The evil
Difficulty: Easy
This is an interesting MG camping spot I use from time to time. Basically you get up on to this big rock, go prone and fire away... It can be incredibly useful; often on a pub I've kept the assault ramp up by killing coverts every time they try to satchel it. But you have to set up your MG in the right spot, otherwise you'll be on a slope, so your MG angles will be all messed up. If you prone at the right side, your MG shoots too high or too low, but if you just go a bit to your right, you don't have any problem. But if the other team is worth their salt, they'll panzer you or arty you in no time.
Download battery_evilmg.dm_84
Jumping into the upper room w/ the MG
Difficulty: Easy
This is a very easy jump to do in that you don't have to have perfect form,
and there's no bunny hopping involved. Be careful not to rush the first jump.
You only need a sprint jump to get to the first ledge, not a strafe jump. As you
land, crouch. This helps to prevent you from just running off the ledge as soon
as you land. Then slowly crouch and move out as far as possible so that you can
make the second jump. If you practice this jump and you remember not to rush it,
then this is a pretty easy jump, assuming no one is in that upper room shooting
at you :)
Download battery_upperroom.dm_84
Getting up the beach without the
assault ramp
Difficulty: Hard
This jump is very hard to get correctly. It took me so many tries to make a
decent demo of it that I started recording my jumps in three's so I didn't have
to hit my "demo record" key every time I tried a jump. The key to this jump is
basically having perfect form + perfect angle of approach. Sadly, the demo for the above screenshot is gone, maybe someone can supply it. :(
{Just-Me} made another demo which shows a much easier way to do this jump:
The route is the same, but the strafe is different and you don't have to look that high. Download battery_noramp2.dm_84
There is another way to do the jump, by going on the left side of the beach. Here is a demo, submitted by [nbk]TimedKill: Download: battery_tj_jm_noramp.dm_84
Getting near the gun
Difficulty: Medium
This jump allows you to jump near the gun. It's a good sniping position, and also you can throw grenades into the gun control room when the dynamite is planted! The jump is pretty tricky. It isn't easy, because you need to get on a part where you don't slip off. That might cause some problems.
Download battery_gun.dm_84
Wire Fun
Difficulty: Easy
More fun than killing people! Here, GarRaz*NM shows you how to "skate" on the wires near the back door.
Download battery_wirefun.dm_84
{Just-Me} made another demo of that jump, his version is a bit easier: There are 2 ways to get there (almost the same):Camping on a lamp in the first room of the main bunker
Difficulty: Easy
As an Allied you can camp for outcoming Axis. Only 3 jumps is what you need, as you can see on this screenshot made by -(BourNe|S3K)-. No strafe or something. Thanks to {Just-Me} and -(BourNe|S3K)- for their demos!
Trickjump #3: Jump to the ventilator
Difficulty: Easy
This jump may be useful as a panzer spot, if Allies break past your main
defense and start pouring in. Credit to
for this screenshot.
No demo available yet
High camping spot on a lamp inside the main bunker
Difficulty: medium
{Just-Me} shows you a neat camping spot. With a Panzerfaust you could be the nightmare of the Allies there...
But this is tricky. First of all you have to stand on the fence, but not too far to your back. The fence is buggy so I advice to stand a bit forward. Then you jump on the machine and stand at the left on the pipe. Now comes the tricky part: You have to jump with sprint to the lamp, but also you have to hold C IN AIR (so not while jumping :P). This might be hard in the beginning, but once you know how to do it, it becomes easier. :)
Download battery_jm_01.dm_84
Camping spot in the main bunker near the Health and ammo cabinet
Difficulty: Easy -
Here a very easy camping spot in the main bunker. Just a single jump on the machine and do something.
Thanks to {Just-Me} for the demo.
Download battery_jm_02.dm_84
Camping on a pipe near the Western Gun Entrance
Difficulty: Easy
Interesting spot to hide near the Western Gun Entrance. This only requires a good jump from the fence and you have to stay on the pipe once you're on it. :)
Demo by {Just-Me}.
Download battery_jm_03.dm_84