[ |devguide/to2ss_fakesunlight.jpg]]
Sorry, we ran out of time - a detailled description of this topic will be included in a later patch.
Sorry, we ran out of time - a detailled description of this topic will be included in a later patch.
The Unreal Wiki is dedicated to gathering documentation on the Unreal Engine. Not only can you browse the large quantity of material already here, but anyone can add or edit information instantly – no registration required. A large community of mappers, coders and modelers helps in this effort.
> ''TO:C Weapons''\n>> [[Handguns]]\n>> [[Submachine Guns (SMGs)]]\n>> [[Rifles]]\n>> [[Misc]]\n>\n> ''TO:C HUD''\n>> [[Description]]\n>> [[Customizing]]\n>> [[The Scoreboard]]\n>> [[The Buymenu]]\n>\n> ''TO:Crossfire Commands''\n>> [[Client Commands]]\n>>> [[Buy Commands]]\n>> [[Admin Commands]]\n>> [[Maintenance Commands]]
''...to the official TO:Crossfire manual!''\n\nHere you will find all informations you will need to 'get into' TO:Crossfire by using the following manuals:\n\nThe <<slider chkUserManual "User Manual" "User Manual">> covers everthing a common player has to face. An explanation of the HUD and its elements, ~HUD-Prefabs, [[Buy Commands]], a weapon-list including all weapon stats etc. etc. etc.\n\nThe <<slider chkAdminManual "Admin Manual" "Serveradmin Manual">> will introduce you to the TO:Crossfire Server Package and will help you installing, configurating and maintaining your TO:Crossfire server.\n\nThe <<slider chkDevelopersManual "Developers Manual" "Developers Manual">> is you No.1 resource for TO:C mapping. May it be basics about ~UEd3 mapping or an overview over TO:Crossfire specific settings, actors or Static Meshes - you'll find everything you need here.\nBesides mapping related topics, we try to give you as much informations about writing mutators for TO:Crossfire in this section too.\n\nInfo: As we ran out of time, trying to deliver TO:Crossfire as fast as possible, this manual might not be complete and include several minor and major typos. You can keep them if you want to :)
Sorry, we ran out of time - a detailled description of this topic should be included within the serverpackage or in our forums.