[Section 1]
The BFG 20,000 Weapon History: It's worn roughly like a glove and has micro anti-gravitational devices to offset it's weigh. The end result is a powerful and easy to wield weapon that is good for both limited fire fights as well as large scale engagements. Tactical Readout: Alt-Fire charges up the interior fusion cells. During this charge the frontal barrel coupling rotates to encompass the growing energy sphere. This sphere quickly looses the heat-sinking properties of it's smaller kin, but in return gains the ability to produce small heat-sinking energy bolts that effect everything around it for a range of 60 feet. The wielder is protected from this attack by the dampers in the barrel's hooks. The fully charged sphere floats forward at the rate of 5 feet a second until it comes into contact with a solid mass. The resulting impact destabilizes the energy sphere in a blast roughly 20 times that of the small spheres. This attack has been found useful against both armored vehicles and large groups of soldiers. Because of the blast radius though, it is strongly suggested for outdoor use only!
The Quantum Singularity Generator Weapon History: This device appears to focus a concentrated beam of tachyons at a point of matter up to 2 miles away. In an effect that still baffles U4E scientists, this causes a few atoms at the point of impact to invert into a pocket of null-space that immediately sucks in all matter around it. This pocket of null space swells in hyperspace until it reaches the point of atomic saturation. At this point the pocket of null-space collapses, reversing the blackhole effect in one monstrous explosive wave. Because of the elastic properties of Hyper-space, two null pockets formed within the near vicinity of each other will automatically become linked though hyperspace, allowing instantaneous travel between two points. The destructive forces of the journey though makes survival highly unlikely unless the energy damping force field is active. Tactical Readout: If another blackhole is formed before the first one collapses. it is possible to leap through the inverted space of the first blackhole and appear out the aperture of the second. Travel in this manner is very dangerous though! Alt-Fire forms a pocket of normal space around the user, encasing the user in a shimmering force field. Well some visible wave lengths of light and sound will penetrate the sphere, weapon attacks of any kind are useless against the wielder of the QSG well this forcefield is in effect. This force field is also the only effect known to man that can counteract the tremendous power of the QSG black hole. With the field on it is safe to traverse between two QSG blackholes for instantaneous travel.
The Tomahawk Weapon History: Tactical Readout: Alt-Fire uses the neural link in the arm brace of the Tomahawk to transmit a full virtual environment of the current launched missile's location. During this time the user will be complete oblivious to the outside world well they fly along in their mind linked to the missile. This allows very accurate control over the missile's guidance system for very precise strikes against an opposing force. This also makes the user a great target for termination.
The Shrinker Weapon History: Tactical Readout: Alt-Fire is where the gun gets it's name sake. The front section of the gun super-heats and ionizes the gas compound and blasts out the substance in a plasma fireball. Strange part is that the fireball doesn't actually burn anything, but instead makes the gas super-reactive to living tissue. When the fireball hit's a person, this plasma causes their tissue to loose dimensions on the atomic level, causing the person to shrink in size to about 1/12th their normal size. The effect, well very painful, isn't' usually lethal. The person's body though stays in a strange state of flux for about a minute afterwards. Any impact will cause the tissue to explosively swell, completely ripping the person apart. If they are kept from harm, the tissue swells back to it's normal size in a uniform manner and the person is returned to normal without harm. The experience does weaken the victim greatly though. The usage of energy weapons like the Freezer, well in this shrunken state, can also cause this explosive swelling, during to EMF fields surrounding said weapons.
The Pipebomb Weapon History: These pipebombs are also outfitted with a disarm and retrieval system, allowing undetonated bombs to be retrieved for later use. Be careful when retrieving other people's pipebombs though, they may decide to set them off in your hands! Tactical Readout: Alt-Fire allows you to detonate the bombs remotely. The distance is virtually unlimited, even if your vision is not.
The Spiderbombs Weapon History: Tactical Readout: Alt Fire triggers the remote detonation sequence for all currently active Spiderbombs the user has placed. Anybody within 5 feet with get a pipebomb style blast. Just make sure the little buggers haven't walked all the way back to your feet when you trigger this.... |